School of Social and Political Science

Bill Whyte

Job Title

Professor Emeritus; Honorary Professorial Fellow; formerly Professor of Social Work Studies in Criminal and Youth Justice

Bill Whyte's photo


Career History

I worked as a generic social work manager with special responsibility for managing court, adult and youth justice services; as a field social worker in the Lothians area; and as a residential care worker in a former List D School. I became a Lecturer in Social Work in 1983, working part time for five years in the Royal Edinburgh Hospital as a social worker and later as an independent local authority chair of child protection. I established the first national Masters (MSc) programme in Advanced Social Work Studies in Criminal Justice (which ran from 1991-2008), which was funded by Scottish Government, when Scotland re-established specialist probation (criminal justice social work) provision. I was Director of the Criminal Justice Social Work Development Centre for Scotland from 2001-2013,based at the University of Edinburgh, which was also funded by Scottish Government to promote research and best practice in criminal and youth justice social work.

I was awarded a CBE in the 2015 New Year's Honours List for services to youth justice.

Teaching Interests

I taught MSW and BSc Social Work programmes, primarily in relation to criminal and youth justice social work practice, policy and law, on desistence from crime and on effective intervention. 


  • Whyte, B. (2009) Youth Justice in Practice. London: Policy Press
  • McNeill, F. and Whyte, B. (2007) Reducing Re-offending: Community Justice and Social Work in Scotland. Cullompton: Willan Press
  • McGhee, J. Mellon, M. and Whyte. B (eds) (2004) Addressing Deeds: Working with young people who offend. London: NCH
  • Moore, G. and Whyte, B. (1998) Social Work and Criminal Law in Scotland. Edinburgh: Mercat Press.
Journal articles
  • Whyte, B. (2016) ‘Social Work in Scotland: who calls the shots?  Ethics and Social Welfare, doi:10.1080/17496535.2016.1194547 published on-line 20 June 2016
  • Kirkwood,S.,Laurier, E.,Cree, V., Whyte, B. & Jenning, B. (2016) 'Towards an interactional approach to reflective practice in social work'. European Journal of Social Work, Vol. 19, Nos. 3–4, 484–499,
  • Rigby, P. and Whyte, B. (2015) ‘Children's Narrative within a Multi-Centred, Dynamic Ecological Framework of Assessment and Planning for Child Trafficking’.  British Journal of Social Work 45 (1): 34-51 doi:10.1093/bjsw/bct105
  • Whyte, B. (2014) 'Young People in Conflict with the Law in Scotland -50 Years after the Kilbrandon report. What does contemporary policy and practice tell us about our progress since and about the legacy of Kilbrandon?' Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vo.13, No. 3
  • Kearney, N. and Whyte, B. (2014) 'Peacebuilding and the development of a Scottish model for Restorative Practices in Justice.' Newsletter of the European Forum for  Restorative Justice 15(3): 5-8.
  • Jardine, C. and Whyte, B. (2013) ‘Valuing Desistance: A Social Return on Investment Case Study of a Throughcare Project for Short Term Prisoners’.  Social and Environmental Accountability Journal Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 20-32. Winner of the Reg Mathews Memorial Prize 2013
  • Schinkel, M. and Whyte, B. (2012) ‘Routes out of Prison: Using Life Coaches to assist resettlement’. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. Vol. 51, Issue 4 pp 359-371
  • Whyte, B. (2009) 'Youth 'In-Justice' in the UK - which way for Scotland?’ The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, Vol.48 No.2 pp.200-204
  • Smith, M. and Whyte, B. (2008) ‘Social education and social pedagogy: reclaiming a Scottish tradition in social work’. European Journal of Social Work,11.1 pp.15-28
  • Hutton, L and Whyte, B. (2006) ‘Children and young people with harmful sexual behaviours: First analysis of data from a Scottish sample’. Journal of Sexual Aggression, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 115-125
  • Whyte, B. (2004) ‘Effectiveness, Research and Youth Justice’. Youth Justice, Vol. 4 No.1 July pp3-21
  • Whyte, B. (2004) ‘Responding to Youth Crime in Scotland'. British Journal of Social Work, Vol. 34 No 3 April pp. 395-411
