School of Social and Political Science

Michael Rosie

Job Title

Senior Lecturer in Sociology; Programme Co-Director, Nationalism Studies

Michael Rosie's photo

Room number


Street (Address)

22 George Square

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Research interests

Research interests

The Sociology of Scotland, Secularisation, nationalism, Religious Identity, national identity, Nationalism and National Identity, Sectarianism, Politics and Religion, Loyalism, unionism

The 'Loyal Orders' in contemporary Scotland; Britishness and Scottishness in Scotland; Sectarianism and anti-sectarianism; inclusivity/exclusivity in Scottish identity; protests and protest policing.

I have been undertaking a long term study of the Loyal Orders in Contemporary Scotland, regularly observing parades and talking to participants.

In 2015-16 and 2019-20 I was an Independent Advisor to the Scottish Government on the issue of marches and parades. My first report was published in October 2016 and is available here. I have submitted an update to that report which was published here in June 2020.


Between September 2012 and May 2015 I served on the Scottish Government's Advisory Group on Tackling Sectarianism.

In 2018 I was appointed to the Scottish Government Working Group on Defining Sectarianism in Scots Law. Its report was published in November 2018.

Scottish Affairs journal

I am Editor of Scottish Affairs, Scotland's longest running peer reviewed journal of contemporary social and political issues, published by EUP. I previously edited Special Issues on Scotland's Referendum (2014), on Tackling Sectarianism (2015), and on Scotland: All Change? (2015).

Until August 2014 I was Director of the Institute of Governance, formerly a key hub for research on identities, nationalism and territorial politics. Before it was folded the Institute set up the Scottish Government Yearbook Archive, which I maintain.

Other recent activities and research includes: investigating national identity and the 2014 Independence Referendum; young Scots' attitudes to Scotland's Independence; localised identities in Caithness; Victorian anti-Catholic lecturers.

Previous research includes a collaborative study on The Future of Scotland: Attitudes of 14-17 Year Olds on the Scottish Independence Referendum, two ESRC-funded survey conducted within AQMeN (the Applied Quantitative Methods Network). See our initial findings - released in June 2013 - here. Results from the second survey - released June 2014 - are here.

I am also interested in Public Order, Protest & Policing, focussing on 'crowd events', and in particular the inter-relation between political expression and protest policing.

Postgraduate Supervision

Current and recent Doctoral supervisions include postgraduate research on: conservative Protestantism in rural Scotland; communities, borders and storytelling in Northumberland; everyday nationalism and ethnicity in Turkey; museums and nationalism in Turkey; comparative experiences of secularisation in Sweden and Scotland; kinship in Northern Ireland's gay communities; gender, intersectionality and Scottish sectarianism; Catholic and Pentecostal communities in Chile; nationalism and intellectuals in Montenegro; German students: identity and 'study abroad'; nationalism in contemporary Hong Kong; charismatic Christianity in Scotland; young people and political participation; Syrian refugees in Scotland; the Edwardian Orange Order.

Current and recent Masters level supervisions include student research on African diaspora identities and belonging; sacrifice and Irish nationalism; comparisons of nationalism in Iceland and Ireland; understanding nationalism in Malta; Zionism and the End of Exile; gender and multiculturalism in Scotland; post-conflict transitions in South Africa and Northern Ireland; late 20th C. German nationalism; Gender and Identity amongst Northern Irish 'Protestant/Unionist/Loyalist' Women; commemorations of Northern Ireland and the Confederacy; Scottish Hindus and Nationalism;  Genetic Ancestry Tests and American identities; Political Satire and Nationalism; Refugee Integration in France and the Netherlands; Malay Nationalism and Thailand's Southern Border Provinces; Zwarte Piet and Dutch Multiculturalism.

Current Doctoral Students

David Anderson

Savo Dorojevic

Isabella Gabrovsky

Dexter Govan

Rania Hamad

Justin Ho

Emma Teale

Recently Completed Doctoral Students

Fayaz Alibhai

Heather Blenkinsop

Eeke Dix

Marc Fletcher

Alex Hensby

Christine Huebner

Nese Karahasan

Isabella Kasselstrand

Amadu Khan

Regina Kuhl

Maureen Neckelmann

Gilda Neri

Fraser Stewart

Sara Stewart-Lindores

Emel Uzun

Joe Webster

Topics interested in supervising

I welcome proposals from prospective research students with interests in political and historical sociology, particularly as relates to identity, nationalism, religion, ethnicity, belonging, and the politics of 'intolerance'. Areas in which I have a particular interest include nationalism and national identity; the political sociology of Scotland; (ir)religious identities in secularising societies; national and localised identities; the politics of prejudice and 'sectarianism'; Scottish Loyalism; and policing and political protest.

