School of Social and Political Science

Professor Angus Bancroft

Job Title

Professor of Sociology

Research interests

Research interests

I research cyber-crime, illicit markets, the darknet, new forms of illicit drug consumption, and emerging societal health challenges. I use a range of methods from big data, machine learning and LLMs to interactional sociology and ethnomethodology. Among my current projects are:

  • Developing work with Reddit moderators on AI informed use of the platform for harm reduction
  • Developing new data scraping methods to analyse change in darknet markets and online drug forums
  • Research on national darknet cultures with colleagues at the University of Tampere and Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz


Works within

Publications by user content

Publication Research Explorer link
Scheibein F, Caballeria E, Taher A, Arya S, Bancroft A, Dannatt L et al. Optimizing digital tools for the field of substance use and substance use disorders: A backcasting exercise. JMIR Human Factors. 2023 Dec 12;10:e46678. doi: 10.2196/46678
Sawicka M, Bancroft A, Rafanell I. The emotional infrastructure of a cybercrime collective: Evidence from Dark0de. Criminology & Criminal Justice. 2023 Nov 18. Epub 2023 Nov 18. doi: 10.1177/17488958231212412
Bancroft A. ‘Waiting for the delivery man’: Temporalities of addiction, withdrawal, and the pleasures of drug time in a darknet cryptomarket. In Tzanetakis M, South N, editors, Digital Transformations of Illicit Drug Markets: Reconfiguration and Continuity. Emerald Group Publishing. 2023. p. 61-72. (Emerald Studies in Death and Culture). doi: 10.1108/978-1-80043-866-820231005
Bancroft A. The Darknet, Bitcoins and the Role of the Internet in Drug Supply. In Ayres TC, Ancrum C, editors, Understanding Drug Dealing and Illicit Drug Markets: National and International perspectives. 1st ed. Routledge. 2023. p. 311-324 doi: 10.4324/9781351010245-18
Tapiwa Bandura C, Giulianotti R, Martin JG, Bancroft A, Morrow S, Hunt K et al. Alcohol consumption among UK football supporters: Investigating the contested field of the football. Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy. 2023 Jun 21. Epub 2023 Jun 21. doi: 10.1080/09687637.2023.2219370
Chen K, Babaeianjelodar M, Shi Y, Aanegola R, Cheung LY, Nakov PI et al. US news and social media framing around vaping. In Dinh TN, Li M, editors, Computational Data and Social Networks: CSoNet 2022. Vol. 13831. Springer. 2023. p. 188-199. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)). doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-26303-3_17
Schofield J, Dumbrell J, Matheson C, Parkes T, Bancroft A. The impact of COVID-19 on access to harm reduction, substance use treatment and recovery services in Scotland: A qualitative study. BMC Public Health. 2022 Dec;22(1):500. Epub 2022 Mar 15. doi: 10.1186/s12889-022-12873-y
Bancroft A, Parkes T, Galip I, Matheson C, Crawshaw E, Craik V et al. Negotiating an illicit economy in the time of COVID-19: Drug selling and buying dilemmas in the lives of people who use drugs in Scotland. Contemporary Drug Problems. 2022 Dec;49(4):369-384. Epub 2022 Sept 8. doi: 10.1177/00914509221122704
Bancroft A. Potential influences of the darknet on illicit drug diffusion. Current Addiction Reports. 2022 Dec;9(4):671-676. Epub 2022 Sept 10. doi: 10.1007/s40429-022-00439-2
Bancroft A. Producing planned hedonism among opiate users in an online drug market. In Hunt G, Antin TMJ, Frank VA, editors, Routledge Handbook of Intoxicants and Intoxication. 1st ed. London: Routledge. 2022. p. 101-112. (Routledge International Handbooks). Epub 2022 Oct 27. doi: 10.4324/9780429058141-9
Martin JG, Giulianotti R, Bandura C, Morrow S, Hunt K, Bancroft A et al. Stakeholder views of current laws surrounding alcohol at UK football matches: Is it a case of using a “sledgehammer to crack a nut”? International Journal of Drug Policy. 2022 Sept;107:103789. Epub 2022 Jul 9. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2022.103789
Bancroft A. Applying crime script analysis to darknet data. In Kozinets R, editor, SAGE Research Methods: Doing Research Online. SAGE Publications. 2022
Purves RI, Critchlow N, Richard G, Hunt K, Morrow S, Bancroft A. Sport fan attitudes on alcohol: Insights from a survey of football supporters in Scotland and England. Journal of Sport and Social Issues. 2021 Dec 23. Epub 2021 Dec 23. doi: 10.1177/01937235211067192
