School of Social and Political Science

Dr Roxanne Connelly

Job Title

Senior Lecturer of Sociology and Quantitative Methods

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Chrystal Macmillan Building

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George Square

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Research interests

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Research interests

Social Stratification, Sociology of Education, Social Inequalities, Social Class, Quantitative Methods in Social Research, Large and complex datasets, Longitudinal Data Analysis, Survey Data Analysis, Administrative Data, Research Transparency and Reproducibility

Topics interested in supervising

Social Stratification; Social Inequalities; Social Class; Sociology of Education; Childhood and Youth Studies.

Quantitative Methods; Longitudinal Data Analysis; Large and Complex Datasets.

If you are interested in being supervised by Roxanne Connelly, please see the links below (opening in new windows) for more information:

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Available by appointment via email

Publications by user content

Publication Research Explorer link
Stopforth S, Connelly R, Gayle V. Do you like school? Social class, gender, ethnicity and pupils' educational enjoyment. British Journal of Sociology. 2024 Sept;75(4):535-553. Epub 2024 May 23. doi: 10.1111/1468-4446.13113
Gayle V, Connelly R. Social class inequalities in children’s cognitive test scores: Comparing similarities test scores in two British birth cohort studies. Swiss Journal of Sociology. 2023 Aug 18;49(2):273-290. doi: 10.2478/sjs-2023-0015
Bauld L, Street A, Connelly R, Bevan I, Morlet Corti Y, Baxter MS et al. Students’ and staffs’ views and experiences of asymptomatic testing on a university campus during the COVID-19 pandemic in Scotland: a mixed methods study. BMJ Open. 2023 Mar 20;13(3):e065021. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-065021
Chatzitheochari S, Velthuis S, Connelly R. Childhood disability, social class and social mobility: A neglected relationship. British Journal of Sociology. 2022 Dec;73(5):959-966. Epub 2022 Sept 5. doi: 10.1111/1468-4446.12974
Gayle V, Connelly R. The Stark realities of reproducible statistically orientated sociological research: Some newer rules of the sociological method. Methodological Innovations. 2022 Nov;15(3):207-221. Epub 2022 Aug 9. doi: 10.1177/20597991221111681
Breznau N, Rinke EM, Wuttke A, Nguyen HHV, Adem M, Adriaans J et al. Observing many researchers using the same data and hypothesis reveals a hidden universe of uncertainty. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). 2022 Nov;119(44):1-8. Epub 2022 Oct 28. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2203150119
Connelly R, Gayle V. Social surveys during the COVID-19 pandemic. In Kara H, Khoo SM, editors, Researching in the Age of COVID-19: Volume I: Response and Reassessment. Vol. 1. Policy Press. 2020
Gayle V, Playford CJ, Connelly R. Social class inequalities in Scottish school qualifications. Contemporary Social Science. 2020 Sept 30. Epub 2020 Sept 30. doi: 10.1080/21582041.2020.1823013
Connelly R, Gayle V, Playford C. Transparent and reproducible data analysis. In Atkinson P, Delamont S, Cernat A, Sakshaug JW, Williams RA, editors, SAGE Research Methods Foundations. London: SAGE Publications. 2020 Epub 2020 Sept 23. doi: 10.4135/9781526421036926480
Connelly R, Gayle V, Playford C. Social class inequalities in educational attainment: Measuring social class using capitals, assets and resources. Contemporary Social Science. 2020 Sept 2;N/A:1-15. Epub 2020 Sept 2. doi: 10.1080/21582041.2020.1805506
Wuttke A, Rinke EM, Connelly R, Wang Y. Social class inequalities in general cognitive ability: Reflecting on a transparent and reproducible sociological study. 2019. Paper presented at MZES Open Social Science Conference 2019, Mannheim, Germany.
Connelly R, Gayle V. An investigation of social class inequalities in general cognitive ability in two British birth cohorts. British Journal of Sociology. 2019 Jan;70(1):90-108. Epub 2017 Dec 19. doi: 10.1111/1468-4446.12343
Connelly R, Gayle V. An investigation of the consistency of parental occupational information between UK birth records and a national social survey. European Sociological Review. 2017 Apr;33(2):240-256. Epub 2017 Jan 25. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcw060
