School of Social and Political Science

Patricia Jeffery

Job Title

Professor (Emerita)

Patricia Jeffery's photo

Building (Address)

Chrystal Macmillan Building

Street (Address)

15a George Square

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Research interests

Research interests

South Asia, Gender and Development, Communal politics, Muslims in South Asia, Reproductive & child health, Reproductive rights, Childbearing, social demography, Ethnicity & 'race'

My main research interests are in gender and development, especially childbearing, women's reproductive rights, social demography in South Asia; Indian society, gender and communal politics, education and the reproduction of inequality; race and ethnicity.

I have been involved in several research projects recently:

(a) An ESRC funded project on secondary schooling in north India, with Professor Roger Jeffery and Dr Craig Jeffrey: see

(b) A Wellcome Trust funded project "Demographic change in north India" to re-visit villages in rural Uttar Pradesh, north India where I first worked in 1982 with Professor Roger Jeffery.

(c) RECOUP, a Research Programme Consortium, funded by DfID and led by Professor Chris Colclough (University of Cambridge) on Educational Outcomes and Poverty in India, Pakistan, Kenya and Ghana (2005-10). Other Edinburgh partners are Professor Roger Jeffery, and Professor Emeritus Kenneth King.

(d) Tracing Pharmaceuticals in South Asia, funded by a grant from the DFID/ESRC Joint Programme of research on international development issues. Other Edinburgh participants are Professor Roger Jeffery, Dr Ian Harper, Dr Stefan Ecks and Professor Allyson Pollock

(e) Learning at the Swami's Feet: Hindu Youth and faith-based educational institutions in South India,  with Dr. Aya Ikegame, under the AHRC/ESRC Religion and Society Research Programme

(f) British Academy/Leverhulme Senior Research Fellowship and Leverhulme Research Fellowship (September 2009-August 2010) 

(g) Rural change and Anthropological Knowledge in post-colonial India: A Comparative 'restudy' of F.G. Bailey, Adrian C. Mayer and David F. Pocock, funded by ESRC (2011-2014), Principal Investigator Dr Edward Simpson (SOAS), Co-investigator Patricia Jeffery

Topics interested in supervising

I'd particularly welcome the opportunity to supervise PhD students who want to pursue projects that relate to my broad interests in gender and development, especially childbearing, women's reproductive rights, reproductive and child health, social demography; and in aspects of South Asian society, especially gender and communal politics, education and the reproduction of inequality; race and ethnicity. Recently I have supervised theses on education in Nepal, women’s health in Uganda, transnational marriages in Britain and Pakistan, sex workers in Senegal and nurse migration from Nepal. I am currently supervising students working on reproductive health among refugee women in Kenya, early-years provision for children of Bangladeshi origin in Scotland, family violence and women of Pakistani origin in Scotland, long-distance marriage in India, forced marriage in Scotland, children’s participation in India and Scotland and nurse migration from India.

If you are interested in being supervised by Patricia Jeffery, please see the links below for more information (opening in new windows):

PhD in South Asian Studies; PhD in Sociology


My Edinburgh Research Explorer profile can be accessed by clicking here


  • MA (University of Cambridge)
  • MA (University of Nottingham)
  • PhD (University of Bristol)

Books and other publications


2010: Craig Jeffrey, Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery: Education, Masculinities and Unemployment in north India (Social Science Press, New Delhi), xiv + 240 pp. ISBN-978-91-87358-58-9 (Hb)

2010:Patricia Jeffery: Migrants and Refugees: Muslim and Christian Pakistani Families in Bristol (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge), viii + 221 pp. (Paperback edition of original 1976 publication)

2008: Craig Jeffrey, Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery: Degrees without Freedom? Education, Masculinities and Unemployment in north India (Stanford University Press, Stanford) ISBN-10: 0-8047-5743-7 (Hb) ISBN-13: 978-0-8047-5743-0 (Pb)

2006: Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery: Confronting Saffron Demography: Religion, fertility and women's status in India (Three Essays Collective, New Delhi), x + 162 pp. ISBN 81-88789-38-0 (Hb) and 81-88789-40-2 (Pb)

