School of Social and Political Science

Children, families and relationships


Social Policy at the University has a long-standing reputation as a research leader in contributing to the study of family policy and practice, with significant impact on shaping national and European policy.

Our research

Our research looks at issues such as children living with domestic violence and the effects this has on children’s wellbeing. It also looks at important questions to do with access to child care and experiences of marital breakdown in British-Asian families, for example.

Our researchers are key contributors to national and policy practice through advisory roles with the Scottish Government in areas such as child protection and gender-based violence.

Similarly, we work with the European Institute on Gender Equality and the European Commission’s Gender Equality Unit on questions of international policy practice.

Many of these links with policy-makers also stem from our commitment to co-producing research, where the design of research together with participants has generated significant policy-relevant findings.

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