School of Social and Political Science

Ben Rosamond

Job Title

Professor of Politics and International Relations, Head of Politics and International Relations

Ben Rosamond

Room number


Building (Address)

Chrystal Macmillan Building

Street (Address)

15a George Square

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Post code (Address)


Research interests

Research interests

Ben  works  at  the  intersection  of  International  Political  Economy  and European Union studies with his current research and teaching interests covering the politics of  economic  ideas  and  economic  expertise,  the  political  economy  of  Brexit,  the  politics  of European  disintegration, the sociology of academic knowledge and the politics and governance of crisis.

PhD Supervision

Ben is especially interested in supervising PhD students with interests in the following areas: (a) how economic ideas and ideas about the economy shape politics, policy-making and democracy; (b) the political economy and politics of Brexit; (c) the politics of austerity; (d) the political economy of the European Union and regional integration more generally: and (e) the mutual constitution of academic and policy knowledge. Ben's own work is focused primarily on advanced capitalist democracies in Europe and the EU, but he has extensive experience of supervising PhDs on (for example) China and Latin America. As a card carrying methodological pluralist, Ben is happy to work with doctoral students working from a variety of approaches and theoretical standpoints. A selection of PhDs recently supervised to completion: 'The Digital Architectures of Social Media: Platforms and Participation in Contemporary Politics'; 'Bad Banking and the Rise of Financialised Capitalism in China'; Economic Theory, Politics and the State in the Neoliberal Epoch'; 'The Diplomacy of Transitioning: The EU's Management of Globalisation in UN Negotiations on Sustainable Development'; 'Hegemonic Projects. Interventions on the Politics of Elite Legitimation in China'. 


Current teaching (2024-25)

PGSP11616 The Politics and Governance of Crisis (course organiser)

PLIT08017 Politics and International Relations 1A (contributing lecturer) 

PLIT08016 International Political Economy (contributing lecturer) 

PLIT08011 Political Thinkers (contributing lecturer) 

PLIT08016 Introduction to British Politics (contributing lecturer) 

PGSP11170 Institutions and Policies of the European Union (contributing lecturer)


Ben Rosamond joined PIR in August 2022 from the University of Copenhagen, where he had been Professor  of  Political  Science  since  2011.  Prior  to  that  he  was  Professor  and  Head  of  the Department  of  Politics  and  International  Studies  at  the  University  of  Warwick.  He  is  also founding co-editor of Comparative European Politics.  His eight books include Theories  of  European  Integration (Macmillan  2000)  and  most  recently The  Routledge Handbook of Critical European Studies (co-editor, Routledge 2021). A native of Guernsey in the Channel Islands and a dual British-Swedish citizen, Ben studied at the Universities of Manchester and Sheffield, gaining his PhD from the latter in 1993. He was hired to a lectureship in European Integration at Warwick in 1995 after four years at Oxford Brookes University. Over the years, he has also held visiting positions at, inter alia, the ANU, Columbia, Edinburgh, NYU and Oxford. At Copenhagen, in addition to a stints as director of research and as a member the departmental leadership team, Ben was PI of a large interdisciplinary project (involving social sciences, Law and the humanities) on ‘Europe’s New Global Challenges’ and he recently led a work package on the Horizon 2020 project EU3D (‘Differentiation, Dominance, Democracy’).

Staff Hours and Guidance

My open guidance and feedback hours are normally Thursdays, 09:30-10:30. 

