School of Social and Political Science

María Angélica Thumala Olave

Job Title

Senior Lecturer

María Angélica Thumala Olave's picture

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Research interests

Research themes

Research interests

Cultural Sociology, Sociology of Religion, Consumption, Catholicism, Secularisation, Elites, Culture and society in Latin America, Sociology of reading and writing, Books

My work in cultural sociology explores how cultural resources are mobilised in the search for justification and self-worth. I look at how individuals and groups draw upon (and also transform) cultural codes when constructing their life stories, how they produce meaningful accounts of their situation for themselves and others, and how these accounts are located within historical moments and wider cultural structures.

My first exploration of these themes was a study in the sociology of religion. In the monograph Wealth and Piety. The Catholicism of Chile’s business elite (2007, Santiago: Debate) (Riqueza y piedad. El catolicismo de la elite económica chilena) and several articles and book chapters, I examine the ethos of Chile’s economic elite. Critiquing simplistic versions of secularisation theory, this work traces the economic elite’s conservative reappropriation of Catholicism through discourse and ritual practice in the context of modernisation and pluralisation. (Cited in the press as one of the key texts for understanding the country's elite.) Later on, I turned the cultural conceptual lens upon a different phenomenon: the normative justifications for the consumption -and the refusal to consume- security products such as CCTV in England (in collaboration with Ian Loader and Ben Goold at the University of Oxford). The articles resulting from this research reveal how competing cultural representations of community, civil life and personal safety shape the individual and institutional choices between state and market provision of security as well as the justifications of these choices. The tensions between political ideals and market logics emerge also in a more recent cultural analysis of Chile’s civil sphere (in The Civil Sphere in Latin America, Cambridge University Press , 2018). In this research-based book chapter I explore the applicability of Alexander’s civil sphere theory to the case of the public’s reaction to a series of collusion scandals in the retail industry. The cultural codes mobilised in support of a range of protests, boycotts and legal actions indicate the situated instantiaton of some of the republican ideals at the core of the civil sphere.

I have also worked as a consultant for the World Bank on the cultural and normative basis of gendered relations within households and labour markets. On Norms and Agency. Conversations about Gender Equality with Women and Men in 20 Countries.

The Cultural Sociology of reading, writing and books

The Cultural Sociology of Reading. The Meanings of Reading and Books Across the World

In recent years I have been interested in the role of reading and books in the formation and expression of accounts of self and the justification of action. I explore the personal and political significance of reading and books in Latin America and the UK. This work is divided into three streams:

  1. The aesthetic, ethical and existential dimensions of reading for pleasure (fiction and non-fiction)
  2. The links between reading and critical capacity, utopian thought and political awakening and radicalisation
  3. The process of self-justification in autobiographical writing among elites

Edinburgh Research Explorer

PhD students

Angelos Theocharis "Reading, talking and playing literature: Community literary practices of the UK Russian-speaking diaspora" (completed 2021) (with Lara Ryazanova-Clark)

David Anderson "Care, Stigma and the Creative Everyday of Urban Social Space in Soacha, Colombia" (completed 2020) (with Lilli Riga)

Damianos Tzoupis "Reading the classics. Reception and readers’ discourse: university students reading Plato's Cave" (with Liz Stanley)

Sicheng Long "The invention of talent: human capital valuation in talent assessment" (with Isabelle Darmon)

Carla Quiroz "Chilean autonomous feminists and their quest for radical change" (with Mary Holmes)

Janet Handley "“Sharpening the Moral Imagination”: Political Violence and the Ethics of Reading" (with Cassandra Falke, UiT)

Linjie Zhang "Bookstores in China.The Dawn and Decline of Public Space" (with Liz Stanley)

Topics interested in supervising

I would welcome proposals from research students with interests in the sociology of culture broadly understood, culture and society in Latin America, elites, religion, and the sociology of literature, books, reading and writing.

If you are interested in being supervised by M. Angélica Thumala Olave, please see the links below for more information:


Ph.D. in Sociology, University of Cambridge

M.A. in Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Warwick

B.A. in Sociology, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile

Academia. edu



Under contract. The Love of Books. Attachment to a changing cultural object. (Monograph)

(2022) The cultural sociology of reading. The meanings of reading and books across the world. Palgrave Macmillan. Cultural Sociology Series (Edited collection)

(2012) with Muñoz-Boudet, A.M; Petesch, P.; Turk, C. On Norms and Agency. Conversations about Gender Equality with Women and Men in 20 Countries. Washington DC: IBRD/The World Bank.

(2007) Wealth and Piety. The Catholicism of Chile’s business elite. (Riqueza y piedad. El catolicismo de la elite económica chilena.) Santiago: Debate.

