School of Social and Political Science

Professor Nick Prior

Job Title

Professor of Cultural Sociology

Nick Prior photo

Room number

4.04, 4FT

Street (Address)

21 Buccleuch Place

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Research interests

Research themes

Research interests

Popular music, digital culture, cultural theory, new media, Pierre Bourdieu, urban sociology, Japanese culture, Hatsune Miku

My research interests span the broad field of culture but I have a particular interest in popular music, contemporary media, including the relationship between digital technology and popular music production, changing forms of cultural expertise, technological mediations and everyday practices. I would welcome proposals from research students with interests in the sociology of culture, but particularly in the following four fields: 1) Popular music, technology and contemporary sonic cultures. 2) Digital culture, media and "new" media. 3) Cultural theory, particularly the cultural sociology of Pierre Bourdieu. 4) Japanese popular culture and music.

If you are interested in being supervised by Nick Prior, please see the links below for more information:


Office hours

Semester Times: Thursdays 10-12


  • BA (University of York)
  • MA (University of York)
  • PhD (University of Edinburgh)

Research Interests and Current Projects


I have a long-standing interest in how technology folds into and activates music and culture in the period from 1980-present, as well as how social and cultural theories make sense of these entanglements. 

My monograph, Popular Music, Digital Technology and Society was published in 2018 (Sage) and aimed to move social science-based scholarship on pop music with chapters exploring how the advent of a range of digital technologies and processes including MIDI, smartphones, apps, Virtual Studio Technologies, Auto-Tune, video games, personal computers and streaming services, favour new types of engagements with popular music production and consumption.

Other interests include mediations of the voice and "electronic vocalities", error and accidents in music and the development of virtual idol culture. I have spent time in Japan collecting materials related to the "world's first crowd-sourced celebrity", Hatsune Miku, and some of that work has found its way into some of my writing. Other work includes a joint project on music in the home; democratisation and digital technology, including the case of the Roland TB-303, SP-12 and Grime (with Paul Harkins); the rise of what I call the "new amateur" in cultural production; and taste and distinction "after Bourdieu".

New work in the pipeline includes the Oxford Handbook on Sampling in Popular Music with Paul Harkins, Anne Danielsen and Ragnhild Brøvig (Oxford University Press) and a more polemical piece on what I'm calling the "crisis of superabundance" in contemporary culture. 

In the past, I've also worked on topics in the sociology of museums and visual culture, the sociology of cities and media/popular culture, as well as popular music scenes in Iceland. I have a particular interest in the cultural sociology of Pierre Bourdieu and critical conceptual accounts of the hypermodern. I have co-edited a collection with Kate Orton-Johnson called Digital Sociology (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013) which assesses the methodological and conceptual challenges faced by the discipline as it confronts digitalised social landscapes.

I was Chief Editor then Co-Editor of the journal Cultural Sociology between 2017-2021 and sit on the editorial and advisory boards of New Formations, Audio/Visual: Journal of Cultural Media Studies and Sociologia Italiana. I am a Carnegie Trust Assessor, a member of the ESRC Peer Review College and have been expert reviewer for large-scale grants for the EC, ESRC and AHRC.

In 2017 I was Visiting Fellow at the University of Tokyo of the Arts (Geidai).

I served as Head of Department between 2013-2016.

My work is regularly cited in the media (e.g., "End of the Decade: How the 2010s Changed My Life"), and I've carried out interviews for national broadcasters in Japan, UK and Iceland.

I'm also an electronic musician with experience of composition, remixing, writing scores for films, documentaries and theatre. I'm interested in exploring what doing sociology with rather than of music might offer as a potential way of enriching the sociological imagination. Some of my recent compositions use audio samples taken from a series of sound walks through Tokyo as a means to explore urban soundscapes and, in particular, the location and mediation of the voice in a hyper-connected world.

Sonic Experiments and Video Projects

Voices of Akihabara
Tokyo After Hours

Recent publications

'On Error, Accident and Contingency in Music', in Innovation in Music: Adjusting Perspectives, edited By Jan-Olof Gullö, Russ Hepworth-Sawyer, Dave Hook, Mark Marrington, Justin Paterson, Rob Toulson, London: Routledge, 2025: 1-10.