Publications by user content

Publication Research Explorer link
Clift B, Rosamond B. Technocratic reason in hard times: The mobilisation of economic knowledge and the discursive politics of Brexit. New Political Economy. 2024 Jun 11;1-14. Epub 2024 Jun 11. doi: 10.1080/13563467.2024.2359972
Bergman Rosamond A, Rosamond B. Living Autism. 2024.
Møller Stahl R, Rosamond B. The problem of non-majoritarian institutions in European economic governance: a historical reinterpretation of the EU’s 'democratic deficit'. In Fossum JE, Góra M, editors, Report on differentiation, dominance and democracy. . Oslo: Arena Centre for European Studies. 2023. p. 91-104
Rosamond B. The European Union. In Weiss TG, Wilkinson R, editors, International Organization and Global Governance. 3rd ed. Abingdon: Routledge. 2023. p. 292-306 doi: 10.4324/9781003266365-26
Stahl RM, Rosamond B. Non-majoritarian institutions: Two strands of liberalism in European economic governance. Comparative European Politics. 2022 Dec;20(6):709-730. Epub 2022 Aug 17. doi: 10.1057/s41295-022-00312-6
Stahl RM, Rosamond B. Introduction: Democracy or dominance? European economic governance in historical perspective. Comparative European Politics. 2022 Dec;20(6):627-630. Epub 2022 Oct 26. doi: 10.1057/s41295-022-00324-2
Rosamond B. Theorising the EU in crisis: De-Europeanisation as disintegration. In Foster R, Grzymski J, editors, The Limits of EUrope: Identities, Spaces, Values. Bristol: Bristol University Press. 2022. p. 31-46. (Global Discourse). doi: 10.51952/9781529221817.ch003
Clift B, Kristensen PM, Rosamond B. Remembering and forgetting IPE: Disciplinary history as boundary work. Review of International Political Economy. 2022 Mar 4;29(2):339-370. Epub 2020 Oct 6. doi: 10.1080/09692290.2020.1826341
Rosamond B. Theorizing the European Union After Integration Theory. In Cini M, Pérez-Solórzano Borragán N, editors, European Union Politics. 7th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2022. p. 81-98 doi: 10.1093/hepl/9780198862239.003.0006
Rosamond B. Introduction. In Bigo D, Diez T, Fanoulis E, Rosamond B, Stivachtis YA, editors, The Routledge Handbook of Critical European Studies. 1st ed. London: Routledge. 2020. p. 155-160. (Routledge International Handbooks). doi: 10.4324/9780429491306-103
Bigo D, (ed.), Diez T, (ed.), Fanoulis E, (ed.), Rosamond B, (ed.), Stivachtis YA, (ed.). The Routledge Handbook of Critical European Studies. 1st ed. London: Routledge, 2020. 578 p. (Routledge International Handbooks). doi: 10.4324/9780429491306
Rosamond B. European integration and the politics of economic ideas: Economics, economists and market contestation in the Brexit debate. Journal of Common Market Studies. 2020 Aug 28;58(5):1085-1106. Epub 2020 Feb 13. doi: 10.1111/jcms.13029
Rosamond B. Making power politics great again? Discursive institutionalism and the political economy of world politics after globalization. In Wivel A, Paul TV, editors, International Institutions and Power Politics: Bridging the Divide. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. 2019. p. 73-86 doi: 10.2307/j.ctvrnfqgk.9
Rosamond B. Brexit and the politics of UK growth models. New Political Economy. 2019 May 4;24(3):408-421. Epub 2018 Jun 14. doi: 10.1080/13563467.2018.1484721
Rosamond B. Theorizing the European Union after integration theory. In Cini M, Pérez-Solórzano Borragán N, editors, European Union Politics. 6th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2019. p. 83-101 doi: 10.1093/hepl/9780198806530.003.0006
Rosamond B. Theorizing the EU in crisis: De-Europeanization as disintegration. Global Discourse: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Current Affairs and Applied Contemporary Thought. 2019 Jan 1;9(1):31-44. Epub 2019 Jan 1. doi: 10.1332/204378918X1545393450591
Hopkin J, Rosamond B. Post-truth politics, bullshit and bad ideas: ‘Deficit Fetishism’ in the UK. New Political Economy. 2018 Nov 2;23(6):641-655. Epub 2017 Sept 14. doi: 10.1080/13563467.2017.1373757
Manners I, Rosamond B. A different Europe is possible: The professionalization of EU studies and the dilemmas of integration in the 21st century. Journal of Common Market Studies. 2018 Sept;56(S1):28-38. Epub 2018 Jul 22. doi: 10.1111/jcms.12771
Diamond P, Nedergaard P, Rosamond B. Introduction. In Diamond P, Nedergaard P, Rosamond B, editors, The Routledge Handbook of the Politics of Brexit. 1st ed. London: Routledge. 2018. p. 1-11. (Routledge International Handbooks). doi: 10.4324/9781315169613-1
