School of Social and Political Science

Food and cooking on early television in Europe: Impact on post-war foodways (a book launch)


Date & Time

Part of the Food Researchers in Edinburgh (FRIED) online seminar series.


Online (email for link)


All are welcome to the book launch of this edited collection, published in March 2022 by Routledge. This collection critically examines the role of food programming in European early television and the impact this had on food habits and identities of European audiences. It foregrounds various food programme genres, from travelogue, cooking show and TV cooking competition, to more artistic forms. For the first time, it examines in one place broadcasting from eight European countries, including Portugal Czechoslovakia, Britain, France and Yugoslavia, exploring ways in which television contributed to culinary change. The collection highlights similarities and differences in the ways that early food programmes in Europe shaped and promoted progress, modernity, gender and national identities in both Eastern and Western Europe. Further details are available here

The book will be launched by the editor, Dr Ana Tominc, who will present the book, followed by a discussion with the chapter authors.


Key speakers

  • Dr Ana Tominc, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh