School of Social and Political Science

Lynn Jamieson

Job Title

Sociology of Families and Relationships

Lynn Jamieson's photo

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Building (Address)

Chrystal Macmillan Building

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15a George Square

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Research interests

Research interests

Intimacy; historical and cultural shifts in practices of intimacy; globalisation and personal life; relationships, the environment and sustainable life-styles; families, households, inter-generational relationships; personal life across the life-course; identity issues; European identity; social change; methods of social research; Scottish oral history; sexuality; sexual offences and gender violence; relationships and 'othering'.

Much of my research is done with CRFR (Centre for Research on Families and Relationships).

Topics interested in supervising

Globalisation and social change in personal life and/or in doing gender. This could include transnational families, families and migration, care chains, international adoption, sex tourism, mail order brides, prostitution etc. Any aspect of personal life, intimacy, gender and generational relationships, friendships, family, sexual relationships, sexuality and/or social change. 'Greening of families', anything to do with personal relationships and practices consequential for climate change or sustainabillity, environmental issues, biodiversity and orientations to the natural world or friendship and famil-like relationships with species other than humans. Have also done socio-legal work on rape and can supervise on gender violence. I have also have a more general interest in identity and have done work on European identity and try to keep an eye on debates about global citizenship & cosmopolitianism and would be happy to supervise in this area but perhaps as a second supervisor.

If you are interested in being supervised by Lynn Jamieson, please see the links below (opening in new windows) for more information:


Office Hours

Tuesday 3-5


  • MA Hons (University of Edinburgh)
  • PhD (Edinburgh)

Biographical statement

Supervise PhD students across a wide range of topics conducting research with both qualitative and quantitative methods in areas that overlap with my interest. One of the founding co-directors of CRFR. An editor of Families, Relationships and Societies and co-editor of the Palgrave series on Studies in Family and Intimate Life.

Recently participated in a project led by George Palattiyl on the impact of covid-19 lockdown on families of care home residents. Ongoing legacies of earlier work include: ''breadth and depth method' for analysis across large volumes of qualitative data, with Emma Davidson, Ros Edwards, and Susie Weller, ESRC National Centre for Research Methods; with Adele Lebano on 'Futures and Family: Italy, Spain and the UK' a qualitative project complementing Centre for Population Change demographic and quantitative work; and with Antonella Sorace, Kay Tisdall, Tracey Peace-Hughes and others on family, friends and bilingualism. Additional, I am a trustee of Befriending Networks Scotland and via Transition Edinburgh South, I support Gracemount Community Garden which enables people to grow and eat local food,  as part of my commitment to lower carbon futures and belief that families and relationships need to be part of bringing it about.

My back catalogue leaves ongoing interests in the topics of living alone, Growing up in Scotland, for example, analysing data on grandparenting with Warner and Bradshaw, children's experience of family change, identity including European Identity, young Muslim's experiences of racism and religious intolerance in Scotland, gender violence including the effectiveness of legislation governing the use of evidence in Scottish sexual offences trials with Burman, Scottish oral history.

Second edition in prepartion of Intimacy: Personal Relationships in Modern Societies (1998: Cambridge & Malden, MA: Polity Press).

Lebano, A., Jamieson, L. (2020) Childbearing in Italy and Spain: postponement narratives. Population and Development Review 46, 121-144.

Jamieson, L. (2019) Sociologies of Personal Relationships and the Challenge of Climate Change. Sociology, 0038038519882599.

Davidson, E., R. Edwards, L. Jamieson, and S. Weller (2018) "Big data, qualitative style: a breadth-and-depth method for working with large amounts of secondary qualitative data." Quality & Quantity: 1-14.

Jamieson L, Ribe E, and Warner P. (2018) "Outdated assumptions about maternal grandmothers? gender and lineage in grandparent–grandchild relationships." Contemporary Social Science 13: 261-74

Jamieson, L. (2016) ‘Families, Relationships and ‘Environment’: Unsustainability, Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss’ Families Relationships and Societies, 5, 3, 335-355.

Jamieson, L. and Simpson, R. (2013) Living Alone: Globalization, Identity and Belonging (2013, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan) 305 pages

'Personal Relationships, Intimacy and the Self in a Mediated and Global Digital Age' (2013) in Orton-Johnson, K. and Prior, N. (eds.) Digital Sociology: Critical Perspectives Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 13-28.

