School of Social and Political Science

Hugo Gorringe

Job Title

Head of Sociology

Hugo Gorringe's photo

Room number

1.02, Number 22

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George Square

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Research interests

Research interests

My principal research interests are as follows:

  • Political Sociology
  • Sociology of South Asia
  • Social Movements
  • Sociology of Violence
  • Sociology of Identity

My research has focused on social and political movements both in South India and Scotland.

My research in India focuses on the socio-political mobilisation of Dalits (ex-Untouchables) and their struggle to achieve equality and deepen Indian democracy. This research is the basis for book: Untouchable Citizens which explores the interplay between Dalit movements and Democratisation in South India. I have also written about Dalit politics, collective violence, identity politics, institutionalisation and the construction and negotiation of social space. My latest book focused on the institutionalisation of the Viduthalai Chiruthaigal Katchi.

My research in Scotland focuses on the interactive dynamics between police and protestors. My initial focus was on the global protests surrounding the G8 meeting in 2005 and the policing of those protests, but this research is ongoing in collaboration with Michael Rosie. We have looked at the challenges to public order policing in the UK, especially since the G20 in 2009. We have written on police-protest dynamics; media coverage of protest and policing; experiments in liaison or dialogue policing and the 2010 student protests. Following the Independence Referendum I have been involved in a small research project on young YES voters in the Scottish Referendum with Maddie Breeze, Michael Rosie and Lynn Jamieson. Most recently I have been working with colleagues in St. Andrews, Edinburgh and the University of East Anglia on protest and policing at the COP26 summit: 


I have experience of supervising a range of topics at postgraduate level. Recent or ongoing supervisions include:

  • Dalit Politics in Maharashtra
  • Ethical and Political Consumerism
  • Sociological investigations of Camphill
  • Surveillance and counter-surveillance in protest-police encounters
  • Political Participation & the Student Protests in the UK
  • Life-Histories of Peace and Green Activists
  • Muslims in Scotland
  • Domestic Workers in Kolkatta
  • Caste Performances and Contestation in Tamil Nadu
  • SMOs and Labour Relations in Israel

Completed PhDs:

Haitao Shi, 'Drug Policing in China: Drug Laws, Police Culture, and Police Professionalisation' (2023); Johan Gordillo Garcia, ‘“You have to do everything in your power so that this does not happen to anyone else” The Movement for Peace and Justice in Mexico (2022). Hugh Sillitoe: Alegría rebelde and performance (c)art: A comparative (auto)ethnography of absurdist performance practice amongst activists and socially committed artists in Buenos Aires and New York City (2020); Lauren Wilks: Running on Time: Commuting Domestic Workers in Kolkotta (2018); Karthikeyan Damodaran: Contested Spaces: Caste and Performance in South India (2017); Mor Kandlik Eltanani: 'It comes at a Price': Labour Practices in Israeli Peace SMOs (2016); Reza Bagheri: Halal Scots: Muslims' Social Identity Negotiation and Integration in Scotland (2015); Megumi Nakamura: Mixed Families: An Ethnographic Study of Japanese/British Families in Edinburgh (2015); Margarita Kominou: Ethical consumption: Identities, practices and potential to bring about social change (2014); Alex Hensby: Participation and Non-Participation in the Student Protests 2010/11 (2014); Supurna Banerjee: Gender Space in the Tea Gardens of Dooars (2014); Miriam Snellgrove: Camphill Communities in Scotland (2012); Suryakant Waghmore: Dalit Politics in Maharashtra (2010); Salla Sariola: Sex Workers in Chennai (2007)

Topics interested in supervising

I am interested in supervising project in 2 main areas and several specific ones: 1. The dyanamics of caste and politics. My interests in particular focus on Tamil politics, Dalit politics across India and the world, and contemporary manifestations and understandings of caste. 2. Social Movement activism and its contexts. I am especially interested in Protest Policing here. Beyond these two I am interested in Social violence(particularly collective violence in India); International Development (NGOs, politics and Social Movements); and social space.

