School of Social and Political Science

Kevin Donovan

Job Title

Senior Lecturer, African Studies & International Development

Kevin Donovan

Room number


Building (Address)

Chrystal Macmillan Building

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15a George Square

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Research interests

Research interests


Ph.D. Anthropology & History, University of Michigan

M.Phil Sociology (Development Studies), University of Cape Town

B.S.F.S. Science, Technology & International Affairs, Georgetown University

Selected Publications


Money, Value, and the State: Sovereignty and Citizenship in East Africa (Cambridge University Press, 2024).

Edited collections

"Capitalizing Africa," a special forum in Africa 92(4) (2022). Edited with James C. Mizes. 

Surveillance in Africa,” a special forum in African Studies Review 59(2) 2016. Edited with Philippe M. Frowd and A.K. Martin.

Peer reviewed articles and chapters

Disciplining Citizens & Commodities: Economic Crimes & Accusations in 1970s Uganda” The Journal of African History (forthcoming, 2024)

Privacy, Privation, and Person: Data, Debt, and Infrastructured Personhood,” in Richard Rottenburg et al. (eds.) Translating Technology in Africa, Volume 1: Metrics (Brill, 2024): 55-78. (w/ Emma Park)

"Uhuru Sasa! Federal Futures and Liminal Sovereignty in Decolonizing East Africa," Comparative Studies in Society & History 65(2) (2023).

Capitalizing Africa: High Finance from Below,” Africa: Journal of the International Africa Institute 92(4) (2022) (w/ James Christopher Mizes).

"Knowledge/Seizure: Debt & Data in Kenya's Zero Balance Economy," Antipode 54(4) (w/ Emma Park).

"Algorithmic Intimacy: The Data Economy of Predatory Inclusion," Social Anthropology 30(2) (w/ Emma Park).

"Magendo: Arbitrage & Ambiguity in an East African Frontier.Cultural Anthropology 36(1): 110-137. (PDF)

The Rise of the Randomistas: On the Experimental Turn in Development Aid.” Economy & Society 47(1): 27-58(pre-publication PDF download)

“‘Financial Inclusion Means Your Money Isn’t With You’ – The Conflict Over Social Grants and Financial Services in South Africa.” In Bill Maurer, Smoki Musaraj, and Ivan Small (eds.) Money at the Margins: Global Perspectives on Technology, Financial Inclusion & DesignBerghahn Books. (2018) (pre-publication version)

Surveillance in Africa: Politics, Histories, Techniques.” African Studies Review 59(2). (September 2016) (with Philippe M. Frowd and A.K. Martin) (open access version)

Infrastructuring Aid: Materializing Humanitarianism in Northern Kenya.” Environment & Planning D: Society & Space 33(4): 732-748. (August 2015) (open access version) (accompanying blog post)

The Biometric Imaginary: Bureaucratic Technopolitics in Post-Apartheid Welfare.” Journal of Southern African Studies 41(4): 815-833. (2015) (open access version)

Mobile Money.” In A.P. Hwa and R. Mansell (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Digital Communication & Society. London: John Wiley Inc. (2015)

New Surveillance Technologies and Their Publics: A Case of Biometrics.” Public Understanding of Science 24(7): 842-857. (October 2015) (with A.K. Martin) (open access version)

“‘Development’ as if We Have Never Been Modern: Fragments of a Latourian Development Studies.” Development & Change 45(5) (September 2014) (open access version)

The Rise of African SIM Registration: The Emerging Dynamics of Regulatory Change.” First Monday 19, 1-2 (February 2014) (with A.K. Martin)

Mobile Money, More Freedom? The Impact of M-PESA’s Network Power on Development as Freedom.” International Journal of Communication 6, 2647-2669. (2012)

Mobile Money & Financial Inclusion: Growth, Impact & Emerging Issues.” In Information & Communication for Development 2012. Washington, D.C.: World Bank. (2012)

Seeing Like a Slum: Towards Open, Deliberative Development.” Georgetown Journal of International Affairs. Winter/Spring 2012. (pp. 97-104). (2012)

Anywhere, Anytime – Mobile Devices and Their Impact on Agriculture and Rural Development.” In ICT in Agriculture Sourcebook (pp. 49-70). Washington, D.C.: World Bank. (2012)

A note on the availability (and importance) of pre-paid mobile data in Africa.” In J. Svensson & G. Wicander (Eds.), 2nd International Conference on Mobile Communication Technology for Development (M4D2010) (pp. 263-267). Karlstad, Sweden: Karlstad University. (2010) (with Jonathan Donner)

Other Writing

"The Politics of Price," Boston Review 18 September 2024. 

