School of Social and Political Science

Dr Dhaneswar Bhoi

Job Title

Recently conferred with the title of 'Honorary Fellow' by UoE and has successfully completed his Post-Doctorate in Sociology at the Centre for South Asian Studies, School of Social and Political Science, UoE, UK

D  Bhoi Profile Picture

Building (Address)

Chrystal Macmillan Building

Street (Address)

15a George Square

City (Address)


Country (Address)

United Kingdom, Monday to Friday

Post code (Address)


Research interests

Research interests

  • Mental Health, Stigma and Self-Harm, Psycho-social Experience and Affect
  • Sociology of Health, Public Health, Mental Health 
  • Caste and Race Based Psycho-emotional Experiences
  • Experience and Affect and Reproduction of Cultural Bias
  • Marginalisation, Lived Experiences of Dalits  and access Education/Higher Education (HE)
  • Educational Policy, Planning and Diversity-Equity and Inclusion, Widening Participation in HE
  • Disadvantages and Public Policy in Social Transformation of Diverse Social in UK and India
  • Neo-liberal Discourse, Educational Privatisation and Dalits and Tribes in India


Academic Background

I am presently an 'Honorary Fellow' at the University of Edinburgh, UK. I have recently completed my Post-Doctorate at the Centre for South Asian Studies, within the Department of Sociology, at the School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh (UoE), UK. My postdoctoral research, conducted from 2020 to 2023, focused on "Higher Educational Experience and Aspiration of Select Marginal Community Students in India and United Kingdom: A Critical Study" [Caste and Racial Discrimination Studies]. This research was carried out under the excellent supervision and mentorship of Dr. Hugo Gorringe at the University of Edinburgh, UK. Currently, I hold the position of Lecturer specialising in Sociology, Psychology, and Research Methods within the Department of Public Health, Social Care, and Social Science at the London School of Science and Technology, London, UK, affiliated to University of West London, London, De Montfort University-Leicester & Buckinghamshire New University, Buckinghamshire, UK.  To my book project, I am converting my post-doctoral research into a monograph and hope to publish it with Oxford University Press/Cambridge University Press. I have published my book, 'Caste in Everyday Life: Experience and Affect in Indian Society', which was part of my post-doctoral research. It was published by Palgrave Macmillan with the subsidiary of Singer Nature in Switzerland in September 2023. I have co-edited this book with Dr. Hugo Gorringe, Head of the Department of Sociology at the University of Edinburgh. I have studied Public Policy Course from 'Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy,' University of Virginia, USA and studied 'Diversity, Equity and Inclusion' Course at the University of Michigan, USA. I have also studied Research Methods Course at the School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS) University of London, UK. Currently pursuing PGCert in 'Learning and Teaching in Higher Education' (Enrolled), University of London, UK  (2024-2025).

Academic IDs


SCOPUS AUTHOR ID: 57224075030



Editorial Credits

I am currently, Associate editor of 'Journal of the World Universities Forum,' USA; Editorial board member 'Social Inclusion'; Reviewer for 'Educational Research for Policy and Practice,' Springer Nature, Singapore of Springer Nature Switzerland AG; Reviewer, Contemporary Voice of Dalit, Sage, India; Reviewer for the 'International Sociology,' Sage, USA, 'Sociology Study,' USA. 'Education Sciences', MDPI Journals; 'Sustainability' MDPI Journals and  for the ‘Politics, Groups, and Identities’,  Routledge, Taylor & Francis, London, United Kingdom. Also a reviewer for book manuscripts "Caste, City and the Everyday: Negotiating the Urban" of Springer Nature, Chennai, India, 2022 & 'Essays on Marginality in India: Historiography, Politics, and Policies', Palgrave Macmillan, UK, 2023.

Academic Visit: I have made academic visits to various countries such as Australia, Sweden, Germany, Argentina, USA, Canada, Japan, United Kingdom, Austria, Denmark, Belgium, and The Netherlands.

Works: Before joining UoE,  I worked extensively with in the field of Policy, Research and Teaching; policy bodies like Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MSJE)Ministry of Human Resource and Development (MHRD)National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA) and National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT), New Delhi; Indian Social Institute, New Delhi and at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.

I have published a book and over thirty five (35) articles in different Scopus-indexed and peer-reviewed national and international journals, edited books, and presented more than seventy five (75) research papers at different conferences/seminars worldwide. Furthermore, I have been a part of more than twenty-five academic workshops/orientation programmes. Importantly, I have drafted eight different national and state reports on education equity issues and pathways. My most recent article, titled 'Marginality, Educational Opportunity, and Access to Higher Education: Experiences of Scheduled Caste and Tribe Students in India,' can be found here(

My interests broadly lie on Marginalisation; Sociology of Education, Sociology of Health, Health and Well-being, Mental Health, Educational Equity, Experiences affect and mental health, Access & Inclusion; Experiences of Dalits and Tribes to live in life, Ambedkar and social justice, social & education in India; Dalit Access to Neo-liberalisation & Privatisation; Caste and Racial Experiences of Students in India and United Kingdom; Public Policy and Social Welfare interventions in aiming Utilitarianism.


1. Co-edited a book with Hugo Gorringe on "Caste in Everyday Life: Experience and Affect in Indian Society" [Published with Palgrave Macmillan subsidiary with Springer Nature, Switzerland, 2023].

2. Monograph/Soul author book: "Performing Caste, Sensory Experience, and Everyday Sociality: Dalit Brawl in Indian Universities", Routledge, UK [Working in progress for Forth Coming Book].

