School of Social and Political Science

Dr Thomas Molony

Job Title

Senior Lecturer in African Studies

Thomas Molony

Room number


Street (Address)

Chrystal Macmillan Building

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Country (Address)


Post code (Address)


Research interests

Research interests

African elections, African security, African politics, Tanzania, Kenya, East Africa, Swahili, Research methods in Africa, ICT in Africa, African studies, African history, African biography, Security, Social media in Africa, Security


Funded research

Tom is Principal Investigator of the UKRI ESRC-funded 'Local Perceptions and Media Representation of Election Observation in Africa' project.

Previous research project leads include as Principal Investigator of:

His other research leads have been on the British Library-funded Protecting the Archive of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa project, and as Key Investigator on the ‘Somali financial flows and transnational spaces between Kenya and Uganda’ project, under subcontract awarded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. 

His Edinburgh Research Explorer listing can be accessed here



Tom's previous PhD students

  • Dr Zac Baynham-Herd: 'Resolving the Conservationist's Dilemma: Using experimental approaches to investigate conservation conflict in an Tanzanian Wildlife Management Area'
  • Dr Clayton Boeyink: 'The Politics and Practises of Refugee Self-Reliance in Trifurcated States of north-western Tanzania'
  • Dr Patrick Brobbey: 'Understanding Public Perceptions of the Role of the Judiciary in Elections: A case study of Kenya'
  • Dr Sara Brouwer: 'Foodscapes, Wellbeing and the Daily Lives of Zimbabweans in Urban Southern Africa'
  • Dr Ismaila Ceesay: 'Aligners, Lovers and Deceptors: Aspirations and strategies of young urban hustlers in the Gambia'
  • Dr Crystal Courtney: 'Sustainable Africapitalism? Grassroots perceptions of Maasai Mara conservancies and their relationship with development'
  • Dr Ivan Cuesta Fernandez: 'Kilowatts, Megawatts and Power: Electric territorialities of the state in the peripheries of Ghana and Tanzania' 
  • Dr Tom Cunningham: ''Muscular Christianity': A social history of the body and the Church of Scotland Mission to Kenya, c1906-1937' 
  • Dr Gillian Davies: 'Rethinking Market-Based Development Approaches: Increasing access to energy goods and services for households in sub-Saharan Africa'. 
  • Dr Thomas Fisher: 'Chagga Elites and the Politics of Ethnicity in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania'. 
  • Dr Lauren Foley: 'The Politics of Fast Fashion: Analyzing the political dynamics of industrial policy in Kenya'.
  • Dr Denis Galava: 'Tweeting 'Truths': Rumour and grammars of power in Kenya'.
  • Dr Gianluca Iazzolino: ' 'Standing On One Leg': Mobility, money and power in East Africa's Somali networks'. 
  • Dr Sixta Kilambo: 'The Black Economic Empowerment Policy and Changes in Ownership in South Africa's Mining Industry'. 
  • Dr Robert Macdonald: 'Voter Behaviour in Tanzania: A qualitative study of the 2015 elections'
  • Dr Angelina Mattijo-Bazugba: 'The Politics of Gender Quotas: What accounts for the relative success of the gender quotas in the first Southern Sudanese elections?'. 
  • Dr Patrick Mutahi: 'Statehood, Sovereignty and Identities: Exploring policing in Kenya’s informal settlements of Mathare and Kaptembwo’.
  • Dr Kamau Wairuri: 'Police Accountability in Kenya: A view from the urban margins’.


Topics interested in supervising

Tom is happy to discuss thesis proposals with students or potential students who have an interest in his research interests.

If you are interested in being supervised by Thomas Molony, please see the link below (opens in new window) for more information:



BA Hons (Stirling); MSc (Edinburgh); PhD (Edinburgh)