2005: Radhika Chopra and Patricia Jeffery (eds): Educational Regimes in Contemporary India (Sage, New Delhi), 346 pp. ISBN: 0-7619-3348-4 (Hb)/0-7619-3349-2 (Pb)

2000: Patricia Jeffery: Frogs in a Well: Indian Women in Purdah (Manohar, New Delhi) xv + 187 pp. (Second Edition, with new Preface)

1998: Patricia Jeffery and Amrita Basu (eds): Appropriating Gender: Women's Activism, Politicized Religion and the State in South Asia (Routledge, New York & London) [Published in 1999 as Resisting the Sacred and the Secular: Women's Activism and Politicized Religion in South Asia (Kali for Women, New Delhi)], xi + 276 pp.

1997: Roger Jeffery and Patricia Jeffery: Population, Gender and Politics: Demographic Change in Rural North India (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge), xvi + 278 pp.

1996: Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery: Don't Marry me to a Plowman! Women's Everyday Lives in Rural North India (Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado & Vistaar Publications, Sage, New Delhi), viii + 294 pp.

1994: Ingrid Yngstrom, Patricia Jeffery, Kenneth King and Camilla Toulmin (eds): Gender and Environment in Africa (Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh), 267 pp.

1989: Patricia Jeffery, Roger Jeffery and Andrew Lyon: Labour Pains and Labour Power: Women and Childbearing in India  (Zed Books, London & Manohar, New Delhi), xii + 292 pp. (Awarded A. L. Basham Medal in 1994, by the International Association for the Study of Traditional Asian Medicine at the 5th Congress in Tokyo.)

1985: Patricia Jeffery: Purdah: Muslimische Frauen in Indien (EXpress Edition GmbH) (German Translation of Frogs in a Well)

1979: Patricia Jeffery: Frogs in a Well: Indian Women in Purdah (Zed Press, London & Vikas, New Delhi), viii + 187 pp. (Seventh impression 1991)

1976: Patricia Jeffery: Migrants and Refugees: Muslim and Christian Pakistani Families in Bristol (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge), viii + 221 pp.

Articles in refereed journals and edited volumes

2016: Biswamitra Sahu, Patricia Jeffery & N. Nakkeeran: “Contextualising women’s agency in marital negotiations: Muslim and Hindu women in Karnataka, India” in SAGE Open July-September 2016: 1–13, DOI: 10.1177/2158244016667450

2016: Biswamitra Sahu, Patricia Jeffery & N. Nakkeeran: “Barriers to higher education: commonalities and contrasts in the experiences of Hindu and Muslim young women in urban Bengaluru”, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, DOI: 10.1080/03057925.2016.1220825

2016: Patricia Jeffery:  “Dowry, Daughter Aversion and Demographic Change: a sociological critique of the ‘marriage squeeze’” pp.118-141 in Ravinder Kaur (ed.) Too Many Men, Too Few Women: Social Consequences of Gender Imbalance in India and China (Hyderabad: Orient BlackSwan)

2016: Patricia Jeffery: “Plain tales from the Plains: Researching in Rural Bijnor over Three Decades”, pp.35-64 in Himanshu, Praveen Jha and Gerry Rodgers (eds): The Changing Village in India: Insights from Longitudinal Research (Delhi: Oxford University Press)

2014: Patricia Jeffery: “Supply-and-demand demographics: Dowry, daughter aversion and marriage markets in contemporary north India”, in Contemporary South Asia 22:2, 171-188 (Special issue: ‘Innovation: Transforming hierarchies in South Asia’, edited by Minna Säävälä and Sirpa Tenhunen)

2014: Patricia Jeffery: “Underserved and Overdosed? Muslims and the Pulse Polio Initiative in rural north India”, pp. 46-74 in Roger Jeffery, Craig Jeffrey and Jens Lerche (eds): Development Failure and Identity Politics in UP (New Delhi: Sage) Revised & updated version of 2011 CSA paper.