Jamieson, L. & Highet, G. (2013) ‘Troubling Loss? Children’s Experiences of Major Disruptions in Family Life’. In J. Ribbens McCarthy, C.-A. Hooper & V. Gillies (Eds.), Family Troubles? Exploring Changes and Challenges in the Lives of Children and Young People. (pp. 137-152): Policy Press.

'Children and young people’s relationships, relational processes and social change: reading' across worlds’ Children’s Geographies 2012, 10, 3, 265–278, Jamieson and Milne.

‘Intimacy as a Concept: explaining social change in the context of globalisation or another form of ethnocentricism?’ 2011 Sociological Research Online

Researching Families and Relationships: Reflections on Process 2011 London, Palgrave, Jamieson L, Lewis R, Simpson R (eds)

Endnote Database (Link awaiting update)

Works within

Publications by user content

Publication Research Explorer link
Weller S, Davidson E, Edwards R, Jamieson L. Big Qual: A Guide to Breadth-and-Depth Analysis    . 1st ed. Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. 205 p. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-36324-5
Lewthwaite S, Jamieson L, Davidson E, Edwards R, Nind M, Weller S. Enhancing the teaching of qualitative methods: Teaching the ‘breadth and depth' method for analysis of big qual. In Nind M, editor, Handbook of Teaching and Learning Social Research Methods. Edward Elgar Publishing. 2023. p. 67-84 doi: 10.4337/9781800884274.00014
Gopinath M, (ed.), Jamieson L, (ed.), Haux T, (ed.). Remembering David Morgan and his work: Collaborations, inspirations and new applications. Families, Relationships and Societies. 2022 May 1;11(2).
Peace-Hughes T, Cohen BJ, Jamieson L, Tisdall EKM. Children, childhoods and bilingualism: Exploring experiences, perspectives and policies. Children and Society. 2022 May;36(3):301-304. Epub 2022 Mar 1. doi: 10.1111/chso.12556
Edwards R, Weller S, Davidson E, Jamieson L. Small stories of home moves: A gendered and generational breadth-and-depth investigation. Sociological Research Online. 2021 Sept 28. Epub 2021 Sept 28. doi: 10.1177/13607804211042033
Breeze M, Gorringe H, Jamieson L, Rosie M. Educational outcomes of political participation? Young first-time voters 3 years after the Scottish Independence Referendum. Journal of Youth Studies. 2021 Sept 17. Epub 2021 Sept 17. doi: 10.1080/13676261.2021.1980517
Howard L, Howell R, Jamieson L. (Re)configuring moral boundaries of intergenerational justice: The UK parent-led climate movement. Local Environment. 2021 Sept 14. Epub 2021 Sept 14. doi: 10.1080/13549839.2021.1973977
Hockley J, Hafford-Letchfield T, Noone S, Mason B, Jamieson L, Iversholt R et al. COVID, communication and care homes: A staffs’ perspective of supporting the emotional needs of families. Journal of Long-Term Care. 2021 Jun 1;2021:167-176. doi: 10.31389/jltc.74
Peace-Hughes T, de Lima P, Cohen B, Jamieson L, Tisdall EKM, Sorace A. What do children think of their own bilingualism? Exploring bilingual children’s attitudes and perceptions. International Journal of Bilingualism. 2021 Mar 17. Epub 2021 Mar 17. doi: 10.1177/13670069211000853
Palattiyil G, Jamieson L, McKie L, Jain S, Hockley J, Sidhva D et al. Understanding and Reducing the Psychosocial Impact of Coronavirus Social Distancing and Behavioural Changes on Families of Care Home Residents in Scotland. Chief Scientist Office, 2021. 12 p.
Holmes M, Jamieson L, Natalier K. Future building and emotional reflexivity: Gendered or queered navigations of agency in non-normative relationships? Sociology. 2021 Jan 11. Epub 2021 Jan 11. doi: 10.1177/0038038520981841
Palattiyil G, Jamieson L, McKie L, Jain S, Hockley J, Sidhva D et al. The Cost of Separation: The Impact of Visiting Restrictions on Families of Care Home Residents during COVID-19. Chief Scientist Office, 2020. 16 p.
Palattiyil G, Jamieson L, McKie L, Jain S, Hockley J, Sidhva D et al. The Cost of Separation: The Impact of Visiting Restrictions on Families of Care Home Residents during COVID-19. Chief Scientist Office, 2020. 8 p.
