School of Social and Political Science

Camille Maubert

Job Title

PhD Student


Room number


Street (Address)

28 George Square

Research interests

Research interests

My current research looks at development interventions which aim to change local gender norms in order to tackle gender-based violence in the eastern DR Congo. It aims to gauge the effectiveness of the approaches used and identify their limitations. It does so by 1) analysing how the concept of 'change' is articulated by development actors and how that shapes the effects of resulting interventions ; 2) exploring how people understand and navigate gender norms change in everyday life.  

Key aspects of the research include: decolonial and historical approaches to change, gender change as political, everyday violence and its effects on gender relationships, individual and collective behaviour change, resistance to change, backlash and unintended consequences of change. 

Other research interests include: transformative gender work, masculinity, sexual and reproductive health, behaviour and attitude change methodologies, development learning and impact monitoring.  


I work in research both in academia and as a practitioner. My areas of academic specialisation are gender and violence, including women-led community protection, social norms change and positive masculinity. Most of my current research is carried out in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

As a development practitioner and consultant I also worked on protection and gender programming, as well as prevention of sexual exploitation and human trafficking.   


MA Intelligence and International Security (2012) King's College London, UK 

MA International Studies and Diplomacy (2011) School of Oriental and African Studies, UK

BA Literature and Geography (2010) Sorbonne University Paris, France


Research Officer (2021-2022) Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK

Research and Learning Focal Point Volunteer (2021-2022) GHOVODI, Democratic Republic of Congo

Regional Advisor on Human Mobility (2018-2019) Caritas Africa Regional Office, Togo

Assistant Child Protection Project Officer (2017) Fundacion Renacer, Colombia