Sawicka M, Rafanell I, Bancroft A. Digital localisation in an illicit market space: Interactional creation of a psychedelic assemblage in a darknet community of exchange. International Journal of Drug Policy. 2021 Nov 9;100:103514. Epub 2021 Nov 9. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2021.103514
Bancroft A. The influence of the darknet on illicit drug diffusion. Current Addiction Reports. 2021 Jun 4.
Moore K, Bancroft A. Drugs, technologies and cyber markets: An introduction. Drugs and Alcohol Today. 2021 May 19;21(2):97-101. Epub 2021 May 14. doi: 10.1108/DAT-06-2021-084
Kean S, Donaghy E, Bancroft A, Clegg G, Rodgers S. Theorising survivorship after intensive care: A systematic review of patient and family experiences. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2021 Apr 7. Epub 2021 Apr 7. doi: 10.1111/jocn.15766
Bancroft A. How to use the darknet for social science research. In Kozinets R, Kirby J, Hewson C, Sugie N, Wong M, Munk AK, editors, SAGE Research Methods: Doing Research Online. SAGE Publications. 2021
Matheson C, Parkes T, Schofield J, Dumbrell J, Browne T, Bancroft A et al. Understanding the health impacts of the COVID-19 response on people who use drugs in Scotland (PWUD): Implications for COVID-19 infection and transmission among this group and impacts on harm reduction, treatment and recovery. Edinburgh: Chief Scientist Office, 2020. 5 p.
Bancroft A, Squirrell T, Zaunseder A, Rafanell I. Producing trust among illicit actors: A techno-social approach to an online illicit market. Sociological Research Online. 2020 Sept 1;25(3):456-472. Epub 2019 Nov 12. doi: 10.1177/1360780419881158
Zaunseder A, Bancroft A. Pricing of illicit drugs on darknet markets: A conceptual exploration. Drugs and Alcohol Today. 2020 Jul 13. Epub 2020 Jul 13. doi: 10.1108/DAT-12-2019-0054
Bancroft A. Illicit drugs and intoxication. In Hutton F, editor, Cultures of Intoxication: Key Issues and Debates. 1 ed. Palgrave Macmillan. 2020. p. 67-86
Bancroft A. The model of a man: Masculinity and body image in men’s lifestyle magazines. In Richardson J, Shaw A, editors, The Body in Qualitative Research. 1 ed. Routledge. 2019. p. 26-38. (Routledge Revivals). doi: 10.4324/9780429438592-3
Zaunseder A, Bancroft A. The fuzzy ideological and social space of the cryptomarkets: Libertarian ideology, agorism and exchange performances. In Tzanetakis M, Stöver H, editors, Drogen, Darknet und Organisierte Kriminalität: Herausforderungen für Politik, Justiz und Drogenhilfe. Nomos. 2019. p. 137-160
Bancroft A. Research in fractured digital spaces. International Journal of Drug Policy. 2019. Epub 2019 May 16. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2019.05.007
Bancroft A. The Darknet and Smarter Crime: Methods for Investigating Criminal Entrepreneurs and the Illicit Drug Economy. 1 ed. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. 235 p. (Palgrave Studies in Cybercrime and Cybersecurity). doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-26512-0
Masson K, Bancroft A. ‘Nice people doing shady things’: Drugs and the morality of exchange in the darknet cryptomarkets. International Journal of Drug Policy. 2018 Aug;58:78-84. Epub 2018 Jun 2. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2018.05.008
Bancroft A, Scott Reid P. Challenging the techno-politics of anonymity: the case of cryptomarket users. Information, Communication and Society. 2017 Apr 3;20(4):497-512. Epub 2016 May 20. doi: 10.1080/1369118X.2016.1187643
Bancroft A. Responsible use to responsible harm: Illicit drug use and peer harm reduction in a darknet cryptomarket. Health, Risk & Society. 2017;19(7-8):336-350. Epub 2017 Dec 12. doi: 10.1080/13698575.2017.1415304
Bancroft A. Social Class and Deprivation. In Kolind T, Wolff K, Thom B, Hunt G, Karch S, White J, editors, The Sage Handbook of Drug and Alcohol Studies. Vol. 2. SAGE Publications. 2016
Bancroft A, Scott Reid P. Concepts of illicit drug quality among darknet market users: purity, embodied experience, craft and chemical knowledge. International Journal of Drug Policy. 2016 Sept;35:42-49. Epub 2015 Dec 11. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2015.11.008
Boswell C, Bancroft A, Kyambi S. Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Bill Written Submission from Researchers at the School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh. 2015.
Bancroft A, Zimpfer MJ, Murray O, Karels M. Working at Pleasure in Young Women's Alcohol Consumption: A Participatory Visual Ethnography. Sociological Research Online. 2014 Aug 15;19(3):20. doi: 10.5153/sro.3409
