School of Social and Political Science

Chad Damro

Job Title

Professor of European Politics

Chad Damro

Room number

Room 2.02

Street (Address)

21 George Square

City (Address)


Country (Address)


Post code (Address)


Research interests

Research interests

EU external relations, European Union, International relations, International political economy, Comparative politics, Transatlantic relations, Regulatory politics

Chad's research falls within the fields of International Relations and International Political Economy, with particular emphases on international regulatory relations, transatlantic relations and the European Union in international politics. He is particularly interested in exploring both the international and domestic sources of International Relations and the causal interaction of material, institutional and ideational factors. Such issues appear prominently in his conceptualisation and research agenda on Market Power Europe. In other publications, he explores similar issues and questions, with the tools of comparative and international political economy, public policy and foreign policy analysis. His research covers a number of policy areas - including regulation (broadly conceived), competition policy, higher education policy, trade policy, environmental policy, health policy, and foreign and security policy - as well as the linkages across various policy areas. Visit Chad's research profile at

Topics interested in supervising

Chad is able to offer advanced research supervision on most topics related to European Union external relations, in particular IPE/IR studies of EU regulatory, trade, competition, research, health, environmental, development and foreign and security relations with other state and non-state actors (including international organisations and regions).

If you are interested in being supervised by Chad Damro, please see the link below for more information:


Regional Dean - Europe

Co-Director, Europa Institute

Academic Convenor, FUTURES Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence


  • BA (University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh)
  • MA (Syracuse University)
  • Phd (University of Pittsburgh)

Biographical Statement

In addition to Professor of European Politics, Chad is Academic Convenor of the FUTURES Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence. He is also Co-Director of the Europa Institute and Regional Dean for Europe at the University of Edinburgh. Chad has been Visiting Professor at the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium (2009-20), and has served as Fernand Braudel Senior Fellow and Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy.  He has also served as Policy Analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC; Visiting Fellow at the University of Leuven's Institute for European and International Policy; Center Associate at the University of Pittsburgh's EU Center; Visiting Scholar at Texas A&M University and EU Fulbright Scholar at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Chad was awarded the Sir Bernard Crick prize (New Entrant) for excellence in teaching by the UK's Political Studies Association. His research has been funded by the Carnegie Trust and the European Union, including his role as Work Package leader in the Horizon 2020 project on 'Envisioning a New Governance Architecture for a Global Europe' (ENGAGE, 2021-24). He is a member of the 'EU Research and Education Network on Europe in the World' (EU-RENEW, 2023-26) and has held research positions in the FP7 MERCURY project on 'Multilateralism and the EU' and the TRANSWORLD project on 'Redefining the Transatlantic Relationship'. He has served as a member of the editorial board of the Journal of European Public Policy and editor of the Routledge-UACES Contemporary European Studies Book Series.

Selected publications

Current Research and Teaching

At the Honours level, Chad teaches on the EU as a global actor. At the postgraduate level, he teaches on EU institutions and policies and the EU in international affairs.

In addition to the Europa Institute, Chad is a member of PIR's research groups on International Political Economy and International Relations.

Staff Hours and Guidance

Mondays, 2-4:00 (during term time)

Please email in advance.

Chad Damro's Research Explorer profile