3. Co-editing a book with Dr. Neelima Rashmi Lakra on "Caste, Social Psyche and Humiliation at Higher Education: Reproduction Culture and Hierarchies", Palgrave Macmillan, Australia, [Working in progress for Forth Coming Book].

4. Monograph/Soul author book: "Higher Educational Aspiration and Experience of Marginalised Students: Claim and Context of Imagining Diverse University Space", Oxford University Press, UK [Work in Progress].

5. Monograph/Soul author book: Educational Privatisation, Higher Education and Dalits in Academics: Negotiating, Space, Identity and Stigma", Routledge, UK [Working on for Forth Coming Book].

Recent Major Publications in Journals & Edited Books

  1. Bhoi, D. and Lakra, N. R. 2024, Creating Cultural Capital for Dalits and Adivasis: Policy Passage for their De-marginalisation in Higher Education' Journal of Social Inclusion Studies, Sage (Accepted, 15th April 2023, Forth Coming).
  2. Bhoi, D.  (2023). Caste, experience and psycho-emotional feelings of Dalits in higher education. In Bhoi, D., & Gorringe, H. (Eds.), Caste in everyday life: Experience and affect in Indian society (pp. 55-79). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
  3. Bhoi, D. , & Gorringe, H. (Eds.). (2023). Chapter-1, ‘Caste in everyday life: Experience and affect in Indian society (In Bhoi, D., & Gorringe, H. (Eds.), Caste in everyday life: Experience and affect in Indian society (pp. 01-26). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
  4. Bhoi, D.  (2022).’Educational Development and Muslims: Issues Pertaining to Accessibility of Higher Education in India’. In Prasanta Kumar Acharya, Kedarnath Dash and Tattwamasi Paltasingh (Ed.), Education Scenario in India: Development Dynamics, pp: 121-156, New Delhi: Mittal Publications.
  5. Bhoi, D., Lakra, N. R. 2022. 'Marginality, Educational Opportunity and Access to Higher Education: Experiences of Scheduled Caste and Tribe Students in India',  Contemporary Voice of Dalit, Sage, OnlineFirst 20th October, 2022:1-17.
  6. Bhoi, D. 2022. Economic Growth, Development and Education of Scheduled Castes: Line Drawn from Neoliberal Era', Contemporary Voice of Dalit, Sage, OnlineFirst 13th February, 2022:1-17.
  7. Bhoi, D.  2021. 'Constitution and Upholding Integration: A Journey from Depressed Class to Affirming Scheduled Status', D. Singh (ed.)  Nationalism in the Constitution of India. New Delhi: Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, New Delhi, pp. 63-80.
  8. Bhoi, D. 2021.'Scheduled Caste students in higher education and the National Fellowship: Educational inclusion, socio-economic and political mobility', Social Inclusion of Marginalised in India: State Policies and Challenges. Y. S. Sisodia, & T. K. Dalapati (eds.) New Delhi: Rawat Publisher, pp. 180-198.
  9. Bhoi, D. & Lakra, N. R. 2020. 'Atrocities and Dalits in India: Demand for Justice through Critical Consciousness in Academia', Atrocities on Dalits in Contemporary India. R. R. Jare & D. Abnave (eds.) Jaipur: Manas Publishers, pp. 68-85.
  10. Bhoi, D. 2020. 'Living Conditions, Learning Status and Educational Performance of Tribal Students', Tribal Development in India: Challenges and Prospects in Tribal Education. In R. R.  Patil (ed.) New Delhi: Sage, New Delhi, pp. 72-84.
  11. Bhoi, D. 2020. 'New Education Policy 2020: A review of inclusivity in school education',  Social Justice Message (Samajik Naya Sandesh) 16, 10, pp. 56-60.
  12. Bhoi, D. Lakra, N. R. 2019. 'Social Diversity, Inequality, Academic Competence and Struggle for Equity in Higher Education: An Attempt to Heard Voices of Dalits Torment in South Asia', in D. Parimala (ed.) Higher Education in South Asia: Challenges and Possibilities. New Delhi: Kanishka Publisher, Vol. 2. pp. 347-361.
  13. Bhoi, D. & Lakra, N. R. 2019. 'Post liberalization, Dalits and large-scale industry: Experiences of labour who migrated from Coastal Odisha to other parts of India', in D.  Fernandes & P. O Martin Labour (eds.) Migration in the Post Liberalization Era. Bangalore: ISPCK & CISRS Publisher, pp. 205-223.
  14. Jojo, B. & Bhoi, D. 2018. 'Scheduled Tribe children and their educational accessibility: Evidences from Maharashtra School Education', Indian Journal of Dalit And Tribal Studies and Action, 3 (2): 1-20.
  15. Bhoi, D. & Lakra, N. R. 2017. 'Educational attainment among the Scheduled Tribes in India: An analysis of policies, pedagogy and practices', Social Action, 67 (3): 280-301.
  16. Bhoi, D. 2016. 'Changing impact of globalisation in India: Economic growth and knowledge economy in social development', in Christ Institute of Management (ed.)  Global Business and Innovation Management: Trends and Competitiveness. New Delhi: Bharti Publication, pp. 328-336.
  17. Bhoi, D. 2016. 'Participation and success of Scheduled Castes in higher education: A neoliberal discourse on Indian experience',  3rd ISA Forum of Sociology-Book of Abstracts, 3:87-88.
  18. Bhoi, D. 2015. 'Psycho Social experiences of Scheduled Caste Students at Higher Education Level in India', The International Social Psychologist, 1 (1):08-08.
  19. Bhoi, D. 2014. 'Searching gender equity in educational attainment at higher education level among the Scheduled Castes of Orissa', in  N. S. C. Momin & Madhusudan J. V. (eds.) Prospects and Issues Concerning Education at Secondary Level, Jaipur: Manas Publishers & Distributors, pp. 399-425.
  20. Bhoi, D. 2013. 'Educational privatisation and access to higher education: Experiences of Scheduled Caste students in Odisha', Social Change . 43 (3):341-363.

