School of Social and Political Science

Jan Eichhorn

Job Title

Senior Lecturer in Social Policy

Jan Eichhorn

Room number

1.03 - 22 George Square

City (Address)


Country (Address)


Post code (Address)


Research interests

Research interests

I am a researcher interested in how we can enhance and improve different avenues for political participation and challenge orthodox conceptions of socio-economic analyses. I also teach courses on these matters as well as on (particularly) quantitative research methods. Creating practical applications of my teaching and research work is a major objective for me, which I partially address as Research Director of the think tank d|part.


Topics interested in supervising

I am happy to supervise students interested in research relating to political participation or challenges to economic conceptions in publics or amongst elites. 

If you are interested in being supervised by Jan Eichhorn, please see the links below (opening in new windows) for more information:


Current research projects

Public understandings of the economy and paradigm shifts (PI): Project funded by the European Climate Foundations through a cooperation with the Forum for a New Economy (€ 72,400 FEC for part I + € 51,900 FEC for part 2) and coordinated by d|part to study how publics in Germany make sense of discussions about economic paradigm shifts and related underlying assumptions. Details can be found here

Shared perceptions: Understanding European publics' political concerns and aspirations ahead of the 2024 European Parliament Elections (PI): Project funded by the Open Society Foundations ($ 309,000) and coordinated by d|part to study whether differences in hopes and concerns ahead of the 2024 European Parliament elections vary more between countries or within countries (between different population groups). Details can be found here.

Research projects completed

There is space for everyone: Climate crisis messages across the political spectrum (PI): Project funded by the Open Society European Policy Institute, OSEPI (€ 176,000 FEC) in collaboration with d|part to investigate how publics in several countries make sense of the climate crisis and the economic system and how different political actors can engage different parts of the population on the topic. Details can be found here.

Overcoming elite reluctance to democratic renewal in Germany, UK and France (PI): Project funded by the Open Society Foundations ($ 150,000 FEC) and coordinated by d|part to study what barriers elites (politicians, civil servants and policy professionals) perceive to advancing more innovative methods of public participation in policy making. Details can be found here

Values in Crisis – a Crisis of Values? Moral Values and Social Orientations under the Imprint of the Corona Pandemic (Co-I): Project funded by the Volkswagen Foundation (€ 119,000 FEC) to examine whether and how human values are changing during the pandemic through panel studies in Germany and the UK, together with Jan Delhey (Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg), Franziska Deutsch (Jacobs University Bremen) and further partners. Details can be found here.

Attitudes in the Netherlands towards the EU enlargement policies at the Western Balkan (Co-I): Project funded by the European Fund for the Balkans (€ 80,500 FEC) in collaboration with d|part to assess public attitudes in the Netherlands regarding EU enlargement on the Western Balkans. Details can be found here.

Making Votes-at-16 Work: Mobilising young first-time voters in Wales (Co-I): Project funded by the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust, JRRT (£ 45,400 FEC) to examine the experience of 16-year olds being enfranchised to vote for the first time in Wales, together with Christine Hübner (Nottingham Trent University), Thomas Loughran (University of Liverpool) and Andy Mycock (Huddersfield University).

Who can participate? (Co-I): Project funded by the Open Society Foundations (€ 140,000 FEC) and coordinated by d|part to understand the barriers to political participation of people with different migration biographies in Germany ahead of the 2021 Bundestag elections. Run through d|part, detailed can be found here.

French Attitudes on EU enlargement (PI): Project funded by the Open Society European Policy Institute, OSEPI (€ 80,000 FEC) in collaboration with d|part to assess public attitudes in France regarding EU enlargement on the Western Balkans. Details can be found here.

Voices on Values - How European publics and policy makers value an open society (PI): Project funded by the Open Society European Policy Institute, OSEPI (€ 354,000 FEC) in collaboration with d|part, together with an international team, examining challenges to open societies in six European countries. All reports of the project can be accessed on  the project website.

The view from the continent: What people in other member states think about the UK’s EU referendum (PI): ESRC-funded project (£94,000FEC), together with Daniel Kenealy and Christine Hübner (d|part). Results of the project can be accessed here.