'Cultural Sociology’s Vistas: A Response to Thorpe’s Cultural Sociology of Cultural Representations', Journal of Cultural Analysis and Social Change, 2024, 9(2): 1-4.

'Interlude II: Tokyo After Hours', in Sonic Signatures: Music, Migration and the City at Night, Derek Pardue, Ailbhe Kenny and Katie Young (eds), Bristol: Intellect, 2023: 79-82.

'(Dis)locating Democratisation: Music Technologies in Practice' (with Paul Harkins), Popular Music and Society, 2021, 44(5).

‘STS Confronts the Vocaloid: Assemblage Thinking with Hatsune Miku’, in Rethinking Music Through Science and Technology Studies, Antoine Hennion and Christophe Levaux (eds),  London: Routledge, 2021.

'Afterword: Taste and Distinction After Bourdieu', in Musical Gentrification: Popular Music, Distinction and Social Mobility, Petter Dyndhal, Sidsel Karlsen and Ruth Wright (eds), London: Routledge, 2020: 172-177.

'New Amateurs Revisited: Popular Music, Digital Technology and the Fate of Cultural Production', in Routledge Handbook of Cultural Sociology, John R. Hall, Laura Grindstaff and Ming-cheng Lo (eds), London: Routledge, 2019, Second Edition.

'Spatiality, Sociality and Circulation: Popular Music Scenes in Reykjavík, in Sounds Icelandic, edited by Þorbjörg Daphne Hall, Nicola Dibben, Árni Heimir Ingólfsson and Tony Mitchell, London: Equinox, 2019.

Popular Music, Digital Technology and Society, Sage, 2018.

'On Vocal Assemblages: From Edison to Miku', Contemporary Music Review, 36, special issue on Music and Mediation, edited by Professor Georgina Born, 2017.

'Editorial Statement: Tracing, Making and Locating Cultural Sociology', with Lisa McCormick and Isabelle Darmon, Cultural Sociology, 11:1, 2017: 3-11.

'Sociological Imagination: Digital Sociology and the Future of the Discipline', with Kate Orton-Johnson and Karen Gregory, special Section on Digital Sociology. The Sociological Review, 2015.

'Beyond Napster: Popular Music and the Normal Internet', Sage Handbook of Popular Music, edited by Andy Bennett and Steve Waksman, Sage, 2015.

'"It's a Social Thing Not a Nature Thing': Popular Music Practices in Reykjavík, Iceland", Cultural Sociology, 2015, 9(1): 81-98.

'The Plural iPod: A Study of Technology in Action', Poetics, Vol.42, Issue 1, February 2014: 22-39. (With a short presentation and discussion of the findings at The Conversation).

Digital Sociology: Critical Perspectives, edited with Kate Orton-Johnson, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, including "Introduction" and "Afterword: Mediating the Digital". Order here.

'Ground Zero', 'Original Accident', in The Virilio Dictionary, edited by John Armitage, Edinburgh University Press, 2013. Order here.

'Bourdieu and the Sociology of Music Consumption: A Critical Assessment of Recent Developments', Sociology Compass, 7: 3, 2013: 181-193.

'Musiques Populaires en Regime Numerique: Acteurs, Equipements, Styles et Pratiques', Réseaux, 30: 172, 2012: 67-90.

'Speed, Rhythm and Time-space: Museums and Cities', Space and Culture, 14:3, 2011: 197-213.

'Critique and Renewal in the Sociology of Music: Bourdieu and Beyond', Cultural Sociology, 5:1, 2011: 121-138. Reprinted in The Routledge Reader on the Sociology of Music, John Shepherd and Kyle Devine (eds), Routledge, 2015.

'The Rise of the New Amateurs: Popular Music, Digital Technology and the Fate of Cultural Production', in Handbook of Cultural Sociology, John R. Hall, Laura Grindstaff and Ming-cheng Lo (eds), Routledge, 2010.

'Software Sequencers and Cyborg Singers: Popular Music in the Digital Hypermodern', New Formations, 66, Spring 2009: 81-99.

