School of Social and Political Science

Dr James Stewart

Job Title


James Stewart's photo

Room number

1st floor

Building (Address)

Old Surgeons' Hall

Street (Address)

High School Yards

City (Address)


Country (Address)


Post code (Address)


Research interests

Research interests

Within the College research themes James has interests in

  • "Data & Digital"
  • City, specifically Edinburgh - data, governance, urbanism
  • Work & Economy

and experience in 

  • Energy & Sustainability
  • Health & Well-being
  • Identities & Inequalities
  • Governance & Democracy

Technology and society, Media and society, Political Economy of Market Microstructure, Policy issues related to the governance of science, technology, innovation, Work & Labour, Social media and internet technologies, Space, place and the city, Social network analysis, Open Content Licensing, Computer models and simulations for policy, Social Shaping of Internet and Society, Digital Work, digital culture, digital research, Digital games and social inclusion, Innovation in elderly care, EU Policy, crowdsourcing, ICTs and development, telecoms policy and innovation, Innovation, Open Data, Domestic Technology, the family, Mobile communications, Social Inclusion, ICTs in Social and Employment Policy, Digital Divide, participatory design, digital evidence

Current  and Recent Projects

Practices and Ethics of Paid targeted public sector advertising through the Surveillance Infrastructure (with Ben Collier) -

Responsible innovation in Generative AI (with Lilian Edwards)


Edinburgh Living Lab (with Ewan Klein, Cat Magill, Morgan Currie, Steve Earl, Sally Kerr)

Ethics and Governance in the Internet of Things at Edinburgh University (With Charles Raab and Andres Dominguez)

Understanding precarious work in the 'gig economy' through analysis of online bulletin boards (with Robin WIlliams, Rob Proctor (Warwick) and Wifak Gueddana (Kings))

Mobility Data Platform for Research and Innovation in the Edinburgh Region (with Winston Kwon and many others)

Some Completed Projects

Other Research Activities

Working Papers

ISSTI WP1: Girls and Boys Stay in to Play [download]

PhD Topics

I am interested in supervising postgraduate students in STS or especially in interdisciplinary co-supervision with other Schools. Development, Innovation and Adotion in AI,  use and regulation of Information and Communication technologies and telecommunications infrastructures, Smart Cities and Living Labs Data and Future Mobility, Role of Generative Ideas in innovaiton Innovation and Governance IoT and ‘AI’, including Ethics,  Changing Evidence Practices in the Data Society (policy, business, health and care, etc) Design and practice in Privacy and Data Protection, Ethnography of Algorithms and AI, Everyday practice of Cybersecurity, Development of Digital tools for qualitative research of Online Community, E-inclusion and the Digital Divide Social policy ICT in Social care, Digital Serious Games, The Future of Work in the Data Society, ICTs and Development Internet and political participation Digital Markets, Crowdsourcing Crowdfunding Neuro-control and feedback Digital infrastructures

Find out more about the programmes that I am involved with:

Current PhD Students

  • Ari Stillman, Sociology,  The Antiwork movement on Reddit, co-supervised with Tod Van Gunten and Chris Barrie (Sociology)
  • Cao Yiping, Business Studies, Dataveillance and Contextual Privacy: Taking Social Credit System as a Case Study , co supervised with Xiaobei Shen
  • Alhareth Rayyan , The Palestine Telephone system, co-supervised with Ben Collier

Completed PhD Students


Robbie Scarff, STIS and Law  : Towards an ethical toolkit for the design and regulation of emotional artificial intelligence: Exploring expert and public opinion on emotional AI using design fictions (co-supervised with Lachlan Urquhart

Some recent MSc by Research students

  • Alayna Kennedy, Moving Ethics Beyond Frameworks: A Qualitative Analysis of AI Ethics Operationalization Within Industry (placement Data and Society)
  • Xu Zhengyan, Governance of Self-driving Cars Integrating into Real-world Transportation Systems in China: Flattening Vertical Differences and Respecting Horizontal Differences
  • Courtney Kidd, Science and Technology Studies: Games for Empathy/ Emotional AI in Game industry
  • Carina Assuncao, Science and Technology Studies: E-Sports and gender
  • Yamini Krishnamoorthy, Science and Technology Studies: Data Science Skills and Training

Interntal PhD examiner in STIS and Informatics, University of Edinburgh

External Examiner in NTNU and University of Manchester


James Stewart is a senior lecturer at the University of Edinburgh in the Science Technology and Innovation Studies and the Institute for Science, Technology and Innovation. He works in the field of technology studies, concentrating on the development, governance, appropriation, consumption and use of new ICTs and the co-evolution of large scale systems of technology and culture.

His research interests are focused on the appropriation and innovation done in technology, policy and practice as new technologies, in particular ICTs, are shaped to support the activities and relationships of particular domains of everyday life, industry or government. He has a particular interest in how "data" becomes evidence, and in the economy and sociology of data in the City. He was a founder of the Edinburgh Living Lab.

His earlier work covers  Internet of Things governance and ethics, standardisation as a factor in innovation, interdisciplinary research, social network systems, the merging of virtual and physical space; China and EU innovation policy, future mobile and wireless systems, gender and technology . Other work includes cybercafes, digital inclusion, digital cities, developing Internet business, public space and ICTs,and managing innovative multimedia projects.

Since 1995 he has been responsible for teaching topics related to data, the internet, information technology and society at post graduate and undergraduate levels, and supervises PhD students  from around the world working on these topics.

