School of Social and Political Science

Dr Patrick Theiner

Job Title

Lecturer in Politics & International Relations

Patrick Theiner profile picture

Room number


Building (Address)

Chrystal Macmillan Building

Street (Address)

15a George Square

City (Address)


Country (Address)

United Kingdom

Post code (Address)


Research interests

Research interests

International relations, Regionalism, International development, International organisations, United Nations, Innovation diffusion, Global health, Internet governance, European Union, Regional organisations, International sports, International negotiation, Comparative regionalism, Political architecture

Works in progress

R. Alcázar, Maria / Jetschke, Anja / Münch, Sören / Rabaey, Lucas / Rayp, Glenn / Standaert, Samuel / Theiner, Patrick Measuring and Analyzing Regional Organizations: Authority, Policy Scope, and Vitality.

Jetschke, Anja / Theiner, Patrick / Rocio Cardozo Silva, Adriana / Duarte Lisboa Paschoaleto, Rafael / Münch, Sören. Unraveling the Puzzle of Regional Organizations: Similarities, Differences, and the Diffusion Dynamics of Institutional Design.


2023 | Theiner, Patrick / Schwanholz, Julia 'Consensus democracy by glass and concrete? The architecture of German state parliaments' In: Psarra / Sternberg / Staiger (eds.) Parliament Buildings: The Architecture of Politics in Europe. UCL Press.

2023 | Theiner, Patrick Disrupt or Be Disrupted? Generative AI in teaching and learning, Paper presented at UK PSA Teaching and Learning Network Annual Conference, Leeds, September 2023

2023 | Schwanholz, Julia / Theiner, Patrick From Bricks to Bytes: The Physical and Digital Architecture of German State Parliaments, Paper presented at UK PSA German Politics Specialist Group Annual Conference, Glasgow, September 2023

2022 | Jetschke, Anja / Theiner, Patrick / Münch, Sören / Duarte Lisboa Paschoaleto, Rafael Explaining the Similarity of Regional Organizations: Demand, Opportunities to Learn, and Domestic Constraints, Paper presented at the PEIO Political Economy of International Organization Conference, July 2022.

2021 | Jetschke, Anja / Theiner, Patrick / Münch, Sören / Cardozo-Silva, Adriana Rocío 'Patterns of (dis)similarity in the design of regional organizations: The Regional Organizations Similarity Index (ROSI)' International Studies Perspectives 22(2), 181–200.

2021 | Jetschke, Anja / Theiner, Patrick / Münch, Sören / Cardozo-Silva, Adriana Rocío Explaining the Diffusion of Institutional Designs Among Regional Organizations, Paper presented at the ISA Annual Convention, April 2021.

2020 | Theiner, Patrick / Schwanholz, Julia Democracy by Glass and Concrete? The Architecture of German State Parliaments, Paper presented at the UCL Parliament Buildings Conference, November 2020.

2020 | Schwanholz, Julia / Theiner, Patrick (eds.) Die politische Architektur deutscher Parlamente – von Häusern, Schlössern und Palästen. [The Political Architecture of German Parliaments - Houses, Castles, and Palaces] Wiesbaden: Springer.

2020 | Jetschke, Anja / Theiner, Patrick 'Time to move on! Why the discussion about ASEAN's relevance is outdated' The Pacific Review 33(3-4), 593-603.

2019 | Theiner, Patrick The European Investment Bank - Underdog Champion of Multilateral Lending? Paper presented at ISA Annual Convention, Toronto, April 2019.

2018 | Jetschke, Anja / Theiner, Patrick / Münch, Sören The end of (neo)functionalism? Diffusion and Regionalism. Paper presented at the KFG Conference 'The Transformative Power of Europe Re-Visited', Berlin, June 2018.

2018 | Theiner, Patrick / Novick, Natalie The Devil is in the Lack of Details: Explaining the Design of Bilateral Migration Agreements, Paper presented at ISA Annual Convention, San Francisco, April 2018.

2018 | Schwanholz, Julia / Theiner, Patrick / Busch, Andreas 'The Interactive Parliament - Evolving Use of Digital Media by National Legislatures in the EU'. In: Brichzin / Krichewsky / Ringel / Schank Soziologie der Parlamente - Neue Wege der politischen Institutionenforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

2017 | Theiner, Patrick 'Donor Choice in Multilateral Health Aid' Journal of International Organizations Studies 8(1), 25-40.

2017 | Theiner, Patrick / Schwanholz, Julia / Busch, Andreas 'Parliaments 2.0? Digital Media Use by National Parliaments in the EU'. In: Schwanholz / Graham / Stoll Managing Democracy in the Digital Age? Internet Regulation, Social Media Use, and Online Civic Engagement. Wiesbaden: Springer.