Edwards R, Davidson E, Jamieson L, Weller S. Theory and the breadth-and-depth method of analysing large amounts of qualitative data: A research note. Quality and Quantity. 2020 Oct 19. Epub 2020 Oct 19. doi: 10.1007/s11135-020-01054-x
Jamieson L. Between the couple and living alone. In Abela A, Vella S, Piscopo S, editors, Couple Relationships in a Global Context: Understanding Love and Intimacy Across Cultures. Cham: Springer. 2020. p. 329-344. (European Family Therapy Association Series). doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-37712-0_20
Jamieson L. Sociologies of personal relationships and the challenge of climate change. Sociology. 2020 Apr 1;54(2):219-236. Epub 2019 Nov 19. doi: 10.1177/0038038519882599
Lebano A, Jamieson L. Childbearing in Italy and Spain: Postponement narratives. Population and development review. 2020 Mar 23;46(1):121-144. Epub 2020 Mar 16. doi: 10.1111/padr.12313
Edwards R, Weller S, Jamieson L, Davidson E. Search strategies: Analytic searching across multiple datasets and within combined sources. In Qualitative Secondary Analysis. London: SAGE Publications. 2019. p. 79-100
Weller S, Edwards R, Jamieson L, Davidson E. Analysing large volumes of complex qualitative data: Reflections from a group of international experts. National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM). 2019 Apr 11, p. 1-67. (Working Paper (NCRM Working Paper)).
Davidson E, Edwards R, Jamieson L, Weller S. Big data, qualitative style: A breadth‑and‑depth method for working with large amounts of secondary qualitative data. Quality and Quantity. 2019 Jan 15;53(1):363–376. Epub 2018 Apr 26. doi: 10.1007/s11135-018-0757-y
Jamieson L. On being a best woman at the marriage of two husbands. Families, Relationships and Societies. 2018 Nov;11(2):527-531. Epub 2018 Nov 2. doi: 10.1332/204674318X15384701752011
Jamieson L, Ribe E, Warner P. Out-dated assumptions about maternal grandmothers? Gender and lineage in grandparent-grandchild relationships. Contemporary Social Science. 2018 Jun;13(2):261-274. Epub 2018 Feb 15. doi: 10.1080/21582041.2018.1433869
Koslowski A, Holmes M, Jamieson L. Social forms of care: changing relationships of support. Families, Relationships and Societies. 2018 Mar 1;7(1):3-5. doi: 10.1332/204674318X15172431967577
Breeze M, Gorringe H, Jamieson L, Rosie M. Becoming independent: Political participation and youth transitions in the Scottish Referendum. British Journal of Sociology. 2017 Dec;68(4):754-774. Epub 2017 Jul 25. doi: 10.1111/1468-4446.12288
Jamieson L. Families, relationships and ‘environment': (Un)sustainability, climate change and biodiversity loss. Families, Relationships and Societies. 2016 Nov 1;5(3):335–355. doi: 10.1332/204674316X14758387773007
Jamieson L, Buchanan F. Rape and sexual assault: using an intersectional feminist lens. In Wendt S, Moulding N, editors, Contemporary Feminisms in Social Work Practice. Abingdon: Routledge. 2016. p. 220-237. 15. (Routledge Advances in Social Work). doi: 10.4324/9781315774947
Breeze M, Gorringe H, Jamieson L, Rosie M. “Everybody’s Scottish at the end of the day”: nationalism and social justice amongst young Yes voters. Scottish Affairs. 2015 Oct 28;24(4):419-431. doi: 10.3366/scot.2015.0094
Harden J, MacLean A, Backett-Milburn K, Cunningham-Burley S, Jamieson L. Responsibility, Work and Family Life: Children's and Parents' Experiences of Working Parenthood. In Holland J, Edwards R, editors, UNDERSTANDING FAMILIES OVER TIME: RESEARCH AND POLICY. BASINGSTOKE: Palgrave Macmillan. 2014. p. 124-141. (Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life). doi: 10.1057/9781137285089_7
Jamieson L, Simpson R. Living Alone: Globalization, Identity and Belonging. Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. 304 p. (Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life).
