School of Social and Political Science

Dr Marc Geddes

Job Title

Senior Lecturer in Politics

Marc Geddes

Room number


Building (Address)

Chrystal Macmillan Building

Street (Address)

15a George Square

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Country (Address)

United Kingdom

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Research interests

Research interests

I am Senior Lecturer in Politics, with a particular research focus on parliamentary politics in the UK and comparatively. Specifically, I'm interested in:

  • How politicians interpret and enact their role, especially with respect to scrutinising government, and how this affects democratic politics;
  • How politicians and parliamentary actors gather, analyse and use different types of knowledge, and how this affects wider democratic governance and decision-making; and,
  • How we can effectively study political phenomena, particularly engaging with debates on interpretive political science.

Between 2024 and 2029, I am Principal Investigator for an ERC Starting Grant (funded via the UKRI Horizon Guarantee Scheme), called Studying Parliaments and the Role of Knowledge or SPARK. Alongside my research team, we are investigating how parliaments across Europe gather, analyse and use different types of knowledge.

Between 2012 and 2016, I completed a four-year ESRC project entitled Interpreting Parliamentary Scrutiny that explores a lot of these issues, and focused predominantly on the UK Parliament. In 2020, this project culminated in my book, Dramas at Westminster, which won Book of the Year by the Political Studies Association in 2021. Find out more here.

My research interests are reflected in my passion for teaching and education, which focus around British politics. I previously contributed to, and also convened, our introductory course on British politics (Introduction to British Politics). I have contributed towards, and since 2021-22 convened an advanced course comparing the UK and Scottish parliaments (Parliamentary Studies). The latter course was awarded the Best Course Award by Edinburgh University Students' Association in 2022; both courses were nominated for this award in 2021 and 2022.

PhD Supervision

If you are a PhD student looking for a supervisor, please note that I would be happy to supervise topics on parliamentary-focused research, British and/or German politics, or research adopting interpretive approaches and methods. 

I am currently supervising two PhD students:

  • Lindsey Garner-Knapp, who is exploring how trade officials in subnational contexts interpret their role and seek to influence FTAs. Her PhD is funded by the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.
  • Marie Bruyndonckx, who is exploring how the European Parliament is gathering, analysing and using different types of knowledge to shape healthcare policies in the European Union. Her PhD is funded and part of the SPARK research project.


Selected publications

For enquiries about recent conference papers and current work-in-progress, please contact me directly. An up-to-date list of all my publications is available via Google Scholar or my website.


(2020) Dramas at Westminster: Select Committees and the Quest for Accountability. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

This book was awarded the 2021 WJM Mackenzie Prize for the Best Book Published in Political Science.

The book was reviewed for LSE Review of Books by Dr Ben Worthy (Birkbeck), for Representation by Dr Tom Caygill (Newcastle) and for Parliaments, Estates and Representation by Liam Laurence Smyth (House of Commons).


(2024) ‘Interpreting Parliament, but How? Centring parliamentary actors and settings in ethnographic design and practice’. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations. Co-author: C. Miller. Early View. Open Access.

(2024) ‘Comparing Evidence Use in Parliaments: the interplay of traditions and practices in the UK House of Commons and German Bundestag’. Policy & Society 43(4): 447-62. Open Access.

(2024) ‘Parliamentary Traditions in the UK: Exploring beliefs, practices and dilemmas to explain change and continuity in the House of Commons’. The Journal of Legislative Studies 30(2): 148-68. Open Access.

(2022) 'Explaining Change in Legislatures: Dilemmas of managerial reform in the UK House of Commons'. Political Studies. 70(1): 239-54. Co-author: A. Meakin. Open Access.

(2021) 'The webs of belief around 'evidence' in legislatures: The case of select committees in the UK House of Commons'. Public Administration. 99(1): 40-54. Open Access.

(2020) 'Opening up evidence-based policy: exploring citizen and service user engagement', Evidence & Policy 16(2): 199-208. Co-authors: E. Stewart, J. Smith-Merry and J. Bandola-Gill.

This article is the editorial of a fully open access guest-edited special issue of Evidence & Policy by E. Stewart, J. Smith-Merry and M. Geddes.

(2020) 'Governing under Pressure? The Mental Wellbeing of Politicians', Parliamentary Affairs 73(2): 253-73. Co-authors: J. Weinberg, A. Weinberg, M. Flinders and R. Kwiatkowski.

(2019) 'Performing Scrutiny along the Committee Corridor of the UK House of Commons', Parliamentary Affairs 72(4): 821-40.

(2019) 'The Explanatory Potential of 'Dilemmas': Bridging practices and power to understand political change in interpretive political science', Political Studies Review 17(3): 239-54.

(2018) 'Committee Hearings of the UK Parliament: Who gives evidence and does this matter?', Parliamentary Affairs 71(2): 283-304.

(2018) 'A Recipe for Impact? Exploring knowledge requirements in the UK Parliament and beyond', Evidence and Policy 14(2): 259-76. Co-authors: K. Dommett and B. Prosser.

(2014) ‘The Silent Revolution: A political history of the politics of patronage and reform’, Contemporary British History 28(1): 24-55. Co-author: M. Flinders.

Book chapters

(In press) ‘Parliaments and the Role of Knowledge’, in C. Bernardes and E. Crewe (eds.) Encyclopedia of Parliamentary Studies. London: Edward Elgar Publishing.

(In press) ‘Select Committees in the House of Commons’, in C. Leston-Bandeira et al. (eds.) Exploring Parliament (second edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Co-author: F. Bhatti.

(In press) ‘Parliament’, in A. Convery (ed.) UK Politics. London: SAGE.

