School of Social and Political Science

International Relations Research Group


The International Relations Research Group is located within Politics and International Relations, but we are an interdisciplinary group of researchers. We welcome research students and staff from across the School of Social and Political Science as members, and invite them to attend, participate and present at our meetings.


Key Research Themes:

  • International Politics
  • International Political Theory
  • Theories of International Relations
  • International/Global Security
  • Sociology of IR knowledge
  • Foreign Policy Analysis
  • Global Development
  • International Political Economy
  • Historical Sociology


Research Group Convenor:

Consuelo Thiers


Research Group Activities:

The research group meets weekly during the semester. Members or invited speakers share their research papers a week in advance, and then have the opportunity to present their work and receive feedback in an intensive but friendly hour-long meeting.

If you wish to know more about the seminars or join the group, please contact:  Consuelo Thiers

Unless otherwise noted, meetings take place during term time, 1-2pm, Room 2.15 of the Chrystal Macmillan Building, 15A George Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9LD.


Research-led Teaching:

Please find below a list of courses that our representative of the IR Research Group's work;

  • Theories of International Relations, PLIT10053 (UG)
  • Global Security, PLIT10094 (UG)
  • International Relations Theories, PGSP11156 (PG)
  • International Security, PGSP11162 (PG)


Research Group Members:

Nida Alahmad
Jamie Allinson
Andrea Birdsall
Julia Calvert 
Kitty Chou 
Chad Damro
Kathy Dodworth
Claire Duncanson 
Oliver Escobar
Carmen Gebhard 
Iain Hardie
Stephen Hill
Andrew Hom
Juliet Kaarbo
Kasia Kaczmarska 
Clare Llewellyn
Benjamin Martill
Andrew Neal
Nicola Perugini
Charles Raab 
Charlotte Rommerskirchen
Ewan Stein 
Rebecca Tapscott 
Patrick Theiner 
Oliver Turner 
Shaina Western

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