After a period teaching at a secondary school in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, Tom studied History at the University of Stirling, Scotland, with courses concentrating on pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial central and east Africa. He then moved to Edinburgh and completed the MSc in African Studies at CAS, with a dissertation on women in the informal sector in South Pare; the area of Kilimanjaro where he taught. Tom then worked on African enterprise development at UNCTAD, Geneva, before undertaking his PhD, also at CAS. His doctoral thesis, 'Food, Carvings and Shelter: the adoption and appropriation of information and communication technologies in Tanzanian micro and small enterprises', is said to be the earliest ethnographic study of the effect of mobile phones and the internet on business in an African economy, and is listed in the GSMA Development Fund’s Top 20 Research on Economic and Social Impacts of Mobile Phones in Developing Countries. Some of the findings from this study were written up during a postdoctoral fellowship ('Information and Communication Technology in the African Market'), held jointly at the Centre of African Studies and the Institute for the Study of Science, Technology & Innovation. All his funding at CAS was supported by the ESRC, as was his post as advisor on ICT in developing countries at the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, Westminster. Tom then moved to the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, where he was a postdoctoral fellow. Tom has served as a long-term election observer with The Carter Center for the 2008 presidential elections in Ghana, as a short-term observer for the European Union Election Observation Mission to Malawi in 2009, for the Carter Center's 2013 election observation mission in Kenya, as a long-term observer for the European Union's 2014 Election Observation Mission to Malawi, the EU's 2015 Election Observation Mission to Tanzania and for the EU's 2017 mission to Kenya. And then Brexit happened. He has since run a number of UKRI-funded research projects (see 'Funded research', above).



Tom lectures on International Development, Aid and Humanitarianism (UG) and is convenor of Governance, Development and Poverty in Africa (PG).


Publications: peer-reviewed academic, peer-reviewed policy

Macdonald, R., Molony, T. and Lihiru, V. 2024. ‘The Reception of Covid-19 Denialist Propaganda in Tanzania’. Journal of Southern African Studies, 49 (4), pp. 697-716

Macdonald, R. and Molony, T. 2023. ‘Future Pandemics and Elections: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Central African Republic, Ghana, Kenya and Tanzania’. Journal of African Elections, 22 (2), pp.46-67 

Macdonald, R. and Molony, T. 2023. ‘Can Domestic Observers Serve as Impartial Arbiters?: Evidence from Zambia's 2021 elections’ [Open Access]. Democratization, 30 (4), pp.635-653

Molony, T. and Macdonald, R. 2023. ‘Tips for Journalists and Editors who Cover Election Observation’. Local Perceptions and Media Representations of Election Observation in Africa project output

Macdonald, R. and Molony, T. 2022. ‘Local Perceptions of Election Observation in Africa: Preliminary findings’. Local Perceptions and Media Representations of Election Observation in Africa project working paper

Molony, T. and Macdonald, R. 2022. ‘Media Representations of Election Observation in Africa: Preliminary findings’. Local Perceptions and Media Representations of Election Observation in Africa project working paper

Falisse, J-B., Macdonald, R., Molony, T. and Nugent, P. 2021. ‘Why Have So Many African Leaders Died of COVID-19?’. BMJ Global Health, 6 (5), pp.1-6.

Macdonald, R. and Molony, T. 2021. ‘Holding Elections during Future Pandemics and Other Emergencies: Evidence-Based Recommendations’, African Elections during the COVID-19 Pandemic project working paper, with Westminster Foundation for Democracy

Molony, T. and Macdonald, R. 2021. ‘Reducing the Transmission of COVID-19 during African Elections: technical considerations’, African Elections during the COVID-19 Pandemic project working paper no.5

Molony, T. 2021. ‘COVID-19 and Kenya’s March 2021 By-Elections’, African Elections during the COVID-19 Pandemic project working paper no.4

Nugent, P., Asiamah, G., Molony, T. and Selormey, E. 2021. ‘COVID-19 and Ghana’s 2020 Elections’, African Elections during the COVID-19 Pandemic project working paper no.2

Lihiru, V., Macdonald, R. and Molony, T. 2021. ‘COVID-19 and Tanzania’s 2020 Elections’, African Elections during the COVID-19 Pandemic project working paper no.1

Baynham-Herd, Z., Bunnefeld, N., Molony, T., Redpath, S. and Keane, A. 2020. ‘Intervener trustworthiness predicts cooperation with conservation interventions in an elephant conflict public goods game’ [Open Access]. People and Nature, 2 (4), pp.1075-1084. 

Molony, T. and Macdonald, R. 2019. ‘Re-evaluating international observation of Kenya’s 2017 elections. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 13 (4), pp.601-620

Dwyer, M. and Molony, T. (eds.) 2019. Social Media and Politics in Africa: Democracy, Censorship and Security. London: Zed

including: Dwyer and Molony, 'Mapping the Study of Politics and Social media Use in Africa', pp.1-18;

Dwyer, Hitchen and Molony, 'Between Excitement and Scepticism: The role of WhatsApp in Sierra Leone’s 2018 Elections', pp.105-128.