"Costly Propositions," New Left Review Sidecar 18 August 2023 (w/ Basil Ibrahim).

"Microfinance's Imagined Utopias," Boston Review 31 January 2023.

"Colonizing the Future: Stuck in the Zero Balance Economy." Boston Review 28 September 2020.

"Kenyans Need a Basic Income Grant." The Star 3 April 2020 (w/ Robert Mwanyumba).

"Perpetual Debt in the Silicon Savannah." Boston Review 14 August 2019. (w/ Emma Park).

"Review of Transforming Sudan: Decolonization, Economic Development & State Formation by Alden Young." H-Diplo Roundtable Review Volume XX, No. 45. 

Between the Nation and the State.” Limn 7 Public Infrastructures/Infrastructural Publics. (w/ Emma Park).

Review of How Our Days Became Numbered: Risk and the Rise of the Statistical Individual by Dan Bouk.” Journal of Cultural Economy, available at:

Review of Money from Nothing: Indebtedness and Aspiration in South Africa by Deborah James.” Allegra Lab (2015). 

Privacy for the Other 5 Billion.” Slate (2013). (with Carly Nyst).

The Responsibility of Mobile Money Intellectuals? A Review of (a) Due Diligence by Roodman, (b) Money, Real Quick by Omwansa and Sullivan, and (c) The End of Money by Wolman. Information Technology & International Development 9(1). (2013)

SIM Registration and Financial Inclusion in the Silicon Savannah.” Institute for Money, Technology & Financial Inclusion. (2013)

Surfing the Internet in Ghana: A Review of Invisible Users by Jenna Burrell.” Los Angeles Review of Books. (2012) (Accompanying blog post.)


Topics interested in supervising

African history; political, legal, and economic anthropology; states & bureaucracies; markets & capitalism; borders & smuggling; infrastructure; science & technology studies.

If you are interested in being supervised by Kevin Donovan, please see the links below (open in new windows) for more information:


I am an anthropologist and historian of East Africa. I work in the fields of economic and political anthropology, African history, and science & technology studies.

I wrote a book entitled Money, Value, and the State: Sovereignty and Citizenship in East Africa (Cambridge University Press, 2024). I argue that East African decolonization was not coterminous with political sovereignty but rather consisted of a longer process of reorganizing how value was legitimately defined, produced, and distributed. It is an analysis of how postcolonial states tried to remake economic temporalities, space, and standards and how citizens pursued alternatives that subverted economic sovereignty. This is a story of central banking, national currencies, and coffee smuggling, as well as rites of initiation and econometric modelling. An article from the project -- on coffee smuggling, kinship relations, and measurement devices -- was published in Cultural Anthropology, and one on economic crimes, scarcity, and accusation was published in Journal of African History.

With Emma Park, I have an ongoing project on the cultural politics of Kenya’s largest corporation, Safaricom. We’re interested in the entanglements of the corporate and the state, the unwieldy and unexpected forms of politics this generates, and the types of para-ethnographic work done to stabilize the situation. We have also examined the making of debt markets through the extraction of mobile data in Kenya. We're writing a book that may be titled Parastatal: Intimacy & Value in Digital Kenya.

Previously, I have examined the technopolitics of biometric identification in South African welfare and humanitarian infrastructure in Kenya. This grew into a larger project on surveillance technologies in sub-Saharan Africa.

