School of Social and Political Science

Dr Sophie Stone

Job Title

Research Fellow

Headshot of Sophie Stone

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Research interests

Research interests

I work on the social and political dimensions of health-related life sciences and technologies. In my current role, I focus on engineering biology in the context of responsible research and innovation (RRI); unpacking how synthetic genomics and advanced therapeutics are made, governed and understood. In particular, I have a keen interest in the norms / conventions of the places and spaces where science gets made, and embrace the intersection between STS and human geography that theorises place, place-making, and the geographies of scientific practice and collaboration. Other interests include health- technology priority setting, and the entanglement of AI and ML in engineering biology and the life sciences. Previous work includes exploring the efficacy of ethical codes of conduct as a mode of governance. 


I have a PhD in Science and Technology Studies from the University of Edinburgh, a Masters by Research in Science and Technology Studies from the University of Edinburgh, an MSc in Science, Culture and Communication from the University of Bath and a BSc(Hons) in Biology from the University of York.

Before arriving at Edinburgh, I also had a successful professional career in online publishing and information provision. I have extensive experience in specifying and managing the build and in-life use of a wide variety of technologies and have worked extensively with public, private and third sectors. Prior to making the switch back to academia, I worked as a Director of Business Analysis and Head of Product Development for the FTSE 100 RELX Group.


2017 - 2023: PhD in Science and Technology Studies, University of Edinburgh. Title: Placing the human in mammalian synthetic biology.

2016 - 2017: MSc(R) (with Distinction) in Science and Technology Studies, University of Edinburgh

2001 - 2002: MSc in Science, Culture and Communication, University of Bath

1998 - 2001: BSc (Hons) (2:1) in Biology, University of York

Professional Experience

Academic Positions

2023 - present: Research Fellow (Responsible Research and Innovation in synthetic biology). Funded variously by the BBSRC Engineering Biology Transition Award Flexible Funding, Future Organisms Project and soon to be UKRI Engineered Genetic Control Systems for Advanced Therapeutics Hub.

2022 - 2023: Contract Researcher (Ethical standards and efficacy of technological codes of conduct), 4 month position

2021 - 2022: Research Fellow (Responsible Research & Innovation in the UK Centre for Mammalian Synthetic Biology), 4 month position

Teaching Experience

2023 - present: Consulting Lecturer on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) for Imperial College London's REACT CDT, Chemical Biology CDT, and CRUK Convergence programme.

2019 - 2021: Guest lecturer on the topic of Science Communication, 'Social Dimensions of Systems and Synthetic Biology' postgraduate course, School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh.

2019 - 2021: Instructor, 'Social Dimensions of Systems and Synthetic Biology' postgraduate course, School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh.

2019 - 2020: Tutor, 'Science, Nature and Environment' undergraduate course, School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh.

Previous Corporate Experience

2013 - 2016: Director of Business Analysis and Head of Product Development, Reed Business Information (part of the RELX group)

2013 - 2013: Senior Technical Product Manager, Reed Business Information (part of the RELX group)

2011 - 2012: Technical Product Manager, Reed Business Information (part of the RELX group)

2007 - 2011: 2 x Product Development roles, NHS Choices

2005 - 2007: 2 x Management roles, Asbestos Watchdog

2003 - 2005: Commissioning Editor for F1000 Medicine, Current Science Group


Sophie Stone's Research Explorer profile