  • Skinner, K. and Whyte, B. (2004) 'Going Beyond Training: Theory and Practice in Managing Change'. Social Work Education. Vol.23 No.3 pp. 367-384
  • Whyte, B. (2003) 'Young and Persistent: Recent Developments in Youth Justice Policy and Practice in Scotland'. Youth Justice, 3(2) pp. 74-85
  • Whyte, B. (2002) ‘Persistent Populism’. Holyrood, Issue 71, June p25, ISSN 1466-741X
  • Whyte, B (2001) ‘Reviewing Youth Crime in Scotland’. SCOLAG Legal Journal May Issue 283, pp.80-82
  • Whyte, B (2001) ‘Reviewing Youth Crime in Scotland: Beyond Children’s Hearings’. Juvenile Justice Worldwide Winter 2000/2001 pp.17-19
  • Whyte, B. (2000) ‘Between Two Stools: The Interface between the Children's Hearing and Criminal Justice Systems in Scotland’. Probation Journal, Vol. 47, No 2, June, pp. 119-125
  • Whyte, B. (1997) ‘Crossing Boundaries: An Exercise in Partnership Provision’. British Journal of Social Work, no. 27, pp 697-704
  • Whyte, B. and Hunter, S. (1992) ‘Guardianship of the Person in Scotland’. British Journal of Social Work, no. 22, pp. 167-186
Book chapters
  • Whyte, B. (2018) ‘Social education: A paradigm for social work in a changing Scotland?, in Smith, M. and Cree, V. (Eds) Social Work in a Changing Scotland. London: Routledge
  • Whyte, B. (2015) ‘The Changing Face of Social Work in Youth Justice in Scotland’. In Palattiyil G., Sidhva, D. and Chakrabarti, M. (eds)  Social Work in a Global Context: Issues and Challenges. London: Routledge
  • Whyte, B. (2014) 'Social Work and Youth Justice in a Global Context: Practising in shifting and conflicting paradigms'. In Pack, M.and Cargill, J. (eds) Evidence Discovery and Assessment in Social Work Practice. Pennsylvania, USA: IGI Global. ISBN 13: 9781466665637
  • Whyte, B. (2012) ‘Social Work and Youth Justice’. In Hill, M. et al (eds)  Children’s Services: working together. London: Pearson Education
  • Whyte, B. (2011) ‘Youth Justice’. In Davis, R. and Gordon, J. (eds) Social Work and the Law in Scotland (2nd edition). London: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Whyte, B. (2010) ‘Values in Youth Justice’. In Taylor, W. Earle, R. and Hester, R. (eds) Youth Justice Handbook Theory, policy and practice. Cullompton: Willan Publishing
  • Whyte, B. (2008) ‘Probation in Scotland’. In Van Kalmthout, A. and Durnescu, I. (eds) Probation Service Systems in Europe. Amsterdam: CEP/Wolf Legal Publishers
  • Whyte. B (2007) ‘Persistent Offenders' and ‘National Standards for Scotland’s Youth Justice Services’. In Goldson B. (ed)  Dictionary of Youth Justice. Cullompton:Willan
  • Whyte, B (2007) ‘Restoring ‘stakeholder’ involvement in justice’. In Richie, P. and Hunter, S. (eds) Co-production in Social Work. Research Highlights. London: Jessica Kingsley
  • Whyte, B. (2007) ‘Recent Developments. In Youth Justice in Scotland’ in Raynor, P. and McIvor, G. (eds) Developments in Social Work with Offenders. Research Highlights. London: Jessica Kingsley
  • Whyte. B (2007) ‘Youth Justice in Scotland'. In Canton R. (ed) Dictionary of Probation. Cullompton: Willan Publications
  • Whyte. B (2007) ‘Services available to Scottish Courts’. In Canton R. (ed) Dictionary of Probation. Cullompton: Willan Publications
  • Whyte, B. (2006) ‘Change, Evidence, Challenges – Youth Justice Developments in Scotland’. In Hill, M. Lockyer, A and Stone, F.(eds) Youth Justice and Child Protection. London: Jessica Kingsley
  • Whyte, B (2005) ‘Youth Justice in Other UK Jurisdictions: Scotland and Northern Ireland’. In Bateman, T and Pitts, J (eds.) The Russell House Companion to Youth Justice. London: Russell House Publishing.
  • Whyte, B. (2004) ‘Understanding Youth Crime’. In McGhee, J. Mellon, M and Whyte, B. (eds.)  Addressing Deeds: Working with young people who offend. London : NCH
  • Whyte, B. (2000) ‘Probation in Scotland ’. In Derks, J. and Van Kalmthout, A. Probation Service Systems in Europe. Amsterdam: CEP/Wolf Legal Publishers
  • Whyte, B. (2000) ‘Youth Justice in Scotland’. In Pickford, J. (ed.) Youth Justice in Theory and Practice, London: Cavendish ISB
  • Whyte, B. (1997) ‘Rediscovering Juvenile Delinquency’. In Stone, F and Lockyer, A. Juvenile Justice in Scotland: Twenty Five Years of the Welfare Approach. Edinburgh: T. and T. Clark
