School of Social and Political Science

Jochen Clasen

Job Title

Emeritus Professor of Comparative Social Policy


I joined the School of Social and Political Studies in 2007 and retired in 2023. 

I am co-founder and honorary president of ESPAnet, the European Social Policy Analysis network. 

Selected publications

Activation: a research topic in its own right?, (with C. Mascaro), in D. Clegg and N. Durazzi (eds) (2023) Handbook of Labour Market Policy in Advanced Democracies, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 44-53.

Activation – a thematic and conceptual review (with C. Mascaro), Journal of European Social Policy, 32/4, 484–494, 2022 (onlinefirst).

European labour markets and social policy: recent research and future directions, (with D. Clegg), in K. Nelson, R. Niewenhuis and M. Yerkes (eds) (2022) Changing European Societies – the role for social policy research, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 187-201.

Wim van Oorschot and the early years of ESPAnet, (with J. Kvist), in Laenen, T., Meuleman, B., Otto, A. Roosma and van Lancker, W. (eds) (2021) Leading Social Policy Analysis from the Front. Essays in honour of Wim van Oorschot, CeSO, KU Leuven, 29-38.

Subsidizing wages or supplementing transfers? The politics and ambiguity of in-work benefits, Social Policy & Administration, 54/1; 1-13, 2020.

Income Security during Sickness Absence. What do British middle classes do?, Social Policy & Administration ,51/7, 1101-1018, 2017.

Comparative Social Policy Analysis and Active Labour Market Policy: Putting Quality before Quantity (with D Clegg and A Goerne), Journal of Social Policy, 45/1, 21-38, 2016.

Soziale Sicherung bei Arbeitslosigkeit - auf dem Weg in den Dualismus? Die Hartz-Reformen in historish-komparativer Perspektive, (with D Clegg), WSI Mitteilungen, 67/3, 192-198, 2014.

Benefit dependency: the pros and cons of using ‘caseload’ data for national and international comparisons, (with J. De Deken), International Social Security Review, 66/2, 53-78, 2013.

Unemployment and income protection: how do better earning households expect to manage financially?, (with A. Koslowski), Journal of Social Policy, 42/3, 587-603, 2013.

Converging Worlds of Welfare? British and German Social Policy in the 21st Century, (ed), Oxford University Press, 2011.

Regulating the Risk of Unemployment. National Adaptations to Post-Industrial Labour Markets in Europe, (ed with Daniel Clegg), Oxford University Press, 2011.

Exit Bismarck, enter dualism? Assessing contemporary German labour market policy, (with A. Goerne), Journal of Social Policy, 40(4), 795-810, 2011.

Les nouvelles politiques de l’emploi au Royaume-Uni et en Allemagne, Critique International, 43, 2, 37-50, 2009.

Flexicurity and welfare state reform: a review, (with E. Heins), Socio-Economic Review, 17(2), 305-331, 2009.

Investigating welfare state change – the dependent variable problem in comparative analysis, (with N.A. Siegel) (eds) Edward Elgar, 2007.

Reforming European Welfare States. Germany and the United Kingdom compared, Oxford University Press, 2005.

Voluntary unemployment insurance and trade union membership - investigating connections in Denmark and Sweden, (with E. Viebrock), Journal of Social Policy, 37, 3, 433-452, 2008.

Comparative social policy - old questions, new topics and original answers, Government and Opposition, 42, 2, 250-57, 2007.

Levels and levers of conditionality – measuring change in mature welfare states, (with D. Clegg) in J. Clasen and N.A. Siegel (eds) Investigating welfare state change – the dependent variable problem in comparative analysis, Edward Elgar, 166-197, 2007.

Non-employment and the welfare state: the UK and Germany compared, (with J. Davidson, H. Ganssmann and A. Mauer), Journal of European Social Policy, 16, 2, 134-154, 2006.

Das Genter System der Arbeitslosenversicherung – immer noch gewerkschaftliches Rekrutierungsinstrument oder sozialpolitisches Auslaufmodell? DÄnemark und Schweden im Vergleich, (with E. Viebrock) Zeitschrift fÜr Sozialreform, 52, 3, 351-371 , 2006.

Beyond activation: reforming European unemployment protection systems in post-industrial labour markets, (with D. Clegg), European Societies, 8, 4, 555-581, 2006.

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