He has a BEng in Electronics, and MSc and PhD in Science and Technology Studies. His doctoral research was on social processes involved in how we engage, adopt (or not) and cope with new media and ICTs in our everyday lives at home and work. James is a commentator on the convergence of media, and on the future shape and use pervasive media. He has recently returned from 3 years as a Scientific Officer at the Institute for Prospective Technology Studies at the European Commission, in the Action on ICTs for Social Inclusion, with responsibility for the work on Employment, and contributing to work on social innovation and impact assessment of local ICT-enabled services. At the IPTS he led work on impact, development and implementation of ICTs for home carers, of digital games for social inclusion, and on online work exchanges (the gig economy).


Google Citation Index 



Undergraduate Teaching

Internet and Society 

A long term honours undergraduate course, providing a basis in understanding of the social, economic, and innovation dimensions the internet in contemporary society. Mostly for CHSS students, with some Engineering students. First Semester

Data Design and the City (STIS08006)

An relatively new course, using an experiential learning approach for 1st and 2nd year students from any discipline. Students work in mixed-discipline groups to measure and design potential interventions on 'wicked' problems introduced by partner organisations in the Edinburgh Living Lab, from both outside and inside the University. The aim is to help develop and demonstrate students broader skills, and development cross-disciplinary collaboration experience.  Second Semester with Morgan Currie.

Postgraduate Teaching

Courses for on-campus students from any discipline
Internet, Society and Economy

  CURRENTLY NOT CONVENING A version of the pervious course, covering more material. Second Semester, with Morgan Currie and Vassilis Galanos

Controversies in the Data Society (PGSP11467)

A public seminar series presenting the research of University academics, which can be taken as a level 11 course by masters and doctoral candidates.Second Semester.  Public website

Online courses on the Data Technology and Innovation Programme
Engaging with Digital Research (PGSP11401)

A 10 credit online course This provides a route for those engaged in social and population based research to engage with new emerging models of professional practice in developing and deploying digital research methods and results.

The Use and Evolution of Digital Data Analysis and Collection Tools (PGSP11388)

This addresses the opportunities and challenges of a range of traditional and emerging digital research approaches and techniques focusing on the relevance of their applications from a user perspective.

Fusion course at EFI on Low carbon Mobility in the city in a post-COVID world


Other Teaching Activities

In the past I have have taught courses for design and enginneering for 'Marketing Technical Products' and 'Product Development'.

I contribute teaching to various courses on Development, Design, Urban culture and others.


Horgan S, Collier B, Stewart J, Thomas D R,  Flynn G, Wilson L (in preparation) Influence policing: Strategic communications, digital nudges, and ‘policing the polycrisis’ in preventative UK law enforcement, British Journal of Criminology 

Collier, B, Stewart J, Wilson L, Horgan S,  Thomas D R, (in review) Influence government and platform power: exploring targeted advertising infrastructures as a technology of government, First Monday

Sun H and Stewart J(in review) Asset Economy in the Music Streaming Business

Well L, Currie M and Stewart J (2023) Surveillance, Discretion and Governance in Automated Welfare: the Case of the German ALLEGRO System. Science & Technology Studies 36(1). 1: 42–58. DOI: 10.23987/sts.100490.

Collier B, Flynn G, Stewart J, Thomas D. Influence government: Exploring practices, ethics, and power in the use of targeted advertising by the UK state. Big Data and Society. 2022 Feb 24;9(1).
Soares L, Speed C, Stewart J, Alexander D. A ‘seamless’ experience of data sharing through a ‘seamful’ engagement. In 14th International Conference of the European Academy of Design, Safe Harbors for Design Research. Lancaster: Blucher. 2021. (Blucher Design Proceedings; 5).
Collier B, Flynn G, Stewart J, Thomas DR.  (2021) SCCJR briefing paper: Influence government: Exploring practices, ethics, and power in the use of targeted advertising by the UK state. The Scottish Centre for Crime & Justice Research, 2021. 22 p.
Collier B, Stewart J. Privacy worlds: Exploring values and design in the development of the Tor anonymity network. Science, Technology, and Human Values. 2021 Aug 27.

Domi­nguez, A. et al. (2020) ‘Ethical and Responsible IoT: The Edinburgh Initiative’, European Journal of Law and Technology, 11(2). 1-37 Available at: 

Campagnolo, G., Giannatou, E., Franklin, M., Stewart, J. & Williams, R. 14 May 2018  Revolution remixed? The emergence of Open Content Film-making as a viable component within the mainstream film industry,  Information, Communication and Society. p. 1-19

Williams, R., Campagnolo, G., Stewart, J., Giannatou, E. & Franklin, M. 25 Apr 2018  Revolution postponed? Tracing the development and limitations of open content filmmaking,  Information, Communication and Society. p. 1 -21

Shen, X., Graham I., Stewart, J., Williams R. (2013) Standards Development as Hybridization, IJITSR 11(2) Edinburgh Research Explorer

Stewart, J. R Proctor, M Poschen, R Williams (2013) The role of academic publishers in shaping the development of Web 2.0 services for scholarly communication. New Media and Society. vol. 15 no. 3 pp 413-432. link</li>

Faulkner W., Stewart J. (2012) Reaching for the digitally excluded in S¿rensen, Faulkner, Rommes (2012). Technologies Of Inclusion. Tapir Academic Press (N).

Stewart, James K., Shen, Xiaobai , Wang, Chengwei and Graham, Ian, (2012) From 3G to 4G : Standards and the Development of Mobile Broadband in China . Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 23:7, 773-788 link

Stewart J, Mark Wright, Penny Travlou, Henrik Ekeus, Richard Coyne (2011) The Memory Space and the Conference - exploring future uses of Web2.0 and Mobile Internet though Design Interventions, in Pierson Et al (eds) New Media technologies and User Empowerment. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. link

Stewart, James K. and Claeys, Laurence (2011) Problems and Opportunities of Interdisciplinary Work Involving Users in Speculative Research for Innovation of Novel ICT Applications . Chapter 6 in J. Pierson, E. Mante-Meijer, and E. Loos (ed) New Media Technologies and User Empowerment, 101Ð122. Peter Lang. link

Shen, X. I. Graham, J.Stewart, R.Williams (2011), Developing an IT standard in China-What lessons can we learn from this? Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology, SIIT 2011, Berlin, Germany, September 28-30, 2011, IEEE.

