School of Social and Political Science

Methods Workshop with Prof Julian Go and Dr Jared Holley – Anticolonial Thought as Social Theory: the (anti)colonial limits of solidarity?

10 May 2024
11:30 - 13:30


Crystal MacMillan Building, Practice Suite





In recent years, critiques of Eurocentric social theory have proliferated. If is by now clear that conventional social theory is limited, tethered to an imperial standpoint and based upon the experiences of a small part of the world, how to overcome these limitations remains uncharted. How can the biases of dominant social theory be transcended? How can social theory be reconfigured and reinvigorated, unmoored from its imperial orientation? In this workshop, Professor Julian Go and Jared Holley will discuss the turn to anticolonial thought as one possible approach. With special attention to social-theoretical understandings of “solidarity”, it will sketch how turning to anticolonial thought differs from other possible alternatives to Northern-Eurocentric social theory and  consider the promises and pitfalls of excavating anticolonial thinking as social theory.

Workshop is open to PhD students, post-doctoral fellows, academic staff, and PGR students. Participants are required to read a paper (link below in Workshop details) and asked to read this paper ahead of the workshop. Participants may also (optionally) consider this critical symposium on the paper (link below in Workshop details).

Light lunch will be served during the workshop.


This workshop is held with the support of the Student Development Office at the School of Social and Political Science


Key speakers

  • Professor Julian Go is Professor of Sociology and Director of Graduate Studies at the University of Chicago; and Faculty Affiliate in the Center for the Study of Race, Politics, & Culture and the Committee on International Relations
  • Dr. Jared Holley is Lecturer in Political Theory and Co-Director of CRITIQUE

Partner institutions

  • Student Development Office at the School of Social and Political Science


Workshop details