School of Social and Political Science

Niamh Moore

Job Title

Senior Lecturer

head and shoulders photo of Niamh Moore, white woman, with short greying hair, wearing glasses

Room number

Room 1.4

Street (Address)

22 George Square

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Post code (Address)


Research interests

Research interests

- ecofeminism, feminist theory, ethics and research practices, Feminist Research, sustainability, - women's movements, archives, research methodology, oral history, community-based participatory research, queer theory, interdisciplinary research, transdisciplinary research, narrative research

My work is centrally concerned with ‘re-visioning’ an eco/feminist politics of sustainability, by applying the lens of sustainability in new contexts. This holistic approach links environmental sustainability with human and non-human health and well-being, asking how we can sustain collective and personal movements towards social justice, and how the very practice of research, and research methods, might be reworked to sustain a more-than-human world. It is focused on the necessary interconnections and relationalities between these.

I pursue this re-conceptualisation of sustainability through three interrelated foci:
(i) sustaining a more-than-human world (ii) sustaining research, and sustaining research data and (iii) sustaining communities and movements (feminism)

Open dataset: Clayoquot Lives: An Ecofeminist Story Web. See:

ESRC-funded project: Reanimating Data: Experiments with people, places, archives. See

Current PhD students

Thalia Assan

Nyrema Baptiste

Lara Bochman

Ruth Griggs

Emma Grove

Nuria Lopez Vazquez

Andy Marks

Tara Peggram

Claire Perier


Completed Phd students

Katherine Baxter

Shelly Coyne

Martina Karels

Maggie Morrison

Nathalia Salamanca Sarmiento

Laura Wright

Topics interested in supervising

I am keen to supervise students interesting in working on ecofeminism, feminist histories, queer studies, community food growing, sustainability, activism, grassroots and community archives, as well as students with interests in particular methodologies, including oral history, archival research, visual methods, community-based participatory research, more-than-human approaches to research

If you are interested in being supervised by Niamh Moore, please see the links below (opening in new windows) for more information:


Selected Publications

Articles and Book Chapters
  • Niamh Moore, Nikki Dunne, Martina Karels & Mary Hanlon (2021) Towards an Inventive Ethics of Carefull Risk: Unsettling Research Through DIY Academic Archiving, Australian Feminist Studies, 36:108, 180-199, DOI: 10.1080/08164649.2021.2018991
  • Moore, N. (2020) ‘Wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey’ LGBT histories: community archives as boundary objects’ in Simon Popple, Andrew Prescott and Daniel H. Mutibwa, eds., Communities, Archives and New Collaborative Practices, Bristol: The Policy Press, pp. 195-206
  • Moore, N. (2018) 'A cat’s cradle of feminist and other critical approaches to participatory research' in Facer, K. and Dunleavy, K. (eds.) Connected Communities Foundation Series. Bristol: University of Bristol/AHRC Connected Communities Programme. Available at:
  • Gilchrist, P., Holmes, C., Lee, A., Moore, N. and Ravenscroft, N. (2015) Co-designing Non-hierarchical Community Arts Research: The Collaborative Stories Spiral’, Qualitative Research, 15:4(459-471). Open access at:
  • Niamh Moore, Andrew Church, Jacqui Gabb, Claire Holmes, Amelia Lee, Neil Ravenscroft (2014) ‘Growing Intimate PrivatePublics: Everyday utopia in the naturecultures of a young lesbian and bisexual women’s allotment’, Feminist Theory 15(3):327-343. DOI: 10.1177/146470011454532
  • with Neil Ravenscroft, Niamh Moore, Ed Welch and Rachel Hanney, ‘Beyond Agriculture: the counter-hegemony of community farming’, Agriculture and Human Values: Journal of the Agriculture, Food, and Human Value Society, 30: 4 (629-639) 2013
  • with the Encounters Collaborative: '(Un)doing Collaboration: Reflections on the Practices of Collaborative Research', CRESC Working Paper 127, August 2013, available to download at:
  • Sarah Banks, Andrea Armstrong, Kathleen Carter, Helen Graham, Peter Hayward, Alex Henry, Tessa Holland, Claire Holmes, Amelia Lee, Ann McNulty, Niamh Moore, Nigel Nayling, Ann Stokoe & Aileen Strachan, ‘Everyday Ethics in Community-based Participatory Research’, in Contemporary Social Science: Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences, ‘Special Issue: Knowledge Mobilisation and the Social Sciences: Dancing with New Partners in an Age of Austerity’, 8:3 (263-277) 2013
  • ‘The Politics and Ethics of Naming: Questioning Anonymisation in (Archival) Social Research’, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 15:4(331-340) 2012
  • with Julia Woodman, ‘Evidence for the Effectiveness of Alexander Technique Lessons in Medical and Health-related Conditions: A Systematic Review’, International Journal of Clinical Practice, 66:1 (98-112) 2012
  • with Neil Ravenscroft, Ed Welsh and Andrew Church, ‘Connecting communities through food: the development of community supported agriculture in the UK’, CRESC Working Paper 115, October 2012, available at…
  • with Miles Tight et al, ‘Visions for a Walking and Cycling Focussed Urban Transport System’, Journal of Transport Geography, 19 (1580-1589) 2011
  • ‘Ecofeminism and Rewriting the Ending of Feminism: From the Chipko Movement to Clayoquot Sound’, Feminist Theory, 12:3(3-21) 2011
  • with Till Geiger and Mike Savage, ‘The Archive in Question’, National Centre for Research Methods Review Paper NCRM/016, March 2010 available at
  • with Shinobu Majima, ‘Introduction: Rethinking Qualitative and Quantitative Methods ’, Introduction to Special Issue on Narrative, Numbers and Social Change, Cultural Sociology, 3: 2 (203-216), 2009
  • ‘Ecofeminism, Non-Violence and the Future of Feminism’, International Feminist Journal of Politics, 10:3 (282-298), 2008 –
  • Responses from two experts in the field were invited and published alongside this
  • ‘Debating Eco/feminist Natures’, International Feminist Journal of Politics, 10:3 (314-321), 2008 – Invited comment on responses to my original paper
  • ‘The Rise and Rise of Ecofeminism as a Development Fable – A Response to Melissa Leach’s “Earth Mothers and Other Ecofeminist Fables: How a Strategic Notion Rose and Fell” ’, Development and Change, 39:3 (461-475), 2008
  • ‘(Re)Using Qualitative Data?’, Sociological Research Online, 12:3, 2007, available at
  • ‘The Context of Context: Broadening Perspectives in the Reuse of Qualitative Data’, Methodological Innovations Online, 1:2, December 2006 (available at