Harden J, Backett-Milburn K, MacLean A, Cunningham-Burley S, Jamieson L. Home and away: Constructing family and childhood in the context of working parenthood. Children's Geographies. 2013 Aug;11(3):298-310. doi: 10.1080/14733285.2013.812274
Jamieson L, Highet G. Troubling Loss? Children’s Experiences of Major Disruptions in Family Life. In Ribbens McCarthy J, Hooper CA, Gillies V, editors, Family Troubles?: Exploring changes and challenges in the family lives of children and young people. Bristol: Policy Press. 2013. p. 135-150. 11
Jamieson L. Personal Relationships, Intimacy and the Self in a Mediated and Global Digital Age. In Orton-Johnson K, Prior N, editors, Digital Sociology: Critical Perspectives. 1 ed. Palgrave Macmillan. 2013. p. 13-33 doi: 10.1057/9781137297792
Jamieson L, Milne S. Children and young people's relationships, relational processes and social change: reading across worlds. Children's Geographies. 2012 Jul 18;10(3):265-278. doi: 10.1080/14733285.2012.693377
Harden J, Backett-Milburn K, MacLean A, Jamieson L. Hopes for the Future: Parents' and Children's Narratives of Children's Future Employment Orientations. Sociological Research Online. 2012 Jun 11;17(2):13. doi: 10.5153/sro.2619
Jamieson L, Warner P, Bradshaw P. Growing up in Scotland: The involvement of grandparents in children’s lives. Edinburgh: Scottish Government, 2012. 44 p.
Jamieson L. Intimacy as a Concept: Explaining Social Change in the Context of Globalisation or Another Form of Ethnocentricism? Sociological Research Online. 2011 Nov 30;16(4):15. doi: 10.5153/sro.2497
Jamieson L, (ed.), Simpson R, (ed.), Lewis R, (ed.). Researching Families and Relationships: Reflections on Process. 1st ed. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. 201 p. (Palgrave Macmillan studies in family and intimate life). doi: 10.1057/9780230347960
Kidd S, Jamieson L. Experiences of Muslims Living in Scotland. Scottish Government, 2011. 102 p.
Jamieson L. Understanding different kinds of family in context. In Hill M, editor, Professionals, children and the community: Working Together . Pearson Education, Inc. 2011
Jamieson L, Wajcman J. Anthony Giddens et l’Intimé La Structuration oubliée. In Chabaud-Rychter D, Descoutures V, Devreux AM, Varikas E, editors, Sous les Sicences Sociales le genre: Relectures critques de Max Weber a Bruno Latour. Paris: La Decouverte. 2010
Jamieson L, Milburn KB, Simpson R, Wasoff F. Fertility and Social Change: the Neglected Contribution of Men's Approaches to Becoming Partners and Parents. The Sociological Review. 2010 Aug;58(3):463-485. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-954X.2010.01924.x
Jamieson L. Changing Intimacy: Seeking and Forming Couple Relationships. In Abrams L, Brown CG, editors, A History of Everyday Life in Twentieth Century Scotland . Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 2010. p. 76-102
Jamieson L, Wasoff F. Rural and Urban Solo Living: Social integration, Quality of Life and Future Orientations. Swindon: ESRC, 2010. 7 p.
Jamieson L, Simpson R. Living on your own: Social integration, quality of life and aspirations for the future. 2010. 2 p.
Jamieson L, Munroe G, Perrier M. Social Change in Scottish Fishing Communities: A Brief Literature Review and Annotated Bibliograph. 2009. 38 p.
Jamieson L, Wasoff F, Simpson R. Solo-Living, Demographic and Family Change: The Need to Know More About Men. Sociological Research Online. 2009 May 31;14(2):5. doi: 10.5153/sro.1888
Bradshaw P, Sharp C, Webster C, Jamieson L. Growing Up in Scotland: Parenting and the Neighbourhood Context Report. Scottish Government, 2009. 85 p.
Jamieson L, Simpson R, Wasoff F. Solo-living age 25-44 : subjectivities and social change. 2009. Paper presented at American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Fransisco, CA, United Kingdom.
Graham E, Jamieson L, MacInnes J. Fertility, Policy and the Future of Scotland’s Population. In Scotland’s Population 2007 : The Registrar General’s Annual Review of Demographic Trends. 153 ed. Edinburgh: Edinburgh: General Register Office for Scotland. 2008. p. 70-87