All publications can be found in ink; (

Conference, Workshop Organised/ing

  1. Caste, Social Psyche and Humiliation at Higher Education”, June 25th -1st July 2023 at ISA WORLD CONGRESS OF SOCIOLOGY, Melbourne, Australia [Session Chair with Neelima Rashmi Lakra].
  2. Dalit Representation in Culture and Politics” in Work in Progress Workshop  at Centre for South Asian Studies, University of Edinburgh, UK, 10th June 2022 (Session Chair).
  3. Culture, Justice and Freedom from Caste in South Asian Context”, March 31, 2022, University of Southampton, Southampton, The British Association for South Asian Studies, United Kingdom, 29th  March to 2nd  April 2022, (Session Chair).
  4. Caste in Everyday Life an Academic Workshop organised by Dhaneswar Bhoi & Hugo Gorringe, 18 Oct 2021 → 19 Oct 2021.

 National Policy Consultancy and Advisory Role

  1. Policy Consultant, New Education Policy Draft Report Input Discussion Work at Ministry of Human Resource Development, Policy Norm Section, Policy Division, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi. Since September 2018.
  2. Session chaired thematised as ‘Language, Diversity, Culture and Identity’ in National Seminar on ‘Tribal Situations with Special Reference to Eastern India’ organised by Department of Anthropology, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, 28th -30th March 2018.
  3. Team Policy Expert, Ministry of Human Resource Development Consultation Workshop, New Education Policy 2015 on Bridging Gender and Social Gaps [SCs, STs, OBCs & Higher Education], 24th August 2015 at Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad.
  4. Organised a National Workshop on ‘Violence against Dalit Women: Role of Media and Dalit Women’s Literature’, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, 21st and 22nd June 2014 [Organised the Workshop as Research Associate with Prof. Bipin Jojo on behalf of Centre for Social Justice and Governance, TISS, Mumbai
  5. Co-ordinate an Advisory Committee (AC) meeting for   the study “Educational Status of Schedule Tribes in Maharashtra: Attainments and Challenges”, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, 18th Feb 2013, [Co-ordinate the meeting on behalf of Centre for Social Justice and Governance, TISS, Mumbai as part of National Study on Educational Status of Scheduled Tribes in India].

Teaching & Research Work Experiences

  1. Teaches, 'Public Health'; 'Sociology of Health, 'Research Methods' at at London School of Science and Technology, partnership with University of West London, De Montfort University and Buckinghamshire New University, UK. 
  2. Taught "South Asia in the World" at the renowned Centre for South Asian Studies, and 'Sociology' for PhD  within the School of Social and Political Science at the University of Edinburgh, UK. 
  3. Taught 'Sociology of Education' & 'Psychology of Education’ at Centre for Studies in Sociology of Education, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, & Delhi University, New Delhi, Utkal University, Odisha, Baisimauza College, Puran, Since 2006.
  4. Researcher and Policy Analyst,  Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MSJE), Government of India, New Delhi, January-December 2020.
  5. Consultant in Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission for Teacher and Teaching, Policy Division, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), New Delhi, Sept. 2018- December 2019.
  6. Social Scientist, Department of Dalit Studies, Indian Social Institute, New Delhi (United Nations Consultives of Economic and Social Council), 2018.
  7. Consultant,Educational Survey Division, National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi, February 2017-Mach 2018. 
  8. Consultant, National Centre for School Leadership, National University of Educational Planning and Administration, New Delhi, 2016.
  9. Research Associate, Centre for Social Justice and Governance, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, 2011-2016.

Awards and Grants

  1. Dr. Ambedkar International Centre Fellow Award, Government of India, 2020-2023.
  2. International Conference Grant, International Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherland, 2017.
  3. International Conference Grant, Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi, 2016.
  4. Roskilde University Conference Grant, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark, 2016.
  5. Dr. Ambedkar Foundation’s Study Tour to UK (London School of Economic) &USA (Columbia University), University Grant Commission, New Delhi [selected], 2015-16.
  6. International Conference Grant, Tata Institute of Social Science, Mumbai, 2015.
  7. International Conference Grant, International Sociological Association, Madrid, Spain, 2010.
  8. International Conference Grant, Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi, 2010.