Understanding the General Election result in Scotland – a follow up of the 2013/14 SSA (PI): ESRC-funded project (£ 68,000 FEC) (together with Daniel Kenealy and Lindsay Paterson and in collaboration with ScotCen Social Research). Results can be found here.

Public and elite engagement with how the UK is governed (Co-I): ESRC-funded project (£ 119,000 FEC) (together with Lindsay Paterson, Daniel Kenealy and Richard Parry). The results from the research have been compiled in a book published by Palgrave Macmillan: Publics, Elites and Constitutional Change in the UK: A Missed Opportunity?

Young persons’ attitudes on Scotland’s Constitutional Future (PI): ESRC-funded project (£ 125,000 FEC) (together with Lindsay Paterson, John MacInnes and Michael Rosie). Results from the survey are available here.

Understanding views on Scottish Independence using the Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2014 (PI): ESRC-funded project (£ 91,000 FEC)  (together with John Curtice, Lindsay Paterson and Susan Reid). Results from the work can be obtained here.

Good Lives And Decent Societies (GLADS) Knowledge Exchange Programme (Co-I): Scottish Universities Insight Institute funded series of knowledge exchange events (£ 17,000) (together with Elke Heins and Neil Thin at the University of Edinburgh and a range of external partners). Details can be found here

Young persons' attitudes on Scottish Independence - A survey analysis of 14-17 year olds (Co-I): ESRC-funded project (£ 183,000 FEC)  with Lindsay Paterson, John MacInnes and Michael Rosie

Understanding views on Scottish Independence - An extension of the Scottish Social Attitudes Survey (Co-I): ESRC-funded project (£ 197,000 FEC) with Lindsay Paterson, John Curtice and Rachel Ormston

Showcasing Scottish datasets (Co-I): ESRC-funded knowledge exchange and training project (£ 126,000 FEC) with John MacInnes and Susan McVie

Lehren Lecturer Grant for research-led teaching (PI): Project funded by the Lehren Initiative (Euros 6,600 FEC) for a collaboration with Jacobs University Bremen

Academic publications

Eichhorn, Jan, Kenealy, Daniel, Bennett, Hayley. 2024. Public understandings of welfare and the economy: Who knows what and does it relate to political attitudes? Social Policy and Administration 58(3): 344-367.

Eichhorn, Jan, Thomet, Julian & Gimeno Solaz, Andrea. 2024. School is not enough: The role of climate-specific knowledge for transformative climate policy and economic system preferences. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. Online First.

Smith, Katherine, Hübner, Christine, Loughran, Thomas, Eichhorn, Jan & Mycock, Andrew. 2024. Young people’s engagement in online research: challenges and lessons from conducting focus groups with young people online. Journal of Youth Studies. Online First.

Welzel, Chris, Boehnke, Klaus, Delhey, Jan, Deutsch, Franziska, Eichhorn, Jan, Kühnen, Ulrich, Dragolov, Georgi, Hess, Stephanie, & Larsen, Mandy. 2024. The Values in Crisis Project: A Three Wave Panel Study in Germany and the United KingdomJournal of Open Psychology Data 12(1): 1-11.

Delhey, Jan, Hess, Stephanie, Boehnke, Klaus, Deutsch, Franziska, Eichhorn, Jan, Kühnen, Ulrich & Welzel, Christian. 2023. Life Satisfaction During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Human, Economic, Social, and Psychological CapitalJournal of Happiness Studies 24: 2201-2222.

Delhey, Jan, Steckermeier, Leonie, Boehnke, Klaus, Deutsch, Franziska, Eichhorn, Jan, Kühnen, Ulrich & Welzel, Christian. 2023. Existential insecurity and trust during the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of Germany. Journal of Trust Research 13(2): 140-163. 

Eichhorn, Jan, Spöri, Tobias, Delhey, Jan, Deutsch, Franziska & Dragolov, Georgi. 2022. Reality bites: An analysis of corona deniers in Germany over time. Frontiers in Sociology 7: 974972. 

Hübner, Christine & Eichhorn, Jan. 2022. The Tide Raising all Boats? Social Class Differences in Political Participation among Young People in Scotland. Scottish Affairs 31(2): 165-189.

Eichhorn Jan. 2021. Survey research and sampling. London: Sage Publishing.