(See also 'Social media is reinforcing political power structures in Africa more than it’s challenging them' in Quartz Africa)

Molony, T. 2019. 'Social media warfare and Kenya’s conflict with Al Shabaab in Somalia: A right to know?' [Open Access]. African Affairs, 118 (471), pp.328-51

Baynham-Herd, Z., Redpath, S., Bunnefeld, N., Molony, T., and Keane, A. 2018. 'Conservation conflicts: Behavioural threats, frames, and intervention recommendations' [Open Access]. Biological Conservation, 222 (June), pp.180–88

Molony, T. 2015. 'Julius Kambarage Nyerere: His formative years'. In Remembering Julius Nyerere in Tanzania: History, Memory, Legacy, ed. M.-A. Fouéré, pp. 65-72. Dar es Salaam: Mkuki na Nyota

Molony, T. 2014 (2016, paperback). Nyerere: The early years. Oxford: James Currey

("old school historical research at its best" - Andreas Eckert, Humboldt University Berlin in 2017, 'Tanzania's First Leader', Journal of African History, 58 (3), pp.510-2, p.511. See also reviews by, inter alia, Richard Stupart at the LSE, and the late indomitable Ian Taylor at St Andrews in The Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs.) 

Molony, T. 2012. Editorial: 'ICT and Human Mobility: Cases from developing countries and beyond' [Open Access]. Information Technology for Development, 18 (2), pp.87-90

Molony, T. 2011. 'Bioenergy policies in Africa: Mainstreaming gender amid an increasing focus on biofuels' [Open Access]. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 5 (3), pp.330-341  

Molony, T. and Smith, J. 2010. 'African Biofuels'. BioFuels Journal, Third quarter, pp.64 

Molony, T. and Smith, J. 2010. 'Biofuels, food security, and Africa' [Open Access]. African Affairs, 109 (436), pp.489-498 

Molony, T. 2009. 'Carving a Niche: ICT, social capital and trust in the shift from personal to impersonal trading in Tanzania'. Information Technology for Development, 15 (4), pp.283-301

Molony, T. 2009. 'Trading Places in Tanzania: Mobility and marginalisation in a time of travel-saving technologies'. In de Bruijn, M., F. Nyamnjoh, I. Brinkman (Eds.) Mobile Phones: The New Talking Drums of Everyday Africa, Yaoundé/Leiden: Langaa/Afrika Studiecentrum, pp.92-109

Molony, T. 2008. 'Running Out of Credit: The limitations of mobile telephony in a Tanzanian agricultural marketing system'. Journal of Modern African Studies, 46 (4), pp.637-658

Molony, T. 2008. 'The Role of Mobile Phones in Tanzania's Informal Construction Sector: The case of Dar es Salaam'. Urban Forum, 19 (2), pp.175-186

Molony, T. 2008. 'Non-Developmental Uses of Mobile Communication in Tanzania'. In Handbook of Mobile Communication Studies, Katz, J.E. (ed.). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp.339-352

Molony, T. 2007. 'I Don't Trust the Phone; It Always Lies: Social capital and information and communication technologies in Tanzanian micro and small enterprises'. Information Technology and International Development, (MIT Press) 3 (4), pp.67-83

Molony, T. and Hammett, D. 2007. 'The Friendly Financier: Talking money with the silenced research assistant'. Human Organization, 66 (3), pp.292-300

Molony, T., Richey, L. and Ponte, S. 2007. ''Darwin's Nightmare': A critical assessment'. Review of African Political Economy, 113 (34), pp.598-608


Other Publications: reports and miscellaneous

The Conversation: Election observers are important for democracy – but few voters know what they do

The East African: Election observers are important, but few voters know what they do

Molony, T. 2011. 'Cultural expression in Tanzania' in World and Its Peoples - Sub-Saharan Africa, Volume 6 Eastern Central Africa and the Indian Ocean. New York: Marshall Cavendish, pp.835-836

Molony, T. and Smith, J. 2010. 'Biofuels in Africa: Growing complexities' in Africa Energy Yearbook 2010. Surrey: EnergyNet, pp.61-64

Molony, T. and Mussaffer, N. (eds.) 2010. 'Bioenergy Advance Market Commitments (AMCs) in Sri Lanka'. PISCES Policy Brief no.5. Nairobi: PISCES

