School of Social and Political Science

Dr Gil Viry

Job Title

Senior Lecturer

Gil Viry's photo

Room number

Room 3.09

Street (Address)

18 Buccleuch Place

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Research interests

Research interests

Using social survey methods, social network analysis and sequence analysis, my substantive research focuses on spatial mobility, social networks, family and intimate relationships. I have a keen interest in studying the spatiality of social networks and how spatial distance and mobility behaviours relate to individuals’ social and professional integration over the life course.

Current Research

I am pursuing these research aims in various collaborative research projects.

(1) I am the Principal Investigator of the project Inequalities in geographical mobility, conjugal networks and conjugal quality (2019-22) that aims to analyse how individuals’ spatial mobility skills and their social networks, including the couples’ network overlap, moderate the influence of residential mobility on couples. Following a successful call, a specific module of questions will be added to the Swiss ISSP-MOSAiCH 2019 survey. The project is integrated into the last phase of the NCCR-LIVES with the collaboration of the University of Lausanne and the Laboratory of Urban Sociology-EPFL.

(2) I am a Co-Investigator of the large survey Personal networks of young adults in Switzerland: Social capital, educational and work aspirations (2017-2023) (PI: Professor Eric Widmer, University of Geneva), funded by the Swiss government (Swiss Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport - DDPS) via the Swiss Federal Surveys of Adolescents Ch-x, (£1.2m).

This large project will survey a national cohort of young men, mostly aged 19, in 2020-21 who will participate in a compulsory information session on the Swiss military service. An additional sample of young women living in Switzerland will be interviewed. In total, n=50,000 participants will be surveyed. The project aims to better understand the role of young people’s personal relationships and personal networks on their educational and work aspirations. My main interests are to analyse (1) the relationships between three dimensions of exclusion: spatial, social and professional exclusion through the experience of unemployment/unstable educational and work history; and (2) the role of interpersonal relationships on aspirations using a multi-level design at the tie, network and regional levels.

(3) I am a Co-Investigator of the international TEAMS project (2020-23) (PI: Dr Natasa Pantic, Moray House School of Education) (£1,1m), which aims to better understand how teachers, schools and education systems facilitate migrant integration. It will also create opportunities for professional learning for educators, and for migrant students to relate their lived experiences of schooling through film-making and photography. The combination of social network analysis and ethnographic research aims to identify educational practices and structural conditions that facilitate opportunities for migrants’ academic success, cross-cultural socialization, and developing a sense of belonging in their school communities.

(4) I am involved in a longstanding research collaboration with Dr Heiko Rüger of the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB) in Wiesbaden, Germany, using the European survey data ‘Job Mobilities and Family Lives in Europe’. This collaboration addresses a clear research gap in the field by analysing the long-term impact of work-related mobility behaviours on fertility and union stability using longitudinal data and in a cross-national comparison (see for ex. Rüger & Viry, 2017).

(5) I am involved in a research collaboration with Dr Andreas Herz of the Deutsches JugendInstitut (DJI) at Munich, Germany, using the 2013 MOSAiCH-ISSP Swiss survey data. Using multilevel analysis with network data, this collaboration aims to examine the role of physical distance between respondents and their family members on reciprocity and how this impact varies with the characteristics of the respondents (including their attitudes toward family roles – ISSP specific module), the kind of relationships and the network structure.

(6) I am involved in an interdisciplinary research collaboration with Professor Claire Bidart (CNRS Marseille) and Dr Marion Maisonobe (human geographer, CNRS Paris) on advanced methods for analysing and mapping the geography of personal networks, using GIS (geographic information system) and longitudinal network data.


Recent publications

2022. Editorial: On the Role of Space, Place, and Social Networks in Social Participation. Social Inclusion, 10(3). (with Christoph van Dülmen, Marion Maisonobe, Andreas Klärner).

2022. Analysing personal networks in geographical space: beyond the question of distance. Social Inclusion, 10(3). (with Claire Bidart and Marion Maisonobe).

2022. La socialisation aux mobilités pour raisons professionnelles : le cas des absences régulières du domicile. [Socialization to employment-related mobility: The case of frequent overnight absences from family home]. Espaces et Sociétés. (with Stéphanie Vincent).

2021. Families in a network perspective. In: Schneider, N. Kreyenfeld, M. (eds). Handbook Sociology of the Family. Edward Elgar Publishing (with Andreas Herz).

