Getting Research into Parliament
Violet Laidlaw Room, Chrystal Macmillan BuildingMedia

Featuring Professor Richard Whitaker, thematic research lead for Parliament, Public Administration and the Constitution, this panel event will bring together academics who combine cutting edge research expertise with a wealth of practical experience in how parliaments work and how you can most effectively get them engaged with your research.
This is a great chance to develop your understanding of topics such as:
- How do parliaments engage with research evidence?
- What are the most effective ways to get your research discussed in parliament?
- How research can impact on the workings of parliaments themselves
- How to build relationships with elected representatives and parliamentary support staff for long term research impact
- Building policy engagement into academic careers
Event image description: pictures of UK and Scottish Parliaments
Key speakers
- Professor Richard Whitaker
Partner institutions
- University of Edinburgh Policy Engagement Network