Membership in Professional Bodies

  1. Member (Since 2021), I have been a member of the "Policy, Publics & Action Research Group" within the "Education, Community & Sustainability Research Group" at the Department of Social Policy, School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh, UK.
  2. Member (2022-25), International Sociological Association’ & RC04 -Sociology of Education 01/01/2022 through 12/31/2025 & RC42 - Social Psychology 01/01/2022 through 12/31/2025, Madrid, Spain. Membership No.6300.
  3. Member (Since 2021) British Association for South Asian Studies, 27 Old Gloucester Street, Bloomsbury, London, WC1N 3AX [Reference No. 5P758160HV4705045].
  4. Member (2018-21), International Sociological Association’ & Research Committee (RC)-42 ‘Social Psychology’ Madrid, Spain. Membership No.70882.
  5. Member (2014-17), ‘International Sociological Association’ & Research Committee (RC)-42 ‘Social Psychology’, & RC 28 ‘Social Stratification’ Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology, University Complutense, Madrid, Spain. 
  6. Member (2016-17), 14thDevelopment Dialogue, International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) Erasmus University, The Hague, The Netherlands. 
  7. Lifetime Member (Since 2010), ‘Comparative Education Society of India’, Affiliated to World Council of Comparative Education Societies, [UNESCO International Bureau of Education Geneva, Switzerland], Membership No. CESI/LM/47. 
  8. Member (2010-13), International Sociological Association & RC-42 Social Psychology, Madrid, Spain. 
  9. Member (2011-12), Academy of Business and Retail Management, Middlesex, United Kingdom. 
  10. Member (2010-11), Indian Social Science Academy (ISSA) (Education), XXXIII Indian Social Science Congress, Allahabad.

Paper Presented at the Conference

(More than 75 papers have been presented and recent twenty-five papers are given here)