Works within

Staff Hours and Guidance

Please email to arrange a mutually convient time to meet.

Publications by user content

Publication Research Explorer link
Hanlon M, Moore N, Karels M. Fashioning DIY digital archives: Unsettling academic research to centre garment workers’ voices . International Journal of Fashion Studies. 2024 Apr 29;11:183 - 194.
Karels M, Hanlon M, Moore N. DIY academic archiving: Mischievous disruptions of a new counter-movement. Frontiers in Communication. 2024 Apr 2;9:1-7. 1374663. doi: 10.3389/fcomm.2024.1374663
Moore N, Thomson R, McGeeney E. Putting place back into the patriarchy through rematriating feminist research: The WRAP project, feminist webs and reanimating data. In McLeod J, O'Connor K, Davis N, McKernan A, editors, Temporality, Space And Place In Education And Youth Research. 1st ed. Routledge. 2023. p. 32-49. (Local/Global Issues in Education). doi: 10.4324/9781003021087-3
Moore N, Dunne N, Karels M, Hanlon M. Towards an inventive ethics of carefull risk: Unsettling research through DIY academic archiving. Australian Feminist Studies. 2021 Dec 27;36(108):180-199. Epub 2021 Dec 27. doi: 10.1080/08164649.2021.2018991
Wright LHV, Tisdall K, Moore N. Taking emotions seriously: Fun and pride in participatory research. Emotion, Space and Society. 2021 Nov;41:100836. Epub 2021 Aug 24. doi: 10.1016/j.emospa.2021.100836
Bastian M, Jones O, Moore N, Roe E. Introduction: More-than-human participatory research: contexts, challenges, possibilities. In Bastian M, Jones O, Moore N, Row E, editors, Participatory Research in More than Human Worlds. Taylor & Francis. 2016. p. 1-15. (Routledge Studies in Human Geography).
Bastian M, (ed.), Jones O, (ed.), Moore N, (ed.), Roe E, (ed.). Participatory Research in More-than-Human Worlds. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, 2016. 214 p. (Routledge Studies in Human Geography). doi: 10.4324/9781315661698
Bastian M, Jones O, Moore N, Roe E. Introduction: More-than-human participatory research: Contexts, challenges, possibilities. In Participatory Research in More-than-Human Worlds. Taylor & Francis. 2016. p. 1-15 doi: 10.4324/9781315661698
Moore N. Humanist Methods in a More than Human World? Journal of Electronic Publishing. 2016 Sept;19(2). doi:, 10.3998/3336451.0019.200
Moore N, Salter A, Stanley L, Tamboukou M. The Archive Project: Archival Research in the Social Sciences. Abingdon: Routledge, 2016. 210 p. doi: 10.4324/9781315612577
Moore N. Weaving archival imaginaries: Researching community archives. In Moore N, Salter A, Stanley L, Tamboukou M, editors, The Archive Project: Archival Research in the Social Sciences. Abingdon: Routledge. 2016. p. 129-152 doi: 10.4324/9781315612577
Moore N, Salter A, Stanley L, Tamboukou M. Prologue. In Moore N, Salter A, Stanley L, Tamboukou M, editors, The Archive Project: Archival Research in the Social Sciences. Abingdon: Routledge. 2016
Miles A, Moore N, Muir S. Mobility biographies: Studying transport and travel behaviour through life histories. In Hülsmann F, Gerike R, editors, Strategies for Sustainable Mobilities: Opportunities and Challenges. Routledge. 2016. p. 173-188 doi: 10.4324/9781315610986-13
Moore N. Eco/feminist genealogies: Renewing promises and new possibilities. In Phillips M, Rumens N, editors, Contemporary Perspectives on Ecofeminis. Taylor & Francis. 2016. p. 19-37 doi: 10.4324/9781315778686
Gilchrist P, Holmes C, Lee A, Moore N, Ravenscroft N. Co-designing non-hierarchical community arts research: the collaborative stories spiral. Qualitative Research Journal. 2015 Nov 9;15(4):459-471. doi: 10.1108/QRJ-06-2015-0036