If you are interested in being supervised by Michael Rosie, please see the links below for more information:


Principal interests

Loyalism in contemporary Scotland; Nationalism and national identity; the political sociology of Scotland; religious and irreligious identities in secularising societies; localised identities; media and nation; the politics of prejudice and 'sectarianism'.


Nationalism Studies

I am Programme Co-Director for the MSc Nationalism Studies - you'll find more details on the programme here.

Details of our Masters courses which I co-convene can be found by clicking on the links below:

Scotland: Social Structure, Social Change

I convene the Honours course on Scotland: Social Structure, Social Change - you'll find more details on the course here.

Religion and Society

I convene the Honours course on Religion and Society - you'll find more details on the course here.


(For a more comprehensive list see my 'Google Scholar' profile here)

(2020) 'The Rise and Fall of Anti-Catholicism in Scotland' (with Tom Devine), in Claire Gheeraert-Graffeuille & Geraldine Vaughan (eds): Anti-Catholicism in Britain and Ireland, 1600–2000: Practices, Representations and Ideas, Palgrave (Publisher's Note)

(2020) 'Religion, Policy and Politics', in Michael Keating & Craig McAngus (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Scottish Politics, OUP (Publisher's Note)

(2020) Review of the 2016 Independent Report on Marches, Parades and Static Demonstrations in Scotland, Scottish Government. Available here.

(2020) 'Religion', in Geoff Payne & Eric Harrison (eds), Social Divisions: Inequality and Diversity in Britain (Fourth Edition), Policy Press (Publisher's Note)

(2018) Final Report of the Working Group On Defining Sectarianism in Scots Law (co-author), Scottish Government. Available Online.

(2017) 'Sectarianism: What's the Problem?', Paper submitted to the Commission on Flags, Identity, Culture and Tradition, Belfast, September 2017. Available here.

(2017) 'Becoming independent: political participation and youth transitions in the Scottish referendum' (with Maddie Breeze, Hugo Gorringe and Lynn Jamieson), British Journal of Sociology 68 (4) (Abstract)

(2016) Independent Report on Marches, Parades and Static Demonstrations in Scotland, Scottish Government. Available Online.

(2015) '‘Everybody’s Scottish at the end of the day’: Nationalism and Social Justice Amongst Young Yes Voters' (with Maddie Breeze, Hugo Gorringe and Lynn Jamieson), Scottish Affairs 24(4) (Abstract)

(2015) Tackling Sectarianism' (with Cecelia Clegg, Ian Galloway, Margaret Lynch & Duncan Morrow), Scottish Affairs, 24(3) (Abstract)

(2015) 'The Sectarian Iceberg', Scottish Affairs, 24(3) (Abstract)

(2015) Tackling Sectarianism and its Consequences in Scotland: Final Report of The Advisory Group on Tackling Sectarianism in Scotland – April 2015 (co-author). Available Online

(2015) '"The Essence of the Union" …’: Unionism, Nationalism and Identity On These Disconnected Islands' (with Eve Hepburn), Scottish Affairs, 24(2) (Abstract)

(2015) 'Religion in Scotland and Norway' (with Arne Bugge Amundsen), in John Bryden et al (eds), Northern Neighbours - Scotland and Norway Since 1800, Edinburgh: EUP (Publisher's Note)

(2014) ' He will inspire us with courage and bring our enemies to nought: Religion and nationalism in Scotland', in Ferran Requejo and Klaus-Jürgen Nagel (ed), Politics of Religion and Nationalism: Federalism, Consociationalism and Secession, London: Routledge (Publisher's Note)

(2014) 'A’ the Bairns o’ Adam? The Ethnic Boundaries of Scottish National Identity', in Jennifer Jackson & Lina Molokotos-Liederman (ed), Nationalism, Ethnicity and Boundaries: Conceptualising and understanding identity through boundary approaches, London: Routledge (Publisher's Note)

(2014) ‘Tall Tales: Understanding Religion and Scottish Independence’, Scottish Affairs, 23(3) (Journal website)

(2014) 'Immigration, Nationalism and Political Parties in Scotland' (with Eve Hepburn), in Eve Hepburn & Ricard Zapata-Barrero (eds), The Politics of Immigration in Multi-level States: Governance and Political Parties, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (Publisher's Note).

(2013) Advisory Group On Tackling Sectarianism In Scotland, Advice To Scottish Ministers And Report On Activity 9 August 2012 - 15 November 2013 (co-author). Available Online

(2013) 'Outside the Hothouse: Perspectives Beyond the Old Firm', in John Flint & John Kelly (eds), Bigotry, Football and Scotland, Edinburgh University Press. Chapter available online / Preview at Google Books / Publisher's Note.