  1. Bhoi, D. 2023. ‘The Deviant Bodies, Cultural Oppression and Dominant Social: Configuration of Self-harm in Academic Space “for the panel 18 – Deviant Bodies, Prohibited Territories and Academia in South Asia’. European Conference for South Asian Studies (ECSAS), Torino, 26 - 29 July 2023.
  2. Bhoi, D. 2023. ‘Social Alienation and Suicide of Dalit Students: Everyday Reality of Indian Higher Education’ in “Resurgent Authoritarianism: The Sociology of New Entanglements of Religions, Politics, and Economies”, XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, 25th June to 1st July 2023, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, Australia. 
  3. Bhoi, D. 2023. ‘Public and Private Higher Education in Laissez-faire Economy: Echoes of Marginal Section Students of India’, in “Resurgent Authoritarianism: The Sociology of New Entanglements of Religions, Politics, and Economies”, XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, 25th June to 1st July 2023, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, Australia. 
  4. Bhoi, D. 2023. ‘Caste Coloniality in Classroom Teaching-Learning Process: Experience of Dalit Students in Indian Academia’ in “Decolonising the Classroom: Experiences from India and the UK”, 22nd -23rd June   2023. University of Exeter (Cornwall campus), Penryn, UK.
  5. Bhoi, D. 2023. ‘Caste Discrimination in UK: Anti-discrimination Policies in Universities and the Equality Act’ in Decolonising the Classroom: Experiences from India and the UK”, 22nd -23rd June 2023. University of Exeter (Cornwall campus), Penryn, UK.
  6. Bhoi, D. 2023. ‘Not Found Suitable in Higher Education: Narratives of Dalit Experience against the Formal Sector Employment” presented at Judge Business School, University of Cambridge in the 1st Global Conference on Caste, Business and Society, 15th -16th June 2023, hosted at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge and University of Cambridge, UK. 
  7. Bhoi, D. 2023. ‘Internal Colonisation, Oppressed Social and their Decoloniality: Everyday Life Struggle of Dalits in Present India’ in the panel on “Internal coloniality, Caste and Everyday Struggle of Dalits in South Asia” British Association for South Asian Studies Annual Conference 2023, 03rd – 06th April 2023, University of Leeds, UK.
  8. Bhoi, D. 2023. ‘Everyday University Space and Marginalisation: Psycho-social Experiences of Indian Dalit Students during Global Pandemic’ in the Stories Conference "Shifting Sands in Education: Environment, Edtech, and Equity" 15th  and 16th of March, 2023 at Department of Education, University of Oxford, UK. 
  9. Bhoi, D. 2022. Culture of Humiliation: Contestation of Indian Experiences in Social Reciprocation Culture’, in  Justice and Freedom from Caste in South Asian Context, March 31, 2022, University of Southampton, Southampton, The British Association for South Asian Studies, United Kingdom, 29th March to 2nd April 2022.
  10. Bhoi, D. 2021. Caste, Experience and Psycho-emotional Feelings of Dalits in Higher Education,’ in Caste in Everyday Life, University of Edinburgh, UK. 18th and 19th October 2021.
  11. Bhoi, D. 2021. ‘Caste and Higher Education: Experiences of Dalit Students in India’ in Dalit and Anti-Caste Thought and Politics, University of Edinburgh, UK, 16th July 2021.
  12. Bhoi, D. 2021. ‘Caste and Higher Education: Experiences of Dalit Students in India’ in Work in Progress Workshop, University of Edinburgh, UK, 20th May 2021.
  13. Bhoi, D. 2018. Cultural Repression, Caste in Educational Sphere and Psycho-SocialExperiences: Sociological Interpretation from DalitNarrations in India, XIX World Congress of Sociology, on ‘Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities (Social Psychological Perspectives on Inequality),’ Toronto, Canada, July 15th-21st 2018, Organised by International Sociological Association, Spain.
  14. Bhoi, D. 2018. One Step Ahead and Two Steps Backward in Policy Implication: Experiences of Tribal Children’s at Ashram Schools in Odisha, National Seminar on ‘Tribal Situations with Special Reference to Eastern India’ (Dimond Jubilee Celebration of Anthropology Department, 1958-2018 and Platinum Jubilee Celebration of Utkal University, 1943-2018), organised by Department of Anthropology, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, 28th-30th March 2018.
  15. Bhoi, D. 2017. Idea of Nation States and Social Justice, Affirmation Vs. Access: Evidences from the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in India,National Seminar on ‘The Viability of The Nation State: Issues and Challenges’, Centre for Multi-disciplinary Development Research (CMDR), 13th -14th November, 2017.
  16. Bhoi, D. 2016. Economic Growth, Development of Scheduled Castes and their Education: Line Drawn from Neo-liberal Indian Experiences,14th Development Dialogue on “Do we need to grow? Problematizing Growth Economy in Development”, International Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, 21st-22nd November 2016.Organised by International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) Eraumus University, The Hague, The Netherlands.
  17. Bhoi, D. 2016. Participation and Success of Scheduled Castes in Higher Education: A Neoliberal Discourse on Indian Experience, 3rd, ISA Forum on “The Future we Want: Global Sociology and the Struggle for Better World”, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 10th -14th July 2016,Organised by International Sociological Association, Spain.
  18. Bhoi, D. 2016. Critical Race Theory, Caste, Tribe and Marginality: A study of Students Caste and Tribes Experiences in Higher Education, The Critical Edge Alliance Conference – Innovative and Critical Approaches to Higher Education in the 21st Century.Roskilde University, Roskilde, Copenhagen, Denmark, 22nd –24th June 2016. Organised by Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark.
  19. Bhoi, D. 2016. Social Justice and Castes Discrimination: Experiences of Scheduled Castes Students in India, 18th International Conference on Social Justice, Social Justice Forum, London, United Kingdom, 18th -19th, January, 2016.
  20. Bhoi, D. 2014. Psycho-Social Experiences of Scheduled Caste Students at Higher Education Level in India, XVIII World Congress of Sociology, on ‘Facing Unequal World: Challenges for Global Sociology (Social Justice),’ Yokohama, Japan, 13th -19th (17th) July 2014,Organised by International Sociological Association, Spain
  21. Bhoi, D. 2014. Issues of Atrocity and Discrimination Against the Dalits: A Study of Students Protest at the Premier Indian Educational Institutions, XVIII World Congress of Sociology, on ‘Facing unequal World: Challenges for Global Sociology (Beyond Race: Theoretical, Methodological, and Empirical Contributions to the Study of Discrimination),’ Yokohama, Japan, 13th -19th (16th) July 2014 (with Neelima Rashmi Lakra) Organised by International Sociological Association, Spain.
  22. Bhoi, D. 2012. Sensory Experiences of Discrimination and the Social Justice: Evidences from Dalit Students at Higher Education Level in India, Second ISA Forum of Sociology, on ‘Social Justice and Democratisation (Senses and Society)’, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1st - 4th August 2012.Organised by International Sociological Association, Spain.
  23. Bhoi, D. 2012. Issues of Atrocity Against the Dalits: A Study of Students, International Conference on ‘Conflict, Social Movements and Social Change: Theory and Practice’, Department of Sociology, University of Massachusetts, Boston MA, USA, April 18th& 19th 2012.
  24. Bhoi, D. 2010. Globalization and Socio-Educational Inequalities at Higher Education Level in India, XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology on 'Sociology on the Move', Gothenburg, Sweden, 11th -17th July 2010, organised by International Sociological Association, Madrid, Spain.
  25. Bhoi, D. 2017. Welfare in Contemporary Educational Discourses and Marginal Communities in Neoliberal Area: Evidences from Dalit Narrations. Eighth Annual International CESI Conference titled 'Criticality, Empathy and Welfare in Contemporary Educational Discourses', University of Jammu, Jammu, 16th -18th November 2017.
  26. Bhoi, D. 2017. Role of Information and Communication in Access to Higher Education: Academic Experiences from Scheduled Caste Students to Avail National Fellowships. Eighth AnnualInternational CESI Conference titled 'Criticality, Empathy and Welfare in Contemporary Educational Discourses', University of Jammu, Jammu, 16th -18th November 2017.
  27. Bhoi, D. 2017. Globalisation, Democratisation of Higher Education and Attainment and Performance of Scheduled Caste Students: With the Prospective of Socio-Educational Inequality in India. 3rd Critical Edge Alliance (CEA) International Conference on Higher Education for the 21st century: Innovations in University- Society Partnerships, 21st- 23rd September 2017 organised by Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.
  28. Bhoi, D. 2017. Scheduled Caste Students in Higher Education and the National Fellowship: Educational Inclusion, Socio-economic and Political Mobility, National Seminar on ‘Efficacy of Government Programmes on Socio-Economic and Political Inclusion of SC/ST/OBC and Economically Backward Sections’, M.P. Institute of Social Science Research, Ujjain, 26-27, October, 2017.
  29. Bhoi, D. 2017. Educational Development and Muslims: Issues Pertaining to Accessibility of Higher Education in India. National Seminar on Higher Educational Policies for Minorities: Problems and Prospects, SALVATION, New Delhi, 7th-8th October 2017.
  30. Bhoi, D. 2017. Development, Economic Growth and Marginal Communities in Neoliberal Challenges: Evidence from Margins in Establishing Equity. 22nd Biennial Conference of Association of Indian Economics and Financial Studies (AIEFS), 31st July-1st August 2017 organised by Nabakrushna Choudhury Centre for Development Studies, Bhubaneswar (with Neelima Rashmi Lakra).
  31. Bhoi, D. 2016. Globalization, Social Communities, Social Development and Higher Education: Theory, Approach and Practices. International Conference on South-to-South FDI, Indian Institute of Management, Indore, 20th -23rd April 2016 organised by Academy of International Business, Michigan State University, Michigan, USA.
  32. Bhoi, D. 2016. Changing Impact of Globalisation in India: Economic Growth and Knowledge Economy in Social Development. International Conference onGlobal Business and Innovation Management: Trends and Competitiveness, Rajkot, Gujarat, 22nd -23rd January 2016 organised by Christ Institute of Management and Christ College, Rajkot.
  33. Bhoi, D. 2011. Remapping Sustainable Educational Development in the Global Economy with the Emergence of Private Stakeholders in India,International Conference on ‘The Restructuring of the GlobalEconomy (ROGE)’, Pune, India,1st & 2nd February 2011, organised by Academy of Business and Retail Management, Harrow, Middlesex, United Kingdom.
  34. Bhoi, D. 2011. Psycho‐Social Experiences of Scheduled Caste Students at Higher Education Level in India, ‘Global Conclave of Young Scholars of Indian Education’, Indian Habitat Centre, New Delhi, 27th -29th January 2011, organised by National University of Educational Planning and Administration, New Delhi.
  35. Bhoi, D. 2010. Scheduled Castes and the Accessibility of Higher Education in the Plinth of Privatised Education in Orissa, International Conference on ‘Globalisation, Educational Change and  Reforms: Comparative Perspective’, Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 15th -17th Nov. 2010, organised by Comparative Education Society of India, Affiliated to World Council of Comparative Education Societies, Hosting Provided University of Wollongong, Australia.
  36. Bhoi, D. 2010. Inclusive Education and Stability in Economic Growth of India in the Era of Knowledge Economy, International Conference on ‘Economics and Finance’, IBS Bangalore, 7th & 8th Jan 2010.