Playford C, Gayle V, Connelly R, Murray S. Parental socioeconomic influences on filial educational outcomes in Scotland: patterns of school-level educational performance using administrative data. Contemporary Social Science. 2016 Dec 15;11(2-3):183-202. Epub 2016 May 16. doi: 10.1080/21582041.2016.1172728
Playford C, Gayle V, Connelly R, Gray AJG. Administrative Social Science Data: The challenge of reproducible research. Big Data and Society. 2016 Dec 1;3(2):1-13. doi: 10.1177/2053951716684143
Connelly R, Playford C, Gayle V, Dibben C. The Role of Administrative Data in the Big Data Revolution in Social Science Research. Social Science Research. 2016 Sept 1;59(September 2016):1-12. Epub 2016 Apr 14. doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2016.04.015
Connelly R, Gayle V, Lambert P. A Review of Educational Attainment Measures for Social Survey Research. Methodological Innovations Online. 2016 Apr 19;9:1-11. doi: 10.1177/2059799116638001
Connelly R, Gayle V, Lambert P. Ethnicity and ethnic group measures in social survey research. Methodological Innovations Online. 2016 Apr 19;9. doi: 10.1177/2059799116642885
Connelly R, Gayle V, Lambert P. Statistical modelling of key variables in social survey data analysis. Methodological Innovations Online. 2016 Apr 19;9. doi: 10.1177/2059799116638002
Gayle V, Murray SJ, Connelly R. Young people and school General Certificate of Secondary Education attainment: Looking for the ‘missing middle’. British Journal of Sociology of Education. 2016 Apr;37(3):350-370. Epub 2014 Aug 15. doi: 10.1080/01425692.2014.935292
Gayle V, Playford C, Connelly R, Murray S. Between the NEET and the tidy - Exploring ‘middle’ outcomes in Scottish school qualifications. ESRC Centre for Population Change. 2016 Mar. (CPC Working Papers; 76).
Connelly R, Gayle V, Lambert PS. Conclusion: Special section on modelling key variables in social science research. Methodological Innovations. 2016;9(1-2). Epub 2016 Apr 19. doi: 10.1177/2059799116637989
Connelly R, Gayle V, Lambert PS. Modelling key variables in social science research: Introduction to the special section. Methodological Innovations. 2016;9(1-2). Epub 2016 Apr 19. doi: 10.1177/2059799116637782
Gayle V, Connelly R, Lambert PS. A review of education measures for social research. Southampton: ESRC Centre for Population Change. 2015 May. (Centre for Population Change Working Paper ).
Gayle V, Connelly R, Lambert PS. A review of occupation-based social classifications for social research. Southampton: ESRC Centre for Population Change. 2015 Feb. (Centre for Population Change Working Paper ).
Connelly R, Sullivan A, Jerrim J. Primary and secondary education and poverty review. Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2014. 89 p.
Connelly R, Joshi H, Rosenberg R. Family Structure and Stability. In Millennium Cohort Study Initial findings from the Age 11 survey. London: Centre for Longitudinal Studies. 2014
Connelly R, Chatzitheochari S. Physical Development. In Millennium Cohort Study Initial findings from the Age 11 survey. London: Centre for Longitudinal Studies. 2014
Connelly R, Platt L. Cohort Profile: UK Millennium Cohort Study (MCS). International Journal of Epidemiology. 2014. Epub 2014 Feb 17. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyu001
Connelly R. Social Stratification and Education: Case Studies Analysing Social Survey Data. University of Stirling, 2013.
Connelly R, Gayle V, Murray SJ. Young People and School GCSE Attainment: Exploring the 'Middle'. Sociological Research Online. 2013;18(1). doi: 10.5153/sro.2880,
Connelly R. Social Stratification and Cognitive Ability: An assessment of the influence of childhood ability test scores and family background on occupational position across the lifespan. In Lambert P, Connelly R, Blackburn RM, Gayle V, editors, Social Statification: Trends and Processes. Ashgate Publishing. 2012. p. 101. 7
Connelly R, Gayle V, Lambert PS, Blackburn R. Social Stratification: Trends and Processes. Ashgate Publishing, 2012.
Connelly R. Drivers of unhealthy weight in childhood: Analysis of the Millennium Cohort Study. Scottish Government, 2011. 60 p.
Roxanne Connelly's Research Explorer profile