School of Social and Political Science

Dr Katucha Bento

Job Title

Lecturer in Race and Decolonial Studies

Katucha Bento

Room number


Building (Address)

Chrystal Macmillan Building

Street (Address)

15a George Square

City (Address)

Edinburgh, UK

Post code (Address)


Research interests

Research interests

Black feminisms, Critical Race Studies, Decolonial Studies, Queer Studies, Nation and Nationality, African Diaspora, Discourse and Rhetoric Studies, Anti-racist Pedagogies, Education, Killjoy Feminists, Love, Affect and the Body, Audre Lorde, Lelia Gonzalez

Topics interested in supervising

Black identities; Intersectional Oppressions; Institutional configurations of power, control and coloniality; All identifications in the gender spectrum; Subversive language and artistic expressions; Latin American and/ or Caribbean societies; Brazilian Social and Political Thought; Black feminists in the world; Coloniality of power in contemporary social dynamics; Affective economy in (post)colonial contexts; (re)imagining futures; Queer perspectives of society; Creative strategies of decolonial resistance; activism and social movements; decolonial pedagogies.

If you are interested in being supervised by Katucha Bento, please see the links below (opening in new windows) for more information:


I am a Lecturer in Race and Decolonial Studies (UoE) and co-director of the Race.ED Network. My academic background started at the Black Consciousness Organisation (Núcleo de Consciência Negra na USP - NCN-USP), an NGO founded by the Black Movement in Brazil that offered free preparatory courses to enter university, in 2002. From the antiracist curriculum developed by NCN-USP, I could engage with important references and activism that shape and inspire my teaching and research projects to this day and start university with a scholarship from the Ford Foundation to make sure I could keep studying in the first year of the programme in Sociology and Politics. 

In 2007 I was awarded my BA in Sociology and Politics from the Foundation-School of Sociology and Politics of Sao Paulo (FESPSP) with an anthropological dissertation discussing racialised sexual-affective encounters and racism in samba parties in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. I found my passion in developing ethnographic work and understanding how we build and validate knowledge through research. I graduated in the Master programme of Sociological Research from the University of Barcelona, a programme grounded in methodology and new approaches to Sociology when I discussed racialisation, affect and love, whiteness and coloniality in relationships between women who love women or self-identified lesbians. I studied my PhD at the University of Leeds, when I researched the affective economy present in the diasporic experience of Black Brazilian women weaving their possibilities to make a home in the UK and negotiate their meaning of Blackness with the colonial British setting. My research projects are now interested in exchanging knowledge and generating dialogues from transnational antiracist solidarity. 

My experience with Education is from interdisciplinary perspectives, having taught people as young as 2 months old to adults over 90 years old involving music, Human Rights, adults' literacy, horse-riding and sexual health. All these national and international experiences set the path for me to work with the intersections of racialisation politics and race, multiple constructions of gender, formations of nation and nationality, migration, Black diaspora, discourse and affective economy. My background is rooted in the Black Movement in Brazil, samba community and quilombo territory. I believe in the transformative power of education to create means to organise and develop strategies for promoting social justice and societies with loving, ethical and liberating experiences.


Bento, K. 2021. Colonial legacies and refusal in women’s networks: Edinburgh Gifford Lectures Final Response. Edinburgh Gifford Lectures Blog. Available from:…;

Bento, K; Ruiz Ponce, H; Sempertegui, A.; Di Paolo, L. 2019. Descolonizando el Norte Global: Dialogos sobre Afro-Latinoamérica, el Caribe y Abya Yala en diáspora. In: Alternautas - (Re)Searching Development: The Abya Yala Chapter. (Online Journal). Available from:

Bento, K. 2017. Weaving Brazilian Blackness in the United Kingdom: Nation, Race and Migration. Graduate Journal of Social Science. October 2017, Vol. 13 (1), pp. 17–36. Available from: >

Bento, K. and Beresford, J. 2017.Affirmative Actions for Indigenous Peoples in Brazilian Universities and Ethnology Studies from a Dialogical Perspective: An Interview with Clarice Cohn. Graduate Journal of Social Science. October 2017, Vol. 13 (1), pp. 37–47. Available from:

Bento, K. 2016. “Invasoras” do Reino Unido: Reenquadrando discursos de colonialidade nas vozes de mulheres negras brasileiras imigrantes. Ponto-e-Vírgula : Revista de Ciências Sociais, [S.l.], n. 18, pp. 21-28. Available from:

Bento, K. 2015. Por mais andares sem vergonha, por mais vadias: Sobre o amor e a agencia na terceira onda do feminismo negro e o corpo das pretinhas! 21 October. Blogueiras Negras [online]. Available from:

Bento, K. 2015. O Feminismo Negro de Viola Davis não será minado pela branquidade. 8 October. Blogueiras Negras [online]. Available from:

Perotto, L., Leiria, V., Hostensky, Bento, K., E. Rothestein, P. 2015. Associação de Estudantes Estrangeiros Para Quê? – Uma reflexão crítica sobre a representação estudantil em tempos de crise. Passages de Paris. 10 (1), pp. 12-33.