If you are interested in being supervised by Hugo Gorringe, please see the links below (opening in new windows) for more information:



  • BA Sociology and Politics - University of Essex (1997)
  • MSc by Social Research - University of Edinburgh (1998)
  • PhD - University of Edinburgh (2002)

Teaching Interests

Much of my teaching arises out of my own research, and I currently teach on violence, social and political movements and caste politics and change in India. My teaching interests extend beyond my research, however, and have included examinations of culture and identity in Britain, South Asian nationalism, and the gendered nature of 'Development' processes.

Recent publications

My Edinburgh Research Explorer Profile may be found here:

Further resources are also available through

Books and Special Issues:

Gorringe, H. 2017. Panthers in Parliament: Dalits, Caste and Political Power in South India. New Delhi: OUP.

Gorringe, H 2005. Untouchable Citizens: The Dalit Panthers and Democratisation in Tamilnadu, New Delhi, Sage (0-7619-3323-9).

Gorringe, H, Jeffery, R and Sariola, S (eds) 2009. Journal of South Asian Development: Special Issue on 'Inequality in India'. See our introduction: ‘Ethnographic Insights into Enduring Inequalities’, Vol. 4(1): pp1-6

Gorringe, H; Jeffery, R and S. Waghmore (eds) 2016. From the Margins to the Mainstream: Institutionalising Minorities in South Asia. New Delhi: Sage

Waghmore, S and Gorringe, H (eds). 2021. Civility in Crisis: Democracy, Equality and the Majoritarian Challenge in India. New Delhi: Routledge

Journal Articles on Dalit Politics and Caste (most recent first):

Gorringe, H. 2019. “A Voice for the Last and Least”: Thirumavalavan and the Viduthalai Chiruthaigal Katchi in the Lok Sabha. Contemporary South Asia 27(1): 103-116.

Gorringe, H and Waghmore, S. 2019‘‘Go write on the walls that you are the rulers of this nation’: Dalit mobilisation and the BJP’, Indian Politics & Policy 2(1): doi: 10.18278/inpp.2.1.3 

Gorringe, H. 2018. ‘Afterward: Gendering Caste: Honor, Patriarchy and Violence’, South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal 19:; DOI: 10.4000/samaj.4685 

Gorringe, H. 2016. ‘Out of the Cheris: Dalits Contesting and Creating Public Space in Tamil Nadu’, Space and Culture DOI: 10.1177/1206331215623216.

Gorringe, H. 2016. ‘Drumming out Oppression or Drumming it in? Contested cultures of contention in Dalit Politics’, Contributions to Indian Sociology 50(1): pp1-26.

Karthikeyan, D; Rajangam, S & Gorringe, H. 2012. ‘Dalit Political Imagination and Replication in Contemporary Tamil Nadu’, Economic & Political Weekly 47(36)
Karthikeyan, D & Gorringe, H. 2012. ‘Rescuing Ambedkar’, Frontline 29(19):…;

Gorringe, H. 2012. ‘Caste and Politics in Tamil Nadu’, Seminar 633 (May 2012): pp38-42

Gorringe, H 2011. ‘Party Political Panthers: Hegemonic Tamil Politics and the Dalit Challenge’, SAMAJ (South Asia Multi-disciplinary Academic Journal):

Rafanell, I & Gorringe, H 2010: ‘Consenting to Domination? Theorising Power, Agency and Embodiment with reference to Caste’, Sociological Review 58(4): pp604-622

Journal Articles on Protest, Policing & Politics in the UK (most recent first)

Breeze M, Gorringe H, Jamieson L, and Rosie M. 2021. 'Educational outcomes of political participation? Young first-time voters 3 years after the Scottish Independence Referendum', 
Journal of Youth Studies:

Breeze, M., Gorringe, H., Jamieson, L. and Rosie, M. (2017), Becoming independent: political participation and youth transitions in the Scottish referendum. The British Journal of Sociology, 68: 754-774.

Breeze, M; Gorringe, H; Jamieson, L and Rosie, M. 2015. ‘Everybody’s Scottish at the end of the day’: Nationalism and Social Justice Amongst Young Yes Voters’, Scottish Affairs 24(4).

