School of Social and Political Science

Dr James Kennedy

Job Title

Director, Centre of Canadian Studies; Senior Lecturer in Sociology

James Kennedy's photo

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Building (Address)

Chrystal Macmillan Building

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15a George Square

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Research interests

Research interests

  • comparative/historical sociology
  • political sociology, including civil society and social movements
  • nationalism and national identity
  • comparative politics
  • politics and society in Scotland and Québec

My research interests lie broadly in comparative/historical sociology and political sociology. I am keen to explore research questions from a comparative and an historical perspective. In addition, I place a particular emphasis on identifying the key role that the modern state has played and continues to play in shaping societal relations. The themes of classical sociological theory influence this broad, macro-orientated approach.

My more particular interests lie in the sociology of nationalism. Here, I have been concerned with identifying the sociological underpinnings affecting the character of nationalism. Scotland and Québec have been the focus of this and on ongoing research. A second project, funded by the Leverhulme Trust, with Liliana Riga explores the influence of American understandings of race and ethnicity on postwar settlements in East Central Europe through the 20th century.

I am Director of the Centre of Canadian Studies, Past President of the British Association for Canadian Studies (BACS) and a member of the Scientific Council of National Movements and Intermediate Structures in Europe (NISE). I serve on the editorial boards of the British Journal of Canadian Studies (BJCS) and Studies on National Movements (SNM).

I currently supervise Ph.D.s on:

  • Consociationalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Music and activism in India
  • Devolution debates in the UK and France

I supervised completed Ph.D.s on:

  • Lide Shuren: National Literacies and Social Status in a Rural and an Urban High School in China
  • The Role of Social Movements and Activist Networks in the Development of Romanian Civil Society 
  • That's How We Sound! Re-articulating nation through music performance in La Escena Independiente in Lima, Peru
  • Changing Stinking Thinking: A Comparative Case Study of the Enactment, Embodiment, and
    Emplacement of Social Citizenship in the Pacific Northwest
  • The Changing Party System in Mexico (1970-1988)
  • Religious Practice, Religious Change: Evangelicals and Catholics in Santiago de Chile's Civil Society
  • Vetera Novis Augere: Nationalism, Neo-Thomism and Historiography in Québec and Flanders 1900-1945
  • The Paradoxes of Social Capital: Mobility and Access in an Appalachian Community
  • State Rhetoric, Language and Regional Comparison in Turkey
  • Propertied communities: the agrarian emergence and industrial transformation of nationalism in the US and Norway - a propertied rights perspective
  • Mediated Voices: Nation/State-Building, NGOs and Survivors of Sexual Violence in Postconflict Rwanda and Bosnia-Herzegovina
  • Extending Radical Space: A Comparative Historical Analysis of Sub-state Violent Contention in Quebec and Corsica
  • An American Atra? Boundaries of Diasporic Nation-Building amongst Assyrians and Chaldeans in the United States
  • Everyday Encounters and Narratives of Nationalism in Turkey
  • Multiculturalism Revisited in the Netherlands: towards a shared national membership in a multicultural, democratic nation-state
  • Halal Scots: Muslims' Social Identity Negotiation and Integration in Scotland
  • The Creation and the Recreation of the Imagined Community of Taiwan: the Critical Analysis of High School History Textbooks (1949 to 2011)
  • Legal Histories and Modern Identities: the emergence of nationalism in the historical territories of the Kingdom of Navarre, the Basque Provinces and the state of Spain
  • A Study of the Debate on Scottish Home Rule, 1886 to 1914
  • Exhibiting Turkishness at a time of flux in Turkey: An Ethnography of the State
  • Population Policy, Nationalism and Nation-Building in Québec: Observation and Analyses of the Québec Parental Insurance Plan
  • The Return of the State to Development: the State, Donors, and NGOs in post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan
  • Pathways to Genocide: the Process of Ideological Radicalisation
  • Situating Strangers: Understanding Hindu Community Life in Lusaka, Zambia
  • Regional and National Identity Mobilization in Canada and Britain: Nova Scotia and North East England Compared
  • Imperial Nationalism: Nationalism and the Empire in late 19th century Scotland and Canada
  • The Development of a Discourse Community: the Scottish Constitutional Debate, 1967-1979

Topics interested in supervising

I am keen to supervise research from either a comparative/historical or political sociological perspective. I particularly welcome research proposals on questions of nationalism, civil society or democratization. To date, my supervision has focused around examinations of civil society and nationalism in a range of contexts.