  37. Bhoi, D. 2024. Invited Lecture on “Manyavar Kanshi Ram and its Intricate Connection with the Bedrock of Indian Democracy “at University of Birkbeck, London, UK Organised by Royal Holloway, University of London and University of Birkbeck London, UK, 16th March 2024.
  38. Bhoi, D. 2024. Invited Resource Person (Speaker) on "Navigating Inclusive Education: Bridging the Divide and Empowering Every Learner" [dated 20th January 2024] in the International Conference on "Navigating Inclusive Education: Bridging the Divide and Empowering Every Learner" on 19th & 20th January 2024, Fakir Mohan University, Balasore, Odisha, India.
  39. Bhoi, D.  2023. Invited speaker by the SOAS Ambedkar Society at the University of London at convene a book discussion ‘Caste in Everyday Life: Experiences and Affect in Indian Society’ on their theoretical discourse account named 'Dalit Theory Referential Framework', dated 24th November 2023, B-103, Brunei Gallery Building, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, UK.
  40. Bhoi, D. 2023. Keynote address (Invited lecture) on “History, Culture and Power: The Genesis of Tribe-to-Caste Continuum in the Indian Subcontinent” Department of History, Himachal Pradesh University Regional Centre, Khaniyara Dharamshala, India, 27th October 2023.
  41. Bhoi, D. 2023. Invited as a speaker for a book discussion at the Indian Institute of Dalit Studies (IIDS) in partnership with Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung (RLS), South Asia, Germany, the event focused on my recently published book titled "Caste in Everyday Life: Experiences and Affect in Indian Society." This webinar is part of the IIDS-RLS webinar series for 2023, dated 17th October, 2023.
  42. Bhoi, D. 2023. Keynote Address on “Experiences and Aspiration of Dalits: Blockages and Pathways for Early Career Researchers” Ambedkar Society, Mount Waverley Community Centre, Melbourne, Australia, 02nd July 2023. 
  43. Bhoi, D. 2022. Keynote Address on ‘Social Sphere, Higher Education and Performative Aspect of Caste: Looking through Constitutional Lenses’, on the occasion of Constitution Day of India, GITAM School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hyderabad and Mahanaga Centre for Social Science Research Organisation, Andhra Pradesh, 26th November, 2022.
  44. Bhoi, D. 2022. Academic Lecture on “PhD Progress Board MSc Dissertation: Methodological Approaches and Outcomes” to the PhD and MSc Master students (Semister-1 course) at Department of Sociology, School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh, UK, 07th Nov 2022.
  45. Bhoi, D. 2021. Keynote Address on ‘Understanding Ambedkar’s Social Democratic Philosophy: An International Perspective’ on the occasion of Boddhisatva Babasaheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s Mahaparinirvana Diwas, 6th December 2021 at Mahanaga Centre for Social Science Research Organisation, Andhra Pradesh at Mahanaga Centre for Social Science Research Organisation, Andhra Pradesh (Online Four Noon).
  46. Bhoi, D. 2021. Lectured on Margin to Uniting the Depressed Class with a Framework of Demanding Justice and Equity, 6th December 2021, Edinburgh’s Ambedkarites at University of Edinburgh, UK.
  47. Bhoi, D. 2021. ‘Sustainable Development Goals and New Education Policy-2020 of India, International Guest Lecture series on "Sustainable Development Goals" scheduled during 28-29 July 2021, Sri Sri University, Cuttack, India.
  48. Bhoi, D. 2021. ‘Establishment of Central Scheme on Ashram Schools and Transformations Among the Scheduled Tribes’ in India at Dr. Ambedkar International Centre, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, New Delhi, 7th May 2021. 
  49. Bhoi, D. 2018. Chaired a Session Organised as ‘Language, Diversity, Culture and Identity’ in National Seminar on ‘Tribal Situations with Special Reference to Eastern India’ (Dimond Jubilee Celebration of Anthropology Department, 1958-2018 and Platinum Jubilee Celebration of Utkal University, 1943-2018), organised by Department of Anthropology, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, 28th-30th March 2018.