Bancroft A, Karels M, Murray ÓM, Zimpfer J. Not Being There: Research at a Distance with Video, Text and Speech. In Hand M, Hillyard S, editors, Big Data? Qualitative Approaches to Digital Research. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing. 2014. p. 137-154. (Studies in Qualitative Methodology).
Bancroft A. Drinking With and Without Fun: Female Students' Accounts of Pre-Drinking and Club-Drinking. Sociological Research Online. 2012 Nov 30;17(4):7. doi: 10.5153/sro.2785
Bancroft A. Neuropolitics, memory work and intoxication problems. In Darin W, John H, editors, Intoxication: Socio-Legal Perspectives. Vol. forthcoming. Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan. 2012. p. forthcoming
Wilson S, Cunningham-Burley S, Bancroft A, Backett-Milburn K. The Consequences of Love: Young People and Family Practices in Difficult Circumstances. Sociological Review. 2012;60(1):110-128. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-954X.2011.02049.x
Bancroft A. In the Field: Research Relationships. In Jamieson L, Simpson R, Lewis R, editors, Researching Families and Relationships: Reflections on Process. 1st ed. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 2011. p. 71-95. (Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life). doi: 10.1057/9780230347960_4
Fevre R, Bancroft A. Dead White Men and Other Important People: Sociology’s Big Ideas. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
Bancroft A. Drugs, Intoxication and Society. Polity Press, 2009. 224 p.
Backett-Milburn K, Wilson S, Bancroft A, Cunningham-Burley S. Challenging Childhoods: Young People's Accounts of 'Getting By' in Families with Substance Use Problems. Childhood. 2008 Nov;15(4):461-479. doi: 10.1177/0907568208097202
Bancroft A. Untitled. Public Health. 2008 Jan;122(1):105-105. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2007.07.008
Wilson S, Cunningham-Burley S, Bancroft A, Backett-Milburn K. ‘Joined up' Thinking? Unsupported 'Fast-track' Transitions in the Context of Parental Substance Use. Journal of Youth Studies. 2008;11(3):283-299. doi: 10.1080/13676260801946423
Bancroft A, Wilson S. “The ‘Risk Gradient’ in policy on children of drug and alcohol users: Framing young people as risky”. Health, Risk & Society. 2007;9(3):311-322.
Wilson S, Cunningham-Burley S, Bancroft A, Backett-Milburn K. “Young People, Biographical Narratives and the Life Grid: Young People’s Accounts of Parental Substance Use”. Qualitative Research. 2007;7(1):137-153.
Bancroft A, Wilson S, Cunningham-Burley S, Masters H, Backett-Milburn K. Children managing parental drug and alcohol misuse: Challenging parent-child boundaries. In McKie L, Cunningham-Burley S, editors, Families in Society: Boundaries and Relationships. Policy Press. 2005. p. 111-125
Bancroft A, Wiltshire S, Amos A, Parry O. “It’s like an addiction first thing … afterwards it’s like a habit: daily smoking behaviour among people living in areas of deprivation.”. Social Science & Medicine. 2003;56(6):1261-1267.
Wiltshire S, Bancroft A, Parry O, Amos A. “I came back here and started smoking again: perceptions and experiences of quitting among disadvantaged smokers.”. Health Education Research. 2003;18(3):292-303.
Parry O, Bancroft A, Amos A, Wiltshire S. “Smoking & disadvantage: the importance of taking an in-depth, inter-disciplinary approach,”. Journal of the Irish Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons. 2002;31(4):197-199.
Wiltshire S, Bancroft A, Amos A, Parry O. "They're doing people a service"-qualitative study of smoking, smuggling, and social deprivation. British Medical Journal (BMJ). 2001 Jul 28;323(7306):203-7. doi: 10.1136/bmj.323.7306.203
Parry O, Bancroft A, Amos A, Wiltshire S. “They're Doing People a Service: A qualitative study of smoking, smuggling, and social deprivation. British Medical Journal (BMJ). 2001;323:203-207. doi:
Parry O, Bancroft A, Gnich W, Amos A. “Nobody Home: Issues of Respondent Recruitment in Areas of Social Deprivation,”. Critical Public Health. 2001;11(4):305-317.
Bancroft A. Closed spaces, restricted places: Marginalisation of Roma in Europe. Space and Polity. 2001;5(2):145-157. doi: 10.1080/13562570120104454
Bancroft A. Globalisation and HIV/AIDS: Inequality and the boundaries of a symbolic epidemic. Health, Risk and Society. 2001;3(1):89-98. doi: 10.1080/713670174
Bancroft A. 'No interest in land': Legal and spatial enclosure of Gypsy-Travellers in Britain. Space and Polity. 2000;4(1):41-56. doi: 10.1080/713697750
Bancroft A. "Gypsies to the camps!": Exclusion and marginalisation of Roma in the Czech Republic. Sociological Research Online . 1999 Sept 1;4(3):206-219. doi: 10.5153/sro.250
Angus Bancroft's Research Explorer profile