Works within

Staff Hours and Guidance

By appointment

Publications by user content

Publication Research Explorer link
Bento K. Refusing the hegemonic grain: Challenging academic debates in British higher education. In Keskinen S, Alemanji AA, Seikkula M, editors, Race, bordering and disobedient knowledge: Activism and everyday struggles in Europe. Manchester University Press. 2024. p. 84-102. (Racism, Resistance and Social Change).
Bento K. Herstories: Black Brazilian women narrating intersectional oppressions in the United Kingdom. In Andrews K, Crenshaw K, Wilson A, editors, Blackness at the Intersection. 1st ed. Bloomsbury . 2024. p. 35-52. (Blackness in Britain). Epub 2024 Feb 8. doi: 10.5040/
Bento K, Loureiro G. Building transnational solidarity in the Brazil-UK nexus: Radical pedagogies from the South 2023.
Bento K. “The hysteria of a little flu”: Effects of COVID-19 on HEIs in Brazil. Higher Education. 2022 Jul 22. Epub 2022 Jul 22. doi: 10.1007/s10734-022-00887-9
Bento K, Johnson A. Spoken gems: When academia meets self-care - A conversational piece. Retrospect. 2021 Jun 10;(29):13-17.
Bento K, Sempértegui A, Ruiz Ponce H, Di Paolo L. Dialogues of Indigenous Afro-Latinxs (re)existence: Possible decolonialities. Alternautas. 2019 Jul 31;6(1):33-55.
Bento K, Sempértegui A, Ruiz Ponce H, Di Paolo L. Diálogos de (re)existencia Indígena AfroLatinxs: Descolonialidades posibles. Alternautas. 2019 Jun 5;6(1):56-76.
Bento K, Brown-Vincent L, Joseph-Salisbury R. Affirmative Actions in Brazil and the ‘Bolsonaro Threat’. 2019. Paper presented at The National Conference on Race & Ethnicity in American Higher Education.
Bento K. Paper: Blackness from "lugares de fala" Afroladinos: Contributions of Black Feminism to Decolonial Reflexivity. 2018. Paper presented at Black Power Conference, Germany.
Bento K. Paper: Creating an AMEFRICALADINA location: AfroBrazilians healing and surviving Whiteness in European scenario. 2018. Paper presented at President of the Symposium: Descolonizando el Norte Global: Afro-Latinoamérica, el Caribe y Abya Yala en diáspora. 56º International Congress of Americanists. University of Salamanca
, Salamanca, Spain.
Bento K. Amefricanidade: The Brazilian urgency for Decolonial Strategies of Discourse. 2018. Paper presented at The National Conference on Race & Ethnicity in American Higher Education.
Bento K. Weaving Brazilian Blackness in the United Kingdom: Nation, race and migration. The Graduate Journal of Social Science . 2017 Oct 31;13(1):17–36.
Bento K, Beresford J. Affirmative actions for Indigenous Peoples in Brazilian universities and ethnology studies from a dialogical perspective: An interview with Clarice Cohn. The Graduate Journal of Social Science . 2017 Oct 31;13(1):37–47.
Bento K, Al-Ahdal T. Guest Editorial - Decolonizing Womanhood. The Graduate Journal of Social Science . 2017 Oct 31;13(1):6-9.
Bento K. Intersectional Paths of Finding Homes and Belongings by Black Brazilian Women in the UK. 2017. Paper presented at 3rd Postgraduate Conference on Migration., Leeds, United Kingdom.
Bento K. Remembering Ancestrality as a form of Resistance. 2017. Paper presented at Why do I suffer of Memory Loss?. ONE Leeds Society (LUU), Leeds, United Kingdom.
Bento K. Politics of “Othering” towards Black Brazilian Women in the British Context: Addressing Intersectional Oppressions in British Institutions. 2017. Paper presented at Experiencing Insecurities, United Kingdom.
Bento K. “Invasoras” do Reino Unido: Reenquadrando discursos de colonialidade nas vozes de mulheres negras brasileiras imigrantes. 2016. Paper presented at I Seminário Internacional: Decolonialidade e Perspectiva Negra, Brasília, Brazil.
Bento K. The Shackles of Coloniality: Conversations on Emotions of Black Brazilian women in the United Kingdom. 2016. Paper presented at Summer Course: Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies.
Bento K. O feminismo negro de Viola Davis não será minado pela branquidade. 2015.
Bento K. “Invasoras” do Reino Unido: Reenquadrando discursos de colonialidade nas vozes de mulheres negras brasileiras imigrantes. Ponto e Vírgula. 2015 Jun 30;18(2):21-38.
Bento K. The shades and shapes of symbolic representation: Figures of Brazilian women in the social imaginary. 2015. Paper presented at 22nd South African Sociological Association Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Bento K. Marcadores de diferenças na construção do desejo afetivo-sexual: Privilégios e desvantagens nas relações lésbicas em Barcelona. 2015. Paper presented at 12th Luso-Afro-Brazilian Conference (Congresso Luso- Afro- Brasileiros – CONLAB), Barcelona , Spain.
Perotto L, Leiria V, Hostensky E, Bento K, Rothstein P. Associação de estudantes estrangeiros para quê? – Uma reflexão crítica sobre a representação estudantil em tempos de crise. Passages de Paris. 2015;10:12-33. Epub 2014 Oct 1.
Neuvaldo Gomes Silva J, Bento K. “Payelanza” en Belo Monte: El caso de desarrollo depredador en la amazonia brasileña. La Lliga dels Drets dels Pobles. 2014 Jun 30;56:16-18.
Bento K. Theoretical Dimensions of Intersectionality: Gender, Race, Sexuality and Nationality. 2013. Paper presented at 18th Academic Seminar of APEC, Barcelona, Spain.
Bento K. Está na cor da pele? Uma discussão sobre raça em Barcelona. 2012.
Bento K. O ‘ser sexy’: Classificações de gênero, raça e sexualidade nas ruas de São Paulo. 2009. Paper presented at 8th Anthropology Meeting of Mercosur, Buenos Aires (Argentina), Buenos Aires, Argentina.