School of Social and Political Science

Professor Tim Hayward

Job Title

Professor of Environmental Political Theory

Tim Hayward portrait Feb 2023

Room number


Building (Address)

Chrystal Macmillan Building

Street (Address)

15a George Square

City (Address)


Country (Address)


Post code (Address)


Research interests

Research interests

Social & political philosophy, including social epistemology.

Previous work aimed to integrate environmental considerations into social and political theory, including environmental rights (see publications list). This was followed by a project which led to a book on Global Justice and Finance

Current research focuses on the 'epistemic crisis' in political communications in Western societies, and a book is in preparation on Propaganda and the University.

At Edinburgh I am a member of the Political Theory Research Group. Beyond Edinburgh, I maintain the Political Theory Email List and its Facebook group.

My personal webpage features occasional blogposts on matters to do with ethics, political philosophy and critical citizenship.  I am also a contributor to the online publication Propaganda in Focus.

PhD Supervision

I can offer PhD supervision in the research areas indicated above. I am particularly interested in supervising projects looking critically at contemporary issues in propaganda, censorship and 'disinformation'.

Useful links:

Staff Hours and Guidance

During teaching weeks:

Mondays 14:00-16:00      Please book here

Outside teaching weeks:

Please email for an appointment


Tim Hayward's Research Explorer profile