School of Social and Political Science

Rachel Carlile

Job Title

PhD student

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Research interests

Research interests

My research explores efforts to create alternative food systems, based on ethnographic fieldwork with small-scale, community-oriented organic horticultural projects in north west England. I consider how people strive to enact values about food, nature and community in the context of market-oriented food production, and how their efforts interact with and are influenced by capitalist political economies. Through this research I hope to contribute to efforts to generate more sustainable and socially just food economies.

This research is funded by an Economic and Social Research Council PhD Studentship.

Economic geography; Feminist political economy; Food geographies; Ethnography; Agriculture and the politics of food; Agroecology; Ethnography; Alternative (food) economies; More- than- human


Dr Aaron Kappeler and Dr Marisa Wilson

Rachel Carlile's Research Explorer profile