Mr Richard McAllister
Job Title
Honorary Fellow
MA (Cambridge)
Personal Biography
Before joining the Department Richard worked in the UK Diplomatic Service. He was Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, in 1973-74, and in 1977-8 conducted research on central-local relations for the Outer Circle Policy Unit, London. Senior Lecturer until 2002; Honorary Fellow since 2002.
Rchard's main teaching and research areas include the politics and policies of the European Union, French politics, and central-local relations in European states. Publications include From EC to EU, Routledge, 1997; the 'Annual Review of the Activities of the EC' (with C Brewin) each year from 1986 to 1993, for the Journal of Common Market Studies ; 'Trade Unions', in France Today (ed. J E Flower, 8th edition 1997), Europe Redefined (Rapporteur: IASH, Edinburgh 1991), and Europe: Ways Forward (Rapporteur, with Sir Mark Russell, IASH, Edinburgh 1993). He has also contributed to many books including M.Buckley & S. Cummings (eds) Kosovo (Continuum, 2001) and M. Buckley & R. Fawn (eds) 'Global Responses to Terrorism' (Routledge 2003) and to consultancy papers on the EU for organisations such as Oxford Analytica and the Economist Intelligence Unit.