Rob Procter, Robin Williams, James Stewart, Meik Poschen, Helene Snee, Alex Voss, Marzieh Asgari-Targhi (2010), Adoption and Use of Web 2.0 in Scholarly Communications AHM 2009 Phil Trans A special issue link

Stewart J and Hyysalo, S (2008) Intermediaries, Users and Social Learning in Technological Innovation, Interntional Journal of Innovation Management, Vol 12, No 3. (Sept 2008) pp295-325 Link to World Scientific

Wright, M., Henrik Ekeus, Richard Coyne, James Stewart, Penny Travlou, Robin Williams (2008) Augmented duality: overlapping a metaverse with the real world, Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology. 263-266 link

Richard Coyne, Mark Wright, James Stewart and Henrik Ekeus (2008) "Virtual Flagships and Sociable Media" in A Kent (Ed) Flagships: Concepts and Places", London: Routledge.

Coyne R and Stewart J (2007) "Orientating the Future: Design Strategies for Non-Place"in Tom Inns (ed) Designing for the 21st Century Interdisciplinary Questions and Insights, Gower Ashgate publishers website"

Stewart, J (2007) Local Experts in the Domestication of Information and communication Technologies, Information, Communication and Society, 10, 4 August 2007 publisher site

Stewart J and Kathy Buckner (2006) "Television, Video and Computers at Home: A review of Qualitative research in Scotland" in Scotland's Domestic Life,Compendium of Scottish Ethnology vol 6, 2006

Sasse A, Affleck A, Stewart J, Ahn J-Y, Nelissen H (2006) "The role of scenarios in the development of future wireless technologies" in WWRF Working Group 1, White Paper 2, in Rahim Tafazolli (Editor) Technologies for the Wireless Future: Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF), Volume 2. , London, Wiley. Publishers Link

Stewart J(2005) "Context Perspectives for scenarios and research development in mobile systems" in Wireless World: Mobiles - Past, Present and Future, edited by Lasen A, and Hamill L , Springer-Verlag, 2005

Stewart and Williams (2005), The wrong trousers? Beyond the design fallacy: social learning and the user, reprinted in Howcroft et al (eds)Critical IT Handbook, Edward Elgar, 2005 pp 195-221.

Stewart J and Robin Williams (2005) "The Wrong Trousers? Beyond the Design Fallacy: Social Learning and the User " , in User involvement in innovation processes. Strategies and limitations from a socio-technical perspective, Edited by Harald Rohracher, Profil-Verlag, Munich, 2005.

Williams, R., Stewart, J, Slack, R.,(2004) Social Learning in Technological Innovation, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar

Stewart J(2004) Boys and girls stay in to play: creating computer entertainment for children, in Carol MacKeogh, Paschal Preson (eds) Private Sector Efforts to Include Women in ICTs, NTNU Working Paper Series, Trondheim. Download

(2003) The social consumption of information and communication technologies (ICTs): insights from research on the appropriation and consumption of new ICTs in the domestic environment" , in Cognition Technology and Work, Vol 5 4-14 DOI: 10.1007/s10111-002-0111-x, based on paper given at conference OIKOS, Arhus 2001 (draft online)

Anne-Sofie Lagran and James Stewart(2003) , Nerdy, trendy or healthy? Configuring the internet cafŽ, New Media & Society Vol 5 (3) 357-377 link

Stewart J (2003) Information Society, the Internet and Gender. A Summary of Pan-European Statistical Data, in Sørensen and Stewart, (2003), Social Inclusion: Gender and the Information Society: European perspectives, NTNU, Trondheim link

(2003) Sørensen K and Stewart J, 2003, Social Inclusion: Gender and the Information Society: European perspectives, NTNU, Trondheim link

Stewart J(2001) Encounters with the Information Society PhD 2002 Abstract and download

Stewart J(2000) The Digital Divide in the UK: a review of quantitative indicators and Public Policies, Paper commissioned for the conference: the Digital Divide, Bremen, Germany

Stewart J(2000). Cafematics: the Cybercafe and the Community, inCommunity Informatics: Enabling Communities with Information and Communications Technologies. ed M. Gurstein.Idea Group, Toronto. pdf Summary

Stewart J and Robin Williams (2000) The Co-Evolution of Society and Multimedia Technology: Issues in Predicting the Future Innovation and Use of a Ubiquitous Technology, in "Social Dimensions of Information Technology," ed. G D Garson, IGP Press, Hershey.

Stewart J(1999), 'Television Meets the Web, An Overview', in Proceedings of Conference 'Television Meets the Web', May 1999, Amsterdam, Van Dusseldorp, Amsterdam.

Stewart J(1999), ACCOMPLISHING SOCIAL CHANGE: BUSINESS AND CONSUMERS, in Proceedings of the European Internet Summer School, July 1999, Amsterdam, Van Dusseldorp, Amsterdam.