Molony, T. 2009. 'Nyerere: The formative years' in Julius Kambarage Nyerere: Life, Times, Legacy. London: FIRST

Molony, T. 2009. 'Tanzania Palm Oil' in Practical Action Consulting, ed. Small-scale bioenergy initiatives: Brief description and preliminary lessons on livelihood impacts from case studies in Asia, Latin America and Africa, pp. 76-80. Nairobi and Rome: PISCES and FAO

Molony, T. and Smith, J. 2009. 'Sustainable Biofuels Crops and Access in Developing Countries'. PISCES Working Brief no.2. Nairobi: PISCES

Molony, T. 2006. ICT in Developing Countries. POST Note briefing document for members of the House of Commons and House of Lords. Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, Westminster 

Staff Hours and Guidance

Tuesdays, 1300-1500, during semester.

Publications by user content

Publication Research Explorer link
Macdonald R, Molony T, Lihiru V. The reception of Covid-19 denialist propaganda in Tanzania. Journal of Southern African Studies. 2024 Feb 9;49(4):697-716. doi: 10.1080/03057070.2023.2298152
Macdonald R, Molony T. Future pandemics and elections: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic in the Central African Republic, Ghana, Kenya and Tanzania. Journal of African Elections. 2023 Oct 1;22(2):46-67.
Molony T, Macdonald R. Tips for Journalists and Editors who Cover Election Observation. 2023 Feb 23.
Macdonald R, Molony T. Can domestic observers serve as impartial arbiters? Evidence from Zambia’s 2021 elections. Democratization. 2023;30(4):635-653. Epub 2023 Feb 3. doi: 10.1080/13510347.2023.2173177
Macdonald R, Molony T. Local Perceptions of Election Observation in Africa: Preliminary Findings. Local Perceptions and Media Representations of Election Observation in Africa (LMEO) . 2022 Nov 5, p. 1-10. Epub 2022 Nov 5.
Molony T, Macdonald R. Media Representations of Election Observation in Africa: Preliminary Findings. 2022 Nov 5, p. 1-9.
Macdonald R, Molony T. Holding elections during future pandemics and other emergencies: Evidence-based recommendations. 2021 Sept 7, p. 1-11.
Falisse JB, Macdonald R, Molony T, Nugent P. Why have so many African leaders died of COVID-19? BMJ Global Health. 2021 May 17;6(5):1-6. e005587. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2021-005587
Molony T, Macdonald R. Reducing the Transmission of COVID-19 during African Elections: technical considerations. 2021 Apr 9, p. 1-7.
Molony T. COVID-19 and Kenya’s March 2021 By-Elections. 2021 Apr 6, p. 1-16.
Nugent P, Asiamah G, Molony T, Selormey E. COVID-19 and Ghana’s 2020 Elections. 2021 Mar 1.
Lihiru V, Macdonald R, Molony T. COVID-19 and Tanzania’s 2020 Elections. 2021 Feb 3, p. 1-12.
Baynham-Herd Z, Bunnefeld N, Molony T, Redpath S, Keane A. Intervener trustworthiness predicts cooperation with conservation interventions in an elephant conflict public goods game. People and Nature. 2020 Dec 1;2(4):1075-1084. Epub 2020 Jul 26. doi: 10.1002/pan3.10134
Dwyer M, Hitchen J, Molony T. Between Excitement and Scepticism: The Role of WhatsApp in Sierra Leone's 2018 Elections. In Dwyer M, Molony T, editors, Social Media and Politics in Africa: Democracy, Censorship and Security. 1 ed. Zed Press. 2019. p. 105-128
Dwyer M, Molony T. Social Media and Politics in Africa: Democracy, Censorship and Security. 1 ed. Zed Press, 2019. 312 p.
Dwyer M, Molony T. Mapping the Study of Politics and Social Media Use in Africa. In Dwyer M, Molony T, editors, Social Media and Politics in Africa: Democracy, Censorship and Security. 1 ed. Zed Press. 2019. p. 1-18
Molony T. Social media warfare and Kenya's conflict with Al Shabaab in Somalia: A right to know? African Affairs. 2019 Apr 1;118(471):328-351. Epub 2018 Sept 5. doi: 10.1093/afraf/ady035
Molony T, Macdonald R. Re-evaluating international observation of Kenya’s 2017 elections. Journal of Eastern African Studies. 2019;13(4):601-620. Epub 2019 Aug 23. doi: 10.1080/17531055.2019.1657277
