School of Social and Political Science

Born of War in Colombia

05 November 2024
14:00 - 15:30


Violet Laidlaw Room, CMB



event poster


Dr Tatiana Sanchez Parra has been with SPS as Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow for two years, and as we prepare for the end of her fellowship we are delighted to have the opportunity to get together to hear about her recent book and other postdoc acheivements.

Dr Sanchez Parra's book Born of War in Colombia addresses why people born of conflict-related sexual violence remain unseen within transitional justice agendas. In Colombia, there are generations of children born of conflict-related sexual violence across the country. Whispers of their presence have traveled outside their communities. They also exist within the country’s domestic reparations program, which entitles them to reparations. Drawing on an immersive feminist ethnography with a community that endured a paramilitary confinement, the book reveals how a past-oriented and harm-centered model of transitional justice has converged with a restricted notion of gendered victimhood and the patriarchal politics of reproduction to render the bodies and experiences of people born of conflict-related sexual violence unintelligible to those seeking to understand and address the consequences of war in Colombia.

Chaired by Dr Claire Duncanson.

Event details: Chrystal Macmillan Building, Violet Laidlaw Room (6th floor), 14.00-15.30 on Tuesday 5 November.

This event is supported by PIR, GEnderED and the Genderpol Research Group.