School of Social and Political Science

Idil Galip

Job Title

PhD Candidate: "Art Worlds Online: Memes, Labour and Politics"

Idil Galip
Personal website
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Research interests

Research interests

Instagram, Subcultures, Online Communities, New Media, Memes, Algorithmic Culture, Art Worlds, Content Creation, Digital Folklore


I am a PhD candidate, research assistant and tutor. I write about memes, digital labour, markets and culture, and also run the Meme Studies Research Network

You can learn more about the methods I utilise in my doctoral thesis here:

"Niche memes: How online subcultures and entrepreneurial logic collide on Instagram"

Supervision Team

Dr. Kate Orton-Johnson

Dr. Karen Gregory


Galip, Idil. "The Grotesque in Instagram Memes" in Arkenbout, de Zeeuw and Wilson (Eds). Critical Meme Research: INC Reader #15. Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures. 2021.

Galip, Idil. "Wojak and the Digital Factory" in CONTENT. Bard College Meme Lab. 2021.

Galip, Idil. "Book Review: Digital Life"Information, Communication & Society. 2021. 

Matheson, Parkes, Schofield, Dumbrell, Browne, Bancroft, & Galip. "Understanding the health impacts of the COVID-19 response on people who use drugs in Scotland (PWUD): Implications for COVID-19 infection and transmission among this group and impacts on harm reduction, treatment and recovery", Edinburgh: Chief Scientist Office. 2020.

Galip, Idil. "Book Review: Digital Sociologies"New Media & Society, 2019.

Karakayali, Nedim, Kostem Burc and Galip, Idil. “Recommendation systems as technologies of the self: Algorithmic control and the formation of music taste”, Theory, Culture & Society. Volume: 35 issue: 2, page(s): 3-24. 2017.


Guest lecturer: "Memes, Labour and Politics" in PG Course: Internet, Society and Economy. 2022

Guest lecturer: "Transformation of work and digital economies" in PG Course: Key Concepts in Global Social Change. 2021.

Co-presenter with Dr Angus Bancroft: "The impact of COVID-19 on Scottish drug markets: A moral economy perspective". Drugs Research Network Scotland Knowledge Exchange event: Impact of COVID-19 on people who use drugs. August 2021.

Presenter: "Art Worlds Online: Memes, Labour and Politics". British Sociological Association, Annual Conference. 2021.

Presenter: "Digital patronage and countercultural entrepreneurs: Instagram’s niche-meme community". ENDL-3: Unboxing AI: Understanding Artificial Intelligence - Graduate Colloquium. November 2020.

Presenter: "Sociological Observatory: Pandemic Futures in Edinburgh". Design Informatics Webinar: "Susceptible, Infectious, Recovering: tracing responses to the novel coronavirus in the city". July 16, 2020. A recording of the webinar can be accessed here.

Presenter: "Monetising Vulnerability: An exploration of Instagram's niche-memes and digital patronage". British Sociological Association, Annual Conference. 2020 (cancelled due to covid-19).

Presenter: "The Memeing of Feminism: Humour on Instagram" 

Co-chair: "Digital Research Ethics" Panel. University of Edinburgh, New Directions. April 19, 2019.

Presenter: “Dangerous Words: Online Citizenship and Censorship in Turkey”. Bilkent University, POLS Talks Seminar Series. December 5 2017, Ankara - Turkey.


Memes, Irony and Ugliness. Institute of Network Cultures Blog: Viral Image Culture. 2022.

Ironie und Hässlichkeit in Memes. KUNSTFORUM International Bd. 279 Memes. 2021

“Long before weighted blankets, there were Turkish yorgans: Exploring the weight of a dying craft”. gal-dem. 2021.

The Party @freeze_magazine”. Exhibition text for WESERHALLE. 2021

“The Meme Kit” zine. 2021

“Meme Studies is Canon”. Meme Studies Research Network blog. 2020

“The challenges of face-to-face conferences”. The Post-Pandemic University. 2020

"The History of Rummikub: Vignettes from my local shop". Scottish BPOC Writers Network. 2020

"The Ethnographic Gallery". 2020

"Unprecedented". Edinburgh Decameron: Lockdown Sociology at Work. 2020


Tutor on Researching Digital Life 2021 - 2021 - continuing 

Tutor on Sociology 1A: The Sociological Imagination: Individuals and Society 2019-2021

Tutor on Sociology 1B: The Sociological Imagination: Private Troubles, Public Problems 2019-2021

Public Engagement


Digital Void Podcast: Ep. 41: Idil Galip “Meme Studies Research Network”. 2021.

The Sociology Show: The Sociology of Internet Memes with Idil Galip. 2021.


Deutsche Welle: Shift: Living in the Digital Age — Memes. 2021

RND (German): Meme-Forscherin im Interview: „Memes sind eine Art Insiderwitz im Internet“

Institute of Network Cultures: How and Why to Start a Meme Studies Research Network: A conversation with Idil Galip. 2021


Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, 2022

MSc in Political Sociology from London School of Economics, UK. 2016-2017.

BA in Political Science and Certificate in Philosophy from Bilkent University, Turkey. 2012-2016.

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