School of Social and Political Science

Ross Bond

Job Title

Senior Lecturer in Sociology

Photo April 2021

Room number


Building (Address)

Chrystal Macmillan Building

Street (Address)

15a George Square

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Post code (Address)


Research interests

Research interests


My Edinburgh Research Explorer profile.

Main research interests

  • Nationalism and national identities
  • Migration
  • Race and ethnicity
  • Scottish society and politics
  • Higher education

PhD supervision

I would welcome PhD proposals relating to any of the above topics. Much of my recent work has focused on the conception and construction of national identities and national ‘belonging' and I would be happy to supervise PhD projects exploring these issues within any national context. This work encompasses an interest in the construction of national identities with respect to migrants and those from other minority national and ethnic groups, and I would be interested in proposals which address the identities of any such minority groups.

My other broad areas of interest are Scotland and higher education. I would enjoy supervising postgraduate work involving the sociological study of any aspect of Scottish society. I have researched the experience of higher education from the perspectives of both students and academic staff, and would be interested in proposals which sought to explore existing and changing understandings of the nature and purpose of higher education from either perspective.

Research Projects

Scottish Graduate Migration and Retention - A Case Study of the University of Edinburgh 2000 Cohort (ESRC RES-342-25-0005; 2005-2007)

Further details and research reports

For associated publications see Bond, Charsley and Grundy 2008 and 2010


If you are interested in being supervised by Ross Bond, please see the link below for more information:



  • MA Hons (Sociology), Edinburgh
  • MSc in Sociological Research Methods, Edinburgh


(2024) 'National identities among minority and ‘majority’ ethnic groups: evidence from the 2021 census in England and Wales'. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.

(2024). 'Representing the nation in Citizenship in an Independent Scotland: compromised inclusion?', Nations and Nationalism DOI: 10.1111/nana.13029 

(2022) Understanding International Migration: Social, Cultural and Historical Contexts, Palgrave.

(2020) 'Multicultural Scotland', in M. Keating (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Scottish Politics, Oxford University Press, Chapter 6, pp. 98-117.

(2017) 'Minorities and diversity in Scotland: evidence from the 2011 census', Scottish Affairs, 26(1): 23-47.

(2017) ‘Sub-state national identities among minority groups in Britain: a comparative analysis of 2011 Census data’, Nations and Nationalism, 23 (3): 524-546

(2017) 'Multicultural nationalism? National identities among minority groups in Scotland’s census', Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43 (7): 1121-1140

(2015) 'National Identities and the 2014 Independence Referendum in Scotland', Sociological Research Online, 20 (4), 11

(2011) 'Who are the Nationalists? A Profile of Scottish National Party Supporters', in T. W. Harrison and S. Drakulic (eds) Against Orthodoxy: Studies in Nationalism, Vancouver: UBC Press, pp. 205-224 (with Michael Rosie).

(2011) 'The National Identities of Minorities in Scotland: Anticipating the 2011 Census', Scottish Affairs, 75: 1-24.

(2010) 'The importance of being English: national identity and nationalism in post-devolution England' (with Charlie Jeffery and Michael Rosie; introduction to themed section) Nations and Nationalism, 16 (3): 462-468.

(2010) ‘National Identities and Attitudes to Constitutional Change in Post-Devolution UK: A four territories comparison’, (with Michael Rosie) Regional and Federal Studies, 20 (1): 83-105.

(2010) 'An Audible Minority: migration, settlement and identity among English graduates in Scotland', (with Katharine Charsley and Sue Grundy) Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36 (3), 483-499.

(2009) ‘Political Attitudes and National Identities in Scotland and England’ in F. Bechhofer and D. McCrone (eds.) National Identity, Nationalism and Constitutional Change, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 95-121.

(2008) ‘Scottish Graduate Migration and Retention: a case study of the University of Edinburgh 2000 cohort’, (with Katharine Charsley and Sue Grundy) Scottish Affairs, 63, 31-57.

(2007) ‘Social Democratic Scotland?’, (with Michael Rosie) in M. Keating (ed.) Scottish Social Democracy: Progressive Ideas for Public Policy, Brussels: P.I.E. Peter Lang.

(2006) ‘Becoming and Belonging: national identity and exclusion', Sociology, 40 (4): 609-626.

(2006) ‘Routes into Scottishness?', (with Michael Rosie) in C. Bromley et al (eds.) Has Devolution Delivered?, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

(2005) ‘Coming Down from the Ivory Tower? Academics' Civic and Economic Engagement with the Community' (with Lindsay Paterson), Oxford Review of Education, 31 (3), 331-351.

(2005) ‘Higher Education and Critical Citizenship: a survey of academics' views in Scotland and England' (with Lindsay Paterson), Pedagogy, Culture and Society , 13 (2), 205-231.

(2005) ‘Have Scottish Academic Values Been Eroded?' (with Lindsay Paterson), Scottish Affairs , 52, 15-44.