Jamieson L, Bradshaw P, Ormston R. Growing Up In Scotland Study: Growing Up In Rural Scotland. Scottish Government, 2008. 43 p.
Jamieson L, Groves L. Drivers of Youth Out-Migration from Rural Scotland: Key Issues and Annotated Bibliography. 2008. 38 p.
Simpson R, Wasoff F, Jamieson L. Solo-living in early adulthood : challenging family and household boundaries. 2008. Paper presented at European Sociological Association (ESA) research network “sociology of family and intimate lives” , Helsinki, United Kingdom.
Jamieson L, Wasoff F, Simpson R. Solo living in early adulthood : social integration, quality of life and future orientations. 2008. Paper presented at The British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2008, Warwich, United Kingdom.
Jamieson L. Obligatory friends, surrogate kin: some questions for mentoring. Youth & Policy. 2008;(99):55-66.
Burman M, Jamieson L, Nicholson J, Brooks O. Impact of Aspects of the Law of Evidence in Sexual Offence Trials: An Evaluation Study. 2007. 173 p.
Elsley S, Backett-Milburn K, Jamieson L. Review of Research on Vulnerable Young People and their Transitions to Independent Living. 2007. 50 p.
Grundy S, Jamieson L. European identities: From absent-minded citizens to passionate Europeans. Sociology-The journal of the british sociological association. 2007 Aug;41(4):663-680. doi: 10.1177/0038038507078919
Highet G, Jamieson L. Cool with Change: Young people and family change. Edinburgh: Centre for Research on Families and Relationships, 2007. 66 p.
Anderson S, Bradshaw P, Cunningham-Burley S, Hayes F, Jamieson L, MacGregor A et al. Growing Up in Scotland: A Study Following the Lives of Scotland's Children. Scottish Executive, 2007. 227 p.
Jamieson L, Davidson S. CRFR Migration Research Scoping Review: Lived Experience of Migrants in Scotland. 2007.
Jamieson L, Burman M. The Law of Evidence in Sexual Offence Trials: Initial Findings from Phase One of the Research: Mapping High Court Sexual Offence Cases . 2006. 6 p.
Jamieson L, Morgan D, Crow G, Allan G. Friends, neighbours and distant partners: Extending or decentring family relationships? Sociological Research Online. 2006 Sept 30;11(3):-.
Jamieson L. Intimacy. In Harrington A, Marshall B, Muller H, editors, The Routledge Encyclopedia of Social Theory . Routledge. 2006
Jamieson L. Intimacy. In Ritzer G, editor, Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2006
Burman M, Calder G, Chalmers J, Casey J, Cowan S, Cruft R et al. Open Letter to the Scottish Law Commission's Consultation Document. Scots Law Times. 2006;157-67.
Jamieson L. Hierarchy and Authority’. In Storrier S, editor, Scotland's Domestic Life : Scottish Life and Society: A compendium of Scottish ethnology. Vol. 6. Tuckwell Press. 2006
Grundy S, Jamieson L. Are we all Europeans now? Local, national and supranational identities of young adults. Sociological Research Online. 2005 Sept 30;10(3):-.
Burman M, Jamieson L, Nicholson J, Cartmel F. The Law of Evidence in Sexual Offence Trials: Base Line Study. 2005. 47 p.
Wasoff F, Jamieson L. Solo Living, individual and family boundaries: findings from secondary analysis. In McKie L, Cunningham-Burley S, editors, Families and Society: Boundaries and Relationships. Policy Press. 2005
Jamieson L, McKendrick J. Teenagers’ Relationships with Peers and Parent. In Ermisch JF, Wright RE, editors, Changing Scotland: Evidence from the British Household Panel Study . Bristol: Policy Press. 2005. p. 17-32
Jamieson L. Final Report to the European Commission of ‘Orientations of Young Men and Women to Citizenship and European Identity’. European Commission, 2005.
Anderson M, Bechhofer F, McCrone D, Jamieson L, Li Y, Stewart R. Timespans and plans among young adults. Sociology. 2005 Jan 1;39(1):139-155. doi: 10.1177/0038038505049006
Jamieson L. Boundaries of intimacy. In Cunningham-Burley S, McKie L, editors, Families in Society: Boundaries and relationships . Bristol: Policy Press. 2005. p. 189-206
