Dr Pontus Odmalm
Job Title
Senior Lecturer in Politics

Room number
3.20Building (Address)
Chrystal Macmillan BuildingStreet (Address)
15a George SquareCity (Address)
EdinburghCountry (Address)
UKPost code (Address)
EH8 9LDResearch interests
Research interests
Comparative European politics, Politics of immigration, Citizenship, Political parties
Dr Odmalm's research focuses on the social and political impact of migration using a comparative European perspective. Particular research interests include citizenship (national and European), political mobilisation and party competition.
Topics interested in supervising
Comparative projects with a focus on the following areas: politics of immigration/integration and party competition.
If you are interested in being supervised by Pontus Odmalm, please see the link below for more information:
Pontus Odmalm is a Senior Lecturer in Politics.
Edinburgh Research Explorer listing
- MA (Lund University, Sweden) (1999)
- D.Phil (University of Sussex) (2004)
Recent and forthcoming publications
- The European Mainstream and the Populist Radical Right (2017) (co-edited w/ Eve Hepburn), Routledge. (referenced in the Economist (here and here) and reviewed in Political Studies Review).
- The Party Politics of the EU and Immigration (2014), Palgrave.
- Migration Policies and Political Participation: Inclusion or Intrusion in Western Europe? (2005), Palgrave.
Articles and chapters
- 'Divided We Fall? Negotiating Responses to a Radical Right-Wing Party within the Swedish Labour Movement' (2024), Salo, S., Rydgren, J. and Odmalm, P. (Working Paper).
- 'The end of the world is always better in theory: The strained relationship between populist radical right parties and the state-of-crisis narrative', Ketola, M. and Odmalm, P. (2023), Political Communication and Performative Leadership: Populism in International Politics. Lacatus, C., Lofflman, G. & Meibauer, G. (eds.). 1st ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, p. 163-177 15 p. (The Palgrave Macmillan Series in International Political Communication).
- 'Parties and immigration' (2023) in Carter, Neil, Keith, Daniel, Sindre, Gyda. M. and Vasilopoulou, Sofia (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Political Parties (Routledge).
- 'From governmental success to governmental breakdown: how a new dimension of conflict tore apart the politics of migration of the Swedish centre-right' (2022), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 48(2): 425-440 (w/ Marie Demker).
- 'Populism, citizenship and migration' (2021) in Giugni, Marco and Grasso, Maria (eds.) Handbook of Citizenship and Migration (Edward Elgar).
- ‘Comparing and reconceptualising the (populist) radical right’ (2019), European Political Science 18(3): 373–378 (w/ Jens Rydgren).
- ‘EU Politics, Populism and Democracy’ (2019) in (ed.) Hughes, K. The Future of Europe: Disruption, Continuity and Change (Scottish Centre on European Relations) (strategy report).
- 'Coding and Using Party Manifestos: Pros, Cons, and Pitfalls', (2019) SAGE Research Methods Cases Part 2.
- ‘The Party Politics of Migration and Mobility’ (2018) in Weinar, A., Bonjour, S. and Zhyznomirska, L. (eds.) Routledge Handbook on the Politics of Migration in Europe (Routledge).
- 'The European Mainstream, the Populist Radical Right, and the (alleged) lack of a restrictive alternative' (2017) in Odmalm, P and Hepburn, E. (eds.) The European Mainstream and the Populist Radical Right (Routledge) (w/ Eve Hepburn).
- 'Immigration into the mainstream: conflicting ideological streams, strategic reasoning and party competition’, (2015) Acta Politica 50(4): 365-378 (special issue introduction w/ Tim Bale).
- 'Mainstream parties and immigration' in Hartley, C. (ed.), Western Europe 2015 (Routledge).
- 'Getting the balance right? Party competition on immigration and conflicting ideological ‘pulls'' (2014) Scandinavian Political Studies 37(3):301-322 (w/ Betsy Super).
- 'If the issue fits, stay put: cleavage stability, issue compatibility and drastic changes on the immigration ‘issue'' (2014) Comparative European Politics 12(6):663-679 (w/ Betsy Super).
- 'Party competition and positions on immigration: strategic advantages and spatial locations' (2012) Comparative European Politics 10(1):1-22.
- 'Political parties and 'the immigration issue': issue ownership in Swedish parliamentary elections 1991-2010' (2011) West European Politics 34(5):1070-1092.
- 'Turkish organisations in Europe: how national contexts provide different avenues for participation' (2009) Turkish Studies 10(2):149-165.
- ‘One size fits all? European citizenship, national citizenship policies and integration requirements’ (2007) Representation 43(1):19-34.
Current teaching and research
Pontus is responsible for the following courses:
Europe and International Migration (UG)
The Politics of Migration in Europe (PG)
Pontus has membership in the following PIR Research Groups: Migration and Citizenship and Elections, Public Opinion and Parties.
Works within
Staff Hours and Guidance
Compressed Week (Tuesday - Friday);
UG and PG Supervision (Wednesdays 10-11 am);
Guidance and Feedback Hour (Thursdays 1 – 3 pm).