2017 | Breindl, Yana / Theiner, Patrick / Busch, Andreas  'Internet Censorship in Liberal Democracies: Learning from Autocracies?'. In: Schwanholz / Graham / Stoll Managing Democracy in the Digital Age? Internet Regulation, Social Media Use, and Online Civic Engagement. Wiesbaden: Springer.

Topics interested in supervising

International organizations, regional organizations, theories of international relations, non-state actors, global public health, international development cooperation, internet governance, quantitative and mixed-method designs, international sports

If you are interested in being supervised by Patrick Theiner, please see the links below (open in new windows) for more information:




Patrick Theiner (pronounced Ty-ner) is Lecturer in Politics and International Relations with a focus on teaching. He specializes in teaching large, introductory classes for first- and second-year undergraduates, mostly in the fields of international relations and comparative politics. His research is mainly concerned with international and regional organizations, especially processes of institutional design and development, internet governance, international sports events, and historical international relations.

Patrick received his MA in Political Science and Sociology with first-class honors from the University of Tübingen, Germany, in 2008. His final thesis on Internet Governance was supervised by the late Professor Volker Rittberger. He received his PhD in Political Science from Trinity College Dublin in 2013, where he was a Government of Ireland Postgraduate Research Scholar. His dissertation explored the interactions between donor and recipient states in the area of global public health. From 2013 to 2018, he held the position of Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Göttingen, Germany. Together with the Chair of International Relations, Professor Anja Jetschke, he was responsible for the Comparative Regional Organizations Project, the largest data collection and analysis project on the institutional design of regional organizations to date.

When he's not in the lecture hall, Patrick can be found walking his chihuahuas, catering to his cat's every whim, playing video games, or spending way too much time on the internet.


  • PhD in Political Science, Trinity College Dublin (Ireland), 2013
  • MA in Political Science and Sociology, University of Tübingen (Germany), 2008




Staff Hours and Guidance

Office hours by arrangement - most days and times are possible. Please contact me via email or Teams to find a time slot.




Publications by user content

Publication Research Explorer link
Theiner P, Schwanholz J. Consensus democracy by glass and concrete? The architecture of German state parliaments. In Psarra S, Staiger U, Sternberg C, editors, Parliament Buildings: The Architecture of Politics in Europe. UCL Press. 2023. p. 194-207 doi: 10.14324/111.9781800085343
Jetschke A, Münch S, Cardozo-Silva AR, Theiner P. Patterns of (dis)similarity in the design of regional organizations: The Regional Organizations Similarity Index (ROSI). International Studies Perspectives. 2021 May 1;22(2):181-200. Epub 2020 Jun 6. doi: 10.1093/isp/ekaa006
Jetschke A, Theiner P. Time to move on! Why the discussion about ASEAN’s relevance is outdated. Pacific Review. 2020 Jul 3;33(3-4):593-603. Epub 2019 Oct 7. doi: 10.1080/09512748.2019.1673803
Schwanholz J, Theiner P. Parlamentsarchitektur als Gegenstand politikwissenschaftlicher Forschung und die Frage nach Demokratie in Bauwerken. In Schwanholz J, Theiner P, editors, Die politische Architektur deutscher Parlamente: Von Häusern, Schlössern und Palästen. 1st ed. Springer. 2020. p. 3-12 doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-29331-4_1
Theiner P, Schwanholz J. Von Parlamentsarchitektur lernen. In Schwanholz J, Theiner P, editors, Die politische Architektur deutscher Parlamente: Von Häusern, Schlössern und Palästen. 1st ed. Springer. 2020. p. 471–482 doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-29331-4_24
Schwanholz J, (ed.), Theiner P, (ed.). Die politische Architektur deutscher Parlamente: Von Häusern, Schlössern und Palästen. 1st ed. Springer, 2020. 482 p. doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-29331-4
Schwanholz J, Theiner P, Busch A. The Interactive Parliament. In Brichzin J, Krichewsky D, Ringel L, Schank J, editors, Soziologie der Parlamente: Neue Wege der politischen Institutionenforschung. Springer. 2017. p. 337-368. (Politische Soziologie). Epub 2017 Dec 6. doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-19945-6_13
Theiner P, Schwanholz J, Busch A. Parliaments 2.0? Digital media use by national parliaments in the EU. In Schwanholz J, Graham T, Stoll PT, editors, Managing Democracy in the Digital Age: Internet Regulation, Social Media Use, and Online Civic Engagement. 1st ed. Springer. 2017. p. 77-95 Epub 2017 Sept 13. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-61708-4_5
Busch A, Theiner P, Breindl Y. Internet censorship in liberal democracies: Learning from autocracies? In Schwanholz J, Graham T, Stoll PT, editors, Managing Democracy in the Digital Age: Internet Regulation, Social Media Use, and Online Civic Engagement. 1st ed. Springer. 2017. p. 11-28 Epub 2017 Sept 13. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-61708-4_2
Patrick Theiner's Research Explorer profile