Publications by user content

Publication Research Explorer link
Donovan KP. Disciplining citizens and commodities: Economic crimes and accusations in 1970s Uganda. The Journal of African History. 2024 Sept 18;1-19. Epub 2024 Sept 18. doi: 10.1017/S0021853724000240
Donovan K. The politics of price: How accounting protocols undermine public goals—from decolonization to climate action. Boston Review. 2024 Sept 18.
Donovan K. Money, Value, and the State: Sovereignty and Citizenship in East Africa. Cambridge University Press, 2024. (African Studies).
Park E, Donovan KP. Privacy, privation, and person: Data, debt, and infrastructured personhood. In Rottenburg R, Ballim F, Kotzen B, editors, Translating Technology in Africa: Volume 1: Metrics. Brill Academic Publishers. 2023. p. 55-78 doi: 10.1163/9789004678354_004
Donovan K. Uhuru Sasa! Federal futures and liminal sovereignty in decolonizing East Africa. Comparative Studies in Society and History. 2023 Apr;65(2):372-398. Epub 2023 Jan 19. doi: 10.1017/S0010417522000500
Mizes JC, Donovan KP. Capitalizing Africa: High finance from below. Africa. 2022 Aug 1;92(4):540-560. doi: 10.1017/S0001972022000444
Donovan KP, Park E. Knowledge/seizure: Debt and data in Kenya’s zero balance economy. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography. 2022 Jul;54(4):1063-1085. Epub 2022 Mar 16. doi: 10.1111/anti.12815
Donovan KP, Park E. L’économie des données de l’inclusion prédatrice au Kenya. Social Anthropology. 2022 Jun 1;30(2):120-139. doi: 10.3167/saas.2022.300208
Mizes JC, (ed.), Donovan K, (ed.). Capitalizing Africa. Africa. 2022;92(4):540-662.
Donovan K. Magendo: Arbitrage and ambiguity on an East African frontier. Cultural Anthropology. 2021 Feb 1;36(1):110–137. doi: 10.14506/ca36.1.05
Donovan K. Colonizing the future. Boston Review. 2020 Sept 28.
Donovan K. ‘Financial inclusion means your money isn’t with you’: Conflicts over social grants and financial services in South Africa. In Maurer B, Musaraj S, Small IV, editors, Money at the Margins: Global Perspectives on Technology, Financial Inclusion, and Design. New York: Berghahn Books. 2018. p. 155-178. (The Human Economy).
Donovan KP. The rise of the randomistas: On the experimental turn in international aid. Economy and Society. 2018;47(1):27-58. Epub 2018 Mar 12. doi: 10.1080/03085147.2018.1432153
Donovan K, Martin AK, Frowd PM. Surveillance in Africa: Politics, histories, techniques. African Studies Review. 2016 Sept 1;59(2):31-37. doi: 10.1017/asr.2016.35
Donovan K. How Our Days Became Numbered: Risk and the Rise of the Statistical Individual by Dan Bouk. Journal of Cultural Economy. 2016 May 1;9(6):629-631. doi: 10.1080/17530350.2016.1178659
Donovan K, Park E. Between the Nation and the State. Limn. 2016;(7).
Donovan K. Mobile Money. In Encyclopedia of Digital Communication & Society. Wiley. 2015
Donovan K. Review of Money from Nothing: Indebtedness and Aspiration in South Africa by Deborah James. Allegra Lab: Anthropology, Law, Art & World. 2015.
Donovan K. Infrastructuring aid: Materializing humanitarianism in northern Kenya. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. 2015;33(4):732-748. Epub 2015 Sept 8. doi: 10.1177/0263775815598107
Donovan K. The biometric imaginary: Bureaucratic technopolitics in Post-Apartheid welfare. Journal of Southern African Studies. 2015;41(4):815-833. Epub 2015 Jun 8. doi: 10.1080/03057070.2015.1049485
Donovan K. 'Development’ as if we have never been modern: Fragments of a Latourian Development Studies. Development and change. 2014 Sept 17;45(5):869-894. Epub 2014 Aug 27. doi: 10.1111/dech.12117
Donovan K, Martin AK. New surveillance etchnologies and their publics: A case of biometrics. Public Understanding of Science. 2014 Feb 6;24(7):842-857. doi: 10.1177/0963662513514173
Donovan K, Martin AK. The Rise of African SIM Registration: The Emerging Dynamics of Regulatory Change. First Monday. 2014 Feb 3;19(2).
Donovan K. The Responsibility of Mobile Money Intellectuals? Information Technologies and International Development. 2013;9(1):55-57.
Donovan K. Mobile Money, More Freedom? The Impact of M-PESA’s Network Power on Development as Freedom. International Journal of Communication. 2012;6.
Donovan K. Seeing like a slum: Towards open, deliberative development. Georgetown Journal of International Affairs. 2012.
Donovan K. Surfing the Internet in Ghana: A Review of Invisible Users by Jenna Burrell: A Review of Invisible Users by Jenna Burrell. LA Review of Books. 2012.
Donovan K. Mobile money & financial inclusion: Growth, impact & emerging issues. In Information & Communication for Development 2012. The World Bank. 2012
Donovan K. Anywhere, anytime: Mobile devices and their impact on agriculture and rural development. In ICT in Agriculture Sourcebook. The World Bank. 2012
Donovan K. A note on the availability (and importance) of pre-paid mobile data in Africa. In 2nd International Conference on Mobile Communication Technology for Development. 2010
Kevin Donovan's Research Explorer profile