School of Social and Political Science

Kitty Yi

Job Title

PhD student

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Mobile telephone number
+44 (0) 744 951 4023

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Research interests

Research interests

Counterterrorism, Terrorism, Political violence, political psychology, Research Ethics, qualitative and mixed methods research projects using in-depth interviews


I am originally from Honolulu, Hawaii although I have resided in Edinburgh since 2012. My research interests are concentrated in terrorism and counter-terrorism, security studies, political violence, and the psychological and sociological effects of terrorism on the everyday lives of ordinary individuals.


Professor Andrew Neal (Politics) Dr. Lotte Buch-Segal (Anthropology)

Research project

My doctoral thesis investigates the effects of terrorism on political views, using the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing as a case study. Methodologically, both semi-structured and group interviews will be used to collect data from individuals affected by the arena bombing.


2016 — MA (Hons) International Relations (University of Edinburgh)

  • Dissertation: "Individual Mobilisation into Armed Political Movements: The Case of Sinn Féin and the IRA, 1964-1998: A Political Psychology Perspective"

2017 - MLitt Terrorism and Political Violence (University of St. Andrews)

  • Dissertation: "Terrorism as Psychological Control in Totalitarian States: The Case of State Terrorism in Nazi Germany, 1933-1945"


2019: International Co-operation in Europe and Beyond (PLIT08006)

2020: Political Thinkers (PLIT08011)

Staff Hours and Guidance

Please e-mail me at to arrange an appointment. 

Kitty Yi's Research Explorer profile