Roger Slack, James Stewart, Robin Williams, (1999), The Social Shaping of Multimedia, in Slack, Stewart and Wiilliams 1999, 'The Social Shaping of Multimedia, Proceedings from COST A4 workshop 1997, Directorate General 12, European Commission, Luxembourg

James Stewart ( 1999) Interactive Television at Home: Television Meets the Internet, in Interactive Television. TV of the Future or the Future of TV? Aalborg University Press. in a series called Media and Cultural Studies. pdf

James Stewart and Robin Williams (1998) The Co-Evolution of Society and Multimedia Technology: Issues in Predicting the Future Innovation and Use of a Ubiquitous Technology, in Social Science Computer Review Vol. 16, No. 3 Fall, 1998, Special Issue: ISTAS '97: Computers and Society at a Time of Sweeping Change - pdf

Edited Books

Miorandi D, Maltese V, Rovatsos M, Nijholt, A, Stewart, J (eds) (2014) Social Collective Intelligence. Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-08681-1.

Recent Presentations, Conference papers and Posters

2023 Negotiating anonymity in a augmented reality university campus – apathy and IoT, The Fifth Interdisciplinary Summerschool on Privacy (ISP 2023)

Invited talk at CREATE  centre  on Generative AI, University of Glasgow, March 2023

Introduction to Generative AI 2022, Digital Age Evidence and the Living Lab, Dec, University of Edinburgh

Understanding AI Keynote Invited talk to ETUI European Trade Union training school on AI in the Workplace, Brussels, Jan 2023

Understanding AI in the Work Place, Invited keynote talk to the Academic Legal Advistory Panel of the European Trade Union Institute, Brussels, Feb 2023

Stewart, J  2023 Commercial Data Appropriation Infrastructures for Public Policy and Influence government, talk at Universidade Católica Portuguesa, April 2023

Presentation on a Panel at Alan Turing Inititue (ATI), on Governing AI, London 2022

Stewart J, (2018) From Crowd to Cloud Appropriating ‘crowdwork’ – the invention of online work exchanges, Alan Turing INsitute Workshop on Digital Labour and the Data Poor

Stewart and Verhoeven, 2018 ‘The Messiness of Preparing Students for a Messy World’ Poster was presented to the 2017 Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching Conference (UK) Milton Keynes

Presentation to Conference 'Data in the City' on the Edinbugh Living Lab, Ediburgh, June 8 2018

Stewart, J. Sep 2016, The Biographies of Wandering Engineers EASST Conference 2016, Barcelona

Stewart, J., Klein, E. & Mcgill, C. 2016 Living Lab Research as Intermediation, Conference Paper, Data for Policy, Cambridge, UK

Stewart, J 2015 Keynote presentation, Digital Age Evidence and the Living Lab, SISCA Workshop, Glasgow

Stewart, J (2013) Online work exchanges and the 'crowdsourcing' labour, Presentation to Workshop on the Future of Work at DG EMPL, Brussels, June 2013 organised by J Stewart, IPTS. link 

Stewart J (2013) New forms of internet mediated Employment. Presentation to the COST Virtual Work Meeting, Darmstadt, Germany

Stewart J, and van Looy, J (2012) Digital Games for Empowerment & Inclusion ,Challenges and Opportunities, DGEI Stakeholder Workshop, DG CNECT, 16-09-12, Brussels.

Stewart J, (2012) Supporting EC policy development for Digital Games for Empowerment & Inclusion (DGEI), Workshop: Exploring online gaming to reengage people in society, Bilbao 12 July 2012

Stewart J, Making Web2.0 for science, Co-production of Web2.0 platforms and knowledge, The Co-Production of Knowledge, York, July 2012

Stewart J (2012) Supporting EC policy development for Digital Games for Empowerment & Inclusion (DGEI), Invited talk at online Education internet group, University of Edinburgh, July 2012

Carretero, S., James Stewart & Clara Centeno, (2012) ICT-enabled services for carers and care: pathways and actors in the development of services for Long Term Care, Edinburgh University, June 2012

Centeno, C., and Stewart J (2012) ICT in support of carers, Presentation to Social Protection Committee, Working Group Age Meeting, DG-EMPL, Brussels 17th Jan 2012

Stewart J, (2011) Searching for evidence: Assessing the impact of initiatives using Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to support family carers of older people. Presentation to Workshop on Social Experimentation and home care 12 Sept 2011, DG EMPL, Brussels.

Stewart J (2011) Searching for evidence: Assessing the impact of initiatives using Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to support family carers of older people. AAL FORUM 26 Sept 2011, Lecce

Stewart J, Centeno C. (2011) Can Information And Communications Technologies (Icts) Support Carers? Facts, Opportunities And Challenges Ahead Eurocarers 2011, 6 May 2011, Dublin

Stewart el al (2010) Adoption and Use of Web 2.0 in Scholarly Communications, Presentation to EASST 2010, Trento, September 2010

Stewart (2010) It's not about the users:  academic publishers as innovation intermediaries in the creation of Web2.0 services for scholarly communication, Invited Speaker, Workshop "Role of users in the intertwined changes of technology and practice", Helsinki, Finland, 19-20 August 2010.

Stewart (2010) Annotation/Marginalia of everyday life, Invited Expert ESF/COST policy workshop on Electronic Textuality, Istanbul, June 15-16, 2010

Stewart J and Graham, I (2009) Presentation of Project Findings to China EU Information Technology Standards Research Partnership Policy Workshop, CEN/CENLEC, Brussels, Feb 2010

Stewart J, Service confusion and user ambivalence: the slow progress of software and services for collaboration, University of Edinburgh IT Futures Conference 2009, Dec 15, 2009

Stewart J Mobile Broadband: from 3G to 4G, Presentation to China EU Information Technology Standards Research Partnership Policy Workshop, Beijing 8th December 2009

Stewart J, Presentation to Networking session "ICT Standardisation - China and the European Research Area Exploring the implications of ICT standard-setting in China - global convergence or standards wars?", ICT 2008 Lyon. Networking Session, 26/11/2008