Eichhorn, Jan & Bergh, Johannes. 2021. Lowering the Voting Age to 16 in Practice: Processes and Outcomes Compared. Parliamentary Affairs 74(3): 507–521.

Eichhorn, Jan, Kenealy, Daniel, & Hübner, Christine. 2021. Who wants a referendum on EU membership? Exploring public attitudes in six Member StatesJournal of European Integration 43(3): 365-383.

Clegg, Daniel, Bennett, Hayley, Heins, Elke & Eichhorn, Jan. 2021. Leaving the old broken model behind? An alternative approach to work and welfare. IPPR Progressive Review 28 (3). 

MacLeod, Iain & Eichhorn, Jan. 2020. Youth Politics in Scotland. Participation and Inclusion. In: Keating, M. (Ed). The Oxford Handbook of Scottish Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Eichhorn, Jan & Bergh, Johannes (eds). 2020. Lowering the Voting Age to 16: Learning from Real Experiences Worldwide. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Eichhorn, Jan. 2018. Mobilisation through early activation and school engagement – the story from ScotlandJournal of Youth Studies 21(8): 1095-1110.

Eichhorn, Jan. 2018. Votes At 16: New Insights from Scotland on EnfranchisementParliamentary Affairs 71(2): 365-391.

Kenealy, Daniel, Eichhorn, Jan, Parry, Richard, Paterson, Lindsay & Remond, Alexandra. 2017. Publics, Elites and Constitutional Change in the UK: A Missed Opportunity? Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Eichhorn, Jan, Hensing, Jakob & Hübner, Christine. 2016. Economic crisis and democratic legitimacy. In: Voicu, M., Mochmann, I. & Dülmer, H. (Eds). Values, Economic Crisis and Democracy. Abingdon, Oxon & New York, NY: Routledge.

Frommholz, Götz & Eichhorn, Jan. 2015. Politische Partizipation - der Stand der Forschung. In: Düber, M., Rohrmann, A. & Windisch, M. (Eds).  Barrierefreie Partizipation. Entwicklungen, Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Kultur der Beteiligung. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa. 

Eichhorn, Jan. 2014. The (Non-)Effect of Unemployment Benefits - Variations in the effect of  unemployment on life-satisfaction between EU countriesSocial Indicators 119(1): 389-404.

Eichhorn, Jan. 2014. Where Happiness Varies: Recalling Adam Smith to Critically Assess the UK Government Project  Measuring National Well-BeingSociological Research Online 19(2) 6.

Eichhorn, Jan. 2014. Newly Enfranchised Voters: Political Attitudes of Under 18-Year Olds in the Context of the Referendum on Scotland’s Constitutional FutureScottish Affairs 23(3): 342-353.

Eichhorn, Jan. 2013. Unemployment needs context: How societal differences between countries moderate the loss in life-satisfaction for the unemployed. Journal of Happiness Studies 14(6): 1657-1680.

Eichhorn, Jan. 2012. Happiness for Believers. Contextualising the Effects of Religiosity on Life-SatisfactionEuropean Sociological Review. 28(5):583-593.

Reports and briefings 

In English

Eilers, Neele, Spöri, Tobias & Eichhorn, Jan. 2024. United In A Bleak Outlook – Concerns, Crises, and Right-Wing Views Ahead of the 2024 EU Elections. Berlin: d|part. Available here.

Eichhorn, Jan. 2023. Debt-financed public investments do not scare the UK public as much as politicians think. London: UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose. Available here.

Eilers, Neele, Kenealy, Daniel, Demoures, François-Xavier & Eichhorn, Jan. 2023. (Not) Talking About a Revolution: Engaging with political decision-makers about democratic innovation in Germany, France and the UK. Berlin: d|part. Available here

Eichhorn, Jan & Hübner, Christine. 2023. Votes at 16. Making it a success - International Research and Practice. Berlin: d|part. Available here.

Eichhorn, Jan & Bomberg, Elizabeth. 2023. Age and Climate Concerns: Why climate action is not just for the young. Berlin: d|part. Available here.

Eichhorn, Jan & Hübner, Christine. 2023. Votes-at-16 in Scotland. 2014-2021. Edinburgh, Sheffield & Berlin: University of Edinburgh, University of Sheffield & d|part. Available here.