2021. Analysing the effects of residential mobility behaviours on the composition of personal network in Switzerland. Population, Space and Place. (with Guillaume Drevon, Vincent Kaufmann, Eric D. Widmer, Jacques-Antoine Gauthier, Olga Ganjour).

2021. Making sense of teacher agency for change with social and epistemic network analysis, Journal of Educational Change. (with Natasa Pantic, Sarah Galey, Lani Florian, Srecko Joksimovic, Dragan Gasevic, Helen Knutes Nyqvist, Konstantinos Kyritsi).

2021. The sequences and the sequencers: What can a mixed-methods approach reveal about the history of genomics? Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences. (with Rhodri Leng, Miguel Garcia Sancho Sanchez, James Lowe, Mark Wong, Nikki Vermeulen)

2021. The Human Genome Project as an exceptional episode in the history of genomics. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences. (with Miguel Garcia Sancho Sanchez, Rhodri Leng, Mark Wong, Nikki Vermeulen, James Lowe)

2021. Yeast sequencing: 'Network' genomics and institutional bridges. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences. (with Miguel Garcia Sancho Sanchez, James Lowe, Rhodri Leng, Mark Wong, Nikki Vermeulen)

2021. Across and within networks: Thickening the longue-durée history of genomics. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences. (with James Lowe, Miguel Garcia Sancho Sanchez, Rhodri Leng, Mark Wong, Nikki Vermeulen)

2020. Life course and mobility. In: Jensen, O.B. Lassen, C. Kaufmann, V. Freudendal-Pedersen, M. Gøtzsche Lange, I.S. (eds). Routledge Handbook of Urban Mobilities. London: Routledge, 174-182.

2020. Understanding the reconstruction of personal networks through residential migration trajectories. Migration Letters. (with Olga Ganjour, Eric Widmer, Jacques-Antoine Gauthier, Vincent Kaufmann and Guillaume Drevon)

2019. L’analyse de séquence pour étudier les comportements de mobilité spatiale dans le parcours de vie. RTS - Recherche Transports Sécurité, IFSTTAR, 2019, La mobilité en méthodes, 18p. (with Jacques-Antoine Gauthier)

2019. Family development and residential trajectories of two birth cohorts living in Switzerland: Between individualization and standardization. Swiss Journal of of Sociology, 45(2), 185-214. (with Jacques-Antoine Gauthier)

2018. The intricacies of space and inclusiveness in family and personal networks In: Kapella, O. Schneider, N. F. Rost, H. (eds). Familie – Bildung – Migration. Barbara Budrich, 63-76 (with Eric Widmer and Olga Ganjour)

2017. Work-related travel over the life course and its link to fertility: a comparison between four European countries. European Sociological Review. (with Heiko Rueger)

2017. Analysing the role of social visits on migrants’ social capital: A personal network approach. Social Inclusion, 5(4), 209-225. (with Olga Ganjour, Jacques-Antoine Gauthier, Emmanuel Ravalet and Eric Widmer)

High Mobility in Europe. Edited by Gil Viry and Vincent Kaufmann

2015. High Mobility in Europe: work and personal life. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (co-edited with Vincent Kaufmann)

2015. Grandes mobilités liées au travail, perspective européenne et longitudinale. Economica (In press) (with Emmanuel Ravalet, Stéphanie Vincent, Vincent Kaufmann and Yann Dubois)


I joined the University of Edinburgh in 2012 as Chancellor's Fellow. I am co-leading the Social Network Analysis in Scotland (SNAS) Research Group, a member of Edinburgh Q-Step team for promoting statistical methods within the social sciences and an associate researcher at CRFR.

Before joining the University of Edinburgh, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the centre for mobility research (CeMoRe) at Lancaster University, an Invited Scholar at Federal Institute for Population Research in Wiesbaden, Germany, a Teaching Assistant in the sociology department at Geneva University and a Research Fellow at LaSUR (Laboratory of Urban Sociology) at Swiss federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) and at PAVIE (Laboratory of Life Course Research) at Lausanne University.


  • PhD in sociology (University of Geneva)
  • MSc in sociology (University of Geneva)
  • MSc in physics (University of Geneva)

Topics interested in supervising

I have little capacity for accepting more PhD students at the moment. I am, however, happy to consider PhD research proposals that are well connected to my research interests:

  • Place, space and spatial mobilities, in particular the links with personal relationships
  • Family and intimate life in space
  • Migration, transnationalism and personal relationships
  • Family and intimate networks
  • Social network analysis
  • Life course research.

