School of Social and Political Science

Research project type

Parental Leave Policy in Scotland



Leave policies provide job protection and wage replacement for workers to be able to spend time caring for children and potentially other family members.

Parental leave is equally available to all parents – both mothers and fathers. The role men play in caring for children is important for gender equality and reconciling work-family life, and also impacts the future of their children.

Research focus

Using a mixed-methods approach, our research explores how parental leave could be improved in Scotland and how fathers can be supported to use the leave they are entitled to.

Partners include:

  • the Scottish Government
  • the Scottish Parliament cross-party working group on shared parenting
  • Fathers Network Scotland


2015 - Present

Find out more

Koslowski, A. (2018), "When Workplace Cultures Support Paternity Leave, All Employees Benefit", Harvard Business Review, Published at on June 14th 2018.

Moran, J. and Koslowski, A. (2019), "Making Use of Work-Family Balance Entitlements: How to support fathers with combining employment and caregiving", Special Issue on 'Company Support and European Fathers’ Use of State Policies Promoting Shared Childcare', Community, Work & Family22(1): 111-128.

Koslowski, A. and Kadar-Satat, G. (2018), "Fathers at Work: Explaining the gaps between entitlement to leave and uptake", Community, Work & Family.

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