Stewart, J, Wright M, et al (2009)THE MEMORY SPACE – EXPLORING FUTURE USES OF WEB2.0 AND MOBILE INTERNET THOUGH DESIGN INTERVENTIONS, Conference Paper , COST 298 conference, Copenhagen, May 2009


Wright, M., Henrik Ekeus, Richard Coyne, James Stewart, Penny Travlou (2008) Augmented Duality: Overlapping a Metaverse with the Real World ACM ACE (Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology) Yokohama Japan 3-5 December 2008

(2008)Location, Place, Brands and Tags, Short presentation to Workshop Placema(r)king: Brands v. tags, Informatics Forum, Edinburgh University, Oct 2008

(2008)Intermediaries and Social Learning bridging users and producers, Presentation to EASST 2008, Rotterdam, Sept 2008

(2008)"Branded Meeting Places, Ubiquitous technologies, and the design of places for meaningful human encounter.", Presentation to Mobile City 2008 Conference, Rotterdam, Feb 27, 2008

(2007)A Living Lab for Edinburgh University, Presentation to IT Futures Conference at the University of Edinburgh, December 2007

(2007)Scottish Living Lab Initative, Presentation to working group of the Centre for Creativity and Innovation, December 2007.

(2007)A social scientist among designers and engineers: a dual role, Presentation ESRC Masterclass on INterdisciplinary research, Edinburgh

(2007)C-Generation Densities, Presentation with Richard Coyne at Conference, Densities, Edinburgh June 2007.

(2007)Research by Design, Presentation at Conference - Good Bad and Unexpected, Cost 298, Moscow May 2007.

(2007)Intermediaries in Social Learning, Presentation at Conference - Good Bad and Unexpected, Cost 298, Moscow May 2007.

, Presentation at seminar on Technology Studies and Building, Durham University, Oct 2005.(2005)Local Experts and domestication of technology

(2005)Non-place, Presentation at Digiplay seminar, Sheffield Hallum University, Sept 2005. slides ppt

(2005)Girls and Boys stay in to Play, , Presentation at Women IN Games 2005, Abertay University, August 2005. slides ppt

(2005), Non Place and the design and use of Airports: Stansted Briefing, Talk given to Nonplace cluster workshop, Stansted Airport, April 2005 download Slides

2004 Social and Economic Dimensions of FLOWS’, FLOWS project FInal Workshop, Dec, 2005, Philips Research Labs, Redhill, UKslides ppt

(2004), Domestic technology, invited lecture, Napier University, December 2004

(2004) "Mum, how do I send that by email?" Informal learning in the mass adoption of ICTs, at EASST/4S, Ecole des Mines, Paris, August 2004 [slides] [see also ]

(2004) Social division of ICT work: the role of local experts, at EASST/4S, Ecole des Mines, Paris, August 2004 [slides] [see also]

(2004) Context Perspectives for scenarios and research development in future mobile systems, presentation to Wireless World Research Forum, Oslo, 9 June 2004 [ppd] [see also ]

(2004), Mobile Internet or Rich Voice: The Socio-technical Shaping of Convergence, poster and paper at Wireless World Research Forum, Oslo, 9 June 2004 [paper], ]poster)]

(2004) Selection Environment multi-modal multi-standard devices, Presenation to MX Alliance workshop, Edinburgh, May 2004.

(2003) The Wrong Trousers: Beyond the Design Fallacy: Social Learning and the User Invited lecture, Napier University, May 2004

(2004) Multimedia Bazzar: understanding the future of television and multimedia communications from a user perspective’, Schott Glass Long range planning meeting, April 2004, Hong Kong [slides]

(2004), ‘Interactive Television – a retrospective look at the future”, Keynote talk at conference, Interactive Television Usability, Napier University, Jan 23 2004 [slides]

(2004), Wendy Faulkner, Tine Klief, James Stewart One size does not fit all Presentation to SIGIS workshop at symposium on gender and ICTs, Brussels, Jan 22, 2004

(2003), Domestic technology, invited lecture, Napier University, December 2003 2004

(2003), ‘Mobile Phones: Cigarettes for the 21st Century’, Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, Milan, Nov 2003 [Notes]

and Lisa Pitt, (2003) Using current social science research in the development of future mobile technology: a scenario based method, 4rd Wireless World Conference, University of Surrey July 2003 [download]

2003, Wifi, 3G and the wireless world vision, Talk given at Napier University School of Computing, March 2003. [see FLOWS report D12 below]

and Robin Williams (2003) The Wrong Trousers: Beyond the Design Fallacy: Social Learning and the User EASST Conference, York, September 2002

2002 Information and communication from Coffee Houses to Cybercafes’, Scottish Librarians Conference, Jun 2002, Peebles

Reports for Policy

Collier, B.Stewart, J., Horgan, S., Wilson, L. & Thomas, D. R. (2023) Influence policing: Strategic communications, digital nudges, and behaviour change marketing in Scottish and UK preventative policing, 21 Aug 2023, Scottish Institute for Policing Research. 162 p.

Collier, B.Stewart, J., Horgan, S., Wilson, L. & Thomas, D. R. (2023) Influence policing: Strategic communications, digital nudges, and behaviour change marketing in Scottish and UK preventative policing, 21 Aug 2023, Scottish Institute for Policing Research. 162 p.