(2013) '"We will facilitate your protest": Experiments with Liaison Policing' (with Hugo Gorringe), Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, Advance Access version online, February. Abstract

(2012) 'Who Are You? National Identity and Contemporary Return Migrants in Scotland' in Mario Varricchio (ed), Back to Caledonia: Scottish Return Migration from the Sixteenth Century to the Present, Edinburgh: John Donald. Publisher's Note

(2012) '"Areas cannot be selective": Caithness and the Gaelic Road-Sign Saga', Scottish Affairs 80. More information

(2012) 'Dialogue Police, Decision Making, and the Management of Public Order During Protest Crowd Events' (with Hugo Gorringe and Clifford Stott), Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 9 (2) Abstract

(2011) 'King Mob: Perceptions, Prescriptions and Presumptions About the Policing of England's Riots' (with Hugo Gorringe), Sociological Research Online, 16 (4) Abstract

(2011) 'It's Grim Down South: A Scottish Take On The "English Riots"' (with Hugo Gorringe), Scottish Affairs, 77 Draft Available

(2011) 'Facilitating Ineffective Protest? The Policing of the 2009 Edinburgh NATO protests' (with Hugo Gorringe, David Waddington & Margarita Kominou), Policing & Society, 22 (2). Abstract

(2011) 'Aye Right? Scotland's Far Right Parties in 2011', Scottish Affairs, 76. More information

(2011) '˜Who Are the Nationalists? A Profile of Scottish National Party Supporters' (with Ross Bond), in Trevor Harrison & Slobodan Drakulic (eds.), Beyond Orthodoxy: New Directions in the Study of Nationalism, University of British Columbia Press. Publisher's Note

(2011) 'Religion, Family Values and Family Law' (with Fran Wasoff), in Jane Mair & Esin Örücü (eds) , The Place of Religion in Family Law: A Comparative Search, Intersentia. Publisher's Note