If you are interested in being supervised by James Kennedy, please see the links below (opening in new windows) for more information:



  • PhD (McGill University)
  • MA (University of Glasgow)


  • Invitation to Sociology (Unit on Globalizations) (UG First Year)
  • Nations and Nationalism (UG Honours/PG course)
  • Theorising Nationalism (PG course)
  • Key Concepts in Global Social Change (PG course)
  • Diversities: Canada and Beyond (UG Honours course)


Books/Special Issues

(2022) 'Special Issue: Binaries of Nationalism' (with M. van Ginderachter), National Identities 24(5): 453-557 (articles by Kennedy and van Ginderachter, Blackburn, Cârstocea, Bugge, Pogonyi, and Duyster Borreda)

*(2013) Liberal Nationalisms: Empire, State, and Civil Society in Scotland and Quebec, Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press; Paperback Edition, 2015

*2014 Canadian Sociological Association's John Porter Book Award


(2023) 'Tom Nairn and the Twilight of Ukania' Studies on National Movements 11(1)

(2022) 'The Use of Binaries in Nationalism Studies' (with M. van Ginderachter) in J. Kennedy and M. van Ginderachter 'Special Issue: Binaries of Nationalism' National Identities 24(5)

(2020) 'Diverse Democracies and the Practices of Federalism' in A.-G. Gagnon and A. Tremblay (eds.) Federalism and National Diversity in the 21st Century, London: Palgrave Macmillan

(2019) 'The Emergence of Conjoined Nationalism and Regionalism in the British Isles' in X.-M. Núñez Seixas and H.J. Storm (eds.) Regionalism and Modern Europe: Identity Construction and Movements from 1890 to the Present Day, London: Bloomsbury

(2016) 'Liberal Nationalisms Revisited', Canadian Review of Sociology 53(1)

(2013) 'To Build a Notion: US State Department Expertise and Postwar Settlements in 20th century East Central Europe' (with L. Riga), Sociological Research Online 18(2)

(2013) 'A Liberal Route from Homogeneity? US Policymakers and the Liberalization of Ethnic Nationalists in Bosnia's Dayton Accords' (with L. Riga), Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 19(2)

(2012) ''Putting Cruelty First': War Crimes as Human Rights in US Policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina' (with L. Riga), Sociology 46(5)

(2011) 'Tolerant Majorities, Loyal Minorities and 'Ethnic Reversals': Constructing Minority Rights at Versailles 1919' (with L. Riga) in T. Harrison and S. Drakulic (eds.) Against Orthodoxy: Studies in Nationalism, Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press

(2009) 'Tolerant Majorities, Loyal Minorities and 'Ethnic Reversals': Constructing Minority Rights at Versailles 1919' (with L. Riga), Nations and Nationalism 15(3)

(2008) '1867 and all that: Federalism and Union in Britain and Canada', Journal of Irish and Scottish Studies 1(2)

(2008) 'Quebec' in G.H. Herb and D. Kaplan (eds) Nations and Nationalism: A Global Historical Overview, Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO

(2008) 'Mediating Which Nation? Citizenship and National Identities in the British Press' (with M. Rosie, P. Petersoo, J. MacInnes and S. Condor) in K. Wahl-Jurgensen (ed) Mediated Citizenship, London: Routledge

(2007) 'The International Relations of the Transition: Ernest Gellner's Social Philosophy and Political Sociology' (with R. Dannreuther), International Political Sociology 1(4)

(2007) 'Historical Sociology in Sociology: British Decline and US Hegemony with Lessons for International Relations' (with R. Dannreuther), International Politics 44(4)

(2007) 'Contrasting Liberal Nationalists: the Young Scots Society and the Ligue nationaliste canadienne', Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 13(1)

(2007) 'Where is the British national press?' (with J. MacInnes, M. Rosie, P. Petersoo and S. Condor), British Journal of Sociology 58(2)