2014: Patricia Jeffery: “India: Social Consequences of Demographic Change”, pp. 115-136 in Barbara Harriss-White and Delia Davin (eds): China-India: Paths of Economic and Social Development (Oxford University Press, Proceedings of the British Academy, London)

2013: E. Michelle Taylor, Rachel Hayman, Fay Crawford, Patricia Jeffery, James Smith: The Impact of Official Development Aid on Maternal and Reproductive Health Outcomes: A Systematic Review. PLoS ONE 8(2): e56271. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0056271

2013: Patricia Jeffery, Roger Jeffery and Craig Jeffrey: "Disputing Contraception: Muslim reform, secular change and fertility", pp. 377-410 in Filippo Osella and Caroline Osella (eds): Islamic Reform in South Asia (Cambridge University Press)

2012: Shahid Perwez, Roger Jeffery and Patricia Jeffery: "Declining Child Sex Ratio, Female Infanticide and Sex Selective Abortion in India: A Demographic Epiphany?"Economic and Political Weekly, 47 (33): 73-77

2012: Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery: South Asia: Intimacy and Identities, Politics and Poverty, pp. 295-311 in Richard Fardon, John Gledhill, Olivia Harris, Trevor H.J. Marchand, Mark Nuttall, Cris Shore, Veronica Strang and Richard A. Wilson (eds), Sage Handbook of Social Anthropology (Sage) (Published with the Association of Social Anthropologists of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth)

2012: Patricia Jeffery, Roger Jeffery and Craig Jeffrey: Leading by Example? Women madrasah teachers in rural north India pp. 195-216 in Masooda Bano and Hilary Kalmbach (eds): Women, Leadership and Mosques: Changes in Contemporary Islamic Authority (Leiden/Boston: Brill)

2012: Roger Jeffery, Patricia Jeffery and Andrew Lyon. Taking Dung-work Seriously, pp.145-156 in Surinder S. Jodhka (ed.), Village Society: Essays from Economic and Political Weekly (Hyderabad: Orient BlackSwan) (Abridged version of paper originally published in EPW in 1989)

2012: Roger Jeffery, Feyza Bhatti, Patricia Jeffery & Claire Noronha. Girls' schooling and women's autonomy in South Asia: revisiting old debates with new data from India and Pakistan. In Christopher Colclough (ed.) Education Outcomes and Poverty in the South: A Reassessment, pp. 16-34, Routledge, London.

2011: Rachel Hayman, Emma Michelle Taylor, Fay Crawford, Patricia Jeffery, James Smith, Ian Harper: The Impact of Aid on Maternal and Reproductive Health: A systematic review to evaluate the effect of aid on the outcomes of Millennium Development Goal 5(Systematic Review produced for Department for International Development) London: EPPI-Centre (report 1916), Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London. ISBN: 978-1-907345-23-4

2011: Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery: Underserved and Overdosed? Muslims and the Pulse Polio Initiative in rural north India, Contemporary South Asia, 19 (2): 117-135

2011: Roger Jeffery, Patricia Jeffery and Craig Jeffrey: Are rich rural Jats Middle-class? pp. 140-163 in Amita Baviskar and Raka Ray (eds): Elite and Everyman: the Cultural Politics of the Indian Middle Classes (Routledge)

2011: Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery: Money itself discriminates: Obstetric emergencies in the time of liberalisation, pp. 133-151 in Akhil Gupta and K. Sivaramakrishnan (eds): The State in India after Liberalization (New York: Routledge)

2010: Bregje de Kok, Julia Hussein and Patricia Jeffery: Joining-up thinking: Loss in childbearing from interdisciplinary perspectives (Editorial for Special Issue on Loss in Childbearing), Social Science and Medicine 71 (10): 1703-1710

2010: Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery: Only when the boat has started sinking: a maternal death in rural north India (in Special Issue on Loss in Childbearing), Social Science and Medicine 71 (10): 1711-1718

2010: Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery: Polio in North India: What Next? Economic and Political Weekly 45: 15, pp.23-26

2010: Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery: Costly Absences, Coercive Presences: Health care in rural north India pp. 47-71 in Anthony Heath and Roger Jeffery (eds) Diversity and Change in Modern India: economic, social and political approaches (Proceedings of the British Academy 159) (Oxford: Oxford University for The British Academy)