Diamond P, (ed.), Nedergaard P, (ed.), Rosamond B, (ed.). The Routledge Handbook of the Politics of Brexit. London: Routledge, 2018. 324 p. (Routledge International Handbooks). doi: 10.4324/9781315169613
Rosamond B. The European Union. In Weiss TG, Wilkinson R, editors, International Organization and Global Governance. 2nd ed. Abingdon: Routledge. 2018. p. 268-282 doi: 10.4324/9781315301914-23
Rosamond B. The political economy context of EU crises. In Dinan D, Nugent N, Paterson WE, editors, The European Union in Crisis. United Kingdom: Red Globe Press. 2017. p. 33-53. (The European Union Series).
Adler-Nissen R, Galpin C, Rosamond B. Performing Brexit: How a post-Brexit world is imagined outside the UK. British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 2017 Aug 1;19(3):573-591. Epub 2017 Jun 15. doi: 10.1177/1369148117711092
Rosamond B. Putting the EU's crises into perspective. In Lavery S, Quaglia L, Dannreuther C, editors, The Political Economy of Brexit and the UK's National Business Model. Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute. 2017. p. 45-52. (SPERI Paper; 41).
Rosamond B. Brexit and the problem of European disintegration. Journal of Contemporary European Research. 2016 Dec 5;12(4):864-871.
Rosamond B. Denmark and Brexit: An Ally Departing and Anticipations High Edinburgh: European Futures. 2016.
Rosamond B. It's complicated: The Brexit referendum and the case for "Remain" New Europeans. 2016.
Rosamond B. The UK’s EU Renegotiation: View from Denmark Edinburgh: European Futures. 2016.
Rosamond B, Snaith H. The new view from The Bridge Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute. 2016.
Rosamond B. Theorizing the European Union after integration theory. In Cini M, Pérez-Solórzano Borragán N, editors, European Union Politics. 5th ed. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. 2016. p. 79-96
Rosamond B. Field of dreams: The discursive construction of EU studies, intellectual dissidence and the practice of ‘normal science’. Journal of Common Market Studies. 2016 Jan;54(1):19-36. Epub 2015 Nov 30. doi: 10.1111/jcms.12334
Rosamond B. Performing theory/theorizing performance in emergent supranational governance: The 'Live' knowledge archive of European integration and the early European Commission. In Adler-Nissen R, Kropp K, editors, A Sociology of Knowledge of European Integration: The Social Sciences in the Making of Europe. 1st ed. United Kingdom: Routledge. 2015. p. 21-38. (Journal of European Integration Special Issues).
Hopkin J, Rosamond B. Deficit fetishism and the art of political bullshit: Part II Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute. 2015.
Hopkin J, Rosamond B. Deficit fetishism and the art of political bullshit: Part I Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute. 2015.
Rosamond B. Performing theory/theorizing performance in emergent supranational governance: The ‘Live’ knowledge archive of European integration and the early European Commission. Journal of European Integration. 2015 Feb 23;37(2):175-191. Epub 2015 Jan 21. doi: 10.1080/07036337.2014.990134
Snaith H, Rosamond B. Re-envisioning crisis: A comparative discourse approach to EU institutional change. University of Edinburgh. 2015 Feb 1. (Europa Working Paper; 2015/01). (Edinburgh School of Law Research Paper; 2015/06). doi: 10.2139/ssrn.2561484
Rosamond B. Methodology in European Union studies. In Lynggaard K, Manners I, Löfgren K, editors, Research Methods in European Union Studies. 1st ed. United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan. 2015. p. 18-36. (Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics). doi: 10.1057/9781137316967_2
Bergman Rosamond A, Rosamond B. New political community and governance at the top of the world: Spatiality, affinity and security in the Arctic. In Kinnvall C, Svensson T, editors, Governing Borders and Security: The Politics of Connectivity and Dispersal. 1st ed. United Kingdom: Routledge. 2014. p. 135-152. (PRIO New Security Studies). doi: 10.4324/9780203762202-9
Rosamond B. The EU's normative power and three modes of liberal communicative discourse. In Carta C, Morin JF, editors, EU Foreign Policy through the Lens of Discourse Analysis: Making Sense of Diversity. 1st ed. London: Routledge. 2014. p. 211-226. (Globalisation, Europe, and Multilateralism). doi: 10.4324/9781315580692-16
Rosamond B. Three ways of speaking Europe to the world: Markets, peace, cosmopolitan duty and the EU's normative power. British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 2014 Feb 1;16(1):133-148. Epub 2013 Apr 23. doi: 10.1111/1467-856X.12013
Ben Rosamond's Research Explorer profile