If you are interested in being supervised by Gil, please see the links below (opening in new windows) for more information:

Works within

Staff Hours and Guidance

Staff Hours and Guidance

Tuesdays 12-2 (during teaching semesters)


I teach in the broad areas of spatial mobility, family life, life course and social network analysis.

Publications by user content

Publication Research Explorer link
Gumy A, Kaufmann V, Drevon G, Viry G, Gauthier JA, Masse F. Can spatial proximity to another country drive short-distance transnationalism? Evidence from social ties in three European border regions. Journal of Borderlands Studies. 2024 Oct 3;1-22. Epub 2024 Oct 3. doi: 10.1080/08865655.2024.2408716
Dzieciatko-Szendrei B, Pantic N, Joksimovic S, Gasevic D, Viry G. Systematic review of the operational definitions and indicators of teacher communities. Educational Research Review. 2024 Nov;45:1-15. 100640. Epub 2024 Sept 17. doi: 10.1016/j.edurev.2024.100640
Viry G, Drevon G, Masse F, Gauthier JA, Kaufmann V, Gumy A. Migration distance from birthplace and its association with relative income and employment share among heterosexual couples in Switzerland. Population, Space and Place. 2024 Aug;30(6):1-17. e2773. Epub 2024 Mar 31. doi: 10.1002/psp.2773
Drevon G, Gauthier JA, Viry G, Kaufmann V, Masse F, Gumy A. 'Happy with my partner': How transitivity within a couple’s personal network influences couple satisfaction. International Journal of Population Studies. 2024 Jun 11.
Bidart C, Maisonobe M, Viry G. Analysing personal networks in geographical space beyond the question of distance. Social Inclusion. 2022 Sept 20;10(3):233-247. Epub 2022 Jun 21. doi: 10.17645/si.v10i3.5381
Viry G, van Dülmen C, Maisonobe M, Klärner A. On the role of space, place, and social networks in social participation. Social Inclusion. 2022 Sept 20;10(3):217-220. doi: 10.17645/si.v10i3.6186
Leng R, Viry G, Garcia-Sancho M, Lowe J, Wong M, Vermeulen N. The sequences and the sequencers: What can a mixed-methods approach reveal about the history of genomics? Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences. 2022 Jun 1;52(3):277-319. doi: 10.1525/hsns.2022.52.3.277
Garcia-Sancho M, Leng R, Viry G, Wong M, Vermeulen N, Lowe J. The Human Genome Project as a singular episode in the history of genomics. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences. 2022 Jun 1;52(3):320-360. doi: 10.1525/hsns.2022.52.3.320
Garcia-Sancho M, Lowe J, Viry G, Leng R, Wong M, Vermeulen N. Yeast sequencing: 'Network' genomics and institutional bridges. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences. 2022 Jun 1;52(3):361-400. doi: 10.1525/hsns.2022.52.3.361
Lowe J, Garcia-Sancho M, Leng R, Wong M, Vermeulen N, Viry G. Across and within networks: Thickening the history of genomics. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences. 2022 Jun 1;52(3):443-475. doi: 10.1525/hsns.2022.52.3.443
Lowe J, Leng R, Viry G, Wong M, Vermeulen N, Garcia-Sancho M. The bricolage of pig genomics. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences. 2022 Jun 1;52(3):401-442. doi: 10.1525/hsns.2022.52.3.401
Vincent S, Viry G. La socialisation aux mobilités pour raisons professionnelles: Le cas des absences régulières du domicile. Espaces et Sociétés. 2022 Apr 26;1-2(184-185):99-113. doi: 10.3917/esp.184.0099
Viry G, Herz A. Families from a network perspective. In Schneider NF, Kreyenfeld M, editors, Research Handbook on the Sociology of the Family. Edward Elgar Publishing. 2021. p. 125-141. (Research Handbooks in Sociology). doi: 10.4337/9781788975544
Drevon G, Viry G, Kaufmann V, Widmer E, Gauthier JA, Ganjour O. Analysing the effects of residential mobility behaviours on the composition of personal network in Switzerland. Population, Space and Place. 2021 Apr 19;e2472. Epub 2021 Apr 19. doi: 10.1002/psp.2472