Peer-reviewed articles

(2020) "Book love. A cultural sociological interpretation of the attachment to books" Poetics 81: 1–11

(2018) "Reading Matters. Towards a cultural sociology of readingAmerican Journal of Cultural Sociology 6(3): 417-454

(2015) with Loader, I., Goold, B. "Grudge spending: the interplay between markets and culture in the purchase of security” The Sociological Review 63(4):858–875

(2015) with Goold, B. and Loader, I. “Tracking devices: On the reception of a novel security good” Criminology and Criminal Justice 15 (1): 3-22

(2014) with Loader, I. Goold, B. “The moral economy of security” Theoretical Criminology 18(4): 469–488

(2013) with Goold, B., Loader, I. “The Banality of Security. The Curious Case of Surveillance Cameras” British Journal of Criminology 53 977–996

(2012) “The aristocracy of the will: a critique of Pierre Bourdieu with illustrations from Chile” Social Compass 59 (1): 52-68

(2011) with Goold, B. and I. Loader (2011) “A tainted trade?: Moral ambivalence and legitimation work in the private security industry” British Journal of Sociology  62 (2):283-303

(2010) with Goold, B., I. Loader “Consuming security? Tools for a sociology of security consumption” Theoretical Criminology 14 (1): 3-30

(2010) “The richness of ordinary life. Religious justification among Chile’s business elite”  Religion, 40 (1): 14-26

(2007) “Notions of Evil, the Devil and Sin among Chilean Businessmen” Social Compass, 54 (4): 613-632

Special Issues

(2021) "Exploring the sacrality of reading as a social practice" Editorial. Special Issue The Cultural Sociology of Reading. American Journal of Cultural Sociology, 9(2)

(2020) with Mc Cormick, L and Prior, N. “Editors’ Introduction" Special Issue on Nathalie Heinich’s Sociology of Values. Cultural Sociology 14(3)

Chapters in books

(2018) "Civil indignation in Chile: Recent Collusion Scandals in the Retail industry" in The Civil Sphere in Latin America Jeffrey Alexander and Carlo Tognato (Eds.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 66-92.

(2013) “El error de Milton Friedman: justificaciones religiosas y morales de la empresa en Chile”, in Adaptación, la empresa chilena después de Friedman (Eds.) José Ossandón and EugenioTironi. Santiago: Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales.

(2011) “Distinción de base religiosa en la elite económica chilena” in Alfredo Joignant and Pedro Güell (Eds.) Notables, tecnócratas y mandarines. Elementos de sociología de las élites en Chile, 1990-2010. Santiago: Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales.

(2009) “Cultura Militar y Demandas de Mercado: La Modernización de la Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil de Chile” in Alejandro Portes (Ed.) Las Instituciones en el Desarrollo Latinoamericano: Un Estudio Comparado. México: Siglo XXI.

Book reviews

(2021) "Rita Felski, Hooked. Art and attachment", Theory, Culture & Society Global Public Life

(2018) "American Guides: The Federal Writers’ Project and the Casting of American Culture by Wendy Griswold,"  American Journal of Sociology  123 (4): 1238-1240

(2004) “El imperio del Opus Dei en Chile by María Luisa Mönckeberg"  Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions 128 (35):106-107

Reports and other publications

(2020) with Prior, N. and Thorpe, C. "Reflecting on 5 years of editing Cultural Sociology" Everyday Society British Sociological Association

(2018) “La fuerza ética de la crítica liberacionista permanece intacta” in Origen y Futuro de la Teología de la Liberación Online Forum about the future of Liberation Theology in Intersecciones. Foro, Ideas y Democracia. 

(2012) Aspirations on hold? Young lives in the West Bank and Gaza World Bank

(2012) “West Bank and Gaza: knowledge as a pathway for dignity” Blog for The World Bank’s Voices and Views: Middle East and North Africa, November 14

(2010) “Transición religiosa” Seminario Una mirada al alma de Chile. Encuesta Nacional Bicentenario Universidad Católica - Adimark 2009 36: 39-43.


