Dr Rosalind Cavaghan
Job Title
Emma Goldman Fellow (Flax Foundation) and visiting scholar at Politics and International Relations

Dr Rosalind Cavaghan is Emma Goldman Fellow (Flax Foundation) and visiting scholar at PIR from 2022-2024, having previously worked as a research fellow at Glasgow Caledonian University and a Marie Curie Intra European Fellow at Radboud University Nijmegen. Her interests focus on the processes maintaining intersectional hierarchies in Europe in two thematic areas: economic policy including climate breakdown, and science and technology. Her current research applies ecofeminist frameworks to analyse EU responses to climate breakdown, examining how interactions between humans, nature and the economy are managed, and how Europe's relationship to so-called 'third countries' most affected by climate breakdown, are organised.
As part of GENDER.ED's core team Rosalind acts as a liaison (together with Hemangani Gupta) with the Edinburgh Earth Initiative and manages the Doing Gender Sensitive Research project (PI: Fiona Mackay). This ongoing project fosters understanding among STEMM researchers (Science Technology Engineering, Manufacturing and Medicine) at Edinburgh and beyond, of the intersectional impacts of technologies and STEMM knowledge.
Rosalind's most recent publications include her co-authored JCMS article Dead Ends and Blind Spots in the European Semester: The Epistemological Foundation of the Crisis in Social Reproduction and The Possibilities and Constraints for Intersectional Practice in Gender Budgeting Activism, part of the Social Politics Special Issue Experts, Idiots, and Liars: The Gender Politics of Knowledge and Expertise in Turbulent Times, which she co-edited. Her first journal article won Critical Policy Studies' prize for best article by an early career researcher and her thesis won the European Consortium of Political Researchers' thesis prize in Politics and Gender.
Rosalind has developed and taught courses on research methodologies, EU politics, and gender and politics/public policy/IR in the UK, the Netherlands and Finland.
Rosalind also works extensively as a consultant for clients including USAID, the European Institute for Gender Equality and the Scottish Government. She works closely with the Scottish Women's Budget Group on their Policy and Advocacy board.