Gorringe, H & Rosie, M. 2013: "‘We will facilitate your protest’: Experiments with Liaison Policing", Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 7(2): pp204-211
Stott, C; Scothern, M and Gorringe, H. 2013. ‘Advances in liaison based public order policing in England: Human Rights and negotiating the management of protest?’ Policing 7(2): pp212-226

Gorringe, H and Rosie, M 2011. ‘King Mob: Perceptions, Prescriptions and Presumptions about the Policing of England's Riots’, Sociological Research Online (Rapid Response) 16(4)17

Hugo Gorringe, Michael Rosie, David Waddington & Margarita Kominou 2011. ‘Facilitating ineffective protest? The policing of the 2009 Edinburgh NATO protests’, Policing and Society 21(4)

Rosie, M & Gorringe, H 2009: ‘What a difference a death makes’, Sociological Research Online 14(5)

Book Chapters:

Gorringe, H. 2018. ‘Ambedkar Icons: Whys and Wherefores’, in Suraj Yengde and Anand Teltumbde (eds) The Radical in Ambedkar: Critical Reflections. New Delhi: Penguin Random House: pp328-339.

Gorringe, H. 2016. ‘From the Cheris to Chennai: Dalit Politics in Tamil Nadu’, in H. Gorringe, R. Jeffery and S. Waghmore (eds) From the Margins to the Mainstream: Institutionalising Minorities in South Asia. New Delhi: Sage: pp131-152.

Gorringe, H. 2014. ‘Legislating for Liberation? Dalit Electoral Politics and Social Change in Tamil Nadu’ in C. Still (ed) Dalits in Neo-Liberal India: Mobility or Marginalisation. New Delhi: Routledge: pp133-161

Gorringe, H. 2012: ‘Dalit Politics: Untouchability, Identity and Assertion’, in A. Kohli and P. Singh (eds) Routledge Handbook of Indian Politics. pp119-128. New York & London: Routledge.