  • Waterhouse, L. McGhee, J. and Whyte, B. (2002) ‘Children's Hearing and Children in Trouble’. In Muncie, J. Hughes, G. and McLaughlin, E. (eds)  Youth Justice: Critical Readings. London: Sage
  • Waterhouse, L. McGhee, J. and Whyte, B. (1996) ‘Children's Hearing and Children in Trouble’. In Asquith, S. (ed) Children and Young People in Conflict with the Law, Research Highlights in Social Work 30. London: Jessica Kingsley
  • Hunter, S. and Whyte, B. (1994) ‘At Risk and in the Community’. In Davidson, R. and Hunter, S. (eds) Community Care in Practice London: Batsford
Research reports
  • Menezes, D. and Whyte, B (2016) Sidestep Intervention Service: Young People involved in Organised Crime. Glasgow: Action for Children
  • Rigby, P., Whyte, B. and Schinkel, M. (2014) Young People and MAPPA in Scotland,. Glasgow: CYCJ, University of Strathclyde
  • Rigby, P., Jardine, C. and Whyte, B (2011) ‘Girls and Young Women in the Youth Justice System – Vulnerable or Risky?’. Edinburgh: Criminal Justice Social Work Development Centre for Scotland.
  • Jardine, C. and Whyte, B. (2011) Evaluation of the Routes Out of Prison: Final Report. Glasgow: The Wise Group
  • Jardine, C. and Whyte, B. (2011) Routes Out of Prison: An SROI (Social Return on Investment) Analysis. Edinburgh: CJSW Development Centre
  • Jardine, C. and Whyte, B. (2011) Working with Prisoners Serving a Short-term Sentence: Key Findings from the Evaluation of the Routes out of Prison Project. Edinburgh: CJSW Development Centre
  • Schinkel, M., Jardine, C., Whyte, B. with Nugent, B. (2009) Evaluation of the Routes Out of Prison: Phase One Edinburgh: CJSW Development Centre
  • Schinkel, M, Jardine, C. Curran, J. Whyte B (2009) Routes out of Prison – evaluation report. Edinburgh: CJSWDC
  • MacQueen, S. and Whyte, B. (2009) The Action For Children Renfrewshire Primary Support Project: An Evaluation. Edinburgh: CJSWDC
  • Hutton, L. MacQueen, S. Curran, J. and Whyte, B. (2008) 'Support Services for Parents in Scotland'. Insight Report 41 Edinburgh: Scottish Government
  • Hutton, L. MacQueen, S. Curran, J. and Whyte, B. (2008) Support Services for Parents in Scotland: A Review of Practice Development in Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Government
  • MacQueen, S. Curran, J. Hutton, L. and Whyte, B. (2008) Support Services for Parents: A Review of the Literature on Engaging and Supporting Parents. Edinburgh: Scottish Government
  • Schinkel, M. and Whyte, B. (2008) Final Report: Formative Evaluation Constructs. Project Report. Effective Practice Unit, Scottish Government
  • Curran, J. MacQueen, S. Whyte, B. with Boyle, J. (2007) ‘Forced to Make Amends: An Evaluation of the Community Reparation Orders Pilots’, Crime and Justice Research Findings No 95. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive
  • Hutton, L. and Whyte, B. (2006) ‘Young People and Sexually Harmful Behaviour in Scotland ’. Briefing Paper No. 9, Edinburgh: CJSWDC ISSN 1740-1623…
  • Dutton, K. and Whyte, B. (2006) ‘Implementing Restorative Justice within an Integrated Welfare System: The Evaluation of Glasgow’s Restorative Justice Service Summary Report’. Briefing Paper No. 8, Edinburgh: CJSWDC ISSN 1740-1623…
  • Buist, M. and Whyte, B. (2006) International Evidence to Scotland's Children's Hearing Review: Decision Making and Services Relating to Children And Young People Involved in Offending. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive CRU /CJSWDC
  • Francis, J. and Whyte, B. (2004) European Youth Involved in Public Care and Youth Justice Systems, Scientific and Management report for the EC Edinburgh: CJSWDC
  • Whyte, B. (2002) ‘Crime and Restorative Justice’, Briefing Paper No. 4, Edinburgh: CJSWDC ISSN 1740-1623-4
  • Whyte, B. (2001) ‘Drugs, Crime and Community Intervention’. Briefing Paper No. 3, Edinburgh: CJSWDC ISSN 1740-1623-3
  • Whyte, B. (2001) ‘Effective Intervention for Serious and Violent Young Offenders’. Briefing Paper No. 2, Edinburgh: CJSWDC ISSN 1740-1623-2
  • Whyte, B. (2001) ‘Responding to Youth and Adult Crime: Future Directions’. Briefing Paper No. 1, Edinburgh: CJSWDC ISSN 1740-1623-1
  • Whyte, B. (2001) ‘Current Issues in Criminal Justice Social Work and Youth Justice’. Towards Effective Practice No. 1 Edinburgh : CJSWDC ISSN 1740-164X1