Works within

Staff Hours and Guidance

I'm currently working at home during the pandemic. Please drop me a line at

Publications by user content

Publication Research Explorer link
Gorringe H, Rosie M, Portice J, Tekin S, Reicher S, Hamilton M. ‘Don’t talk to them!’: On the promise and the pitfalls of liaison policing at COP26. Policing and Society. 2024 Jun 3;1-13. Epub 2024 Jun 3. doi: 10.1080/10439463.2024.2359487
Gorringe H, Rosie M, Reicher S, Portice J, Tekin S, Hamilton M. How many cops to arrest climate chaos? Mass policing of protests at COP26. Policing and Society. 2024 May 4;1-17. Epub 2024 May 4. doi: 10.1080/14742837.2024.2349590
Gorringe H, Rosie M, Reicher S, Portice J, Tekin S, Hamilton M. First they came for the Young Communists: Police facilitation and control at COP26, Glasgow. Policing and Society. 2024;34(8):781-796. Epub 2024 Apr 9. doi: 10.1080/10439463.2024.2336007
Rosie M. Editorial: After the fall ... Scottish Affairs . 2023 Nov 1;32(4):387-396. doi: 10.3366/scot.2023.0472
Gorringe H, Rosie M. Research note: Protest, liaison and legitimacy. Scottish Affairs . 2023 Nov 1;32(4):467-476. doi: 10.3366/scot.2023.0477
Rosie M. Scottish Affairs at thirty. Scottish Affairs . 2023 May 1;32(2):135-137. doi: 10.3366/scot.2023.0450
Rosie M. Scottish Affairs at thirty. Scottish Affairs . 2023 May 1;32(2):233-243. doi: 10.3366/scot.2023.0457
Devine STM, Rosie M. An enduring connection: The Irish in Scotland. Scottish Affairs . 2022 Nov 1;31(4):452-472. doi: 10.3366/scot.2022.0431
Rosie M. Editorial. Scottish Affairs . 2022 Nov 1;31(4):391-392. doi: 10.3366/scot.2022.0427
Rosie M. Scotland's Catholics, a distinctive community? Scottish Affairs . 2022 Aug 1;31(3):366-381. Epub 2022 Jul 31. doi: 10.3366/scot.2022.0422
Breeze M, Gorringe H, Jamieson L, Rosie M. Educational outcomes of political participation? Young first-time voters 3 years after the Scottish Independence Referendum. Journal of Youth Studies. 2021 Sept 17. Epub 2021 Sept 17. doi: 10.1080/13676261.2021.1980517
Cairns D, Coombs N, Devine T, Hearn J, Jarvie G, MacLeod G et al. Letter concerning the David Hume Tower. 2020.
Devine T, Rosie M. The rise and fall of anti-Catholicism in Scotland. In Gheeraert-Graffeuille C, Vaughan G, editors, Anti-Catholicism in Britain and Ireland, 1600–2000: Practices, Representations and Ideas. 1 ed. Palgrave Macmillan. 2020. p. 273-287. (Histories of the Sacred and Secular, 1700–2000).
Breeze M, Gorringe H, Jamieson L, Rosie M. Becoming independent: Political participation and youth transitions in the Scottish Referendum. British Journal of Sociology. 2017 Dec;68(4):754-774. Epub 2017 Jul 25. doi: 10.1111/1468-4446.12288
Breeze M, Gorringe H, Jamieson L, Rosie M. “Everybody’s Scottish at the end of the day”: nationalism and social justice amongst young Yes voters. Scottish Affairs. 2015 Oct 28;24(4):419-431. doi: 10.3366/scot.2015.0094
Rosie M. Scotland: All Change? Scottish Affairs. 2015 Oct;24(4):383-388. doi: 10.3366/scot.2015.0091
Rosie M. The sectarian iceberg? Scottish Affairs. 2015 Aug 30;24(3):328-350. Epub 2015 Jul. doi: 10.3366/scot.2015.0081
Rosie M, Clegg C, Margaret L, Ian G, Duncan M. Tackling Sectarianism in Scotland. Scottish Affairs. 2015 Aug;24(3):259-265. 1. doi: 10.3366/scot.2015.0077
Rosie M, Clegg C, Morrow D, lynch M, Galloway I. Tackling Sectarianism and its Consequences in Scotland: Final Report of The Advisory Group on Tackling Sectarianism in Scotland – April 2015. Scottish Government, 2015. 60 p.
Rosie M, Hepburn E. The Essence of the Union" …’: Unionism, Nationalism and Identity On These Disconnected Islands. Scottish Affairs. 2015 May;24(2):141-162. doi: 10.3366/scot.2015.0064
Rosie M, Amundsen AB. Religion in Scotland and Norway. In Bryden J, Brox O, Riddoch L, editors, Northern Neighbours: Scotland and Norway Since 1800. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 2015
Rosie M. He will inspire us with courage and bring our enemies to nought: Religion and nationalism in Scotland. In Requejo F, Nagel KJ, editors, Politics of Religion and Nationalism: Federalism, Consociationalism and Seccession. London: Routledge. 2014. p. 151-166. (Routledge Research in Comparative Politics).
Rosie M. A’ the bairns o’ Adam? The ethnic boundaries of Scottish national identity. In Jackson J, Molokotos-Liederman L, editors, Nationalism, Ethnicity and Boundaries: Conceptualising and understanding identity through boundary approaches. London: Routledge. 2014. p. 124-141. (Routledge Studies in Nationalism and Ethnicity).
Rosie M. What does 'No' mean? Discover Society. 2014 Sept 30;13.
Rosie M. Scotland's Referendum. Scottish Affairs . 2014 Aug 1;23(3):275-279. doi: 10.3366/scot.2014.0027
Rosie M. Tall Tales: Understanding Religion and Scottish Independence. Scottish Affairs . 2014 Aug 1;23(3):332-341. doi: 10.3366/scot.2014.0032
Hepburn E, Rosie M. Immigration, nationalism, and politics in Scotland. In Hepburn E, Zapata-Barrero R, editors, The Politics of Immigration in Multi-Level States: Governance and Political Parties. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 2014. p. 241-260. (Palgrave Politics of Identity and Citizenship Series). doi: 10.1057/9781137358530