Works within

Staff Hours and Guidance

By appointment

Publications by user content

Publication Research Explorer link
Gorringe H, Rosie M, Portice J, Tekin S, Reicher S, Hamilton M. ‘Don’t talk to them!’: On the promise and the pitfalls of liaison policing at COP26. Policing and Society. 2024 Jun 3;1-13. Epub 2024 Jun 3. doi: 10.1080/10439463.2024.2359487
Chaudhry S, (ed.), Gorringe H, (ed.), Govinda R, (ed.). Gender in South Asia And Beyond: Essays in Honour of Patricia Jeffery. Zubaan Books, 2024. 348 p.
Gorringe H, Rosie M, Reicher S, Portice J, Tekin S, Hamilton M. How many cops to arrest climate chaos? Mass policing of protests at COP26. Policing and Society. 2024 May 4;1-17. Epub 2024 May 4. doi: 10.1080/14742837.2024.2349590
Gorringe H, Rosie M, Reicher S, Portice J, Tekin S, Hamilton M. First they came for the Young Communists: Police facilitation and control at COP26, Glasgow. Policing and Society. 2024;34(8):781-796. Epub 2024 Apr 9. doi: 10.1080/10439463.2024.2336007
Gorringe H, Rosie M. Research note: Protest, liaison and legitimacy. Scottish Affairs . 2023 Nov 1;32(4):467-476. doi: 10.3366/scot.2023.0477
Gorringe H, Bhoi D. Caste in Everyday Life: Experience and Affect in Indian Society. 1 ed. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. 340 p.
Bhoi D, Gorringe H. Caste in everyday life: Experience and affect in Indian society. In Bhoi D, Gorringe H, editors, Caste in Everyday Life: Experience and Affect in Indian Society. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 2023. p. 1-26. 1 Epub 2023 Sept 15. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-30655-6_1
Besse JW, Gorringe H, von Rötel JA, Luguzan C, Ricciardi FG. ‘Opportunities have pretty much disappeared’: the movement for Scottish Independence in abeyance during COVID-19. Scottish Affairs . 2022 May;31(2):190-216. Epub 2022 Apr 30. doi: 10.3366/scot.2022.0408
Breeze M, Gorringe H, Jamieson L, Rosie M. Educational outcomes of political participation? Young first-time voters 3 years after the Scottish Independence Referendum. Journal of Youth Studies. 2021 Sept 17. Epub 2021 Sept 17. doi: 10.1080/13676261.2021.1980517
Gorringe H, Waghmore S. 'Go write on the walls that you are the rulers of this nation’: Dalit mobilisation and the BJP. Indian Politics and Policy. 2019 Apr 1;2(1):31-52. 2. doi: 10.18278/inpp.2.1.3
Gorringe H. ‘A voice for the last and least’: Thirumavalavan and the Viduthalai Chiruthaigal Katchi in the Lok Sabha. Contemporary South Asia. 2019;27(1):103-116. Epub 2019 Jan 11. doi: 10.1080/09584935.2019.1566299
Gorringe H. Rescuing gender from the Dalit trap? The intersection of caste and gender in Tamil Dalit movements. In Ciotti M, editor, Unsettling the Archetypes: Femininities and Masculinities in Indian Politics. 1 ed. New Delhi: Women Unlimited. 2018. p. 241-270
Gorringe H. Ambedkar Icons: Whys and Wherefores. In Teltumbde A, Yengde S, editors, The Radical in Ambedkar: Critical Reflections. Penguin Random House. 2018
Damodaran K, Gorringe H. From superstar to CM? Rajinikanth makes his debut as a politician. Economic and Political Weekly. 2018 Jan 27;53(4):15-20.
Gorringe H. Gendering caste: Honor, patriarchy and violence. South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal (SAMAJ). 2018;19:1-11. 6. Epub 2018 Sept 18. doi: 10.4000/samaj.4685
Breeze M, Gorringe H, Jamieson L, Rosie M. Becoming independent: Political participation and youth transitions in the Scottish Referendum. British Journal of Sociology. 2017 Dec;68(4):754-774. Epub 2017 Jul 25. doi: 10.1111/1468-4446.12288
Gorringe H. Questions of honour: Dalit women activists and the rumour mill in Tamil Nadu. Contemporary South Asia. 2017 Jul 3;25(3):255-269. Epub 2016 Oct 10. doi: 10.1080/09584935.2016.1238874
Damodaran K, Gorringe H. Madurai Formula Films. South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal (SAMAJ). 2017 Jun 22;1-30.
Gorringe H. Liberation Panthers and Pantheresses? Gender and Dalit Party Politics in South India. In Kapadia K, Shanmugasundaram A, editors, Dalit Women: Vanguard of an Alternative Politics in India. 1 ed. New Delhi : Routledge. 2017. 4
Gorringe H. Panthers in Parliament: Dalits, Caste, and Political Power in South India. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2017. 424 p. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199468157.001.0001
