School of Social and Political Science

Liliana Riga

Job Title

Senior Lecturer


Room number

6.28 CMB

Research interests

Research interests

  • art-historical sociology
  • comparative historical sociology
  • social theory, civil society, the moral self

If you are interested in being supervised by Liliana Riga, please see the links below for more information:



Ph.D. Sociology (McGill University)

M.A. Political Science (Columbia University)

B.A. Political Science (University of California, Berkeley)


The Modern Self and Art (Honours)

Select Publications


(forthcoming) Moral Encounters with Political Modernity. Essays.

(forthcoming) Art Historical Sociology and Modern Selfhood

(2021) Riga, et al. Young Refugees and Forced Displacement: Navigating Everyday Life in Beirut Routledge

2012 [2014, pbk] The Bolsheviks and the Russian Empire New York: Cambridge University Press. 

Select articles/chapters

(forthcoming) 'Civil Society in contexts – theoretical, comparative, historical, in R. Lachmann, D. Emigh, D. McCourt (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Historical Sociology Oxford University Press.

2023. 'Art, Refugeedom and the Aesthetic Encounter' Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (with A. Dakessian)

2020. 'Theorizing Refugeedom: Becoming Young Political Subjects in Beirut' Theory and Society 49: 709-744 (with Langer and Dakessian)

2019. 'How Homogenous Need America be? Nation, Race and Civility' in F. Duina (ed) Hallsian Perspectives on Nation and States, Powers and Civility University of Toronto Press

2016. 'Ethnicity, class and the social sources of U.S. exceptionalism' in Ralph Schroeder (ed) Global Powers: Mann’s Anatomy of the 20th Century and Beyond Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

2016. 'Jewish Conditions, Theories of Nationalism: Cartographical Notes' Nations and Nationalism 22(2): 371-390 (With J.A. Hall)

2015. 'Ernest Gellner and the Land of the Soviets' Special Issue of Thesis Eleven 128(1): 100-112

2012. ''Putting Cruelty First': War Crimes as Human Rights in US Policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina' Sociology 46(5): 861-75 (with J. Kennedy)

2009. 'Tolerant majorities, loyal minorities and 'ethnic reversals': constructing minority rights at Versailles 1919' Nations and Nationalism 15(3): 461-482 (with J. Kennedy)

2008/9. 'The Ethnic Roots of Class Universalism: Rethinking the 'Russian' Revolutionary Elite' American Journal of Sociology 114(3): 649-705. Winner of 2009 Honorable Mention Award for Best Article in Comparative Historical Sociology, American Sociological Association

Works within

Staff Hours and Guidance

By appointment

Publications by user content

Publication Research Explorer link
Dakessian A, Riga L. Art, refugeedom and the aesthetic encounter. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 2023 Dec 17;1-22. Epub 2023 Dec 17. doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2023.2290990
Riga L, Holmes M, Dakessian A, Langer J, Anderson D. Young Refugees and Forced Displacement: Navigating Everyday Life in Beirut. 1 ed. Abingdon: Routledge, 2020. 178 p. (Routledge Advances in Sociology). Epub 2020 Dec 29.
Riga L, Langer J, Dakessian A. Theorizing refugeedom: Becoming young political subjects in Beirut. Theory and Society. 2020 Jun 30;49(4):709-744. Epub 2020 May 5. doi: 10.1007/s11186-020-09393-2
Riga L. Grounded Nationalisms' political grounding? Invited comment for ‘Debates Section. Irish Journal of Sociology. 2019 Aug 29;079160351987212. Epub 2019 Aug 29. doi: 10.1177/0791603519872128
Riga L. How homogeneous need America be? Nation, race, and civility. In Duina F, editor, States and Nations, Power and Civility: Hallsian Perspectives. University of Toronto Press. 2018. p. 54-78
Riga L. How homogenous need America be? Nation, race, and civility. In Duina F, editor, States and Nations, Power and Civility: Hallsian Perspectives. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press. 2018. p. 54–78 doi: 10.3138/9781487515201-004
Riga L. Ethnicity, class and the social sources of US exceptionalism. In Schroeder R, editor, Global Powers: Michael Mann's Anatomy of the Twentieth Century and Beyond. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2016. p. 185-208 doi: 10.1017/CBO9781316091166.010
Riga L, Hall JA. Jewish conditions, theories of nationalism: Cartographical notes. Nations and Nationalism. 2016 Apr;22(2):371-390. Epub 2016 Jan 14. doi: 10.1111/nana.12141
Riga L. Ernest Gellner and the land of the Soviets. Thesis Eleven. 2015 Jun 30;128(1):100-112. doi: 10.1177/0725513615587351
Riga L, Kennedy J. To Build a Notion: US State Department Nation Building Expertise and Postwar Settlements in 20th Century East Central Europe. Sociological Research Online. 2013;18(2):21. Epub 2013 May 31. doi: 10.5153/sro.3097
Kennedy J, Riga L. A Liberal Route from Homogeneity? US Policymakers and the Liberalization of Ethnic Nationalists in Bosnia's Dayton Accords. Nationalism and Ethnic Politics. 2013;19(2):163-186. doi: 10.1080/13537113.2013.788910
Riga L. The Bolsheviks and the Russian Empire. Cambridge University Press, 2012. 324 p.
Riga L, Kennedy J. ‘Putting Cruelty First’: Interpreting War Crimes as Human Rights Atrocities in US Policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sociology. 2012 Oct;46(5):861-875. doi: 10.1177/0038038512451529
Riga L, Kennedy J. Tolerant Majorities, Loyal Minorities and ‘Ethnic Reversals’: Constructing Minority Rights at Versailles 1919. Nations and Nationalism. 2009 Jul;15(3):461-482. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8129.2009.00382.x
Riga L. The Ethnic Roots of Class Universalism: Rethinking the “Russian” Revolutionary Elite. American Journal of Sociology (AJS). 2008;114(3):649-705. doi: 10.1086/592862
Liliana Riga's Research Explorer profile