2010: Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery: Allah Gives Both Boys and Girls, in Diane Mines and Sarah Lamb (eds): Everyday Life in South Asia (Indiana University Press, Bloomington, second edition, originally published in 2002), pp. 26-39 [Adapted from Chapter 16 of Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery: Don't Marry me to a Plowman! Women's Everyday Lives in Rural North India (Westview Press, Boulder & Vistaar Publications, Sage, New Delhi, 1996)]

2009: Petra Brhlikova, Patricia Jeffery, Gitanjali Priti Bhatia and Sakshi Khurana: Intrapartum oxytocin (mis)use in South Asia, Journal of Health Studies 2 (1, 2, & 3), 33-50, accessed at

2008: Patricia Jeffery, Roger Jeffery and Craig Jeffrey: Disputing Contraception: Muslim reform, secular change and fertility, in Filippo Osella and Caroline Osella (eds): Special volume of Modern Asian Studies 42, 2 & 3: 519-548

2008: Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery: Money itself discriminates: Obstetric emergencies in the time of liberalisation, Contributions to Indian Sociology 42, 1: 61-93

2008: Patricia Jeffery, Roger Jeffery and Craig Jeffrey: Aisha, the madrasah teacher, pp. 56-68 in Mukulika Banerjee (ed.): Muslim Portraits (Yoda Press, New Delhi) (2010 Indiana University Press)

2008: Craig Jeffrey, Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery: Karate, Computers and the Qur'an Sharif: Zamir, pp. 69-80 in Mukulika Banerjee (ed.): Muslim Portraits (Yoda Press, New Delhi) (2010: Indiana University Press)

2008: Craig Jeffrey, Roger Jeffery and Patricia Jeffery: "School and/or madrasah education: Gender and the strategies of Muslim young men in rural north India", Compare: A Journal of Comparative Education 38, 5: 581-593 (Special number: Gender, Community and National Growth: critical perspectives on education and development)

2008: Craig Jeffrey, Roger Jeffery and Patricia Jeffery: Dalit Revolution? New Politicians in Uttar Pradesh, India, Journal of Asian Studies 67, 4: 1365-1396

2007: Patricia Jeffery, Roger Jeffery and Craig Jeffrey: Investing in the Future: Education in the Social and Cultural Reproduction of Muslims in UP, pp. 63-89 in Mushirul Hasan (ed.): Living with Secularism: The Destiny of India's Muslims (Manohar, New Delhi)

2007: Patricia Jeffery, Roger Jeffery and Craig Jeffrey: From Sir Syed to Sachar: Muslims and Education in rural Bijnor, Indian Journal of Secularism, 11, 2: 1-35

2007: Patricia Jeffery, Abhijit Das, Jashodhara Dasgupta & Roger Jeffery: Unmonitored Intrapartum Oxytocin use in Home Deliveries: Evidence from Uttar Pradesh, India, Reproductive Health Matters 15, 30: 172-178

2007: Roger Jeffery, Patricia Jeffery and Craig Jeffrey: The Privatisation of Secondary Schooling in Bijnor: A Crumbling Welfare State?pp.442-474 in Krishna Kumar and Joachim Österheld (eds): Education and Social Change in South Asia (Orient Longman, New Delhi)

2007: Roger Jeffery, Patricia Jeffery and Craig Jeffrey: Parhai ka Mahaul? An educational environment in Bijnor, UP, pp. 116-140 in Geert de Neve and Henrike Donner (eds): The Meaning of the Local: Politics of Place in Urban India (University College London Press, London)

2007: Roger Jeffery, Patricia Jeffery and Mohan Rao: Safe Motherhood Initiatives: Contributions from Small-scale Studies, Indian Journal of Gender Studies, 14, 2: 285-294

2006: Patricia Jeffery, Roger Jeffery and Craig Jeffrey: The First Madrasa: Learned Mawlawis and the Educated Mother, pp. 227-251 in Jan-Peter Hartung and Helmut Reifeld (eds): Islamic Education, Diversity and National Identity: Dini Madaris in India Post 9/11 (Sage, New Delhi)