Pantic N, Galey-Horn S, Florian L, Joksimovic S, Viry G, Gasevic D et al. Making sense of teacher agency for change with social and epistemic network analysis. Journal of Educational Change. 2021 Jan 27. Epub 2021 Jan 27. doi: 10.1007/s10833-021-09413-7
Ganjour O, Widmer E, Viry G, Gauthier JA, Kaufmann V, Drevon G. Understanding the reconstruction of personal networks through residential migration trajectories. Migration Letters. 2020 Sept 28;17(5):621-638. doi: 10.33182/ml.v17i5.694
Viry G. Life course and mobility. In Jensen OB, Lassen C, Kaufmann V, Freudendal-Pedersen M, Gøtzsche Lange IS, editors, Handbook of Urban Mobilities. 1 ed. London: Routledge. 2020. p. 174-182. (Routledge International Handbooks). doi: 10.4324/9781351058759-18
Gauthier JA, Viry G. Développement familial et parcours résidentiels de deux générations vivant en Suisse: Entre individualisation et standardisation. Swiss Journal of Sociology. 2019 Jul 1;45(2):185-214. doi: 10.2478/sjs-2019-0009
Viry G, Gauthier JA. L’analyse de séquence pour étudier les comportements de mobilité spatiale dans le parcours de vie. Recherche Transports Sécurité. 2019 Jun 4;1-18. doi: 10.25578 / RTS_ISSN1951-6614_2019-05
Widmer ED, Viry G, Ganjour O. The intricacies of space and inclusiveness in family and personal networks. In Kapella O, Schneider NF, Rost H, editors, Familie - Bildung - Migration. Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich. 2018. p. 63-76
Viry G, Ganjour O, Gauthier JA, Ravalet E, Widmer ED. Analysing the role of social visits on migrants’ social capital: A personal network approach. Social Inclusion. 2017 Dec 28;5(4):209-225. doi: 10.17645/si.v5i4.1164
Rüger H, Viry G. Work-related travel over the life course and its link to fertility: A comparison between four European countries. European Sociological Review. 2017 Oct;33(5):645–660. Epub 2017 Aug 23. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcx064
Widmer ED, Viry G. Family Inclusiveness and Spatial Dispersion: The Spatial Consequences of Having Large and Diversified Family Configurations. Open Journal of Social Sciences. 2017 May 24;5:350- 367. doi: 10.4236/jss.2017.55024
Viry G, (ed.), Kaufmann V, (ed.). High Mobility in Europe: Work and Personal Life. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. 235 p.
Ravalet E, Vincent‐Geslin S, Kaufmann V, Viry G, Dubois Y. Grandes mobilités liées au travail, perspective européenne et longitudinale. Paris: Economica, 2015. 199 p.
Viry G, Vincent‐Geslin S. Under which conditions can intensive commuting be a way of life? In Aybek C, Huinink J, Muttarak R, editors, Spatial Mobility, Migration, and Living Arrangements. Dordrecht: Springer. 2015. p. 91-114 doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-10021-0
Viry G, Rüger H, Skora T. Migration and long-distance commuting histories and their links to career achievement in Germany: a sequence analysis. Sociological Research Online. 2014 Feb 28;19(1). doi: 10.5153/sro.3263
Viry G. Coparenting and children’s adjustment to divorce: The role of geographical distance from fathers. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage. 2014;55(7):503-526. Epub 2014 Sept 9. doi: 10.1080/10502556.2014.950900
Viry G, Hoffmeister H, Widmer ED. Residential Trajectories in the Early Life Course and their Effects. In Levy R, Widmer ED, editors, Gendered Life Courses Between Standardization and Individualization: A European Approach Applied to Switzerland. Lit Verlag. 2013. p. 141-160
Birtchnell T, Viry G, Urry J. Elite Formation in the Third Industrial Revolution. In Birtchnell T, Caletrío J, editors, Elite Mobilities. Routledge. 2013. (Changing Mobilities).
Viry G, Nada É. Vivre loin de ses parents quand on est un jeune adulte: quel effet sur le lien de confidence? Enfances, Familles, Générations. 2013;19:145-167.
Lüscher K, Hoff A, Lamura G, Renzi M, Sánchez M, Viry G et al. Generations, intergenerational relationships, generational policy: A multilingual compendium. International Network for the Study of Intergenerational Issues, 2013. 130 p.