Baynham-Herd Z, Redpath S, Bunnefeld N, Molony T, Keane A. Conservation conflicts: Behavioural threats, frames, and intervention recommendations. Biological conservation. 2018 Jun;222:180–188. Epub 2018 Apr 19. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2018.04.012
Dwyer M, Molony T, Ruteere M, Brima A, Makulilo A. Social Media and Security in Africa 2016.
Molony T, Makulilo A. The 'X factor' in CCM's nomination process. 2015. 1 p.
Molony T. Nyerere: The Early Years. Suffolk: James Currey Ltd, 2014. 302 p.
Molony T. ICT and human mobility: cases from developing countries and beyond. Information Technology for Development. 2012 Apr 1;18(2):87-90. doi: 10.1080/02681102.2012.660741
Molony T. Bioenergy Policies in Africa: Mainstreaming Gender Amid an Increasing Focus on Biofuels. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining. 2011 May;5(3):330-341. doi: 10.1002/bbb.293
Molony T, Smith J. Biofuels, Food Security, and Africa. African Affairs. 2010 Jul 1;109(436):489-498. doi: 10.1093/afraf/adq019
Molony T, Smith J. African Biofuels: Growing Number of Countries Enact Pro-Biofuel Policies. BioFuels. 2010;3rd quarter:64.
Molony T, Smith J. Biofuels in Africa: Growing Complexities. In Dodd J, Cargill RW, editors, Africa Energy Yearbook 2010. EnergyNet. 2010. p. 61-64
Molony T. Trading places in Tanzania: Mobility and marginalization at a time of travel-saving technologies. In de Bruijn M, Nyamnjoh FB, Brinkman I, editors, Mobile Phones: The New Talking Drums of Everyday Africa. Langaa Research and Publishing Common Initiative Group. 2009. p. 92-109
Molony T. Carving a Niche: ICT, Social Capital, and Trust in the Shift from Personal to Impersonal Trading in Tanzania. Information Technology for Development. 2009;15(4):283-301. doi: 10.1002/itdj.20127
Molony T, Smith J. Sustainable Biofuels Crops and Access in Developing Countries. Nairobi, Kenya: Policy Innovation Systems for Clean Energy Security (PISCES), 2009. 8 p.
Molony T. Trading Places in Tanzania: Mobility and marginalisation in a time of travel-saving technologies. In de Bruijn M, Nyamnjoh F, Brinkman I, editors, Mobile Phones: The New Talking Drums of Everyday Africa. Langaa Research and Publishing Common Initiative Group. 2009. p. 92-109
Molony T. Tanzania Palm Oil. In Small-Scale Bioenergy Initiativs: Brief Description and Preliminary Lessons on Livelihood Impacts from Case Studies in Asia, Latin America and Africa. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2009. p. 72-76
Molony T. Running Out of Credit: The Limitations of Mobile Telephony in a Tanzanian Agricultural Marketing System. Journal of Modern African Studies. 2008 Dec;46(4):637-658. doi: 10.1017/S0022278X08003510
Molony T, Richey LA, Ponte S. ‘Darwin’s Nightmare’: A critical assessment. Review of African Political Economy. 2008 Sept 1;113(34):598-608.
Molony T. The Role of Mobile Phones in Tanzania’s Informal Construction Sector: The Case of Dar es Salaam. Urban Forum. 2008 Jun;19(2):175-186. Epub 2008 Apr 29. doi: 10.1007/s12132-008-9028-7
Molony T. Non-Developmental Uses of Mobile Communication in Tanzania. In Katz JE, editor, Handbook of Mobile Communication Studies. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press. 2008. p. 339-352
Molony T. Nyerere: The formative years. In Julius Kambarage Nyerere: Life, Times, Legacy. 2008
Molony T. The Friendly Financier: Talking Money with the Silenced Assistant. Human Organization. 2007;66(3):292-300.
Molony T. ICT in developing countries. POST, Westminster, 2006.
Molony T. ‘I Don’t Trust the Phone; It Always Lies’: Trust and Information and Communication Technologies in Tanzanian Micro- and Small Enterprises. Information Technologies and International Development. 2006 Jan 1;3(4):67–83.
Thomas Molony's Research Explorer profile