Collier B, Flynn G, Stewart J, et al. (2021) SCCJR briefing paper: Influence government: Exploring practices, ethics, and power in the use of targeted advertising by the UK state. The Scottish Centre for Crime & Justice Research. Available at: 

Collier and Stewart, “Targeted advertising, advanced marketing and behaviour change” in Building trust in the digital era: achieving Scotland’s aspirations as an ethical digital nation, Report of the Expert group on Digital Ethics for the Scottish Government, Nov 2022

Ben Collier, James Stewart, Shane Horgan, Lydia Wilson, Daniel R. Thomas (2023) Influence policing: Strategic communications, digital nudges, and behaviour change marketing in Scottish and UK preventative policing, Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR) REPORT, 21 Aug 2023

  • Stewart, J.  2016  Estimation of potential ULEV uptake by black cab owners/drivers in Edinburgh,  Report to the City of Edinburgh Council
  • Stewart, J (Forthcoming) From Crowd to Cloud: Online work exchanges for freelancing and 'crowdsourced' labour , JRC Scientific and Technical Report.Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union
  • Javier Ramos, James Stewart (2013) ICT4EMPL Report on Internet Mediated-Work Exchanges: Crowdfunding and the Role of Managers in Ensuring the Sustainability of Crowdfunding Platforms, IPTS
  • Stewart, James, Lizzy Bleumers, Jan Van Looy, Ilse Mari‘n, Anissa All, Dana Schurmans, Koen Willaert, Frederik De Grove, An Jacobs, Gianluca Misuraca (2013) The Potential of Digital Games for Empowerment and Social Inclusion of Groups at Risk of Social and Economic Exclusion: Evidence and Opportunity for Policy, JRC Scientific and Technical Report.Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union link
  • Stewart J, Misuraca G, (2013) The Industry and Policy Context for Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion: Market Analysis, Future Prospects and Key Challenges in Videogames, Serious Games and Gamification, JRC Scientific and Policy Report. Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union link
  • Carretero, S, Stewart J et al (2012) Can technology Ð based services support long-term care challenges in home care? Analysis of evidence from social innovation good practices across the EU. JRC Scientific and Policy Report JRC 77709, Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union link
  • Procter, R., R Williams, J Stewart (2009) If You Build It, Will They Come? How Researchers Perceive and Use Web 2.0, Research Information Network. link
  • RIN (2010) E-infrastructure - taking forward the strategy. Synthesis of interviews with expert stakeholders. A Research Information Network report. September 2010 link
  • Stewart, J. (2000) The Digital Divide in the UK: a review of quantitative indicators and Public Policies, Report commissioned for the conference: the Digital Divide, Bremen, Germany, 2000.

Reports as Commissioning Editor

  • Jayne Cravens, Editor James Stewart (Forthcoming) Internet-mediated volunteering in the EU: history, prevalence, approaches & relation to employability & social inclusion, JRC Scientific and Policy Report
  • Anne Green, Maria de Hoyos, Sally-Anne Barnes, Beate Baldauf and Heike Behle Editor: James Stewart (2014) Exploratory research on Internet-enabled work exchanges and employability: Analysis and synthesis of qualitative evidence on crowdsourcing for work, funding and volunteers. JRC Scientific and Policy Report. 26423 EN Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union link
  • Boyle, David, Stewart, James (Editor) (2014) ICT4EMPL Report on internet-mediated work exchanges (time banks), European Commission link
  • de Hoyos, Maria., Anne E Green, Sally-Anne Barnes, Heike Behle, Beate Baldauf and David Owen. Editors: Clara Centeno and James Stewart (2013) Literature Review on Employability, Inclusion and ICT, Part 2: ICT and Employability, JRC Technical Report. Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union
  • Green, Anne E. Maria de Hoyos, Sally-Anne Barnes, Heike Behle, Beate Baldauf and David Owen. Editors: Clara Centeno and James Stewart (2013) Literature Review on Employability, Inclusion and ICT, Part 1: , JRC Technical Report.Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union
  • Garrido,M., Araba Sey, Tabitha Hart, And Luis Santana. Stewart, J (Editor) (2012) Exploratory study on explanations and theories of how Telecentres and other community-based eInclusion actors operate and have an impact on digital and social inclusion policy goals. JRC Technical report. Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union
  • Lizzy Bleumers, Anissa All, Ilse Mari‘n, Dana Schurmans, Jan Van Looy, An Jacobs, Koen Willaert, Frederik de Grove. Editor: James Stewart (2012) State of Play of Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion: A Review of the Literature and Empirical Cases. JRC Technical report. EUR 25652. Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union; 2012. JRC77655

Research Reports

  • Rob Procter, Robin Williams, James Stewart, (2010) Use And Relevance Of Web 2.0 Resources For Researchers, Research Innovation Network (RIN)
  • Stewart J, Wang C. (2009) Final report on Standards dynamics in domain of Mobile Telephony: mobile broadband from 3G to 4G, Deliverable 11
  • Knut Blind, Hakon Steen, Ian Graham, James Stewart, (eds) (2008) Review of State of Art - EU and China, Deliverable 3, China EU Information Technology Standards Research Partnership. Oct 2008
  • Stewart, J (ed) et al (2008) Delverable D3.3. Report on initial mapping. A comparison of the standardisation environment for Mobile Communications, Mobile Video Broadcasting, and Audio/Video Codecs in the EU, China, and the US, for EC FP7 project "China EU Information Technology Standards Research Partnership ", 15 Oct 2008.
  • James Stewart et al (2004),Analysis of the Market for Multiple Standard Wireless Communications,FLOWS Project Report D17 UoE/FLOWS/EC IST, Dec 2004,pp84 . [Download pdf]
  • James Stewart et al (2003),Cost and Benefit of Use Scenarios: The selection environment for MIMO-enabled multi-standard wireless devices including cost benefit analysis of various convergence technologies,FLOWS Project Report D12 EC IST . [download main report in pdf] [Download Zipped WORD files]
  • James Stewart et al, 2002, Scenarios and Definition of Services,FLOWS Report D6: EC IST, FLOWS, 2002. [download pdf]
  • 1999, Report for the Minister of Health on interactive Digital TV in the UK, 1999 download
  • (1996) Multimedia and the Retailing Sector, Deliverable 8, IST project FAME 2010+: Forecasting the Future of Multimedia to the Year 2010 and beyond, December 1996 pdf
  • (1996) Entertainment and the Entertainment Industry, Deliverable 6, IST project FAME 2010+: Forecasting the Future of Multimedia to the Year 2010 and beyond, December 1996 pdf