Widmer E, Viry G, Carminati F, Galli-Carminati G. Do regions matter in ALICE? Social relationships and data exchanges in the Grid. European Physical Journal Plus. 2012 Feb 16;127(2):127-147. doi: 10.1140/epjp/i2012-12020-4
Widmer ED, Carminati F, Grigoras C, Viry G, Carminati GG. Do regions of ALICE matter? Social relationships and data exchanges in the Grid. In Teodorescu L, editor, 14TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ADVANCED COMPUTING AND ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES IN PHYSICS RESEARCH (ACAT 2011). Conference 1 ed. Vol. 368. BRISTOL: IOP Publishing. 2012. p. - doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/368/1/012016
Passet J, Viry G. Der zunehmende Einfluss der Bildung auf den Zeitpunkt der ersten Geburt in Deutschland, Frankreich und der Schweiz. Bevölkerungsforschung Aktuell. Mitteilungen aus dem Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung. 2012;2-7.
Viry G, Vincent-Geslin S. Mobile un jour, mobile toujours? In Mobilité sans racines.: Plus loin, plus vite, plus mobiles?. Descartes & Cie. 2012
Viry G, Kaufmann V, Joly I. Mobilités réversibles: un phénomène anecdotique ? Quantification des mobilités réversibles. In Mobilité sans racines: Plus loin, plus vite, plus mobiles?. Descartes & Cie. 2012
Viry G. Residential Mobility and the Spatial Dispersion of Personal Networks: Effects on Social Support. Social Networks. 2012;34(1):59-72. doi: 10.1016/j.socnet.2011.07.003
Viry G, Widmer ED, Kaufmann V. Does it matter for us that my partner or I commute? Spatial mobility for job reasons and the quality of conjugal relationships in France, Germany, and Switzerland. Zeitschrift fur familienforschung. 2010;22(2):149-170.
Vincent S, Viry G, Kaufmann V. Carrières académiques: comment concilier mobilités spatiales et vie de famille? Revue Synergies. Pays Riverains de la Baltique. 2010;7:77-94.
Luescher K, Liegle L, Lange A, Hoff A, Stoffel M, Viry G et al. Generations, Intergenerational Relationships, Generational Policy: A Trilingual Compendium. Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2010. 134 p. doi: 10.1080/15350770.2012.699411
Viry G, Hoffmeister H, Widmer ED. Early Life Course Relocation: Effects on Motility, Mobility, and Social Integration. In Schneider N, Collet B, editors, Mobile Living Across Europe II: Causes and Consequences of Job-Related Spatial Mobility in Cross-National Comparison. Barbara Budrich Verlag. 2010. p. 153-172
Kaufmann V, Viry G, Widmer ED. Motility. In Schneider N, editor, Mobile Living Across Europe II: Causes and Consequences of Job-Related Spatial Mobility in Cross-National Comparison. Barbara Budrich Verlag. 2010. p. 95-111
Widmer ED, Viry G, Kaufmann V. The Process of Becoming Mobile. In Schneider N, editor, Mobile Living Across Europe II: Causes and Consequences of Job-Related Spatial Mobility in Cross-National Comparison. Barbara Budrich Verlag. 2010. p. 113-129
Viry G, Kaufmann V, Widmer ED. Social Integration Faced with Commuting: More Widespread and Less Dense Support Networks. In Ohnmacht T, Maksim H, Bergman MM, editors, Mobilities and Inequality: Transport and Society. Ashgate Publishing. 2009. p. 121-143
Viry G, Kaufmann V, Widmer ED. L'habiter à l'épreuve de la pendularité. In Habitat en devenir, enjeux territoriaux, politiques et sociaux du logement en Suisse. Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes. 2009. p. 69-93
Viry G, Kaufmann V, Widmer ED. Switzerland – Mobility: a life stage issue? In Schneider NF, Meil G, editors, Mobile Living across Europe I: Relevance and Diversity of Job-Related Spatial Mobility in Six European Countries. Barbara Budrich Verlag. 2009. p. 189-228
Viry G, Kaufmann V, Widmer ED. La grande mobilité géographique pour des raisons professionnelles en Suisse: Une étape de vie pré-familiale? Recherches familiales. 2009;6:67-80. doi: EPFL-ARTICLE-147238
Gil Viry's Research Explorer profile