Jamieson L. CRFR Briefing Prepared for the Chief Scientist’s Office of the Scottish Executive. 2004.
Jamieson L, Bianchi G, Boehnke K, Condor S, Grad H, Machacek L et al. Orientations of Young Men and Women to Citizenship and European Identity. 2004. 4 p.
Jamieson L, Grundy S. Fortress, Melting Pot or Multi-Cultural Society: Attitudes to Immigration and Cultural Diversity. 2004. 4 p.
Jamieson L. Low fertility in Scotland: the research landscape. Scottish Government, 2004. 11 p.
Grundy S, Jamieson L. Action, reaction, inaction? Young adults' citizenship in Britain. Sociologia. 2004 Mar 1;36(3):237-252.
Jamieson L. Intimacy, negotiated non-monogamy and the limits of the couple. In Duncombe J, Harrison K, Allan G, Marsden D, editors, The State of Affairs. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 2004. p. 35-57
Jamieson L. Wande? Enei kritische Betracthtung der “reinen Beziehung”. In Frauen und Manner: Zur Geschlectstypick personlicher Beziehungen. Juventa Verlag . 2003
Cunningham-Burley S, Jamieson L. Families and the state: changing relationships. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. 212 p.
Jamieson L. The Couple: Intimate and Equal? In Weeks J, Holland J, Waites M, editors, Sexualities and Society: A Reader. Polity Press. 2003. p. 265-276
Li Y, Bechhofer F, Anderson M, Jamieson L, McCrone D, Stewart R. A divided working class? Planning and career perception in the service and working classes. Work, Employment And Society. 2002 Dec 1;16(4):617-636. doi: 10.1177/095001702321587398
Jamieson L, Stewart R, Li Y, Anderson M, Bechhofer F, McCrone D. Single, 20-something and seeking? In Allan G, Jones G, editors, Social Relations and the Life Course . Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 2002. p. 135-154
Jamieson L, Anderson M, McCrone D, Bechhofer F, Stewart R, Li Y. Cohabitation and commitment: Partnership plans of young men and women. Sociological Review . 2002 Aug 1;50(3):356-377. doi: 10.1111/1467-954X.00387
Cunningham-Burley S, Jamieson L, Morton S, Adam R, McFarlane V. Mapping Sure Start Scotland. Scottish Executive, 2002. 20 p.
Anderson M, Bechhofer F, Jamieson L, McCrone D, Li YJ, Stewart R. Confidence amid uncertainty: Ambitions and plans in a sample of young adults. Sociological Research Online. 2002 Feb 28;6(4):-.
Hinds K, Jamieson L. Rejecting Traditional Family Building? Attitudes to Cohabitation and Teenage Pregnancy in Scotland. In Curtice J, McCrone D, Parks A, Paterson L, editors, New Scotland, New Society? : Are Social and Political Ties Fragmenting? . Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 2002. p. 33-64
Jamieson L. Theorising identity, nationality and citizenship: Implications for European citizenship identity. Sociologia. 2002 Jan 1;34(6):507-532.
Jamieson L. The Treatment of Women Reporting Sexual Assault by the Scottish Criminal Justice System. The Scottish Journal of Criminal Justice Studies. 2001 Jul;7(1):70-88.
Jamieson L. Determinants/conditions of identities' construction, their co-existence or conflict. 2001. 8 p.
Jamieson L. Children. In Lynch M, editor, The Oxford Companion to Scottish History . Oxford University Press. 2001. p. 76-78
Jamieson L. Families. In Lynch M, editor, The Oxford Companion to Scottish History. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2001. p. 237-239
Jamieson L, Burman M. Sexual Offences (Procedure and Evidence) (Scotland) Bill: Sharpening the focus on relevance? SCOLAG Legal Journal. 2001;153-154.
Jamieson L. The Taught. In Fenton A, Holmes H, editors, Scottish Life and Society: A Compendium of Scottish Ethnology: Education. Vol. 11. Tuckwell Press. 2000. p. 297-315. (Scottish Life and Society: A Compendium of Scottish Ethnology).
Jamieson L. Migration, place and class: youth in a rural area. European Sociological Review. 2000 May;48(2):203-223.