Moore N. The Changing Nature of Eco/Feminism: Telling Stories from Clayoquot Sound. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press, 2015. 284 p.
Moore N, Church A, Gabb J, Holmes C, Lee A, Ravenscroft N. Growing intimate privatepublics: Everyday utopia in the naturecultures of a young lesbian and bisexual women's allotment. Feminist Theory. 2014 Dec 1;15(3):327-343. Epub 2014 Nov 19. doi: 10.1177/1464700114545324
Ravenscroft N, Moore N, Welch E, Hanney R. Beyond agriculture: the counter-hegemony of community farming. Agriculture and Human Values. 2013 Dec 31;30(4):629-639. Epub 2013 Mar 30. doi: 10.1007/s10460-013-9437-7
Armstrong A, Carter K, Graham H, Hayward P, Henry A, Holland T et al. Everyday Ethics in Community-based Participatory Research. Contemporary Social Science. 2013 Feb 25;8(3):263-277. doi: 10.1080/21582041.2013.769618
Moore N. Eco/feminism and rewriting the ending of feminism: From the chipko movement to clayoquot sound. In Wyer M, Barbercheck M, Cookmeyer D, Ozturk H, Wayne M, editors, Women, Science, and Technology: A Reader in Feminist Science Studies. 3 ed. Routledge. 2013. p. 557-571 doi: 10.4324/9780203427415-46
Moore N. The politics and ethics of naming: questioning anonymisation in (archival) research. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. 2012 Jul 1;15(4):331-340. doi: 10.1080/13645579.2012.688330
Moore N, Woodman JP. Evidence for the Effectiveness of Alexander Technique Lessons in Medical and Health-related Conditions: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Clinical Practice. 2012 Jan 1;66(1):98-112. Epub 2011 Dec 15. doi: 10.1111/j.1742-1241.2011.02817.x
Tight M, Timms P, Banister D, Bowmaker J, Copas J, Day A et al. Visions for a walking and cycling focussed urban transport system. Journal of Transport Geography. 2011 Nov;19(6):1580-1589. Epub 2011 Aug 18. doi: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2011.03.011
Moore N. Eco/feminism and rewriting the ending of feminism: From the Chipko movement to Clayoquot Sound. Feminist Theory. 2011 Apr 1;12(1):3-21. doi: 10.1177/1464700110390592
Majima S, Moore N. Introduction: Rethinking qualitative and quantitative methods. Cultural Sociology. 2009 Jul 1;3(2):203-216. doi: 10.1177/1749975509105531
Moore N. Eco/Feminism, Non-Violence and the Future of Feminism. International Feminist Journal of Politics. 2008 Sept 1;10(3):282-298. doi: 10.1080/14616740802185486
Moore N. Response to Commentaries by Stacy Alaimo and Catriona Mortimer-Sandilands. International Feminist Journal of Politics. 2008 Aug 20;10(3):314-321. doi: 10.1080/14616740802185593
Moore N. The Rise and Rise of Ecofeminism as a Development Fable: A Response to Melissa Leach's ‘Earth Mothers and Other Ecofeminist Fables: How a Strategic Notion Rose and Fell’. Development and change. 2008 Jul 29;39(3):461-475. doi: 10.1111/dech.2008.39.issue-3
Moore N. (Re)using Qualitative Data? Sociological Research Online. 2007 May 30;12(3):1-12. doi: 10.5153/sro.1496
Moore N. Imagining feminist futures the Third Wave, postfeminism and eco/feminism. In Gillis S, Howie G, Munford R, editors, Third Wave Feminism: A Critical Exploration. 2 ed. Palgrave Macmillan. 2007. p. 125-141. Chapter 10
Moore N. Ecofeminism as third wave feminism? Essentialism, activism and the academy. In Gillis S, Howie G, Munford R, editors, Third Wave Feminism: A Critical Exploration. Palgrave Macmillan. 2004. p. 227-239 doi: 10.1057/9780230523173_19
Niamh Moore's Research Explorer profile