Gorringe H. Dalit Parties and the Dilemmas of Democratisation in Tamil Nadu. Studies in Indian Politics. 2016 Jun 9;4(1):49-62. Epub 2016 May 16. doi: 10.1177/2321023016634933
Gorringe H. Out of the Cheris: Dalits contesting and creating public space in Tamil Nadu. Space and Culture. 2016 May 1;19(2):164-176. Epub 2016 Feb 10. doi: 10.1177/1206331215623216
Gorringe H. Drumming out oppression, or drumming it in? Identity, culture and contention in dalit politics. Contributions to indian Sociology. 2016 Feb 3;50(1):1-26. doi: 10.1177/0069966715615021
Gorringe H, (ed.), Jeffery R, (ed.), Waghmore S, (ed.). From the Margins to the Mainstream: Institutionalising Minorities in South Asia. 1 ed. New Delhi: SAGE Publications, 2016. 332 p.
Gorringe H, Jeffery R, Waghmore S. Introduction: Institutionalising Marginal Actors in South Asia: Processes, Policies, Practices and Pitfalls. In Gorringe H, Jeffery R, Waghmore S, editors, From the Margins to the Mainstream: Institutionalising Minorities in South Asia. 1 ed. New Delhi: SAGE Publications. 2016. p. xxi-xxxvi
Jeffery R, Gorringe H. Institutionalising marginal actors in Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu: Insights from Dalit electoral data. In Gorringe H, Jeffery R, Waghmore S, editors, From the Margins to the Mainstream. 1 ed. New Delhi: SAGE Publications. 2016. p. 104-130
Gorringe H. From the Cheris to Chennai: Dalit politics in Tamil Nadu. In Gorringe H, Jeffery R, Waghmore S, editors, From the Margins to the Mainstream. 1 ed. New Delhi: SAGE Publications. 2016. p. 131-153
Breeze M, Gorringe H, Jamieson L, Rosie M. “Everybody’s Scottish at the end of the day”: nationalism and social justice amongst young Yes voters. Scottish Affairs. 2015 Oct 28;24(4):419-431. doi: 10.3366/scot.2015.0094
Gorringe H. Review of Dalit Women’s Education in Modern India by Shailaja Paik. Contemporary South Asia. 2015 Apr 16;23(1):101-102. Epub 2015 Apr 16. doi: 10.1080/09584935.2014.1001115
Gorringe H. The Evolving Forms of Caste. Economic and Political Weekly. 2014 Nov 29;49(48):27-29.
Gorringe H. Protest Policing from London to Paramakudi: From Containment to Dialogue in the UK. 2014.
Gorringe H. Legislating for Liberation? Dalit Electoral Politics and Social Change in Tamil Nadu. In Still C, editor, Dalits in Neo-Liberal India: Mobility or Marginalisation?. New Delhi: Routledge. 2014. p. 133-161
Gorringe H, Karthikeyan D. A Mass Movement for Dalits? The VCK and Party Politics in TN. 2014. 4 p.
Gorringe H, Karthikeyan D. The Hidden Politics of Vegetarianism: Caste and the Hindu Canteen. Economic and Political Weekly. 2014 May 17;XLIX(20):20-22.
Gorringe H, Karthikeyan D. The Contemporary Dialectics of Caste Politics. Seminar: The Monthly Symposium. 2014 May 1;657.
Gorringe H, Karthikeyan D. Confronting Casteism? Apathy and the Atrocities Act. Economic and Political Weekly. 2014 Jan 25;49(4):74-75.
Gorringe H. Book Review: Dalit Assertion by Sudha Pai. Pacific Affairs. 2014. Epub 2014 Aug 11.
Gorringe H, Waghmore S. Dalits and the Challenge of Caste Inequality in India. Manorama Yearbook. 2013 Nov 1;49:815-818.
Gorringe H, Karthikeyan D. A New Churning In The Caste Cauldron. The Hindu. 2013 Oct 17.
Stott C, Gorringe H. From Sir Robert Peel to PLTs: Adapting to Liaison Based Public Order Policing in England and Wales. In Brown J, editor, The Future of Policing. Routledge. 2013. p. 239-251
Gorringe H. Nandanar's children: the Paraiyans' tryst with destiny, Tamil Nadu 1850 - 1956. Contemporary South Asia. 2013 Sept 1;21(3):342-343. doi: 10.1080/09584935.2013.827433
Gorringe H, Rosie M. We Will Facilitate your Protest: Experiments with Liaison Policing. Policing: a Journal of Policy and Practice. 2013 Jun 1;7(2):202-209. doi: 10.1093/police/pat001
Gorringe H. When Development Triggers Caste Violence. The Hindu. 2013 May 8.
Stott C, Scothern M, Gorringe H. Advances in liaison based public order policing in England: Human rights and negotiating the management of protest? Policing: a Journal of Policy and Practice. 2013 Mar 14;7(2):212-226. doi: 10.1093/police/pat007
Gorringe H. Interview with Gowthama Sannah, Propaganda Secretary of the VCK, Chennai, 26th September 2012. The South Asianist. 2013 Jan 1;2(1).
Gorringe H. From Untouchable to Dalit and beyond: New directions in South Indian Dalit politics . The South Asianist. 2013 Jan 1;2(1):40-56.
Gorringe H. Dalit Parties and the Dilemmas of Democratisation in Tamil Nadu. In Governance, Democracy and Political Parties . Hyderabad: University of Hyderabad and Deakin University. 2012