Farrar, Jennifer, Eichhorn, Jan, Britton, Alan, Anderson, Sarah & McKinney, Stephen. 2023. Politicially literate young citizens in Scottish education: Barriers and opportunities. Report commissioned by the Gordon Cook Foundation. Available here

Spöri, Tobias, Eilers, Neele, Eichhorn, Jan, Cvijić, Srdjan, Emini, Donika & Stefanović, Milena. 2022. Strict, Fair and More Open Towards EU Enlargement! Dutch Public Opinion on EU Membership of the Western Balkans. Berlin: d|part, EFB & BiEPAG. Available here.

Eichhorn, Jan, Gimeno Solaz, Andrea & White, Phoebe. 2022. Shifting paradigms. Public perceptions of economic policy in shaping the climate crisis. Berlin & Brussels: d|part & OSEPI. Available here.

Hübner, Christine, Eichhorn, Jan, Molthof, Luuk & Cvijić, Srđan. 2021. It's the EU, not Western Balkan enlargement... French public opinion on EU membership of the Western Balkans. Berlin & Brussels: d|part & OSEPI. Available here.

Eichhorn, Jan, Molthof, Luuk & Nicke, Sascha. 2020. From climate change awareness to climate crisis action. Public perceptions in Europe and the United States. Berlin & Brussels: d|part & OSEPI. Available here.

Eichhorn, Jan & Mohr, Magali. 2019. The hidden majority. How most Europeans care about open  society values. Berlin & Brussels: d|part & OSEPI. Available here.

Eichhorn, Jan, Kupsch, Victoria, Molthof, Luuk & Mohr, Magali. 2019. How European publics and policy actors value an open society. Key insights across countries. Berlin & Brussels: d|part & OSEPI. Available here.

Eichhorn, Jan, Hübner, Christine, Molthof, Luuk & Nicke, Sascha. 2019. Germany's East: Same as ever? Similarities and differences between East and West Germans 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Berlin & Brussels: d|part & OSEPI. Available here.

Eichhorn, Jan & Hübner, Christine. 2017. Mind the gap: understanding public opinion and elite interpretations of EU concerns in Germany. Berlin & London: d|part & Demos. Available here.

Eichhorn, Jan, Hübner, Christine & Kenealy, Daniel. 2016. The view from the continent: What people in other member states think about the UK’s EU referendum. Edinburgh & Berlin: AQMeN & d|part. Available here.

Eichhorn, Jan, Kenealy, Daniel & Kandlik Eltanani, Mor. 2016. Understanding the 2015 General Election result in Scotland. Edinburgh: AQMeN. Available here.

Eichhorn, Jan & Paterson, Lindsay. 2014. Who is still wavering? Turnout and the undecided. Edinburgh: ScotCen Social Research. Available here

Eichhorn, Jan, Paterson, Lindsay, MacInnes, John & Rosie, Michael. 2014. Results from the 2014 survey on 14-17 year old persons living in Scotland on the Scottish independence referendum. Edinburgh: AQMeN. Available here.

Eichhorn, Jan. 2014. The Undecideds: Don’t care or deeply conflicted? Edinburgh: ScotCen Social Research. Available here.

Eichhorn, Jan. 2014. Who will turn up and who will stay at home? Examining turnout expectations for different groups of people. Edinburgh: ScotCen Social Research. Available here.

Eichhorn, Jan. 2012. Context matters: The effect of national-level factors on the relationship between socio-demographic characteristics of individuals and their life-satisfaction. World Values Research 5(2): 27-48.

In German

Eichhorn, Jan & Mühlbach, Carl. 2023. Schuldenabbau oder Investitionen? Für viele Menschen ist das nicht die Frage. Berlin: d|part & FiscalFuture. Available here.

Eichhorn, Jan. 2023. Stadt und Land in der Klimakrise: Gemeinsamer Blickwinkel oder divergierende Perspektiven? Politische Einstellungen in verschiedenen Wohnortsumfeldern - von ländlichen bis städtischen Räumen. Berlin: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung. Available here

Eichhorn, Jan & Hübner, Christine. 2023. Wählen ab 16. Wie wird es ein Erfolg? Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung. Available here.

