School of Social and Political Science

Student Handbooks


Please take care when accessing documents from this page that you are referring to the document for the correct academic year. Questions can be directed to or else contact the relevant academic for the subject area.


Policies and procedures described in these handbooks may be subject to change. It does not supersede University Regulations, the formal requirements for each degree as set out in the University's Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study and the Taught Assessment Regulations, or the Terms and Conditions of Admission set out in the Undergraduate Degree Finder. 



School Handbooks

Handbook NameHandbook Description
SPS Course-Level Guidance for StudentsStudents taking a course within SPS should read our guidance document for an overview of the key policies and regulations
UG Student Handbook 2024-25The SPS UG Student Handbook contains all relevant information on regulations, communication guidelines, procedures and support available for students on undergraduate programmes within SPS. It is recommended that all students read the handbook carefully at the start of each academic year. Students should refer to the handbook before making contact with staff to resolve an issue. 

Programme Level Handbooks 

Please click the relevant hyperlink below to access the handbook. 

Pre-Honours (years 1 and 2)


Honours and BMedSci 







School Handbooks

Handbook NameHandbook Description
SPS Course-Level Guidance for StudentsStudents taking a course within SPS should read our guidance document for an overview of the key policies and regulations
UG Student Handbook 2023-24The SPS UG Student Handbook contains all relevant information on regulations, communication guidelines, procedures and support available for students on undergraduate programmes within SPS. It is recommended that all students read the handbook carefully at the start of each academic year. Students should refer to the handbook before making contact with staff to resolve an issue. 

Subject Area/Programme Handbooks

Handbook Subject Area/Degree Programme Pre-honours Honours 
Anthropology and Sociology of Medicine BMedSciN/AASBMedSci 
Global Health Policy (BMedSci)N/AGHP-BMedSci
Politics and International Relations PIR pre-honPIR Hons
Social Anthropology Social Anthropology Pre-HonHons SocAnth 23-24 
Social PolicySocPol pre-honSocPol Hons
Social Work Social Work pre-honsSocial Work Hons
Sociology Soci pre-honSoci Hons
Sustainable Development SusDev-pre-HonSusDev-Hons

Politics and International Relations Pre-honours Handbook 2022-23 Politics and International Relations Honours Handbook 2022-23 Sociology Pre-honours Handbook 2022-23 Sociology Honours Handbook 2022-23 Sustainable Development Pre-honours Handbook 2022-23 Sustainable Development Honours Handbook 2022-23