Gorringe H. Dalit Movements and Leadership in Tamilnadu. Bheem Patrika. 2012 Nov 1;9.
Karthikeyan D, Rajangam S, Gorringe H. Dalit Political Imagination and Replication in Contemporary Tamil Nadu. Economic and Political Weekly. 2012 Sept 8;47(36):30-34.
Gorringe H, Stott C, Rosie M. Dialogue Police, Decision Making, and the Management of Public Order During Protest Crowd Events. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling. 2012 Jun;9(2):111-125. doi: 10.1002/jip.1359
Gorringe H. Caste and politics in Tamil Nadu. Seminar: The Monthly Symposium. 2012 May 1;(633).
Gorringe H. Thirumavalavan at 50. In Thirumavalavan at 50. 2012
Karthikeyan D, Gorringe H. Rescuing Ambedkar. Frontline. 2012;29(19).
Gorringe H. Dalit Politics: Untouchability, Identity and Assertion: in A. Kohli and P. Singh (eds) Routledge Handbook of Indian Politics. In Routledge Handbook of Indian Politics. Routledge. 2012. p. 119
Gorringe H, Rosie M, Waddington D, Kominou M. Facilitating Ineffective Protest? The Policing of the 2009 Edinburgh NATO Protests. Policing and Society. 2012;22(2):115-132. doi: 10.1080/10439463.2011.605260
Rosie M, Gorringe H. It’s Grim Down South: A Scottish take on the ‘English Riots’. Scottish Affairs. 2011 Sept 1;77.
Gorringe H. Party Political Panthers: Hegemonic Tamil Politics and the Dalit Challenge. South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal (SAMAJ). 2011;n/a:1-19. Epub 2011 Dec 30.
Gorringe H, Rosie M. King Mob: Perceptions, Prescriptions and Presumptions About the Policing of England's Riots. Sociological Research Online. 2011;16(4). doi: 10.5153/sro.2521
Rafanell I, Gorringe H. ‘Consenting to Domination? Theorising Power, Agency and Embodiment with reference to Caste’. Sociological Review. 2010 Nov;58(4):604-622. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-954X.2010.01942.x
Gorringe H, Rosie M. The 'Scottish' Approach? The Discursive Construction of a National Police Force. The Sociological Review. 2010 Feb;58(1):65-83. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-954X.2009.01875.x
Gorringe H. ‘Beyond “Dull and Sterile Routines”? Dalits Organizing for Social Change in Tamil Nadu’. Cultural Dynamics. 2010;22(2):105-119. doi: 10.1177/0921374010380889
Gorringe H. The new Caste Headmen? Dalit Movement Leadership in Tamil Nadu. In Price P, Ruud AE, editors, Power and Influence in India: Bosses, Lords and Captains. London: Routledge. 2010. p. 119-143
Gorringe H. Resounding Rhetoric, Retreating Rebels: The Use and Impact of Militant Speeches in Tamil Dalit Movements. Contemporary South Asia. 2010;18(3):281-292. Epub 2010 Aug 31. doi: 10.1080/09584935.2010.501097
Gorringe H, Jeffery R, Sariola S. Ethnographic Insights into Enduring Inequalities. Journal of south asian development. 2009 Apr;4(1):16. doi: 10.1177/097317410900400101
Rosie M, Gorringe H. What a Difference a Death Makes: Protest, Policing and the Press at the G20. Sociological Research Online. 2009;14(5). doi: 10.5153/sro.2047
Gorringe H. Becoming a Panther: Caste-Based Activism in South India. In Gellner DN, editor, Ethnic Activism and Civil Society in South Asia. New Delhi: SAGE Publications. 2009. p. 145-174
Rosie M, Gorringe H. ‘The Anarchists' World Cup’: Respectable Protest and Media Panics. Social Movement Studies. 2009;8(1):35-53. doi: 10.1080/14742830802591135
Gorringe H. Shifting the “Grindstone of Caste”? Decreasing Dependency among Dalit Labourers in Tamil Nadu. In Harriss-White B, Heyer J, editors, The Comparative Political Economy of Development: Africa and South Asia. London: Routledge. 2009. p. 248-266. (Routledge Studies in Development Economics).
Gorringe H, Rosie M. The Polis of ‘Global’ Protest: Policing Protest at the G8 in Scotland. Current Sociology . 2008 Sept;56(5):691-710. doi: 10.1177/0011392108093831
Gorringe H, Rosie M. It's a Long Way to Auchterarder! ‘Negotiated Management’ and Mismanagement in the Policing of G8 Protests. British Journal of Sociology. 2008 Jun;59(2):187-205. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-4446.2008.00189.x
Gorringe H. The Caste of the Nation: Untouchability and Citizenship in South India. Contributions to Indian Sociology . 2008 Apr;42(1):123-149. doi: 10.1177/006996670704200106
Gorringe H, Rosie M. 'Pants to poverty'? Making poverty history, Edinburgh 2005. Sociological Research Online. 2006 Mar 31;11(1).
Hugo Gorringe's Research Explorer profile