Jamieson L. Intimacy transformed? A critical look at the 'pure relationship'. Sociology-The journal of the british sociological association. 1999 Aug;33(3):477-494.
Jamieson L, Burman M, Grundy S, Dyer F. The Attrition of Sexual Offences in the Criminal Justice System: a report of a pilot study monitoring cases from first report to the police to final outcome. Scottish Office CRU, 1998.
Jamieson L. Intimacy: personal relationships in modern societies. Polity Press, 1998.
Jamieson L. Changing patterns of relationships and the future of welfare. In Morton AR, editor, The Future of Welfare: Occasional Paper No 41. Centre for Theology and Public Issues. 1997
Jones G, Jamieson L. Migration or Staying On? Decision-Making and Behaviour of Young People in Rural Scotland’. ESRC, 1997.
Jamieson L. The social construction of consent revisited. In Adkins L, Merchant V, editors, Sexualising the Social: Power and the organisation of sexuality. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 1996
Brown B, Burman M, Jamieson L. Sexual Evidence Reformed? In Adler M, Millar AR, Morris S, editors, Socio-Legal Research in the Scottish Courts . Vol. 3. Edinburgh: Scottish Office Central Research Unit. 1993
Brown B, Burman M, Jamieson L. Sex crimes on trial: The use of sexual evidence in Scottish courts. Edinburgh University Press, 1993. 1 p.
Jamieson L, Toynbee C. Country bairns: growing up 1900-1930. Edinburgh University Press, 1992.
Brown B, Burman M, Jamieson L. Sexual History and Sexual Character Evidence in Scottish Sexual Offence Trials. The Stationery Office, 1992. 108 p.
Banks M, Bates I, Breakwell G, Bynner J, Elmer N, Jamieson L et al. Careers and Identities: Adolescent attitudes to employment, training and education, their home life, leisure and politics. 1992.
Jamieson L. Rural and urban women in domestic service. In Gordon E, Breitenbach E, editors, The World is Ill Divided: Women’s Work in Scotland in the 19th and early 20th century . Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 1990. p. 136-157
Jamieson L. We all left at 14: boys’ and girls’ schooling circa 1900-1930. In Fewell J, Paterson FMS, editors, Girls in their Prime: Scottish Education Revisited . Milton Keynes: Open University Press. 1990. p. 16-37
Jamieson L. Arms Reduction and Disarmament. Sociology. 1990 May 1;24(2):219-228. doi: 10.1177/0038038590024002003
Jamieson L, Corr H. State, private life and political change. Basingstoke: Macmillan Publishers, 1990. 247 p. (Explorations in sociology).
Corr H, Jamieson L. Politics of everyday life: continuity and change in work and the family. London: Macmillan Publishers, 1990. (Explorations in sociology).
Corr H, Jamieson L, Tomes N. Parents and "talking Politics". 1990.
Jamieson L, Corr H. Earning your Keep: Self reliance and family obligation. 1990.
Jamieson L, Toynbee C. Shifting patterns of parental control 1900-1980. In Corr H, Jamieson L, editors, Politics of Everyday Life . London: Palgrave Macmillan. 1990. p. 86-113
Jamieson L, Corr H, Tomes N. The social context of making up your own mind: The decision to leave or stay on at school. 1989.
JAMIESON L. THEORIES OF FAMILY DEVELOPMENT AND THE EXPERIENCE OF BEING BROUGHT UP. Sociology-The journal of the british sociological association. 1987 Nov;21(4):591-607.
Jamieson L, Bury J, McGlew T. Service to pregnant clients: the Edinburgh Brook Advisory Centre. Health bulletin. 1987;77-83.
Jamieson L. Limited resources and limiting conventions: working-class mothers and daughters in urban Scotland circa 1890-1920’ . In Lewis J, editor, Labour and Love: Women's Experience of Home and Family, 1850-1940. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 1986. p. 49-69
Jamieson L. Growing up in Scotland: class and gender. In Studies Group GW, editor, Uncharted Lives : Extracts from Scottish Women’s Experience. Glasgow: Pressgang. 1983. p. 17-34
Jamieson L, Bury J, McGlew T. Young persons’ contraceptive clinic 1975-1980: patterns of use. Health bulletin. 1983;68-77.
Lynn Jamieson's Research Explorer profile