PhD Thesis

Encounters with the Information Society" on the co-shaping or co-evolution of multimedia technolgies and social institutions University of Edinburgh 2002

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Publication Research Explorer link
Horgan S, Collier B, Stewart J, Thomas DR. Influence policing: Domestic digital influence campaigns and algorithmic strategic communications in UK law enforcement and homeland security. The British Journal of Criminology: An International Review of Crime and Society (BJC). 2024 Oct 7;1-24. azae063. Epub 2024 Oct 7. doi: 10.1093/bjc/azae063
Collier B, Stewart J, Horgan S, Thomas DR, Wilson L. Influence government, platform power and the patchwork profile: Exploring the appropriation of targeted advertising infrastructures for government behaviour change campaigns. First Monday. 2024 Feb 11;29(2). doi: 10.5210/fm.v29i2.13579
Collier B, Stewart J, Horgan S, Wilson L, Thomas DR. Influence policing: Strategic communications, digital nudges, and behaviour change marketing in Scottish and UK preventative policing. Scottish Institute for Policing Research, 2023. 162 p.
Well L, Currie ME, Stewart J. Surveillance, discretion and governance in automated welfare: The case of the German ALLEGRO System. Science & Technology Studies. 2023 Feb 15;36(1):42–58. Epub 2022 Jun 2. doi: 10.23987/sts.100490
Collier B, Stewart J. Case study: Targeted advertising, advanced marketing and behaviour change. In Building Trust in the Digital Era: Achieving Scotland’s Aspirations as an Ethical Digital Nation: Digital Ethics Expert Group Report. Scottish Government. 2022. p. 18-22
Collier B, Stewart J. Public awareness of data use and sharing: Case study: Targeted advertising, advanced marketing and behaviour change. In Building Trust in the Digital Era: Achieving Scotland’s Aspirations as an Ethical Digital Nation: Case Study Supplement. Scottish Government. 2022. p. 4-6
Collier B, Flynn G, Stewart J, Thomas D. Influence government: Exploring practices, ethics, and power in the use of targeted advertising by the UK state. Big Data and Society. 2022;9(1). Epub 2022 Feb 24. doi: 10.1177/20539517221078756
Soares L, Speed C, Stewart J, Alexander D. A ‘seamless’ experience of data sharing through a ‘seamful’ engagement. In 14th International Conference of the European Academy of Design, Safe Harbors for Design Research. Lancaster: Blucher. 2021. (Blucher Design Proceedings; 5). doi: 10.5151/ead2021-144
Collier B, Flynn G, Stewart J, Thomas DR. SCCJR briefing paper: Influence government: Exploring practices, ethics, and power in the use of targeted advertising by the UK state. The Scottish Centre for Crime & Justice Research, 2021. 22 p.
Collier B, Stewart J. Privacy worlds: Exploring values and design in the development of the Tor anonymity network. Science, Technology, & Human Values (ST&HV). 2021 Aug 27. Epub 2021 Aug 27. doi: 10.1177/01622439211039019
Domínguez Hernández A, Klein E, Raab C, Stewart J. Ethical and responsible IoT: The Edinburgh initiative. European Journal of Law and Technology. 2020 Nov 29;11(2):1-37.
Campagnolo G, Giannatou E, Franklin M, Stewart J, Williams R. Revolution remixed? The emergence of Open Content Film-making as a viable component within the mainstream film industry. Information, Communication and Society. 2019 Nov 10;22(13):1871-1888. Epub 2018 May 14. doi: 10.1080/1369118X.2018.1465109
Stewart J, Raab C. Ethical and Responsible Internet of Things: The Edinburgh Initiative. 2019. Paper presented at TILTing Perspectives 2019, Tilburg, Netherlands.
Williams R, Campagnolo G, Stewart J, Giannatou E, Franklin M. Revolution postponed? Tracing the development and limitations of open content filmmaking. Information, Communication and Society. 2018 Apr 25;1 -21. doi: 10.1080/1369118X.2018.1464590
Stewart J, Verhoeven A, Klein E. The messiness of preparing students for a messy world. 2017. Poster session presented at Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching Conference, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom.
Stewart J. The Biographies of Wandering Engineers. 2016. Paper presented at 4S/EASST Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Stewart J. Estimation of potential ULEV uptake by black cab owners/drivers in Edinburgh. 2016.
Stewart J, Klein E, Mcgill C. Living Lab Research as Intermediation. 2016. Paper presented at Data for Policy, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Carretero S, Stewart J, Centeno C. Information and communication technologies for informal carers and paid assistants: Benefits from micro-, meso-, and macro-levels. European Journal of Ageing. 2015 Jun;12(2):163-173. Epub 2015 Jan 24. doi: 10.1007/s10433-015-0333-4
Miorandi D, (ed.), Maltese V, (ed.), Rovatsos M, (ed.), Nijholt A, (ed.), Stewart JK, (ed.). Social Collective Intelligence: Combining the Powers of Humans and Machines to Build a Smarter Society. Springer, 2014. 276 p. (Computational Social Sciences). doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-08681-1
Miorandi D, Carreras I, Gregori E, Graham I, Stewart J. Measuring net neutrality in mobile Internet: Towards a crowdsensing-based citizen observatory. In 2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. 2013. p. 199-203. 6649228. (IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, ICC). doi: 10.1109/ICCW.2013.6649228
Stewart J, Bleumers L, Van Looy J. The Potential of Digital Games for Empowerment and Social Inclusion of Groups at Risk of Social and Economic Exclusion: Evidence and Opportunity for Policy. Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC), 2013. (JRC Scientific and Policy Report).