    Professional Development Course/Workshop Completion

  50. Bhoi, D. 2024. “Our Understanding and Reducing Dementia Stigma” part of “Global Observatory of Long-Term Care” organised at London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK, 11th April 2024. 
  51. Bhoi, D. 2023.‘The ECS Annual Lecture 2023: Can universities resolve the crisis in democracy?’ 7th July 2023, Great Hall, in the King’s Building, on Strand Campus, Strand, London.
  52. Bhoi, D. 2023.‘UK and Ireland PRME Chapter’s 10th Anniversary Conference 2023 on the 27th and 28th of June 2023, Aston University, Birmingham, UK.
  53. Bhoi, D. 2023. ‘Anthropology and degrowth: deepening the dialogue, 6th June 2023, London School of Economics and Political Science, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE, United Kingdom
  54. Bhoi, D. 2023. ‘A study to advance gender equality in Higher Education in India’,23rd May 2023, IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society, University College London, UK.
  55. Bhoi, D. 2023. Reclaiming Space, Challenging Narratives: The Role of Dalit Students in Transforming the University’, Caste Lecture Series-1, 17th May 2023, School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS) University of London, UK.
  56. Bhoi, D. 2023. Challenging Racisms in Higher Education and Beyond’ 11th May 2023, University of Westminster, London, UK. 
  57. Bhoi, D.  2023. ‘Investing in Social Inclusion’ of the Department Seminar and of CASE Social Exclusion seminar, 10th May 2023, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), London UK.
  58. Bhoi, D. 2023. Discussion: Affirmative Action for Economically Weaker Sections and Upper-Castes in Indian Constitutional Law: Context, Judicial Discourse, and Critique, 16th May 2023, Balliol College, University of Oxford, UK.


  1. Bhoi, D. 2022. Ph.D. hardtalk [is an academic seasonal YouTube series. aim is to educate the global community about your research via a discussion format, hosted by Noma Mguni] on ‘Social Justice and Governance in India,’ Guest-Dr Dhaneswar Bhoi (posted dated 24th March 2022).

    Blog Posts written and covered

  2. Bhoi, D. 2021. Caste in Everyday Life: Report from a Workshop ( [01/11/2021, Categories: Current Issues in South Asia].
  3. Bhoi, D. 2021. Community of Students and Faculty, University of Edinburgh, UK, 2021. ‘Dalit and Anti-Caste Thought and Politics’ ( [19/07/2021, Categories: Current Issues in South Asia].

    Teaching interests

  • Health and Wellbeing, Psycho-social Theories 
  • Research Methods, Sociological Imaginations
  • Sociology of Education and Social Psychology
  • Contemporary Debates and Society 
  • Caste, Race, Culture  and Social System 
  • Social Movements and Caste Consciousnesses 
  • Tribal Studies, Cultural & Social Anthropology
  • Ambedkar's Thoughts and Philosophy
  • Developmental Economics and Inclusive Growth
  • Neo-liberal Discourse and Privatisation
  • Public Policy and Social Empowerment
  • Educational Policy, Planning and Administration

