School of Social and Political Science

Zafar Ullah

Job Title

PhD Candidate


Street (Address)

George Square

City (Address)


Country (Address)

The United Kingdom

Research interests

Research interests

My project tracks the dramatic urban transformation in Pakistan using the frameworks of necropolitics, infrastructural violence, and the anthropology of becoming. The infrastructural analysis disentangles the power undercurrents through which the state exercises and justifies its exceptional governance of controlling and segregating bodies. The intersection between gender, infrastructure, and the dead explores how my interlocutors respond to the necropolitical governance system by creating alternative possibilities of life in moments of absolute rupture. 


  • Conference Presentations
    • Forthcoming Conference: 
      • The “unknown” State: Infrastructure of Hate and the Politics of Death in Pakistan, University College London, Scheduled to be presented in September 2024
    • Past Presentations:
      • Infrastructures of Hate: State, Religion, and People in Pakistan, Two-Day Workshop, School of Divinity, The University of Edinburgh,2024
      • Navigating Violent Infrastructures: The Everyday Experiences of [...] Drivers in Pakistan, SoAS, London, Organized by the South Asian Anthropological Group (SAAG), September 2023
      • Sectarianisation of Infrastructures in Pakistan, University of Wisconsin, USA, Organized by the Centre for South Asia, October 2023
      • Community on the Brink: The Urban Life of the Marginalised [People] in Pakistan, Centre for South Asian Studies (CSAS), The University of Edinburgh, 2022
      • Symposium on 'Perspectives on Urban Marginality in Pakistan' Organized by BUITEMS 2022

Tutored at SSPS, the University of Edinburgh:

  • Imagining Anthropological Research to 3rd Year Undergrads
  • Research Design to PGs
  • Anthropological Theory to 3rd Year Undergrads
    • Roles and Responsibilities
      • Conducting tutorials, seminars, and small group discussions.
      • Providing supplementary instruction to help students understand course material.
      • Grading assignments and exams
      • Providing constructive feedback to students on their work.
      • Offering academic guidance and support to students.
      • Holding office hours for one-on-one consultations.
      • Participating in meetings and training sessions related to teaching duties.
      • Engaging in continuous professional development related to teaching and learning.
      • Working closely with lecturers, course organisers, and other tutors to ensure a cohesive educational experience for students.


Supervisors: Ayaz Qureshi, Jacob Doherty, Ann-Christin Zuntz 

Works within

Zafar Ullah's Research Explorer profile