Shen X, Graham I, Williams R, Stewart J. Standards Development as Hybridization. International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research. 2013;11(2):34-45. doi: 10.4018/jitsr.2013070103
Stewart J, Misuraca G. The Industry and Policy Context for Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion: Market Analysis, Future Prospects and Key Challenges in Videogames, Serious Games and Gamification. Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC), 2013. 83 p.
Bleumers L, Van Looy J, Stewart J. Best practices for deploying digital games for personal empowerment and social inclusion. In 7th European Conference on Game Based Learning, Proceedings.. 2013
Stewart J, Procter R, Williams R, Poschen M. The Role of Academic Publishers in Shaping the Development of Web 2.0 Services for Scholarly Communication. New Media and Society. 2013;15(3):413-432. doi: 10.1177/1461444812465141
Carretero S, Stewart J, Barbabella F, Lamura G. Can technology–based services support long-term care challenges in home care? Analysis of evidence from social innovation good practices across the EU CARICT Project Summary Report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2012: Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC), 2012. (Scientific and Policy Reports).
Shen X, Graham I, Stewart J, Williams R. Developing an IT standard in China - What lessons can we learn from this? In 2011 7th International Conference on Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology, SIIT 2011. 2011. 6083618. (2011 7th International Conference on Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology, SIIT 2011). doi: 10.1109/SIIT.2011.6083618
Stewart J, Claeys L. Problems and opportunities of interdisciplinary work involving users in speculative research for innovation of novel ICT applications. In Pierson J, editor, New Media Technologies and User Empowerment. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang Publishing. 2011. (Participation in the Broadband Society).
Stewart J, Coyne R, Travlou P, Wright M, Ekeus H. The “Memory Space” and “The Conference”: Exploring Future Uses of Web2.0 and Mobile Internet through Design Interventions. In Pierson J, Mante-Meijer E, Loos E, editors, New Media Technologies and User Empowerment. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang Publishing. 2011. p. 213-230. (Participation in Broadband Society).
Stewart J, Shen X, Wang C, Graham I. From 3G to 4G: Standards and the Development of Mobile Broadband in China. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. 2011;23(7):773-788. doi: 10.1080/09537325.2011.592284
Procter R, Williams R, Stewart J, Poschen M, Snee H, Voss A et al. Adoption and Use of Web 2.0 in Scholarly Communications. Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 2010 Sept 13;368(1926):4039-4056. doi: 10.1098/rsta.2010.0155
Coyne R, Ekeus H, Wright M, Stewart J, Travlou P, Williams R. Branded meeting places: Ubiquitous technologies and the design of places for meaningful human encounter. In Inns T, editor, Design for the 21st Century: Interdisciplinary Methods and Findings. London: Ashgate Publishing. 2010. p. 146-159
Coyne R, Wright M, Ekeus H, Stewart J, Travlou P. The memory space: Exploring future uses of Web 2.0 and mobile internet through design interventions. In Proc. COST (Collaborations on Science and Technology) 298: Copenhagen: COST conference. 2009
Wright M, Ekeus H, Coyne R, Stewart J, Travlou P, Williams R. Augmented duality: overlapping a metaverse with the real world. In ACE '08 Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology. New York: ACM. 2008. p. 263-266 doi: 10.1145/1501750.1501812
Stewart J, Hyysalo S. Intermediaries, Users and Social Learning in Technological Innovation. International Journal of Innovation Management. 2008 Sept;12(3):295-325. doi: 10.1142/S1363919608002035
Stewart J. Local experts in the domestication of information and communication technologies. Information Communication and Society. 2007 Aug 28;10(4):547-569. Epub 2007 Aug 28. doi: 10.1080/13691180701560093
Williams R, Stewart J, Slack R. Social learning in technological innovation: experimenting with information and communication technologies. Northampton, MA: Elgar, 2005.
Stewart J. Context Perspectives for Scenarios and Research Development in Mobile Systems. In Lasén A, Hamill L, editors, Mobile World: Past, Present and Future. Springer. 2005. (CSCW).
Stewart J, Williams R. The wrong trousers ? beyond the design fallacy : social learning and the user. In User involvement in innovation processes. Munich: Profil. 2005. p. 39-71
Stewart J. The social consumption of information and communication technologies (ICTs): Insights from research on the appropriation and consumption of new ICTs in the domestic environment. Cognition, Technology and Work. 2003 Apr;5:4-14. Epub 2003 Feb 21. doi: 10.1007/s10111-002-0111-x
Laegran AS, Stewart J. Nerdy, trendy or healthy? Configuring the internet café. New Media and Society. 2003;5(3):357-377. doi: 10.1177/14614448030053004
Stewart J. Encounters with the information society: Personal and social issues in the appropriation of new media products in everyday life : adoption, non-adoption, and the role of the informal economy and local experts. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh, 2002.
COST A4 (Project), Slack RS, (ed.), Stewart JK, (ed.), Williams RA, (ed.). The social shaping of multimedia. European Commission, 1999. (Social sciences).
Stewart J, Williams R. The coevolution of society and multimedia technology - Issues in predicting the future innovation and use of a ubiquitous technology. Social science computer review. 1998;16(3):268-282. doi: 10.1177/089443939801600304
James Stewart's Research Explorer profile