Hübner, Christine, Eichhorn, Jan, Nicke, Sascha & Eilers, Neele. 2022. (Nach-)Wahlanalyse: Wie haben junge Deutsche 2021 bei der Bundestagswahl gewählt? Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung & d|part. Available here.

Spöri, Tobias, Wienkoop, Nina-Kathrin, Hübner, Christine & Eichhorn, Jan. 2022. Jung, digital, engagiert? Eine Studie zum politischen Informationsverhalten und Engagement junger Menschen in Deutschland. Hamburg & Berlin: Bundeskanzler-Helmut-Schmidt-Stiftung & d|part. Available here.

Dege, Yonca, Eichhorn, Jan, Nicke, Sascha & Spöri, Tobias. 2022. Wer kann mitmachen? #3 - Warum bei der Analyse von Rassismuserfahrung und Beteiligung die die Generationszugehörigkeit von Menschen mit Migrationsgeschichten nicht ohne das Alter untersucht werden sollte. Berlin: d|part. Available here.

Spöri, Tobias & Eichhorn, Jan. 2021. Wer glaubt (nicht mehr) an Corona-Verschörungsmythen? Eine Analyse der Verbreitung derartiger Mythen in Deutschland 2020-2021. Berlin: d|part. Available here.

Spöri, Tobias, Wienkoop, Nina-Kathrin, Eichhorn, Jan & Hübner, Christine. 2021. Jung, digital, engagiert? Welche Rolle „Online“ im politischen Partizipationsmix junger Menschen in Deutschland spielt. Hamburg & Berlin: Bundeskanzler-Helmut-Schmidt-Stiftung & d|part. Available here.

Hübner, Christine, Nicke, Sascha & Eichhorn, Jan. 2021. Wie schauen junge Menschen in Deutschland auf die Rolle des Staates? Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung & d|part. Available here.

Dege, Yonca, Eichhorn, Jan, Nicke, Sascha & Spöri, Tobias. 2021. Wer kann mitmachen? #1 - Politische Beteiligung, Selbstidentifikation und Rassismuserfahrungen von Menschen mit Migrationsgeschichten in Deutschland. Berlin: d|part. Available here.

Spöri, Tobias & Eichhorn, Jan. 2021. Wer glaubt an Corona-Verschörungsmythen? Der Einfluss von Soziodemographie, politischen Einstellungen und Wertehaltungen in Deutschland. Berlin: d|part. Available here.

Eichhorn, Jan, Nicke, Sascha & Molthof, Luuk. 2020. Einsatz gegen den Klimawandel. Ein Erfolgskonzept für das gesamte politische Spektrum. Berlin & Brussels: d|part & OSEPI. Available here.

Hübner, Christine & Eichhorn, Jan. 2018. Wie haben junge Deutsche 2017 gewählt? Wahlverhalten junger Wähler_innen zur Bundestagswahl 2017. Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. Available here.

Dissemination activities

I have engaged in a wide range of dissemination activities to enhance the reach of our work. This includes the provision of training courses and education workshops, largely organised through the former Applied Quantitative Methods Network (AQMeN). In addition, I have commented on issues relating to political participation and economic understandings for several UK and international media outlets, including, for example, the Guardian, the Independent, the BBC (TV and radio), and Skynews, Germany's ZDF (Heute Journal, Heute in Europa, ZDF Spezial), Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, and Deutschlandfunk, France's Le Monde and France 24, Switzerland's Neue Zürcher Zeitung and SRF, as well as outlets such as CNN, Washington Post or the Globe and Mail. In addition to giving talks at many public events for a variety of organisations, I have also provided briefings/evidence for different political bodies, including the Scottish and UK parliaments, the German government, the Scottish and UK governments as well as the European Commission. I have also been appointed as an expert to the European Commissions's Joint Research Centre in their Enlightment 2.0 programme on "The Science of Values". Additionally, I have run workshops for and briefed a wide range of civil society organisations as well as political foundations and parties. 


I currently convene:

  • Economic Issues in Public Policy (MSc)
  • Analysing and Communicating Social Policy (3rd year UG)

Courses I currently teach modules on:

  • Evidence, Politics and Policy (2nd year UG)
  • Comparative Analysis of Social and Public Policy (MSc)


  • BA Integrated Social Sciences, Jacobs University Bremen
  • PhD Sociology, University of Edinburgh

Works within