School of Social and Political Science

Q-Step Seminar Series - Semester 1 - 2023-24



a graphic with the event information for the q-step seminar series


Save the dates - Q-Step Seminar Series - Semester 1 - 2023-24 

Open to all - no booking required.

25 September - Breastfeeding endeavours in socio-experiential context (Kate O'Hara)

Kate O’Hara is an ESRC funded PhD student in quantitative social research at the University of Stirling and the University of Edinburgh. Her PhD explores applications of multilevel random effects modelling in the social sciences, in particular differences in response to the assumption of no correlation of explanatory variables with random effects (NCRX assumption).

Monday 25 September 2023
Violet Laidlaw Room (6.02 Chrystal Macmillan Building)

9 October - Policing the Pandemic: Tales from an administrative data linkage project (Victoria Gorton)

Victoria Gorton is a lecturer in Science, Technology and Innovation Studies at the University of Edinburgh. She previously worked as a research fellow on the ‘Policing the Pandemic’ project looking at the role of police enforcement in Scotland during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Monday 9 October 2023
Violet Laidlaw Room (6.02 Chrystal Macmillan Building)

24 October - Identifying trends in mental wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic (Glenna Nightingale) 

Glenna Nightingale is a Chancellor’s Research Fellow in the School of Health in Social Science at the University of Edinburgh. Her PhD research focussed on spatial point process models in a Bayesian context. Since then, she has gained experience in modelling time to event data (in a Bayesian context), constructing R packages, analysing longitudinal data and spatiotemporal data, construction of complex survey weights, factor analysis and machine learning.

Monday 23 October 2023
Violet Laidlaw Room (6.02 Chrystal Macmillan Building)

6 November - Are sociology students ‘debilitated’ by statistics anxiety? (Kevin Ralston)

Kevin Ralston is a lecturer in Sociology and Quantitative Methods at the University of Edinburgh, and director of the Edinburgh Q-Step Centre. His research focusses on applications of social statistics, fertility, youth employment and inequalities. He also undertakes pedagogic research on teaching and learning quantitative research methods in the social sciences.

Monday 6 November 2023
Violet Laidlaw Room (6.02 Chrystal Macmillan Building)

20 November - Measuring Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in the UK using latent trait theory (Zain Kurdi)

Zain Kurdi is an ESRC funded PhD student in Social Policy at the University of Edinburgh. Her research interests include measuring child maltreatment across the life course- Public Health, ACEs, and Evaluation.

Monday 20 November 2023
Violet Laidlaw Room (6.02 Chrystal Macmillan Building)