'OK Computer: Mobility, Software and the Laptop Musician', Information, Communication and Society, 11:7, October 2008: 912-932.

'Putting a Glitch in the Field: Bourdieu, Actor Network Theory and Contemporary Music', Cultural Sociology, 2:3, 2008: 301-319.

Electronic music projects

Sponge Monkeys (1999-2006) (2023-)
Funkspiel (2007-2010) (with Bill Walsh)
K Projekt (2011-2013) (with Sara Janssen)
Triviax (2023-present)

Current PhD Students

  • Ninxiang Sun: Craft and Technicity
  • Eric Yan: Food and Distinction in Contemporary Urban China
  • Dean Chalmers: Ludic Representations of Past(s) in Videogames
  • Yiru Zhao: Data Fans in China
  • Damian Cheung: Electronic Dance Music in HK


Jade Jiang: Legitimising Jazz in Post-Mao China: Cultural Globalisation, Professionalisation and Modernisation (2025); Addie McGowan: A Processual Exploration of Air BnB and Platforms (2024); Sicong Zhao: Self-Presentation, Music and Social Media in China (2024); Malena Müller: Peruvian Nationalism and Music (2024); Xiaoqing Wang (2023): Art and the Body in China; Nicolas Zehner (2023): Smart Cities and Economic Imaginaries; Jen Kirkwood (2022): Growing Up Global: A Contrast Ethnography of New Cosmopolitan Elites and their World Schools, in Beijing and New York City; Alex Davenport (2018): LGBT Audiences and scripted TV (2018); Arek Dakessian (2018): Casting Nets and Framing Films: An Ethnography of Networks of Cultural Production in Beirut; Ben Twist (2018): Taking the Complexity Turn to Steer Carbon Reduction Policy; Chun-Ming Huang (2018): Taiwanese Popular Music in China; Chi-Chung Wang (2017): Youth Culture and Rock in East Asian Education; Paul Harkins: Sampling and Popular Music (2016); Harriet Kennedy: Les Bandes Dessinées and the Quebec Referendums (2016); Fiona Myers: Sociology of Portraiture (2015); Marios Kampouris: Technological Innovation and the Field of Renewable Energy (2015); Jillian Seaton: Art Security and Theft (2014); Kirsti McGregor: Gender and Web 2.0 (2013); Evangelos Chrysagis: An Ethnography of the Glasgow DIY Music Scene (2013); Orlando Villalobos Guevara: Independent Digital Games Production (2013); Sam Friedman: Comedy and Distinction (2011); Mary Fogarty: Competing Tastes in International B-Boy/B-Girl Culture (2011); Jack Burton: Fatherhood and Advertising (2011); Sarah Hill: Politics and Performance (2010); Alima Bucciantini: Objects, Aura and Museums (2009); Suzanne Schulz: Fashion Forecasting and the Fashion Industry (2004).

