School of Social and Political Science

British politics research


Across the University, there is a wide range of expertise in UK political issues from a variety of perspectives, such as constitutional politics, contemporary history, policy-making, and beyond. This network exists to bring academics, students and practitioners together in the broad field of UK and British politics. The group tries to make sense of a range of issues at a very exciting time in British politics through regular events and seminars.

This group has three aims:

  1. To support academics, students and practitioners to explore issues in UK/British politics, including the dissemination of research
  2. To build a network of scholars and practitioners interested in British politics for knowledge exchange and impact
  3. To share best practice for teaching British politics and to continue the development of a British politics teaching pathway at the University

The group is organised around monthly meetings during term time and led by Politics and International Relations. However, the group is designed to cut across the University, so we welcome staff and students to get involved from any subject area or disciplinary background. The group’s conveners for 2024-25 are James Mitchell and Harshan Kumarasingham.

If you have questions or you would like to be involved in the group, please contact either James Mitchell or Harshan Kumarasingham.

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