  • Hunter, S. Whyte, B. and Hart, J. (2001) The One Door Approach - a study of homeless young people in Edinburgh. Edinburgh : Scottish Office CRU…
  • Waterhouse, L. McGhee, J. Whyte, B. (2000) ‘Children in Focus: The Cohort Study’. in The Evaluation of the Children's Hearings in Scotland. Volume 4: where do we go from here? Edinburgh: Scottish Executive d3d0ef3a65ab/Q/Page/1
  • Waterhouse, L. McGhee, J. Whyte, B. Loucks, N. Kay, H. and Harris, R (2000) The Evaluation of the Children's Hearings in Scotland, Volume 3: Children in Focus, Edinburgh , The Stationery Office ISBN 0748099735…
  • Waterhouse, L. McGhee, J. Loucks, N. Whyte, B. and Kay, H. (1999) ‘The Evaluation of the Children's Hearings in Scotland: Children in Focus’. Social Work Research Findings No. 31, Edinburgh: The Scottish Office Central Research Unit ISBN 0748072985…
  • Whyte, B. (1996) ‘Re-examining Juvenile Justice in Scotland’. New Waverley Papers, Edinburgh: Centre for Social Welfare Research
  • Ulas, M. and Whyte, B.(1996) Mental Health Officers in Scotland, Edinburgh: Scottish Office CRU, a video and training notes produced by Scottish Office as an innovative approach to disseminating research findings and their implications for professional policy and practice
  • Whyte, B. Ramsay, J. Clark, C. and Waterhouse, L. (1994) Social Work in the Criminal Justice System in Scotland, Edinburgh: Scottish Office, ISBN 1899838007
  • Ulas, M. Myers, F and Whyte, B. (1993) ‘The Role of the Mental Health Officer’, Edinburgh , Social Work Research Findings No. 2, Edinburgh : Scottish Office CRU…
  • Ulas, M. Myers, F. and Whyte, B. (1993) The Role of The Mental Health Officer, Edinburgh: Scottish Office CRU, ISBN 0748010939
  • Ulas, M. Myers, F. and Whyte, B. (1992) The Role of Mental Health Officers: a workload review, University of Edinburgh : Edinburgh Centre for Social Welfare Research, report for Scottish Office CRU
  • Whyte, B. (1992) The Craigmillar Children's Project, Edinburgh , Edinburgh Centre for Social Welfare Research, report to Lothian Region SWD.
  • Whyte, B (1989) Probation group work in Edinburgh, Edinburgh : Lothian Regional Council
Other publications
  • Buist, M. and Whyte, B. (2005) Getting Smart: Towards achieving National Objectives and Standards, report for City of Dundee Council , Edinburgh: CJSWDC
  • Tombs, J. McIvor, G and Whyte, B. (2005) Evaluating Criminal Justice Social Work in Scotland: An Aid to Practice, Edinburgh: Scottish Executive
  • Thompson, I. Stead, J. Little, G. Griffin, J. and Whyte, B. (2004) Developing a Framework for Evaluation in Youth Justice in Scotland, Edinburgh: CJSWDC report for Scottish Executive Education Department
  • Buist, M. and Whyte, B. (2004) Meeting the Standards, a report for South Ayrshire Council. Edinburgh : CJSWDC
  • Whyte, B. and Buist, M. (2004) What Works with Children and Young People involved in Crime? Edinburgh : CJSWDC
  • Buist M. and Whyte, B. (2004) Audit of Youth Crime: report for Dundee City Council, Edinburgh, CJSWDC
  • Buist M. and Whyte, B. (2004) Audit of Youth Crime: report for East Dunbartonshire Council, Edinburgh, CJSWDC
  • Buist M. and Whyte, B. (2004) Audit of Youth Crime: report for South Ayrshire Council, Edinburgh, CJSWDC
  • Whyte, B. (2004) ‘It’s a Criminal Waste: Reviewing Effective Approaches to Youth Crime in Scotland ’, in Goldson, B. (ed) Children, Young People and Crime in Britain and Ireland, University of Liverpool
  • Buist M. and Whyte, B. (2003) Audit of Youth Crime: report for East Dunbartonshire Council, Edinburgh, CJSWDC
  • Whyte, B. (2002) ' Gewalt und Schulen: Pravention in Schottland' (Violence and Schools: Prevention in Scotland)' in Sackgasse Gewelt? Erziehung, Pravention, Auswete, Losungen. Bonn: Deutches Forum fur Kriminal pravention
  • Buist M. and Whyte, B. (2002) Audit of Youth Crime: report for City of Edinburgh Council , Edinburgh , CJSWDC
  • Buist M. and Whyte, B. (2002) Audit of Youth Crime: report for Dumfries and Galloway Council, Edinburgh , CJSWDC
  • Whyte, B. (2002) 'Work in Progress: An Audit of Criminal Justice Social Work Provision in Scotland'. Towards Effective Practice No 2. Edinburgh CJSWDC

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