School of Social and Political Science

Dr Sophie Haines

Job Title

Lecturer in Anthropology of Development

Sophie Haines photo

Room number


Building (Address)

Chrystal Macmillan Building

Street (Address)

15a George Square

City (Address)


Country (Address)


Post code (Address)


Research interests

Research interests

Environmental anthropology, Knowledge production and practices, Anthropology of Development, Science and technology studies, infrastructure, Weather and Climate, Forecasting practices, Conservation and development, Political ecology, Science, technology and development, Belize, water


I am an anthropologist of development, environment, science & technology. My research explores knowledge practices, environmental perceptions, and decision-making in contexts of social and ecological change. Three key areas of interest are: infrastructure and anticipation; environmental citizenship; and ecologies of knowledge. My projects to date have focused on highway planning and construction; the production and application of weather and climate forecasts; and the negotiation of environmental knowledges in watershed assessments and interventions. I have carried out ethnographic research and interview-based studies in Belize, Kenya and the UK.

I completed my PhD in Anthropology at University College London in 2011. From 2013-19 I was a Research Fellow at the Institute for Science, Innovation and Society (University of Oxford), where I held an ESRC Future Research Leaders grant 2017-18 and worked in projects funded by NERC, DfID and the Oxford Martin School. From 2010-12 I worked outside academia as a parliamentary researcher in the UK House of Commons, focusing on health policy among other areas. I sit on the Royal Anthropological Institute Environment Committee, convene the Network for Anthropologies of Forecasting Weather and Climate (AnthFOR), and I'm a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.


Selected publications

Journal articles

De Wit S & Haines, S. 2022. Climate change reception studies in anthropology, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 13(1):e742

Di Giminiani, P. & Haines, S. 2020 Introduction: Translating environments. Ethnos 85(1):1-16

Haines, S. 2019 Reckoning resources: political lives of anticipation in Belize’s water sector. Science & Technology Studies 30(4):97-118

Haines, S. 2019 Managing expectations: articulating expertise in climate services for agriculture in Belize. Climatic Change 157(1):43-59

Taddei RR & Haines S 2019 When climatologists meet social scientists: ethnographic speculations around interdisciplinary equivocations, Sociologias 21(51):186-209 (simultaneously published in Portuguese)

Haines, S. 2018. Imagining the highway: anticipating infrastructural and environmental change in Belize. Ethnos, 83(2): 392-413

Other publications

Haines, A. & de Wit, S. 2024 Pluralizing climates: from observation and reception to translation and praxis. Journal of Political Ecology Grassroots series: Just and plural political ecologies: traditions and futures.

Haines, S. 2022. Encountering the Climate Regime: “Useful” Climate Knowledge and the Work of Forecasts. Hot Spots, Fieldsights (Society for Cultural Anthropology)

Haines S, Cano A, Hislop A & Williams T 2019. Water: environmental knowledge and rural life in Belize. Report of a multi-stakeholder workshop. Working paper.

Haines, S., Imana, C. A., Opondo, M., Ouma, G. & Rayner, S. 2017. Weather and climate knowledge for water security: Institutional roles and relationships in Turkana. REACH Working Paper 5, University of Oxford.


PhD topics interested in supervising

I am happy to hear from prospective doctoral students interested in pursuing a project related to any of the topics outlined above. Please also see the links below for more information:

Works within

Staff Hours and Guidance

I will be on sabbatical in semester 2

Sophie Haines's Research Explorer profile