2006: Craig Jeffrey, Patricia Jeffery & Roger Jeffery: Urbane geographies: schooling, jobs and the quest for civility in rural north India, pp. 223-240 in Saraswati Raju, M. Satish Kumar & Stuart Corbridge (eds): Colonial, Postcolonial Geographies of India (Sage, New Delhi)

2005: Patricia Jeffery: Introduction: Hearts, minds and pockets, pp. 13-38 in Radhika Chopra and Patricia Jeffery (eds): Educational Regimes in Contemporary India (Sage, New Delhi)

2005: Patricia Jeffery, Roger Jeffery and Craig Jeffrey: The Mother's Lap and the Civilising Mission: Madrasah Education and rural Muslim girls in western Uttar Pradesh, pp. 108-148 in Zoya Hasan and Ritu Menon (eds): In a Minority: Essays on Muslim Women in India (Oxford University Press, New Delhi and Rutgers University Press, New Jersey)

2005: Roger Jeffery and Patricia Jeffery: Saffron Demography, Common Wisdom, Aspirations and Uneven Governmentalities, Economic and Political Weekly 40: 5, pp. 447-453

2005: Roger Jeffery, Patricia Jeffery and Craig Jeffrey: Social Inequalities and the Privatisation of Secondary Schooling in north India, pp. 41-61 in Radhika Chopra and Patricia Jeffery (eds): Educational Regimes in Contemporary India (Sage, New Delhi)

2005: Craig Jeffrey, Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery, When Schooling Fails: Young men, education and low caste politics in north India Contributions to Indian Sociology 39, 1: 1-38

2005: Craig Jeffrey, Patricia Jeffery, Roger Jeffery, Reproducing Difference? Schooling, Jobs and Empowerment in Uttar Pradesh, India World Development 33, 12: 2085-2101

2005: Craig Jeffrey, Roger Jeffery and Patricia Jeffery: Broken Trajectories: Dalit young men and formal education, pp.256-275 in Radhika Chopra and Patricia Jeffery (eds): Educational Regimes in Contemporary India (Sage, New Delhi)

2004: Patricia Jeffery, Roger Jeffery and Craig Jeffrey: Islamisation, Gentrification and Domestication: A Girls' Islamic Course and rural Muslims in western Uttar Pradesh, Modern Asian Studies, 38, 1: 1-54

2004: Craig Jeffrey, Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery, A Useless Thing! or Nectar of the Gods? The cultural production of education and young men's struggles for respect in liberalizing north India, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 94, 4: 961-981

2004: Craig Jeffrey, Roger Jeffery and Patricia Jeffery: Degrees without Freedom: Assessing the social and economic impact of formal education on Dalit young men in north India, Development and Change 35, 5: 963-986.

2003: Patricia Jeffery: A Uniform Customary Code? Marital breakdown and women's economic entitlements in western UP, in Roger Jeffery and Jens Lerche (eds): Social and Political Change in Uttar Pradesh: European Perspectives (Manohar, New Delhi), pp. 77-101

2003: Patricia Jeffery: A Uniform Customary Code? Marital breakdown and women's economic entitlements in western UP, in Imtiaz Ahmad (ed.): Divorce and Remarriage among Muslims in India (Manohar, New Delhi), pp. 101-136

2003: Roger Jeffery and Patricia Jeffery, Letter to the Editor: Religion and Fertility, Economic and Political Weekly 37: 45, pp. 4718 & 4808

2002: Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery: We Five, Our Twenty-five: Myths of population out of control in contemporary India, in Mark Nichter and Margaret Lock (eds): New Horizons in Medical Anthropology (Routledge, London & New York), pp. 172-199.