Eichhorn J, Paterson L, MacInnes J, Rosie M. AQMeN Teaching Materials - Understanding research on social attitudes regarding the Scottish Independence Referendum 2014. 2013.
Gorringe H, Rosie M. We Will Facilitate your Protest: Experiments with Liaison Policing. Policing: a Journal of Policy and Practice. 2013 Jun 1;7(2):202-209. doi: 10.1093/police/pat001
Rosie M. Outside the Hothouse: Perspectives Beyond the Old Firm. In Flint J, Kelly J, editors, Bigotry, Football and Scotland: Perspectives and Debates. Edinburgh University Press. 2013. p. 19-33
Gorringe H, Stott C, Rosie M. Dialogue Police, Decision Making, and the Management of Public Order During Protest Crowd Events. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling. 2012 Jun;9(2):111-125. doi: 10.1002/jip.1359
Gorringe H, Rosie M, Waddington D, Kominou M. Facilitating Ineffective Protest? The Policing of the 2009 Edinburgh NATO Protests. Policing and Society. 2012;22(2):115-132. doi: 10.1080/10439463.2011.605260
Rosie M, Gorringe H. It’s Grim Down South: A Scottish take on the ‘English Riots’. Scottish Affairs. 2011 Sept 1;77.
Rosie M, Wasoff F. Religion, Family Values and Family Law. In Mair J, Orucu E, editors, The Place of Religion in Family Law: A Comparative Search. Intersentia. 2011. p. 333-356
Gorringe H, Rosie M. King Mob: Perceptions, Prescriptions and Presumptions About the Policing of England's Riots. Sociological Research Online. 2011;16(4). doi: 10.5153/sro.2521
Rosie M, Bond R. Who Are the Nationalists? A Profile of Scottish National Party Supporters. In Harrison T, Drakulic S, editors, Against Orthodoxy: Studies in Nationalism. Vancouver: UBC Press. 2011. p. 205-224
Bond R, Jeffery C, Rosie M. The Importance of Being English: National Identity and Nationalism in Post-Devolution England'. Nations and Nationalism. 2010 Jul;16(3):462-468. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8129.2010.00457.x
Gorringe H, Rosie M. The 'Scottish' Approach? The Discursive Construction of a National Police Force. The Sociological Review. 2010 Feb;58(1):65-83. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-954X.2009.01875.x
Jeffery C, (ed.), Bond R, (ed.), Rosie M, (ed.). Identity and Governance in England. Nations and Nationalism. 2010;16.
Bond R, Rosie M. National Identities and Attitudes to Constitutional Change in Post-Devolution UK: A Four Territories Comparison. Regional & Federal Studies. 2010;20(1):83-105. doi: 10.1080/13597560903174931
Rosie M, Gorringe H. What a Difference a Death Makes: Protest, Policing and the Press at the G20. Sociological Research Online. 2009;14(5). doi: 10.5153/sro.2047
Rosie M, Gorringe H. ‘The Anarchists' World Cup’: Respectable Protest and Media Panics. Social Movement Studies. 2009;8(1):35-53. doi: 10.1080/14742830802591135
Rosie M, Petersoo P. Drifting apart? Media in Scotland and England after Devolution. In Bechhofer F, McCrone D, editors, National Identity, Nationalism And Constitutional Change. 1 ed. Palgrave Macmillan. 2009. p. 122-143 doi: 10.1057/9780230234147
Gorringe H, Rosie M. The Polis of ‘Global’ Protest: Policing Protest at the G8 in Scotland. Current Sociology . 2008 Sept;56(5):691-710. doi: 10.1177/0011392108093831
Gorringe H, Rosie M. It's a Long Way to Auchterarder! ‘Negotiated Management’ and Mismanagement in the Policing of G8 Protests. British Journal of Sociology. 2008 Jun;59(2):187-205. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-4446.2008.00189.x
Rosie M. Protestant Action and the Edinburgh Irish. In Mitchell MJ, editor, New Perspectives on the Irish in Scotland. Birlinn Limited. 2008. p. 288
Rosie M, Condor S, Petersoo P, MacInnes J, Kennedy J. ‘Mediating Which Nation(s)?: Citizenship and National Identities In The ‘British Press’’. In Wahl-Jorgensen K, editor, Mediated Citizenship. Routledge. 2008. p. 123-40
MacInnes J, Rosie M, Petersoo P, Condor S, Kennedy J. Where is the British national press? British Journal of Sociology. 2007 Jul 4;58(2):185-206. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-4446.2007.00147.x
Bruce S, Glendinning T, Paterson I, Rosie M. Religious discrimination in Scotland: Fact or myth? Ethnic and Racial Studies. 2006 Aug 18;28(1):151-168. Epub 2006 Aug 18. doi: 10.1080/0141987042000280058
Bond R, Rosie M. Being Scottish. In Has Devolution Delivered?. Edinburgh University Press. 2006. p. 141-158. Chapter 9
Gorringe H, Rosie M. 'Pants to poverty'? Making poverty history, Edinburgh 2005. Sociological Research Online. 2006 Mar 31;11(1).
Rosie MJ, MacInnes J, Petersoo P, Condor S, Kennedy J. Nation speaking unto nation? Newspapers and national identity in the devolved UK. The Sociological Review. 2004 Nov 22;52(4):437-458. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-954X.2004.00490.x
Rosie M. The Sectarian Myth in Scotland: Of Bitter Memory and Bigotry. Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. 208 p.
Michael Rosie's Research Explorer profile