Dr P M Krafft
Job Title
Lecturer in Computational Sociology; Co-Director, MSc Digital Sociology

Research interests
- Data & Digital
- Digital sociology
- Methods
- Race and decolonial thought
- Science, knowledge and policy
- Science, technology and innovation
- Social Studies of Information and Communication Technologies
- Studies of information and communication technology
- Work & Economy
Research interests
- AI and Work
- Technology and Power, Sociology of AI, History of Computing, History of Cybernetics, History of AI
- History of Geology, History of Gemmology
- Social epistemology, Sociology of knowledge, Sociology of science, Social shaping of technology, Philosophy of science, Philosophy of scientific modelling, Sociology of scientific modelling, Levels of analysis, Philosophy of social science
- Sociology of belief, cognition, cognitive science, social cognition
Past research includes:
- Collective behaviour, Distributed cognition, Social sampling
- Bayesian modelling, Statistical machine learning, Manifold learning, Topic models, Spatial voting models, Big Data, Sampling methods
- Ethics of AI, Participatory action research, Participatory design, Mixed methods, Qualitative coding
- Web-based behavioural laboratory experiments, Web-based field experiments, Networked behavioural experiments
- Theory collective intelligence, Wisdom of crowds, Network science, Design of digital institutions, Critical platform studies, Platform filtering
- Rumours, Disinformation, social networks, social learning
You can find code and data for many of my projects at my GitHub, @pkrafft.
Dr Peaks Krafft (they/them) is Lecturer in Computational Sociology and Co-Director of the MSc Digital Sociology at the University of Edinburgh. Prior to joining Edinburgh, Dr Peaks launched the University of the Arts London's MA Internet Equalities and before that lectured in Social Data Science at the University of Oxford Internet Institute. Dr Krafft received their PhD in Computer Science from MIT in 2017 and undertook postdoctoral work at the University of Washington Information School, the University of California Berkeley Department of Psychology, and the Data & Society Research Institute. Their publications cross AI, cognitive science, science & technology studies, communications, and sociology.