(2006) 'Mitteleuropa as Middle America? The Inquiry and the Mapping of East Central Europe in 1919' (with L. Riga), Ab Imperio 2006(4)

(2006) 'Responding to Empire: Liberal Nationalism and Imperial Decline in Scotland and Quebec', Journal of Historical Sociology 19(3)

(2006) 'Mediating Which Nation? Citizenship and National Identities in the British Press' (with M. Rosie, P. Petersoo, J. MacInnes and S. Condor), Social Semiotics 16(2)

(2004) 'A Switzerland of the North? The Nationalistes and a Bi-national Canada', Nations and Nationalism 10(4)

(2004) 'Nation speaking unto nation? Newspapers and national identity in the devolved UK' (with M. Rosie, J. MacInnes, P. Petersoo and S. Condor), Sociological Review 52(4)

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Publications by user content

Publication Research Explorer link
Kennedy J, van Ginderachter M. The use of binaries in nationalism studies. National Identities. 2021 Nov 26. Epub 2021 Nov 26. doi: 10.1080/14608944.2021.2006168
Kennedy J. Diverse democracies and the practice of federalism. In Gagnon AG, Tremblay A, editors, Federalism and National Diversity in the 21st Century. 1 ed. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 2020. p. 19-39. (Federalism and Internal Conflicts). Epub 2020 Mar 22. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-38419-7_2
Kennedy J. The emergence of conjoined nationalisms and regionalisms in the British Isles. In Núñez Seixas XM, Storm E, editors, Regionalism and Modern Europe: Identity Construction and Movements from 1890 to the Present Day. Bloomsbury . 2018. p. 323-342 doi: 10.5040/
Kennedy J. John Porter Lecture: Liberal Nationalisms revisited. Canadian Review of Sociology. 2016 Feb 18;53(1):7-25. doi: 10.1111/cars.12090
Kennedy J. Liberal Nationalisms: Empire, State and Civil Society in Scotland and Quebec. McGill-Queens, 2013. 336 p.
Riga L, Kennedy J. To Build a Notion: US State Department Nation Building Expertise and Postwar Settlements in 20th Century East Central Europe. Sociological Research Online. 2013;18(2):21. Epub 2013 May 31. doi: 10.5153/sro.3097
Kennedy J, Riga L. A Liberal Route from Homogeneity? US Policymakers and the Liberalization of Ethnic Nationalists in Bosnia's Dayton Accords. Nationalism and Ethnic Politics. 2013;19(2):163-186. doi: 10.1080/13537113.2013.788910
Riga L, Kennedy J. ‘Putting Cruelty First’: Interpreting War Crimes as Human Rights Atrocities in US Policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sociology. 2012 Oct;46(5):861-875. doi: 10.1177/0038038512451529
Riga L, Kennedy J. Tolerant Majorities, Loyal Minorities and ‘Ethnic Reversals’: Constructing Minority Rights at Versailles 1919. Nations and Nationalism. 2009 Jul;15(3):461-482. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8129.2009.00382.x
Kennedy J. ‘1867 and All That’: ‘Federalism’ and Union in Britain and Canada. Journal of Irish and Scottish Studies. 2008 Mar;1(2):293-308.
Kennedy J. Québec. In Herb GH, Kaplan DH, editors, Nations and Nationalism: A Global Historical Overview. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO. 2008
Rosie M, Condor S, Petersoo P, MacInnes J, Kennedy J. ‘Mediating Which Nation(s)?: Citizenship and National Identities In The ‘British Press’’. In Wahl-Jorgensen K, editor, Mediated Citizenship. Routledge. 2008. p. 123-40
MacInnes J, Rosie M, Petersoo P, Condor S, Kennedy J. Where is the British national press? British Journal of Sociology. 2007 Jul 4;58(2):185-206. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-4446.2007.00147.x
Rosie MJ, MacInnes J, Petersoo P, Condor S, Kennedy J. Nation speaking unto nation? Newspapers and national identity in the devolved UK. The Sociological Review. 2004 Nov 22;52(4):437-458. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-954X.2004.00490.x
James Kennedy's Research Explorer profile