2002: Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery: A Population out of Control? Myths about Muslim Fertility in Contemporary India, World Development 30:10, pp.1805-1822

2002: Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery: Allah Gives Both Boys and Girls, in Diane Mines and Sarah Lamb (eds): Everyday Life in South Asia (Indiana University Press, Bloomington), pp. 23-36 [Adapted from Chapter 16 of Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery: Don't Marry me to a Plowman! Women's Everyday Lives in Rural North India (Westview Press, Boulder & Vistaar Publications, Sage, New Delhi, 1996)]

2002: Patricia Jeffery, Roger Jeffery and Andrew Lyon: Contaminating States: Midwifery, Childbearing and the State in Rural North India, in Santi Rozario and Geoffrey Samuel (eds): The Daughters of Hariti: Birth and Female Healers in South and Southeast Asia (Routledge, London & New York), pp. 90-108

2001: Patricia Jeffery: A Uniform Customary Code? Marital breakdown and women's economic entitlements in western UP, Contributions to Indian Sociology 35:1, pp. 1-32 1:  Revised versions published in 2003 in Roger Jeffery and Jens Lerche (eds): Social and Political Change in Uttar Pradesh: European Perspectives (Manohar, New Delhi) and in Imtiaz Ahmad (ed.): Divorce and Remarriage among Muslims in India (Manohar, New Delhi), pp. 101-136.  Revised and updated version published in Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery Confronting Saffron Demography (Three Essays Collective, New Delhi, 2006)

2001:   Roger Jeffery, Craig Jeffrey and Patricia Jeffery: Social and Political Dominance in Western UP: A Response to Sudha Pai Contributions to Indian Sociology 35: 2, pp. 213-35

2000: Patricia Jeffery: Identifying Differences: Gender Politics and Religious Community in rural Uttar Pradesh, in Julia Leslie and Mary McGee (eds): Invented Identities: The Interplay of Gender, Religion and Politics in India (Oxford University Press, Delhi), pp. 286-309

2000:  Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery: Bollywood in Bijnor? Making an Open University film in rural north India Visual Anthropology 13: 2, pp. 149-168

2000:  Roger Jeffery and Patricia Jeffery: On Misrepresentation in Academic Writing Development and Change 31 (2): 509-512

2000:  Roger Jeffery and Patricia Jeffery: Religion and Fertility in India Economic and Political Weekly 35: 35 & 36, pp. 3253-3259

1998:   Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery: Gender, Community and the Local State in Bijnor, in Patricia Jeffery and Amrita Basu (eds) Appropriating Gender: Women's Activism, Politicized Religion and the State in South Asia, (Routledge, New York & London), pp. 123-141. 

1998: Patricia Jeffery: Agency, Activism and Agendas in Patricia Jeffery and Amrita Basu (eds) Appropriating Gender: Women's Activism, Politicized Religion and the State in South Asia (Routledge, New York & London), pp.221-243.   Reprinted in 2001 in Elizabeth Castelli (ed.): Women, Gender, Religion: A Reader (PalgraveTM, St Martin's Press, New York), pp.465-491

1998: Patricia Jeffery: Appropriating Gender: Women's Activism and Politicized Religion in South Asia, Items [Newsletter of the Social Science Research Council, New York] 52:1 (March 1998), pp.10-14

1998:   Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery: Silver Bullet or Passing Fancy? Girls' education and population policy, in Cecile Jackson and Ruth Pearson (eds): Feminist Visions of Development: Gender Analysis and Policy (Routledge, London), pp. 235-254

1998:   Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery: Anak Perempuan Menyusakhan Ibu Bapa in Rokiah Talib and Shanthi Thambiah (eds): Gender, Budaya dan Masyarakat (Fakulti Sastera dan Sains Sosial, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur), pp. 17-31 (Malay translation of Chapter 4 of Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery: Don't Marry me to a Plowman! Women's Everyday Lives in Rural North India (Westview Press, Boulder, & Vistaar Publications, Sage, New Delhi, 1996)

1997: Patricia Jeffery: Women, Work and Empowerment: Some Reflections from Rural North India, in Proceedings of an International Workshop for South Asian Studies, Center for Area Studies, Keio University, March 1997

1996:   Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery: What's the Benefit of Being Educated? Girls' Schooling, Women's Autonomy and Fertility Outcomes in Bijnor,in Roger Jeffery and Alaka Basu (eds) Girls' Schooling, Women's Autonomy and Fertility Change in South Asia (Sage, New Delhi), pp. 150-183