(2004) ‘The Growth of English Regionalism? Institutions and Identity' (with David McCrone), Regional and Federal Studies , 14 (1), 1-25.

(2003) ‘National Identity and Economic Development: Reiteration, Recapture, Reinterpretation, and Repudiation' (with David McCrone and Alice Brown), Nations and Nationalism , 9 (3), 371-391.

(2003) ‘Identity Matters: the Personal and Political Significance of Feeling Scottish' (with Michael Rosie), in Catherine Bromley et al (eds.) Devolution – Scottish Answers to Scottish Questions? , Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

(2002) ‘National Identities in Post-Devolution Scotland' (with Michael Rosie), Scottish Affairs , 40, 34-53.

(2000) ‘Squaring the Circles: Demonstrating and Explaining the Political ‘Non-Alignment' of Scottish National Identity', Scottish Affairs , 32, 15-35.

(2000) ‘Politics and National Identity in Scotland' (in Hungarian; with Michael Rosie), Regio: A Review of Studies on Minorities, Politics and Society , 11 (1), 106-127.

(1999) ‘Situating the Blair Membership Boom within its Social and Political Context', Scottish Affairs , 26, 47-72.

Works within

Staff Hours and Guidance

Tuesdays 10.00-12.00 (teaching weeks only) or email for an appointment.

Publications by user content

Publication Research Explorer link
Bond R. National identities among minority and 'majority' ethnic groups: Evidence from the 2021 census in England and Wales. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 2024 Aug 2;1-23. Epub 2024 Aug 2. doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2024.2385000
Bond R. National identities, migration histories and attitudes to independence in Scotland. Scottish Affairs. 2024 Jul 24.
Bond R. Representing the nation in Citizenship in an Independent Scotland: Compromised inclusion? Nations and Nationalism. 2024 May 29;1-17. Epub 2024 May 29. doi: 10.1111/nana.13029
Bond R. Sub-state national identities among minority groups in Britain: a comparative analysis of 2011 Census data. Nations and Nationalism. 2017 Jun;23(3):524–546. Epub 2016 Aug 8. doi: 10.1111/nana.12253
Bond R. Minorities and diversity in Scotland: Evidence from the 2011 census. Scottish Affairs. 2017 Jan 24;26(1):23-47. doi: 10.3366/scot.2017.0162
Bond R. Multicultural nationalism? National identities among minority groups in Scotland’s census. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 2017;43(7):1121-1140. Epub 2016 Sept 19. doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2016.1232162
Bond R. National identities and the 2014 independence referendum in Scotland. Sociological Research Online. 2015 Nov 30;20(4):92-104. doi: 10.5153/sro.3797
Bond R. The National Identities of Minorities in Scotland: Anticipating the 2011 Census. Scottish Affairs. 2011;75:1-24.
Rosie M, Bond R. Who Are the Nationalists? A Profile of Scottish National Party Supporters. In Harrison T, Drakulic S, editors, Against Orthodoxy: Studies in Nationalism. Vancouver: UBC Press. 2011. p. 205-224
Bond R, Jeffery C, Rosie M. The Importance of Being English: National Identity and Nationalism in Post-Devolution England'. Nations and Nationalism. 2010 Jul;16(3):462-468. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8129.2010.00457.x
Bond R, Rosie M. National Identities and Attitudes to Constitutional Change in Post-Devolution UK: A Four Territories Comparison. Regional & Federal Studies. 2010;20(1):83-105. doi: 10.1080/13597560903174931
Bond R, Charsley K, Grundy S. An Audible Minority: Migration, Settlement and Identity Among English Graduates in Scotland. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 2010;36(3):483-499. Epub 2009 Oct 22. doi: 10.1080/13691830903357983
Jeffery C, (ed.), Bond R, (ed.), Rosie M, (ed.). Identity and Governance in England. Nations and Nationalism. 2010;16.
Bond R. Political Attitudes and National Identities in Scotland and England. In Bechhofer F, McCrone D, editors, National Identity, Nationalism and Constitutional Change. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 2009. p. 95-121
Bond R, Charsley K, Grundy S. Scottish Graduate Migration and Retention: A Case Study of the University of Edinburgh 2000 Cohort. Scottish Affairs. 2008;63:31-57.
Bond R, Rosie M. Being Scottish. In Has Devolution Delivered?. Edinburgh University Press. 2006. p. 141-158. Chapter 9
Paterson L, Bond R. Have Scottish academic values been eroded? Scottish Affairs. 2005;52:15-44.
Paterson L, Bond R. Higher education and critical citizenship: a survey of academics' views in Scotland and England. Pedagogy, Culture and Society. 2005;13(2):205-231.
Bond R, Paterson L. Coming down from the ivory tower? Academics' civic and economic engagement with the community. Oxford Review of Education. 2005;31(3):331-351.
Ross Bond's Research Explorer profile