Works within

Staff Hours and Guidance

Based on Appointment

Publications by user content

Publication Research Explorer link
Bhoi D. Caste and everyday university life: Psycho-emotional experiences of Dalit students. In Bhoi D, Gorringe H, editors, Caste and Everyday University Life: Experience and Affect in Indian Society. Palgrave Macmillan. 2023. p. 55-79. 3 Epub 2023 Sept 15. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-30655-6_3
Bhoi D. Social alienation and suicide of Dalit students: Everyday reality of Indian Higher Education. 2023.
Bhoi D, Lakra NR. Public and private Higher Education in laissez-faire economy: Echoes of marginal section students of India. 2023.
Gorringe H, Bhoi D. Caste in Everyday Life: Experience and Affect in Indian Society. 1 ed. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. 340 p.
Bhoi D, Gorringe H. Caste in everyday life: Experience and affect in Indian society. In Bhoi D, Gorringe H, editors, Caste in Everyday Life: Experience and Affect in Indian Society. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 2023. p. 1-26. 1 Epub 2023 Sept 15. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-30655-6_1
Bhoi D, Lakra NR. Marginality, educational opportunity and access to higher education: Experiences of scheduled caste and tribe students in India. Contemporary Voice of Dalit. 2022 Oct 20;1-17. Epub 2022 Oct 20. doi: 10.1177/2455328X221129453
Bhoi D. Educational development and Muslims: Issues Pertaining to Accessibility of Higher Education in India. In Acharya P, Dash K, Paltasingh T, editors, Education Scenario in India : Development Dynamics. New Delhi: Mittal Publications. 2022. p. 121-156. 7
Bhoi D. Economic growth, development and education of Scheduled Castes: Line drawn from neoliberal era. Contemporary Voice of Dalit. 2022 Feb 13;1-17. Epub 2022 Feb 13. doi: 10.1177/2455328X211073207
Bhoi D. Constitution and Upholding Integration: A Journey from Depressed Class to Affirming Scheduled Status. In Singh D, editor, Nationalism in the Constitution of India. New Delhi: Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, New Delhi. 2021. p. 63-80
Singh D, Bhoi D. Article 370, Ambedkar and National Integration: The Constituent Assembly Discourse. In Singh D, editor, Nationalism in the Constitution of India. New Delhi: Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, New Delhi. 2021. p. 91-105
Bhoi D. Scheduled Caste students in higher education and the National Fellowship: Educational inclusion, socio-economic and political mobility. In Sisodia YS, Dalapati TK, editors, Social Inclusion of Marginalised in India: State Policies and Challenges. New Delhi: Rawat Publisher. 2021. p. 180-198
Bhoi D. New Education Policy 2020: A review of inclusivity in school education. Social Justice Message (Samajik Naya Sandesh). 2020 Nov 7;16(10):56-60.
Bhoi D. Living Conditions, Learning Status and Educational Performance of Tribal Students. In Patil RR, editor, Tribal Development in India: Challenges and Prospects in Tribal Education. 1 ed. New Delhi: SAGE Publications. 2020. p. 72-84
Bhoi D, Lakra NR. Social Diversity, Inequality, Academic Competence and Struggle for Equity in Higher Education: An Attempt to Heard Voices of Dalits Torment in South Asia. In Parimala D, editor, Higher Education in South Asia: Challenges and Possibilities. 1 ed. Vol. 2. New Delhi: Kanishka Publisher. 2020. p. 347-361
Bhoi D, Lakra NR. Atrocities and Dalits in India: Demand for Justice through Critical Consciousness in Academia. In Jare R, Abnave D, editors, Atrocities on Dalits in Contemporary India. Jaipur: Manas Publishers. 2020. p. 68-85
Bhoi D, Lakra NR. Post liberalization, Dalits and large-scale industry: Experiences of labour who migrated from Coastal Odisha to other parts of India. In Fernandes D, Martin PO, editors, Labour Migration in the Post Liberalization Era. Bangalore: ISPCK & CISRS Publisher. 2019. p. 205-223
Jojo B, Bhoi D. Scheduled Tribe children and their educational accessibility: Evidences from Maharashtra School Education. Indian Journal of Dalit And Tribal Studies and Action. 2018 Aug 4;3(2):1-20. 1.
Bhoi D. Cultural repression, caste in educational sphere and psycho-social experiences: Sociological interpretation from Dalit narrations in India. 2018. Abstract from XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology
, Toronto, Canada.
Bhoi D, Lakra NR. Educational attainment among the Scheduled Tribes in India: An analysis of policies, pedagogy and practices. Social Action. 2017 Sept 30;67(3):280-301.
Bhoi D. Changing impact of globalisation in India: Economic growth and knowledge economy in social development. In CIOM, editor, Global Business and Innovation Management: Trends and Competitiveness. New Delhi: Bharti Publication. 2016. p. 328-336
Bhoi D. Participation and success of Scheduled Castes in higher education: A neoliberal discourse on Indian experience. 2016. Abstract from Third ISA Forum of Sociology, Vienna, Austria.
Bhoi D. Social justice and castes discrimination: Experiences of Scheduled Castes students in India. International Journal of Law and Political Sciences. 2016 Jan 19;10(1).
Bhoi D. Psycho-social experiences of Scheduled Caste students at higher education level in India. 2014. Abstract from XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, Japan.
Lakra NR, Bhoi D. Issues of atrocity and discrimination against the Dalits: A study of students protest at the premier Indian educational institutions. 2014. Abstract from XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, Japan.
Bhoi D. Searching gender equity in educational attainment at higher education level among the Scheduled Castes of Orissa. In Momin NSC, J. V. M, editors, Prospects and Issues Concerning Education at Secondary Level. Jaipur: Manas Publishers & Distributors. 2014. p. 399-425
Bhoi D. Educational privatisation and access to higher education: Experiences of Scheduled Caste students in Odisha. Social Change. 2013 Sept 4;43(3):341-363. doi: 10.1177/0049085713494289
Bhoi D. Remapping sustainable educational development in the global economy with the emergence of private stakeholders in India. Entrepreneurship & Organization Management. 2013 Mar 28;2(3):2-6. 673.
Bhoi D. Economic growth vs. higher education: Educational accessibility of marginalized communities in India. The FedUni Journal of Higher Education. 2011 Nov 30;6(4):7-30.
Sahoo JR, Bhoi D. Educational policy, social context and the development of Scheduled Tribe children in India. In Tripathy SN, editor, Education for the Excluded Children. New Delhi: Abhijeet. 2011. p. 212-233
Bhoi D. Globalization and socio-educational inequalities: A study of privatization of higher education in India. Sociology Study. 2011 Jul 31;1(2):121-142.
Bhoi D. Educational development of Muslims in Maharashtra: Analysis from policies, commissions and educational schemes in India. Indian Journal of Human Rights and Social Justice. 2010 Dec 31;5(1-2):291-301.
Bhoi D. The quest of inclusion in Indian education compared to the growth rate of India. Asian Journal of International Law. 2010 Dec 31;5(1-2):1-20.
Bhoi D. Educational exclusion and inclusive practices in higher education of India. In Tripathy SN, editor, Inclusive Policies and Removal of Social Disadvantage . New Delhi: Abhijeet. 2010. p. 192-211
Bhoi D. Globalization and socio-educational inequalities at higher education level in India. 2010. Abstract from XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Bhoi D. How far education fuels Indian economy as a social institution to mobilise social capital in developmental process? Gumbad Business Review. 2010 Jun 30;5 (2):64-74.
Dhaneswar Bhoi's Research Explorer profile