1996:   Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery: Delayed Periods and Falling Babies: the Ethno-physiology and Politics of Pregnancy Loss in Rural North India, in Rosanne Cecil (ed.) The Anthropology of Pregnancy Loss (Berg Publishers, Oxford), pp. 17-37

1996:   Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery: Post-modernity, Asian medical systems and Gender (Basham Medal Lecture) Proceedings of 4th International Congress on Traditional Asian Medicine (Tokyo, 18-21 August 1994), pp. 93-98

1994:   Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery: Killing my heart's desire: Education and Female Autonomy in Rural North India, in Nita Kumar (ed.) Women as Subjects: South Asian Histories (Stree [Bhatkal & Sen], Calcutta & Virginia University Press, Charlottesville), pp. 125-171

1994:   Roger Jeffery and Patricia Jeffery: The Bijnor Riots, October 1990: Collapse of a Mythical Special Relationship? Economic and Political Weekly 29:10, pp. 551-558

1993:   Roger Jeffery and Patricia Jeffery: A Woman belongs to her Husband: Female Autonomy, Women's Work and Childbearing in Bijnor, in Alice Clark (ed.) Gender and Political Economy: Explorations of South Asian Systems (Oxford University Press, Oxford & New Delhi), pp. 66-114

1993:   Roger Jeffery and Patricia Jeffery: Traditional Birth Attendants in Rural North India: the Social Organisation of Childbearing, in Shirley Lindenbaum and Margaret Lock (eds) Knowledge, Power and Practice in Medicine and Everyday Life (University of California Press, Berkeley & London), pp. 7-31

1991:   Patricia Jeffery, Roger Jeffery and Andrew Lyon: Ethnic Contrasts and Parallels in the Post-partum Period: Some Evidence from Bijnor, North India, in Gabriella Eichinger Ferro-Luzzi (ed.): Rites and Beliefs in Modern India (Manohar, New Delhi), pp. 7-33

1989: Roger Jeffery, Patricia Jeffery and Andrew Lyon: Taking Dung-Work Seriously: Women's Work and Rural Development in North India, Economic and Political Weekly, 24: 17 Review of Women's Studies, WS 32-7.  Reprinted in 1991 in F. Farinelli (ed.) Capitalist Form of Production in South Asia: Consequences of British Policies (Manohar, New Delhi), pp. 97-117

1989: Roger Jeffery, Patricia Jeffery and Andrew Lyon: Cattle-dung and dung-work: an aspect of the Value of Women's work in Rural North India, Internationales Asienforum, 20: 1-2, pp. 21-42

1988: Patricia Jeffery, Roger Jeffery and Andrew Lyon: When did you last see your mother? Aspects of Female Autonomy in Rural North India, in Jack Caldwell, Allan Hill and Valerie Hull (eds) Micro-Approaches to Demographic Research (Kegan Paul International, London), pp. 321-333

1987: Patricia Jeffery, Roger Jeffery and Andrew Lyon: Contaminating States: Midwifery, Childbearing and the State in Rural North India, in Haleh Afshar (ed.): Women, State and Ideology: Studies from Africa and Asia (Macmillan, London), pp. 152-169

1985: Patricia Jeffery, Roger Jeffery and Andrew Lyon: Contaminating States and Women’s Status: Midwifery, Childbearing and the State in rural North India (Indian Social Institute Monograph Series)

1984: Roger Jeffery and Patricia Jeffery: Female Infanticide and Amniocentesis (Research Note), Social Science and Medicine 19: 11, pp. 1207-1212

1984: Patricia Jeffery, Roger Jeffery and Andrew Lyon: Childbirth and Collaboration among women in Bijnor District, Uttar Pradesh, Journal of Social Studies 25, pp. 15-33

1984: Roger Jeffery, Patricia Jeffery and Andrew Lyon: Only Cord-cutters? Midwifery in Rural North India, Social Action, 34: 3, pp. 229-250

1983: Roger Jeffery, Patricia Jeffery and Andrew Lyon: Female Infanticide and Amniocentesis, Economic and Political Weekly 18: 16-17, pp. 655-657

Works within

Patricia Jeffery's Research Explorer profile