Works within

Staff Hours and Guidance

Thursdays 9am-11am

Publications by user content

Publication Research Explorer link
Harkins P, Prior N. (Dis)locating democratization: Music technologies in practice. Popular Music and Society. 2021 Nov 22. Epub 2021 Nov 22. doi: 10.1080/03007766.2021.1984023
Prior N. STS confronts the Vocaloid: Assemblage thinking with Hatsune Miku. In Hennion A, Levaux C, editors, Rethinking Music through Science and Technology Studies. 1 ed. Routledge. 2021. p. 213-226 doi: 10.4324/9780429268830-14
Prior N. Afterword: Taste and distinction after Bourdieu. In Dyndhal P, Karlsen S, RW, editors, Musical Gentrification: Popular Music, Distinction and Social Mobility. 1 ed. Abingdon: Routledge. 2020. p. 172-177. (ISME Series in Music Education).
McCormick L, Thumala Olave MA, Prior N. Editors’ Introduction. Cultural Sociology. 2020 Sept 1;14(3):211-212. doi: 10.1177/1749975520922172
Prior N. Spatiality, Sociality and Circulation: Popular Music Scenes in Reykjavík. In Hall ÞD, Dibben N, Ingolfsson AH, Mitchell T, editors, Sounds Icelandic: Essays on Icelandic Music in the 20th and 21st Centuries. Equinox Publishing. 2019. p. 74-85
Prior N. Popular Music, Digital Technology and Society. Newbury Park, CA: SAGE Publications, 2018. 224 p. doi: 10.4135/9781529714807
Prior N. On vocal assemblages: From Edison to Miku. Contemporary Music Review. 2017 Nov 22;36:1-19. doi: 10.1080/07494467.2017.1402467
Prior N, Darmon I, Mccormick L. Tracing, Making and Locating Cultural Sociology. Cultural Sociology. 2017 Jun 6;11(1):3-10. Epub 2017 Feb 15. doi: 10.1177/1749975516687486
Prior N. 'It's a social thing, not a nature thing': Popular music practices in Reykjavík, Iceland. Cultural Sociology. 2015 Mar 1;9(1):81-98. Epub 2014 Jul 14. doi: 10.1177/1749975514534219
Prior N. Beyond Napster: Popular music and the normal internet. In Bennett A, Waksman S, editors, The SAGE Handbook of Popular Music. London: SAGE Publications. 2015. p. 493-508
Prior N. The plural iPod: A study of technology in action. Poetics. 2014 Feb 1;42:22-39. Epub 2013 Dec 27. doi: 10.1016/j.poetic.2013.11.001
Prior N. Bourdieu and the Sociology of Music Consumption: A Critical Assessment of Recent Developments: Bourdieu and the Sociology of Music Consumption. Sociology Compass. 2013 Mar 1;7(3):181-193. doi: 10.1111/soco.2013.7.issue-3
Orton-Johnson K, (ed.), Prior N, (ed.). Digital sociology: Critical perspectives. 1st ed. Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. 249 p. doi: 10.1057/9781137297792
Prior N, Orton-Johnson K. Afterword: Mediating the digital. In Orton-Johnson K, Prior N, editors, Digital Sociology: Critical Perspectives. 1st ed. Palgrave Macmillan. 2013. p. 186-193 doi: 10.1057/9781137297792_13
Orton-Johnson K, Prior N. Introduction. In Orton-Johnson K, Prior N, editors, Digital Sociology: Critical Perspectives. 1st ed. Palgrave Macmillan. 2013. p. 1-9 doi: 10.1057/9781137297792_1
Prior N. Musiques Populaires en Regime Numerique: Acteurs, Equipements, Styles et Pratiques. Réseaux - Communication - Technologie - Société. 2012;2(172):66-90. doi: 10.3917/res.172.0066
Prior N. Speed, Rhythm and Time-Space: Museums and Cities. Space and Culture. 2011 May;14(2):197-213. doi: 10.1177/1206331210392701
Prior N. Critique and Renewal in the Sociology of Music: Bourdieu and Beyond. Cultural Sociology. 2011 Mar;5(1):121-138. doi: 10.1177/1749975510389723
Prior N. From Pac-Man to Pop Music: Interactive Audio in Games and New Media. Popular Music. 2010 May;29(2):319-320. doi: 10.1017/S0261143010000206
Prior N. The rise of new amateurs: popular music, digital technology, and the fate of cultural production. In Hall JR, Grindstaff L, Lo M, editors, Handbook of Cultural Sociology. Routledge. 2010. p. 398-407
Prior N. “The Rise of the New Amateurs: Popular Music, Digital Technology and the Fate of Cultural Production”. In Hall JR, Grindstaff L, Lo M, editors, Handbook of Cultural Sociology. Routledge. 2010. p. 398-407
Prior N. Software Sequencers and Cyborg Singers: Popular Music in the Digital Hypermodern. New Formations. 2009 Mar;66(Spring):81-99. doi: 10.3898/newf.66.06.2009
Prior N. Putting a Glitch in the Field: Bourdieu, Actor Network Theory and Contemporary Music. Cultural Sociology. 2008 Nov;2(3):301-319. doi: 10.1177/1749975508095614
Prior N. OK COMPUTER: Mobility, Software and the Laptop Musician. Information, Communication and Society. 2008;11(7):912-932. doi: 10.1080/13691180802108982
Nick Prior's Research Explorer profile