Works within

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Publications by user content

Publication Research Explorer link
Thumala Olave MA, (ed.). The Cultural Sociology of Reading: The Meanings of Reading and Books Across the World. 1st ed. Palgrave Macmillan, 2022. 590 p. (Cultural Sociology). doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-13227-8
Thumala Olave MA. Exploring the sacrality of reading as a social practice. American Journal of Cultural Sociology. 2021 Apr 3. Epub 2021 Apr 3. doi: 10.1057/s41290-021-00132-3, 10.1057/s41290-021-00133-2
McCormick L, Thumala Olave MA, Prior N. Editors’ Introduction. Cultural Sociology. 2020 Sept 1;14(3):211-212. doi: 10.1177/1749975520922172
Thumala Olave MA. Book love. A cultural sociological interpretation of the attachment to books. Poetics. 2020 Aug;81:1-11. 101440. Epub 2020 Feb 27. doi: 10.1016/j.poetic.2020.101440
Thumala Olave MA. Reading matters: Towards a cultural sociology of reading. American Journal of Cultural Sociology. 2018 Oct;6(3):417–454. Epub 2017 Jul 19. doi: 10.1057/s41290-017-0034-x
Thumala M. Civil indignation in Chile: Recent collusion scandals in the retail industry. In Alexander JC, Tognato C, editors, The Civil Sphere in Latin America . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2018. p. 66-92 Epub 2018 Apr. doi: 10.1017/9781108685245.005
Thumala M. American Guides: The Federal Writers’ Project and the Casting of American Culture by Wendy Griswold. American Journal of Sociology (AJS). 2018 Jan 31;123(4):1238-1240. doi: 10.1086/694773
Thumala M. La fuerza ética de la crítica liberacionista permanece intacta: Origen y Futuro de la Teología de la Liberación. 2018.
Loader I, Goold B, Thumala Olave MA. Grudge spending: The interplay between markets and culture in the purchase of security. Sociological Review . 2015 Nov 1;63(4):858-875. Epub 2015 Nov 1. doi: 10.1111/1467-954X.12329
Thumala M, Goold B, Loader I. Tracking devices: On the reception of a novel security good. Criminology & Criminal Justice. 2015 Feb 1;15(1):3-22. Epub 2013 Nov 11. doi: 10.1177/1748895813507067
Loader I, Goold B, Thumala Olave A. The moral economy of security. Theoretical Criminology. 2014 Nov 1;18(4):469-488. Epub 2014 Apr 22. doi: 10.1177/1362480614531613
Goold B, Loader I, Thumala Olave A. The banality of security: The curious case of surveillance cameras. The British Journal of Criminology: An International Review of Crime and Society (BJC). 2013 Nov;53(6):977-996. doi: 10.1093/bjc/azt044
Ana Maria MB, P. P, C. T, Thumala M. On Norms and Agency: Conversations about Gender Equality with Women and Men in 20 Countries. The World Bank, 2013. doi: 10.1596/978-0-8213-9862-3
Thumala M. El error de Milton Friedman. Justificaciones religiosas y morales de la empresa en Chile. In Ossandón J, Tironi E, editors, Adaptación. : La empresa chilena después de Friedman. Santiago: Universidad Diego Portales. 2013
Thumala M. West Bank and Gaza: Knowledge as a pathway for dignity. 2012.
Thumala Olave A. The aristocracy of the will: A critique of Pierre Bourdieu with illustrations from Chile. Social Compass. 2012 Apr 10;59(1):52-68. doi: 10.1177/0037768611432126
Thumala Olave A, Goold B, Loader I. A tainted trade? Moral ambivalence and legitimation work in the private security industry. British Journal of Sociology. 2011 Jun 1;62(2):283-303. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-4446.2011.01365.x
Thumala Olave A. The richness of ordinary life: Religious justification among Chile's business elite. Religion . 2011 Feb 22;40(1):14-26. doi: 10.1016/j.religion.2009.04.011
Thumala M. Distinción de base religiosa en la elite económica chilena. In Joignant A, Guell P, editors, Notables, tecnócratas y mandarines: Elementos de sociología de las élites en Chile, 1990-2010. Universidad Diego Portales. 2011
Goold B, Loader I, Thumala Olave A. Consuming security? Tools for a sociology of security consumption. Theoretical Criminology. 2010 Feb;14(1):3-30. Epub 2010 Feb 25. doi: 10.1177/1362480609354533
Thumala M. Transicion religiosa. In Una Mirada al Alma de Chile: Encuesta Nacional Bicentenario Universidad Católica - Adimark 2009 . Santiago . 2010
Thumala M. Cultura militar y demandas de mercado: La modernización de la dirección general de Aeronáutica Civil de Chile. In Portes A, editor, Las Instituciones en el Desarrollo Latinoamericano: Un Estudio Comparado. Mexico: Sglo XXI. 2009
Thumala Olave A. Notions of Evil, the Devil and Sin among Chilean businessmen. Social Compass. 2007 Dec;54(4):613-632. doi: 10.1177/0037768607083860
Thumala M. Riqueza y piedad: El catolicismo de la elite económica chilena. Debate Random House Mondadori, 2007. 334 p.
Thumala M. El imperio del Opus Dei en Chile by Maria Olivia Monckeberg. Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions. 2004 Dec;128:106-107. 128.34.