(2020) ‘Democracy: Problems and challenges, opportunities and design’, in K. Larres and R. Wittlinger (eds.) Understanding Global Politics: Actors and themes in international affairs, London: Routledge. Co-author: M. Flinders.

(2018) ‘Towards an Interpretive Parliamentary Studies’, in J. Brichzin, D. Krichewsky, L. Ringel and J. Schank (eds.) The Sociology of Parliaments. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Co-author: R.A.W. Rhodes.

(2018) ‘Supporting Members and Peers’, in C. Leston-Bandeira and L. Thompson (eds.) Exploring Parliament (first edition), Oxford: Oxford University Press. Co-author: J. Mulley.

Reports and policy engagement

(2023) Good Evidence? How do select committees use evidence to support their work?. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh.

(2020) Evaluating Academic Engagement with UK Legislatures: Exchanging knowledge on knowledge exchange. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh. Co-author: D. Beswick.

We have disseminated our findings through blogs and articles: Summary of findings for Universities Policy Engagement Unit, A 12-point plan for universities to improve parliamentary engagement and How to get into parliaments (£)

(2019) 'The effectiveness and influence of the select committee system', written submission to the House of Commons Liaison Committee. Inquiry details here.

(2018) 'Establishing select committees in a new parliament', written submission to the House of Commons Procedure Committee. Inquiry details here.

(2017) 'Enhancing Scrutiny in the Scottish Parliament', written submission to Commission on Parliamentary Reform (final report here). Co-author: J. Mitchell.

(2016) A Recipe for Parliamentary Impact? An academic guide to effective engagement. Sheffield: Sheffield Solutions Policy Briefing. Co-authors: K. Dommett and B. Prosser.


Staff Hours and Guidance

I'm usually available on Thursdays - please check Microsoft Bookings to see my current availability and to make an appointment.

Publications by user content

Publication Research Explorer link
Geddes M, Miller C. Interpreting parliaments, but how? Centring parliamentary actors and settings in ethnographic design and practice. British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 2024 Aug 13;1-23. Epub 2024 Aug 13. doi: 10.1177/13691481241269276
Geddes M. Parliamentary traditions in the UK: Exploring beliefs, practices and dilemmas to explain change and continuity in the House of Commons. The Journal of Legislative Studies. 2023 Oct 25. Epub 2023 Oct 25. doi: 10.1080/13572334.2023.2270629
Geddes M. Good Evidence: How do select committees use evidence to support their work? Edinburgh, 2023. 43 p.
Meakin A, Geddes M. Explaining change in legislatures: Dilemmas of managerial reform in the UK House of Commons. Political Studies. 2020 Sept 23. Epub 2020 Sept 23. doi: 10.1177/0032321720955127
Geddes M. The webs of belief around 'evidence' in legislatures: The case of select committees in the UK House of Commons. Public Administration. 2020 Jun 28. Epub 2020 Jun 28. doi: 10.1111/padm.12687
Geddes M. Pushing interpretive scholarship further by embracing comparative research. European Political Science. 2020 Jun 16. Epub 2020 Jun 16. doi: 10.1057/s41304-020-00275-w
Stewart E, Smith-Merry J, Bandola-Gill J, Geddes M. Opening up evidence-based policy: exploring citizen and service user expertise. Evidence and Policy. 2020 May 1;16(2). Epub 2020 Apr 1. doi: 10.1332/174426420X15838217456181
Flinders M, Weinberg A, Weinberg J, Geddes M, Kwiatkowski R. Governing under pressure? The mental wellbeing of politicians. Parliamentary Affairs. 2020 Apr 1;73(2):253-273. Epub 2018 Dec 26. doi: 10.1093/pa/gsy046
Beswick D, Geddes M. Evaluating academic engagement with UK legislatures: Exchanging knowledge on knowledge exchange. 2020. 43 p.
Geddes M. Dramas at Westminster: Select Committees and the Quest for Accountability. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2019. 192 p. (Political Ethnography).
Geddes M. Performing scrutiny along the committee corridor of the UK House of Commons. Parliamentary Affairs. 2019 Oct 31;72(4):821-840. Epub 2019 Sept 6. doi: 10.1093/pa/gsz037
Geddes M, Flinders M. Democracy: Problems and challenges, opportunities and design. In Larres K, Wittlinger R, editors, Understanding Global Politics: Actors and themes in international affairs. Routledge. 2019. p. 27-41
Geddes M. The Explanatory Power of 'Dilemmas': Bridging practices and power to understand political change in interpretive political science. Political Studies Review. 2018 Sept 24. doi: 10.1177/1478929918795342
Geddes M, Dommett K, Prosser B. A recipe for impact? Exploring knowledge requirements in the UK Parliament and beyond. Evidence and Policy. 2018 Jun 1;14(2):259-276. Epub 2017 May 16. doi: 10.1332/174426417X14945838375115
Geddes M. Committee hearings of the UK Parliament: Who gives evidence and does this matter? Parliamentary Affairs. 2018 Apr 1;71(2):283-304. Epub 2017 Sept 1. doi: 10.1093/pa/gsx026
Geddes M, Mulley J. Supporting Members. In Leston-Bandeira C, Thompson L, editors, Exploring Parliament. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2018
Geddes M, Rhodes RAW. Towards an Interpretive Parliamentary Studies. In Brichzin J, Krichewsky D, Ringel L, Schank J, editors, Soziologie der Parlamente: Neue Wege der politischen Institutionenforschung. 1 ed. Wiesbaden: Springer. 2018. p. 87-107. 4. (Politische Soziologie). doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-19945-6
Flinders M, Geddes M. The Silent Revolution: A Political History of the Politics of Patronage and Reform. Contemporary British History. 2014;28(1):24-55. Epub 2014 Jan 13. doi: 10.1080/13619462.2013.857540
Marc Geddes's Research Explorer profile