School of Social and Political Science

Digital sociology


Digital labour, social media, the darknet, and popular music

Our work in this area encompasses digital labour, social media, the darknet, and popular music. We have co-edited major texts on digital sociology and our research informs our masters programme in Digital Society.

As an example of one of the projects in which we are involved, Kate Orton-Johnson is part of the ARTICONF consortium (The smART social media eCOsytstem in a blockchaiN Federated environment), an EU Horizon 2020 project focusing on decentralised social media services.

Other research includes Karen Gregory's methodologically innovative study of Deliveroo riders in Edinburgh and how they resist the control of the app.

Research staff
Relevant publications

Some of our key publications are listed below. For more detailed lists please visit our personal pages on People.

Angus Bancroft, 2020. The Darknet and Smarter Crime, Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Karen Gregory (editor, with Jessie Daniels and Tressie McMillan Cottom), 2016. Digital Sociologies. Bristol: Policy Press.

Kate Orton-Johnson, 2017. Mummy blogs and representations of motherhood:“Bad mummies” and their readers. Social Media+ Society3(2).

Nick Prior, 2018. Popular Music, Digital Technology and Society, London: SAGE Publications


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