Course Handbooks Years 3 and 4
- British Government - PLIT10103
- Comparing Scottish Devolution - PLIT10080
- Critical Theory and Cinema - PLIT10108
- Emerging Powers - PLIT10102
- Global Justice and Citizenship - PLIT10054Human Rights in International Relations - PLIT10063
- International Political Economy - PLIT10018
- International Relations of the Asia Pacific - PLIT10109
- Political Islam - PLIT10089
- Populism: Pathology or Panacea? - PLIT10114
- Public Policy: Agenda Setting - PLIT10100
- Research Design in PIR - PLIT10106
- The Politics of the End of Empire - PLIT10117
- Understanding Indian Politics - PLIT10088
- War and Justice - PLIT10021
Semester 2:
Information below correct as of January 2019. You will find the most up-to-date version of the handbook on the course's Learn page, or by contacting the relevant course secretary.
- Contemporary Issues In International Relations - PLIT10105
- Climate Justice - PLIT10118
- Environmental Politics in Europe - PLIT10049
- Europe and International Migration - PLIT10068
- Global Politics of Sex and Gender - PLIT10075
- Global Security - PLIT10094
- International Politics of Money - PLIT10095
- Parliamentary Studies - PLIT10091
- Politics Of The Middle East - PLIT10036
- Public Participation in Democracy and Governance - PLIT10098
- The Politics of the UK Constitution - PLIT10119
- Theories of International Relations - PLIT10053
- US Foreign Policy - PLIT10084
- What's Wrong With Inequality? - PLIT10110
- Zimbabwe: Politics of a Post-Colonial State - PLIT10071
Full Year:
Information below correct as of September 2018. You will find the most up-to-date version of the handbook on the course's Learn page, or by contacting the relevant course secretary.
Student category
Programme Information