School of Social and Political Science

Ricardo Ribeiro Ferreira

Job Title

PhD Candidate and Tutor


City (Address)


Country (Address)



I am a PhD candidate and a tutor (teaching assistant) at the University of Edinburgh School of Social and Political Science. My thesis aims to understand media capture in a condition of hybridity, examining journalists’ practices and role perceptions in recent de-de-democratisation processes within Brazil. Overall, my research has been shaped by my experience as a journalist, which includes 18 years as a reporter, editor and international correspondent for major Brazilian news outlets. I am particularly interested in the role of journalism in democracy, media capture, hybrid systems and disinformation campaigns.


PhD Project

Understanding the Roles of Journalists and News Organisations in the De-Democratisation of Brazil

Supervisor: Dr Kate Wright
Co-supervisors: Dr Benjamin Martill and Dr Jean-François Daoust


Peer-reviewed Publications





  • (2020). Review of Network propaganda: Manipulation, disinformation, and radicalization in American politics by Yochai Benkler, Robert Faris and Hal Roberts. Mediapolis–Revista de Comunicação, Jornalismo e Espaço Público, (11), 103-105.



  • “‘It Forces You to Publish Some Shit’: Towards a Taxonomy of De-democratising Journalistic Practices”, PSA - Media and Politics Group Conference, Porthsmouth, October 26th, 2023.
  • “‘It Forces You to Publish Some Shit’: Towards a Taxonomy of De-democratising Journalistic Practices”, International Journal of Press and Politics 9th conference, Edinburgh, October 12th, 2023.
  • "The Precarity Trap: Modelling Non-democratic Journalistic Practices Beyond Media Capture" - 73rd Annual ICA Conference (International Communication Association), Toronto, May 27th, 2023.
  • "The Precarity Trap: Modelling Non-democratic Journalistic Practices Beyond Media Capture" - ICA PhD Colloquium - Journalism Studies Division, Toronto, May 25th, 2023.
  • "The Precarity Trap: Modelling Non-democratic Journalistic Practices Beyond Media Capture" - JRP Between Ideals and Practices conference, Toronto, May 24th, 2023.
  • “Understanding the Roles of Journalism in the De-Democratisation of Brazil” - Captured Media Researching. Media Systems in and after Transitions, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon, December 6th, 2022.
  • “Understanding the Roles of Journalism in Brazil’s De-Democratisation” - 72nd Annual ICA Conference (International Communication Association), Paris, May 27th, 2022.
  • “Public Health and Far-right: The Brazilian Case of Coronavirus Infodemic” - IAMCR conference (International Association for Media and Communication Research), Nairobi, July 11th, 2021 (co-authored with Juliana Alcantara).
  • “Disinformation in Electoral Processes”- International seminar Rethinking Brazilian journalism in times of populism and disinformation. Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, January 13th, 2020.
  • “Hijacked Democracy: Impacts of Disinformation on Social Media in the 2018 Brazilian Presidential Election” - VIII Oxbridge Conference on Brazilian Studies, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, October 5th, 2019.



  • Master of Arts (Journalism and Communication), University of Coimbra  - 2017-2019
    - Dissertation: “Disinformation in electoral processes: a case study of the 2018 Brazilian election”
    - Visiting researcher (Erasmus Program), University of Ljubljana (1/9/2018 – 2/2/2019)
    - Award: Honours (A)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Social Communication - Journalism), Catholic University of Santos - 2002-2005
    - University Senate - student representative (2004, 2005)
    - Award: Merit (B)



  • University of Edinburgh, Tutor (teaching assistant), 2021-Present
    Comparative Politics (2022, 2023), Politics and International Relations 1B (2023, 2024), Contemporary Issues in Politics - Media and Politics (2022), Politics in a Changing World (2021)
  • University of Strathclyde, MSc Dissertation Supervisor, 2023-Present
    Politics, De-democratisation, Media and Democracy
  • University of Edinburgh, Guest Lecturer, 2022-Present
    Misinformation in non-western contexts (2022)
  • University of Coimbra, Guest Lecturer, 2019-Present
    Media Socio-economics (2019), Media, Gender and Representation (2020), Media Capture and Hybrid Journalistic Cultures (2022)



  • Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA), United Kingdom
  • International Communication Association (ICA), Journalism Studies Division
  • International Communication Association (ICA), Political Communication Division
  • The University of Edinburgh Senatus Academicus (The Senate), elected member for the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (2023 to 2025)



  • Journalism Practice (8/9/2021 – Present)
  • International Journal of Communication (19/9/2022 – Present)
  • ICA Conference (1/112021 – Present)



  • University of Coimbra (11/12/2018)
    - Diploma of Merit
    - Best grades 1st-year master 2017/2018 - Department of Philosophy, Communication and Information Science
    - Certificate and € 1.064
  • University of Coimbra (10/9/2022)
    - 3% Best Students Award 2018/2019
    - Best grades in each department
    - Certificate and € 500
  • University of Coimbra (4/5/2022)
    - Merit Board 2018/2019
    - Best academic performance university-wide (Top 5% students)
    - University Official Records



  • Michael Haley Travel Grant 2023 (31/3/2023)
    - Awarding body: International Communication Association (ICA)
    - Amount: $ 500
    - Purpose: travel to ICA 73rd annual conference in Toronto, Canada
  • SPS Research Support Fund (3/2/2023)
    - Awarding body: University of Edinburgh, School of Social and Political Science (SPS)
    - Amount: £ 500
    - Purpose: conference expenses
  • Michael Haley Travel Grant 2022 (17/3/2022)
    - Awarding body: International Communication Association (ICA)
    - Amount: $ 400
    - Purpose: travel to ICA 72nd annual conference in Paris, France
  • SPS Research Support Fund (1/11/2021)
    - Awarding body: University of Edinburgh, School of Social and Political Science (SPS)
    - Amount: £ 500
    - Purpose: conduct fieldwork in Brazil



CiênciaVittae (Portugal)
CnpqLattes (Brazil)


Publications by user content

Publication Research Explorer link
Ferreira RR. “It Forces You to Publish Some Shit”: Toward a taxonomy of de-democratizing journalistic practices. International Journal of Press/Politics. 2024 Jul 30;1-25. Epub 2024 Jul 30. doi: 10.1177/19401612241266557
Ferreira RR. The precarity trap: Modelling non-democratic journalistic practices beyond media capture. Journalism Studies. 2024;25(6):622-642. Epub 2024 Mar 18. doi: 10.1080/1461670X.2024.2322635
Ferreira RR, Alcantara J. The hate office? Bolsonaro’s discourse and COVID-19 online disinformation. International Journal of Communication. 2023 Oct 29;17:6424-6446.
Ferreira RR. Liquid disinformation tactics: Overcoming social media countermeasures through misleading content. Journalism Practice. 2022;16(8):1537-1558. Epub 2021 Apr 20. doi: 10.1080/17512786.2021.1914707
Ferreira RR. Democracia Sequestrada: Como a desinformação ajudou a eleger Bolsonaro presidente. Media XXI, 2022. 218 p.
Alcantara J, Ferreira RR. A infodemia da “gripezinha”: Uma análise sobre desinformação e coronavírus no Brasil. Chasqui Revista Latinoamericana de Comunicación. 2020 Dec 22;145:137-162. doi: 10.16921/chasqui.v1i145.4315
Ferreira RR. Desinformação em processos eleitorais: Um estudo de caso da eleição brasileira de 2018. 2019.
Ferreira RR. Rede de mentiras: A propagação de fake news na pré-campanha presidencial brasileira. Observatorio (OBS*). 2018 Oct 29;12(5):139-162. doi: 10.15847/obsobs12520181272
Ricardo Ribeiro-ferreira's Research Explorer profile